Chapter 146 : Defeat

Black Bolt looked at the isolation chamber and asked inexplicably, "Maximus, what do you mean?"

Maximus sneered: "Don't you think the one in the isolation chamber looks familiar?"

After hearing the words, everyone looked towards the isolation chamber and saw an octopus-faced man looking at them with a sneer, his gaze was like a hunter watching his prey.


Bert looked at the former Inhuman King in the isolation chamber, couldn't help but sneer, and moved his fingers lightly, projecting the scene here to the house of Gideon Malick.

Gideon Malick and a group of HYDRA leaders saw the picture and immediately watched with attention. Whether the HYDRA God is powerful or the Blood God is more powerful, will be determined soon.

Tony sneered: "Maximus, are you going to scare us to death with his ugly face?"

"I don't know why, but I kinda want to beat him up."

Steve frowned, and Bert smiled: "This one is the first-generation king of the Inhumans, and the first human being transformed by the Kree."

Steve was a little surprised: "The first king of the Inhumans?"

Seeing the Hive, Black Bolt and others were terrified. Black Bolt typed frantically: "Maximus, are you crazy? You brought Hive back?"

Medusa shouted in shock: "Flee, hurry up, the Hive can control the Inhumans."

"What, Hive can control the Inhumans?"

Everyone was stunned, and Maximus grinned: "I'm sorry, you can't escape."

The next moment, the isolation chamber opened, and Hive came out. Then, he opened his hands and released a large number of parasites (which looked like dust), while shouting arrogantly: "Meet your god!"


Medusa and the others fled back frantically. Even the Inhumans of Attilan were terrified as they stepped back. Maximus hurriedly shouted: "Don't worry, he will only control those traitors, not us."


Steve and the others looked a little ugly. Tony blinked and shouted, "Where's the cannon fodder, we need cannon fodder now."

Dracula gave Tony a hard middle finger. At this moment, everyone discovered a situation, the parasites of the Hive seemed to be circling him.

"What's the situation?"

Everyone was puzzled, Spider-Man blinked and shouted: "This is Mr. Wang's space maze."

"That's right, the eighteen-floor kind, the same as he used against me. "

Dracula picked his nostrils and said, "Why are you guys are so worried? With my son-in-law here, what is the King of Inhumans, isn't it just a slap in the face?"

Lilith drew her sword silently, and everyone looked at Bert. Bert said, "Speaking of which, I'm annoyed that someone compares me to these parasites. Is he worthy?" said Bert while clenching his fists, the space maze quickly squeezed toward the Hive, and the Hive was pressed into a ball of meat sauce.

Hive wanted to ask for mercy, but couldn't make a sound at all. Maximus, Jiaying, Malick, and all HYDRAs leaders were dumbfounded at the same time.

This is completely crushing. In front of the Blood God, the Hive is no different from an ant.

Bert waved his hand, and the space inside started to burn, after a second, there was nothing in the space.

The Hive was not completely burned to death, Bert deliberately left a small part, and he was very interested in the way the Hive controlled the Inhumans.

The Inhumans controlled by the Hive will feel very happy and then follow the Hive resolutely, which is much stronger than the purple man virus.

If he can master this method and spread it to other races, then Bert will be happy.

Bert's eyes flashed slightly: 'According to the principle of parasites, I should be able to create a special blood magic, Blood God puppet technique, or, Blood God pleasure technique.'

Leaving aside Bert's thoughts for a while, seeing the Hive being completely wiped out, Maximus and Jiaying were desperate, that was their biggest trump card!


On Earth, Malick sighed: "I always thought I was very smart, but I didn't expect that I was so stupid, that I compared the Hive to the Blood God.

I decided to lead the ancient HYDRA line to join the Blood God. "

Ancient HYDRA is the HYDRA that believes in the Hive. As for the Red Skull, Pierce and the others are of different factions.

"The power of the Blood God is beyond doubt."

A HYDRA leader said: "The problem is that the rules of the Blood God are too strict. After taking refuge in the Blood God, we can no longer do bad things."

"That's better than being dead." Malick said: "Everyone, this is our last chance, if we miss it, we will be eliminated from this world like other HYDRAs. Remember, it is we who need the Blood God, not the Blood God who needs us. "

Everyone looked at each other and nodded in unison: "We are willing to rely on the Blood God."


On Moon, Steve raised his right hand and shouted: "Those who surrender will not be killed."

The Inhumans were terrified, and Maximus roared: "We won't surrender, the Inhumans will not be slaves of you Humans."

"Fight them, even if we surrender, we will only become their experiments."

Jiaying shouted, the Inhumans looked at each other, clenched their weapons, and roared at the humans - Inhumans will never be slaves.

"Do it, you don't need to keep your hand."

Steve took the shield and ordered loudly, the army shouted in unison and charged forward with momentum.

The outbreak of war.

The number of Inhumans was several times larger than the humans, but as soon as they met, the Inhumans fell into a disadvantage and were completely suppressed and beaten. This is normal. The Inhumans have never fought, not to mention, most of them are just miners.


Black Bolt said lightly at the building beside them, sound waves roared out, a building was destroyed in an instant, and many Inhumans were frightened, and knelt with sincerity and fear.

Medusa shouted to Gorgon: "Gorgon, force them to surrender. Too many people must not die."


Gorgon's hoof stepped on the ground with force, the ground shook, and dozens of Inhumans all fell to the ground.

"I like the battlefield."

Dracula grabbed an Inhuman and was about to suck blood when a scabbard slammed on him and threw him out.

Lilith said coldly, "Blood God has orders not to suck blood."

Dracula said angrily, "Why didn't you tell me before?"

Lilith said: "I forgot."

Dracula shouted, "You didn't say anything because you wanted an excuse to hit me?"

"So what?" Lilith sneered: "Can't I?"

"You are my daughter, you can do as you want!" Dracula confessed, got up, and attacked other Inhumans.

Steve, Tony, Reed, and other superheroes were also fighting, and those Inhumans with superpowers are not their opponents at all, and they are defeated one after another.

After many disasters, the superheroes have grown up.

Looking at the one-sided battlefield in the field, Maximus gritted his teeth and shouted: "Korath, start the main ship and bombard the humans."

Korath said: "Maximus, I think it's better to run away, let that big dog bring you to the main ship, we will leave immediately, these humans are too ferocious, I must pass the news to Ronan."

Maximus roared: "I am the king, I will not run away, Korath, start the main ship."

"Okay, you have the final say."

Korath snorted, and the hundreds of meters long main ship slowly rose from the rear of Attilan, and then, the energy cannon quickly adjusted its position, ready to bombard.

At this moment, the Avengers ship suddenly fired an energy cannon at the Kree ship. Although it failed to break through the main ship's defense, the violent vibration still shocked the Kree people on the main ship.

"Blow up that spaceship first."

Korath shouted, and Avengers Ship dodged the bomb. While dodging, it collided with the Kree ship and was not at a disadvantage at all.

Although the Avengers Ship is not as powerful as the Kree ship, it is more flexible, and its defense power is much higher than that of the Kree ship.

Vibranium shell and energy shield, do you think it's a joke?

Jiaying gritted her teeth, grabbed the neck of Crystal next to her, and said angrily: "Black Bolt, turn back immediately, or I will kill Crystal immediately."

Lockjaw immediately yelled at Jiaying, Maximus' eyes flashed, but he didn't stop it.

"It's this trick again, isn't it annoying?"

Natasha shouted: "Black Bolt, don't turn against the water, or I will kill all the Inhumans who surrendered immediately, don't think I'm scaring you, I am Black Widow, I will do what I say, it's a great thing to go to court-martial, Anyway, there are a group of men standing behind the old lady."

"So brutal?"

Everyone was stunned, Black Bolt was at a loss, and Medusa shouted: "Maximus, surrender, don't cause any more trouble."

Maximus said angrily: "The king will not surrender."

"Black Bolt!"

Jiaying was about to say something when Crystal suddenly disappeared, it was Bert who did it.

Seeing that Crystal was safe, Black Bolt, who had been unhappy with Jiaying, immediately shouted at Jiaying: "Jiaying."


Maximus shouted, Lockjaw immediately took him and Jiaying - disappeared.

At the same time, Crystal, who was rescued by Bert, stabbed Bert in the chest with a dagger.

Bert teleported behind Crystal and knocked her unconscious with a chop. Medusa hurriedly said, "Blood God, please let Crystal go, she's just being controlled."

Human Torch asked inexplicably: "Isn't that parasite dead? Why is she still being controlled?"

"The control of the Hive will always be there, even if he dies."

Bert's eyes flashed, and he opened the portal to send Crystal over. Medusa hurriedly asked, "Blood God, where are you sending her?"

Bert said frankly: "My laboratory, I want to know, what exactly is the control of the Hive?"

Medusa was stunned: "Blood God, do you want to use Crystal as an experiment?"

"So to speak, but I assure you she'll be fine." Bert said.

Medusa want to say something, Bert pointed his hand at the Kree main ship in the sky, and all the Kree people felt their blood become uncontrollable at the same time.

'Blood Control.'

Korath was out of his mind, and hurriedly shouted: "Wait, Blood God, we surrender."


Bert's eyes flashed, and he put down his hand and said, "Land the spaceship. Come out without weapons, to surrender, you only have one chance."


Korath sighed and directed the spaceship to land. The Inhumans, who were sent by Maximus to supervise him, watched all this in silence and said nothing.

Soon, the main ship fell to the ground, and then the hatch opened, and Korath and others filed out.

Korath said respectfully: "Respected hero, I am Ronan's subordinate, and I demand reasonable prisoner treatment."

"Yes, you will be locked on Earth until the Kree Empire sends someone to redeem you."

Bert said: "In addition, this time your Kree Empire invaded the earth for no reason and must pay a large number of war reparations."

Korath asked in anger: "You want to blackmail our Kree Empire? Are you not afraid that our Kree Empire will declare war on your earth?"

Bert glanced at Korath, waved his hand, and the huge main ship disappeared. Then he asked, "I didn't understand what you just said, please say it again."

Korath swallowed his saliva and said righteously: "This time it is indeed our Kree Empire that is wrong. When the Empire sends envoys, I will make them pay a lot of money."

"Well said."

Bert nodded in satisfaction, motioning for Lilith to lead someone to guard Korath and the others.

"It's over, Crystal's sneak attack failed, and Korath was captured, we're completely over."

In the palace, Maximus laughed miserably. Two words can describe their current situation - Complete Defeat.

Jiaying said: "Your Majesty if we escape to Earth, there must be a chance to make a comeback."

Maximus turned his head to look at Lockjaw, Lockjaw shook his head, and Maximus sighed and said, "The moon is blocked, and we can't teleport to Earth."


Jiaying was stunned for a moment, then smiled wryly, it seems that this time she really has no way to survive.

"You surrender." Maximus said: "Your daughter is the one around the Blood God, they will not kill you."

"Even without my daughter, they wouldn't kill me because they would definitely keep me for experiments."

Jiaying sneered: "Immortal life, rejuvenation, who doesn't want it?"

Maximus was stunned, he said: "It seems that not having powers is not necessarily a bad thing, Jiaying, Lockjaw, you can do it yourself."

After finishing speaking, Maximus turned around and went to the secret room, and then he opened the trap, and a raging fire was burning around the palace.

This was specially prepared by Maximus before, and he was ready to die with the city early in the morning.

Maximus went to the highest part of the palace and shouted: "In the name of the king, I command you to surrender."

The Inhumans who were still stubbornly resisting were shocked. They turned their heads and saw Maximus standing in the burning palace.


Black Bolt was shocked and immediately wanted to save Maximus, but Medusa stopped him: "Black Bolt, Maximus is dead, humans will not let him go, rather than let him be executed, Let him die like a king."

In the fire, Maximus raised his hands and shouted: "Black Bolt, I'm no worse than you, just a little bit, I've completed the great cause of the Inhuman!"

Black Bolt was silent, he typed: "You know, I never cared about the throne!"

"This is what I hate most about you."

Maximus shouted: "If there is a next life, I Maximus will be an Inhuman, long live the Inhuman."

"Well said." Jiaying came out and said, "Gordon, Lincoln, Elli, and all the Inhumans who are loyal to me. After I die, you will all be loyal to my daughter Daisy Johnson."

After finishing speaking, Jiaying strode towards the fire, she smiled at Maximus: "The king returns to the sky, how can there be no one to accompany him?"


Maximus was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed. In this world, there are still people who recognized him after all.

The next moment, the flames flew into the air, and the figures of Jiaying and Maximus were all covered up.

The Inhuman King, the Inhuman Elder, died at the same time!