Chapter 145 : Moon

Everyone was speechless. The first space war was about to break out. As the main force, the Blood God is still picking up girls in bikinis?

This earth is about to end.

"It's enough to have me, he doesn't need to make a move." Clone Bert said: "You don't have to worry about anything. If something goes wrong, he will come over immediately."

"That's good." Steve thought for a while and asked, "Bert, do you want to call Ivan, Hulk, and the others back?"


Bert said: "By the way, after defeating the Boss Dracula, my level has increased twice, not two levels, but twice."

"Fuck! Upgrade again?" Tony was speechless, he complained: "Is that Dracula boss especially here to give you experience?"

A middle-aged man dressed as a vampire noble said: "Not only experience but also the opportunity to become a God and his daughter."

"Daughter?" Tony was surprised, he looked at the vampire and asked, "Who are you?"

"I am Dracula, future father-in-law of the Blood God."

Dracula introduced himself, and everyone was stunned. At this moment, a sheath came flying towards his side, and directly smashed Dracula.

"If there is any danger, you can directly use Dracula as a shield."

Lilith retracted the sword expressionlessly and said, "Don't worry, he is very durable, even Ancient One said it is easy to use."

Everyone was stunned, Tony blinked, and asked, "Lilith, may I ask, are you Dracula's daughter?"

Lilith walked behind Bert and asked, "Yes, what's the problem?"

Everyone was speechless, this is his daughter?

At this moment, Raina brought Skye and Alisha over, and she respectfully said to Bert: "Blood God, thank you for letting Earth Demon protect me."

Bert raised his head and said, "You're welcome, Raina, you are very important."

"I know, it is my honor."

Raina was delighted, she pointed at Alisha and said, "Blood God, her name is Alisha, and she wants to join your Watchmen Company."

"Blood God." Alisha greeted a little nervously, this is a legendary figure.

Bert glanced at Alisha, opened a space portal with one hand, took out a perfect version of the Extremis Virus, and said, "Alisha, you are very good. Tony, you bring her to inject the Extremis virus."

Alisha was overjoyed: "Thank you Blood God."

"Leave it to me, I want to collect more data. If I can't find an antidote, Natasha will continue to live in my house."

Tony took the potion and took Alisha to the laboratory.

Bert turned to look at Skye and asked, "Your Majesty, how are you feeling?"

Skye looked at Black Bolt and the others who came over, and smiled bitterly: "Mr. Wang, stop kidding, I never intended to be a queen, and the Inhumans already have a King."

Black Bolt typed: "Skye, I talked to Raina, and I will follow the rules of the Inhuman Royal Family."

Skye shook her head: "I don't want to be a king."

"Being king is not about power, but responsibility. Maximus has never understood this."

Black Bolt typed: "If you are more suitable than me to be the king of Inhumans, then I will give you the position."

Compared to Black Bolt, Medusa and others are somewhat hostile to Skye, Skye was feeling bitter, can you not be so reasonable? I don't want to be king.

Raina said: "Skye, this war is the beginning of your becoming the king of Inhumans."

Skye was stunned: "Aren't I in charge of soy sauce in this war?"

"No, you are the main force!" Raina said.

Skye pointed at herself and asked incredulously: "I am the main force? Raina, this joke is not funny at all."

Raina smiled without saying a word, Skye rolled her eyes, another person who likes to pretend - knows what's gonna happen, but remains silent and smiles.

Black Bolt shook his head and typed: "Mr. Wang, I hope you can show mercy. Most of the people in Attilan are innocent."

Bert said: "In war, there are no innocents, and I will not show mercy unless they surrender."

Black Bolt typed: "I will make them surrender. In addition, Crystal and Lockjaw should be controlled by Maximus in some way, they're not enemies."

Bert said: "Black Bolt, we can talk about everyone else later, but Maximus, must die."

"Mr. Wang!" Black Bolt was stunned.

Bert said: "He intends to destroy all mankind, it is unforgivable!"

"I agree." Steve said: "Black Bolt, it's not that we are cruel, but he crossed the line. This matter, we must explain to humans."

Black Bolt was silent. Although Medusa and the others did not speak, their expressions were all in agreement, Maximus must die.

Bert didn't say much and continued to read the book silently.

The main body is having fun, so it is only reasonable for the clone to read and learn.

After a while, the expedition ceremony was officially completed, and all the troops boarded the spaceship. Erik handed the control of the spaceship to the Black Panther, as he set out on his behalf.

"Everyone, the Ship has taken off."

Accompanied by the sound of the black panther, the Avengers' spaceship slowly lifted off. When it reached a certain height, it suddenly accelerated and shot straight into the sky like a rocket.


The people below and the audience cheered, and the first human space war officially started.

Attilan, after Maximus's upside-down speech, all Inhumans, whether noble or miners, took up arms and prepared to defend their homeland.

"Defend our homeland, we will never be slaves or experimental materials..."

The soldiers and miners roared angrily, and the atmosphere was extremely heroic and exciting.

"It's the last stand."

Maximus, who was standing at the highest point of the palace, looked rather solemn. This battle was not optimistic at all, because the opponent was Blood God!

Maximus gritted his teeth and said, "I don't believe that the Blood God is really that strong!"

Jiaying said: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, the Blood God is strong, but we are not weak. Today, we will not lose."

The Inhumans didn't have to wait long, the spaceships descended slowly outside Attilan. Immediately afterward, the hatch of the ship opened, and Black Bolt took Medusa in a small space capsule and flew to the front of Attilan's protective dome.

Medusa shouted: "I am Queen Medusa, Maximus is a despicable usurper, and Black Bolt is the real King. I order you to immediately open your defenses and surrender."

Looking at the holographic projection of Black Bolt, the Inhumans were both startled and panicked. Maximus was already prepared for this, he clapped his hands, and the holographic projection of the Crystal appeared in front of the defense dome.

"Don't be deceived by Black Bolt, he has become the lackey of mankind, helping mankind to enslave us together."

Crystal shouted, everyone was in an uproar, and they all glared at Black Bolt and Medusa - Crystal is Medusa's sister, what she said must be true.

Medusa retorted: "Crystal, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Crystal shouted: "I'm not talking nonsense, all Inhumans, unite and fight against Black Bolt and humans together."

"Kill traitors, kill ..."

All Inhumans shouted, Black Bolt and Medusa sighed, it seems that war is inevitable.

Black Bolt shook his head and drove the small capsule back to the main Ship. Seeing this, Steve said, "In that case, prepare to fight."


Everyone nodded. At this moment, Raina stood up and said loudly, "Skye, please, destroy Attilan's defensive dome."


Skye looked stunned, seeing everyone looking over, she waved her hands in fright: "I don't have the ability, Raina, don't talk nonsense."

"You have." Raina said: "Director Rogers, please trust me, I won't joke about this kind of thing."

Skye wanted to say something else, and Bert waved: "Go, Steve, you protect her."

"Then let Skye try." Steve nodded, and he was also curious about what kind of superpower Skye had.

Then, a group of superheroes left the Avengers. Skye stood in the middle of the crowd with an oxygen mask on, and her face was dumbfounded. 'How did I become the main force?'

Skye was about to speak when Raina sprinkled Terrigen mist on her, and she immediately petrified and turned into a black stone statue.

Tony quickly scanned: "You already gave me permission, I just happened to do some research."

"I'm also doing research."

Dr. Reed also started scanning, everyone was speechless, scientists, always so frenetic.

Maximus looked at the scene outside the defensive dome and asked inexplicably, "What are they doing? Creating a new Inhuman at this time?"

"Maybe her abilities are special."

Jiaying said with complicated eyes, can her daughter really become the king of Inhumans?

Maximus wanted to stop the actions of humans, but looking at Black Bolt and the others, he sighed helplessly and chose to stand still.

"Can this work? It feels unreliable."

Human Torch asked, the Thing glanced at him and said, "You are the biggest unreliable hero here. Without oxygen, you won't be able to burn."

Human Torch said dissatisfiedly: "Human's first space war, how can I not come? How else am I gonna leave my name in history?"

"Don't worry, even if you can't get into the official history, the unofficial history will definitely leave your name." Tony said, "Steve's illegitimate child."

Everyone laughed. Human Torch and Steve looked depressed. The two looked at each other, and both sighed helplessly. The blame was set, who made them look so similar?

At this moment, the black shell on Skye's body suddenly cracked, and then, the surroundings began to vibrate.


Tony was stunned for a moment. At this moment, the vibration became more and more severe. Medusa and Raina were even a little unsteady, and everyone hurried to help them.

Dr. Reed exclaimed: "Skye can create earthquakes?"

"Accurately speaking, a shock wave."

Raina said excitedly: "She just woke up, she can't control her power, it will cause an earthquake, and it is just right for her to come to the moon."

"Looks like Attilan is going to be unlucky." Tony shouted, "Everyone, prepare for an earthquake."


Everyone responded, Black Bolt and the others looked up at Attilan, which was shaking, and couldn't help sighing. This time, Attilan will suffer heavy losses.

"How is that possible, earthquake?"

Maximus grabbed the railing and shouted in disbelief. At this moment, a building in disrepair collapsed in the earthquake, and several people were buried below.

And this was just the beginning. Many buildings shook violently. The miners were frightened, screamed, and ran around like headless flies.

"My daughter can create earthquakes? No wonder Raina said she could be the king of Inhumans."

Jiaying was very surprised. Although Skye's ability was not good for them, she couldn't help but feel a little pride in her heart - this is my daughter!

"Fuck, Defense Center."

Maximus was shocked by what he thought, and at this moment, the instruments in the underground defense center exploded violently due to vibration and collision, and the defense dome quickly disappeared.

There was no air on the moon, and as soon as the protective dome disappeared, Attilan's air immediately drifted outside.

"Eli!" Jiaying immediately shouted: "Release the defensive dome at the maximum range."

Eli shouted: "Jiaying, such a big protective dome will have no defensive ability."

Jiaying shouted: "No problem, just block the air. If humans want to come in, don't block them."


Eli stopped talking nonsense and tried her best to release the defensive dome to wrap the entire Attilan.

"It's not bad."

Black Bolt was overjoyed and immediately typed: "Don't destroy the defensive cover for a while, just go in."


Everyone nodded, looking at Skye with surprise, this little girl's ability is too powerful, right?

After a while, the earthquake finally stopped, Skye woke up, and all the black shells on her body disappeared. She looked at the ruined Attilan and asked in disbelief, "I did this all?

Bert suddenly appeared, nodded, and said, "Yes, in the future your title will be Quake girl!"

"Quake girl? So ugly..."

Skye was about to object, but suddenly her eyes darkened and she fell to the ground.

Bert helped Skye and said to Raina and Lilith, "Take her back to rest, her mission has been completed."

"Yes, Blood God."

Raina and Lilith respectfully took Skye away, and then Bert turned to look at Steve, signaling that he could start.

Steve nodded and ordered loudly: "Soldiers, get off the spaceship and prepare for battle."

"Yes, Captain."

Thousands of coalition troops came down from the spaceship in a neat queue. Trish hurriedly took pictures and was very busy.

Maximus also hurriedly regrouped, and he shouted: "We haven't lost yet, we still have Hive."

"Yes, we still have Hive." Jiaying nodded, that was their last straw.

Soon, The human side was rectified, and no one was able to block the way. Superheroes and coalition forces followed, and thousands of people rushed toward Attilan.

The defense cover opened a gate to let in the human army, and Maximus led a group of Inhumans to stand guard on the ruins.

Attilan has no city walls, and at this moment the defensive cover is broken, and they can only face it head-on.

Black Bolt typed: "Maximus, surrender."

"What's the use of surrendering? Will you let me go?"

Maximus sneered: "Besides, do I need to surrender? Do you think you will win?"

"Of course, we will win, it's better if you don't surrender, so as not to waste taxpayer money." Tony sneered in his oversized armor, "Director, let's go to war, my Veronica can't wait."

"Then start."

Steve didn't mean to waste time, he was about to give an order, at this moment, an isolation chamber fell from the sky with a bang. Maximus laughed: "Black Bolt, your greatest mistake was you came back to Attilan."