Chapter 147 : Maveth

"Your Majesty!"


Inhumans threw away their weapons and knelt in the direction of the palace, and many even cried.

Tony fell to Bert's side, opened his visor, and said unhappily, "We're not making a movie, why did they die so tragically?"

'Everyone is dead, why care so much?'

Bert shook his head and said, "Let's end it, enough people died in this war."

Tony looked around and shook his head: "I hope there will be no more wars between humans and Inhumans in the future."

"If we want to keep humans and Inhumans at peace, it's not enough to just talk about it."

Bert said: "In addition to the public relations company for Inhumans, Raina, and Skye, there is still a lot of work to be done."

Tony was silent. Although he was very upset with Bert, he had to admit that Bert contributed far more to the world than he did.

Tony asked: "Do you intend to make Skye the king of Inhumans?"

"It's not me, but she was destined to be the king of Inhumans." Bert said: "Besides, she is from Earth."

Tony understood: "Understood."

Seeing that Maximus was dead, Steve commanded loudly: "Soldiers, tie up all the prisoners, medics come and treat. Human Torch, go put out the fire..."

"Yes, Captain (Director)!"

Everyone agreed, Black Bolt and Medusa came over, and Medusa said: "Director, many people are innocent."

"I know, I will not bring civilians back to Earth." Steve thought of something and asked, "Uh, can you guys fix Attilan?"

Karnak said: "I'm going to check the defense center, it shouldn't be a problem."

Steve said: "Okay, you go to check, Black Bolt, don't worry, the S.W.O.R.D. is not an executioner."

Black Bolt typed: "I believe you, by the way, I want to formally talk with the administrator of your Earth Federation. The Inhuman Kingdom is willing to join the Earth Federation and become a part of the Earth."

"Earth Federation?"

Steve and Tony were suddenly embarrassed, Bert looked up at the sky and pretended that he didn't hear anything.

"No problem, we have confiscated a lot of Inhuman communicators. When we are done, we will contact you as soon as possible."

Tony said with a smile, let's throw this pot to the Five permanent members.

Black Bolt nodded: "Okay."

Then, everyone started to clean up, and when it was all over, Steve shouted: "We won."


The soldiers cheered loudly, the first space war of mankind, a great victory.

Each of them will be recorded in history!

"Very good."

The news was sent back to the earth, and whether it was governments or the general public, all cheered, this is an important milestone for human beings.

The first step of the interstellar age thus began.

Through the interstellar communicator, Medusa said to President Ellis and the others: "Our Inhuman kingdom is willing to join the Earth Federation."

"Earth Federation?"

Everyone was stunned, has the Earth Federation been established? How could they not know?

Please, the Earth Federation is just an intention, and the five major countries have not even discussed this matter together.

Seeing that President Ellis and their faces were a bit wrong, Medusa asked: "Is there any problem? Our Inhuman Kingdom is very sincere, and we originally came from the earth."

President Ellis didn't know how to answer. At this moment, the phantom of the Blood God appeared, and he said, "To celebrate the Earth Federation's victory in the first space war, I decided to send each of you a special spacecraft. ."

Everyone's eyes brightened: "The six ships that fired missiles before?"

Bert nodded: "Yes, for the Earth Federation."

"On behalf of the Earth Federation, I thank Mr. Wang for your kindness. In addition, Queen Medusa, the Earth Federation welcomes you to join us."

President Ellis said immediately, the big deal is to change the name of the United Nations to the Earth Federation. In any case, he had to order a spaceship.

The other four representatives also had the same idea and nodded in agreement.

Bert nodded with satisfaction and disappeared. This hole was finally filled.

Three days later, the Lunar Expeditionary Force returned to Washington, and the people warmly welcomed them. President Ellis personally presented medals to everyone.

As the captive, the Kree were surrounded by appalling crowds at the ceremony. They had a chance to see aliens for the first time.

Thor and Loki are not counted. What is the difference between those two guys and the people on Earth? In contrast, the Kree are more in line with their perception of aliens.

At the same time, Bert officially accepted the allegiance of Senator Malick in the manor.

"Very well, I won't let you down, and I hope you won't let me down either."

Bert nodded with satisfaction. With the Malick family, the American side is completely stable, and there will be no more troubles.

How powerful is the Malick family? In the series "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.", even after he revealed his identity, President Ellis still dared not arrest him!

"Blood God, don't worry, the ancient HYDRA lineage has begun to be cleansed, and it will no longer commit crimes like before."

Malick said: "In addition, we will cut off our relationship with HYDRA. In the future, we will no longer be HYDRA, but the elders of the Dragon God Cult."

"Looks like you already have a plan." Bert laughed and said, "Okay, you guys can help me develop the Dragon God Cult. By the way, what about the Monolith?"

"Blood God, here." Stephanie came out pushing a large stone, which was the other Monolith.

"Very good." Bert waved his hand, and the Monolith disappeared.

'Both Monoliths are in hand, I can proceed to the next step.'

On Maveth.

//** Maveth (Hebrew for Death) is a planet light years from Earth. Thousands of years ago, it was home to an advanced, utopian civilization that was destroyed by the exiled Inhuman Hive. **//

Bert said to the vampires: "This is Maveth. Although it is a little desolate, the biggest advantage is that there is no sun."

Carter asked, "Is there really no sun? And this planet has oxygen?"

"Yes, Sun is blocked by its satellites. On this planet, the sunlight only comes every eighteen years, and it lasts for one minute each time." Bert laughed: "At that time, the vampires can line up to watch the sunrise together."

"This joke is so cold."

Blade lifted his sunglasses and asked, "Was there no civilization on this planet before?"

"Yes, there used to be nine cities on this planet, but they were all destroyed by the Hive, and now there is no life." Bert said: "This planet is very suitable for our Vampire immigrants."

The vampires looked at each other, and Mercury asked: "Blood God, this planet is indeed suitable for us Vampires. The question is, with the current situation and your power and prestige on earth, do Vampiress still need immigration?"

"It's always right to leave a way back, maybe one day, even the earth will be gone."

Bert shrugged, he didn't forget that the big boss of "Fantastic Four 2" is a star-devouring being.

This back path is not only reserved for vampires, but also for humans.

"Even the Earth might be gone?"

Everyone was stunned, Bert didn't say much, he said: "Take this place as a resort to develop, Nyssa, you are in charge, the Vampire group and the Oscorp group will allocate a lot of funds to you."

"Me?" Princess Nyssa was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes, Blood God."

Bert smiled and said, "Okay, let's go sightseeing, we'll go back when we're done."


Everyone nodded their heads. For the first time they set foot on another planet, they were all quite excited — for the first half an hour.

"It's so desolate, what a fart, let's go back."

Blade said impatiently, everyone agreed, Bert smiled, opened the portal, and took everyone back.

That's right, it's not surprising that Bert can open portals in this world, even Doctor Strange can open portals across planets, not to mention Bert who has a space stone!

Maveth is just one of Bert's backhands, whether it can come in handy depends on future development.

Leaving these aside, in the S.W.O.R.D. Bureau, Gordon was introduced on the stage with a cold face.

That's right, it was Gordon, the Eyeless man. After he knew what happened to Jiaying, he chose to obey Jiaying's will, that is, follow Skye.

In the eyes of humans, Jiaying is undoubtedly a heinous sin, but in the eyes of Inhumans, Jiaying is an elder worthy of their respect.

Gordon said: "The reason why people keep turning into Inhumans is because Jiaying grinds Terrigen crystals into powder and adds them to health care products."

Everyone was stunned: "Health products?"

"Yes, I will teleport to the production base and mix the powder into it."

Gordon said: "A single Terrigen crystal is enough to affect the health care products in several cargo compartments. Humans with Inhuman genes will gradually wake up once they eat these health care products."

Steve had a headache, he asked: "This is troublesome, how many supplements did you get in total?"

"A lot."

Gordon had a happy expression on his face, and he said, "There are so many that I don't even remember."

Steve sighed and said: "It seems that the awakening of Inhumans is gonna be the general trend, let's try to recover it."

Gordon sneered: "Don't you keep saying that you want to live in peace with Inhumans, why do you want to recover those health care products?"

"Because not everyone wants to be an Inhuman."

Steve projected some photos with his mobile phone and said, "These people are crying and shouting to change back to their original form, but unfortunately, we can't do it."

"It is their honor to become an Inhuman."

Gordon snorted, then turned to Skye and said, "Daisy, they are your responsibility."

Skye puzzled: "My responsibility? What do you mean?"

"In the Afterlife, after each Inhuman awakens, Jiaying will accompany them and help them through the initial difficulties."

Gordon said with a gentle face: "Lincoln and I are the same. Now Jiaying is gone, you are the elder, it is up to you to accompany them."

"I never said, I would take over as an elder!" Skye shouted: "Also, I'm a new Inhuman, okay? I need to be taken care of now, not to take care of others."

"Raina, Carl, and our old courtiers will take care of you."

Gordon said: "But those newcomers, they are not taken care of, Skye, I said, they are your responsibility, and you have to prove to us that Jiaying chose you right."

"I also said, I never thought about being an elder at all."

Skye said angrily, the next moment, the surrounding vibrated violently, and the teacup on the table fell to the ground with a bang, shattering into pieces.

Steve hurriedly said: "Skye, calm down, calm down, if the building collapsed, you are going to work for Bert for the rest of your life."

Skye calmed down instantly, she said awkwardly: "I don't want to!"

"I know."

Steve thought for a while and said, "Skye, the S.W.O.R.D. Bureau will set up an Inhumans management center, and I hope you will be in charge of the new Inhumans."

Skye said dissatisfiedly: "Director, why did you also let me take care of the Inhumans?"

Steve said, "Because you're a newcomer, you can understand them."

Skye gritted her teeth and said, "I'll try it."

Steve said: "Very good, Skye, take your time, don't put too much pressure on yourself, if you don't want to be a leader, no one can force you, this is what Bert asked me to tell you."

"Thank Mr. Wang for me."

Skye relaxed, Gordon was silent, no matter how daring the Inhumans were, they would not dare to disobey the Blood God.

In the battle on the moon, Bert just sent a clone to crush the Hive and the main spaceship.

At the same time, Raina was meeting with Queen Medusa. Hearing Medusa's request, Raina shook her head and said, "I know who the whip is, but I won't let him become Inhuman."

"Why?" Medusa said: "Only he can restore Lockjaw and Crystal to normal."

"Because Whip is specially responsible for cleaning up Inhumans, if he appears, many Inhumans will die, and he himself doesn't want to become Whip."

Raina said: "Queen, you don't have to worry, Crystal and Lockjaw will be fine, and Blood God will help them return to normal."

Medusa frowned and asked, "Can the Blood God really do it?"

Raina said with deep meaning: "Of course, Queen, the Blood God will help. It is a good thing for Crystal and your Inhuman kingdom."

"You mean..."

Medusa was stunned, then nodded and said, "I'll go back and discuss with Black Bolt."

After a pause, Medusa invited Raina: "Raina, would you like to come to the moon to assist Black Bolt? We need manpower right now."

"The Inhumans on Earth need me more."

Raina shook her head: "Queen, you can rest assured that the handover of the royal power in the future will be peaceful, and Black Bolt will not be unwilling."

Medusa snorted coldly: "I don't deny Skye's power, but can she really be a good king?"

"Of course."

Raina said with certainty: "Even Mr. Wang recognizes her."

Medusa's pupils shrink, and she understands what Raina means, behind Skye, stands Blood God.

Medusa was silent for a while, and said, "I will observe her."

Raina smiled: "You won't be disappointed."

On Kamar-Taj, someone who had said many times that he would come to visit finally set foot on this land. Bert looked at Wong who came to greet him, and said with a smile, "There won't be many people waiting to teach me a lesson, right? "

"Don't worry, Mr. Wang, they won't make fun of themselves, and you have proved yourself." Wong smiled and said, "Please, Ancient One is waiting for you."


Bert followed Wong into Kamar-Taj. Ancient One and others were waiting for him in the quaint hall.

Seeing Ancient One, Bert bowed like a disciple of Kamar-Taj: "The disciple has seen Master."


Ancient One nodded with satisfaction, and Bert officially became a part of Kamar-Taj.