Chapter 148 : Internal Problems

The mages have different ideas about Bert becoming a member of Kamar-Taj. Generally speaking, most of them support it. After all, Blood God is rich and powerful and has guarded the world many times.

Of course, some people are dissatisfied, such as Kaecilius, who is full of hatred for Bert - Bert has everything he wanted.

Mordo was also a bit dissatisfied, he always had a grudge against the identity of Bert as Vampire, which was the reason why he didn't come this time.

Next, Accompanied by Ancient One, Bert visited Kamar-Taj, with Doom and Wong following behind.

"Is Strange not here? I even brought him the Extremis virus." Bert said: "I think this one is more suitable for him than a mechanical hand, Doctor Extremis, it sounds strong."

"I think the mechanical hand is good. It can contain a lot of lethal weapons, such as laser fingers, arm missiles, and the like." Doom said: "I have a lot of ideas, but unfortunately there is no workshop here."

"You just want Strange to be like you, right?" Wong sneered beside him, he never had a good impression of Doom.

Doom said disdainfully: "What's wrong with being like me? You're a loser."

Wong growled: "You sneak attacked me last time."

Bert was a little surprised: "Wong, you lost to Doom? He has only just started, hasn't he?"

Wong was embarrassed and angry.

Doom said arrogantly: "No way, who made me a genius? If I practice for a month, it is equivalent to others practicing for four or five years."

Bert complained: "You are so arrogant, why haven't you been beaten to death yet?"

Doom said: "Of course, they can't kill me."

Bert smiled: "It seems that your life in Kamar-Taj is very exciting."

"It's okay, I'm quite satisfied, but I don't know if they are satisfied!" Doom said.

Wong snorted: "Satisfied, satisfied, I want to throw you off the mountain."

"All right."

Ancient One shook her head, and she said, "Strange is not suitable for transformation, let him be a pure mage."

"You have the final say." Bert shrugged.

Exercise hall, library, equipment hall, perception room, dormitory area... After walking around, everyone came to the center of Kamar-Taj, which is the core of the Earth's guardian array.

Ancient One signaled, Doom and Wong retreated at the same time, and then Ancient One said: "The precursors of the convergence of celestial bodies have begun to appear."

Bert was stunned: "Omen?"

"Yeah, a precursor, like a hurricane before a strong wind blows."

Ancient One said: "If it weren't for the guardian formation, life from other worlds would have appeared on the earth, Bert, I will sit in Kamar-Taj to minimize the impact of celestial bodies. On the other side of the earth, you need more be more careful."

"It's my job." Bert nodded and asked, "Master, when the celestial bodies gather, will the demons take action?"

The convergence of celestial bodies will cause loopholes in the defense network of the earth.

"Of course, they will, otherwise why would I have to sit in charge myself?"

Ancient One said: "When the Convergence happens, those demons will definitely attack."

Bert snorted coldly, no wonder Kamar-Taj never appeared in "Thor 2", it turned out to they were fighting against Demons.

"Earth is very important to the Demons."

Ancient One smiled as she thought of something, "Fortunately, Mephisto, the most troublesome opponent, has been half-dead by you."

Bert asked in amazement: "Is Mephisto not dead yet? With half IQ and so many Hell lords besieged, I thought he had already fallen."

"Mephisto is not so easy to die, he is now trying to get rid of the curse."

Ancient One said: "Once he regains his IQ, Blackheart will never be his opponent. As for those Hell lords, they will only take advantage of the fire and won't really fight with Mephisto."

Bert said: "Alright, I will deal with him in the future."

"It's still early." Ancient One smiled and said: "At the very least, you have to devour all the space stone's power first, this is your chance."

"I know."

Bert hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Master, you must first settle the inside before you fight against the outside world. Shouldn't Kamar-Taj's internal troubles be dealt with in advance?"

Ancient One asked, "You mean Kaecilius and Mordo?"

"Yes." Bert did not deny it, he said: "I have specially designed two plans for them, which should be able to turn them back into good people."

Ancient One asked with great interest: "Tell me about your plan for Kaecilius first."

"It's easy." Bert said: "What Kaecilius wants is immortality, then I will give him immortality."

Ancient One shook her head: "Kaecilius doesn't like vampires, vampires have too many weaknesses."

"I'm not talking about turning him into a vampire." Bert said: "What I said is, when the soul goes out of the body, take away the body."

Ancient One said: "No after the soul leaves the body, it can only return to its own body, and cannot be taken away by others."

"Master, have you heard of human clones?" Bert laughed: "With the same genes, souls should be able to match."

"Clone Plus Soul?" Ancient One's eyes lit up and said, "You can try it, but this method is useless for Kaecilius."

Bert was puzzled: "Why is it useless? This method will allow him to obtain eternal life without flaws."

"Because he wants too much."

Ancient One said: "Eternal life, resurrecting relatives, Sorcerer Supreme, invincible in the world..., he will sink into darkness sooner or later."

"Is that so?" Bert said: "Then just kill him now."

"He's not doing anything wrong now."

Ancient One shook her head, she thought for a while, and said, "Bert, create a clone with my genes, It will be useful."

Bert asked: "Master, do you want to get rid of the dark power?"

"Well, the dark power is only in my body, it didn't erode my soul, I should be able to get rid of it by changing my body."

Ancient One took out a bottle full of peculiar runes from the void and said, "When the cloning is completed, you will integrate the blood inside into my new body. An ordinary body cannot bear my soul."

Bert took the bottle and asked curiously, "Master, what kind of blood is this?"

Ancient One didn't answer, just said: "Don't drink it secretly."

"Am I that kind of person?"

Bert was very dissatisfied, he looked at Ancient One's shiny bald head and asked, "Master, do you want to get more hair for yourself?"


Ancient One looked at Bert expressionlessly, Bert smiled awkwardly, and changed the subject: "What about Mordo? He should be saved, right?"

"There is, but he will go to extremes if he is not careful. For example, if humans are so ugly, they will simply destroy them."

Ancient One sighed: "That's why I never let him go down the mountain to practice."

Bert said: "It's not a big problem, just find a person of the highest kind to follow him."

"The person of the highest good?"

Ancient One's eyes lit up with a mysterious light, and after a while, she nodded and said, "You can give it a try."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements."

Bert nodded, he thought of something, and said, "Master, I'll leave the projection here to help you. By the way, I'll learn more from you, I still have a lot of magic skills to learn."

"Let the projection learn and you go out for fun?"

Ancient One looked at Bert with a half-smile, and said, "Fortunately, you are only my named disciple, otherwise, hehe..."

Bert, frightened by the word 'hehe', was horrified. He said, "I still have other things to do. By the way, Master, leave those alien beings to the superheroes to solve them. They are idle anyway. It will take the pressure off Kamar-Taj."

Ancient One asked: "You mean, open up a space battlefield on Earth?"

"Yes, anyway, human beings will soon enter the interstellar age."

"Okay, I'll teach you, uh, teach your projection how to control the Guardian formation."

Ancient One said: "This great formation will be presided over by you in the future."

"It's still the same sentence, it's my duty."

Bert said with a smile, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

Africa, on a fast-moving truck, Spider-Man Peter Parker said to the black man beside him: "Hello, my name is Peter Parker, I was commissioned by the Oscorp to investigate the intelligence of African warlords.

You must be wondering why Oscorp did such an investigation. I tell you, they are not there to sell arms, but to quell wars.

Mr. Wang said that before human beings step out of the interstellar age, all wars must be quelled and poverty should be eliminated...

By the way, I haven't asked you yet, what's your name? Also, what is your relationship with Mr. Wang? "

Mordo finally couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted: "Can you shut up? You have been talking for more than twenty minutes since the beginning."

"Sorry, it's my first time in Africa and I'm a little excited."

Peter smiled awkwardly, and Harry looked at Mordo coldly and asked, "Are you a mage?"

Mordo turned his head and cursed with disgust: "Monster, stay away from me."

Harry's eyes flashed fiercely. Peter hurriedly stopped him and said, "Harry, calm down, this gentleman is not a bad person."

Harry snorted coldly: "Don't worry, I won't waste the chance of redemption you finally won."

"That's good."

Peter breathed a sigh of relief, Mordo gritted his teeth for a while, if it wasn't for the master who sealed his power, he would have purified the monster long ago.

Bert returned the power of the Hell Spider King to Harry. Now Harry is both a vampire and a Hell monster. An evil that can no longer be evil.

'Master, what exactly do you want me to experience?'

Mordo was extremely confused. Before, Ancient One suddenly called him to the main hall, then sealed his power, gave him a staff, and let him go to Africa to practice.

Ancient One said: "Mordo, the power of a Demon is in this staff. You can restore your strength as long as you use it."

Mordo asked inexplicably: "Master, what do you mean, how can we use the power of demons? I, Mordo, will never use this staff to regain strength even if I die."

Ancient One didn't say much and waved Mordo to Africa, where a monster and a super chatterbox were waiting for him.

"Spider-Man and Harry are both Blood Gods people. In this matter, shouldn't that Blood God be tricking me?"

Mordo gritted his teeth for a while, that Blood God is not good.

Mordo was thinking, and Peter's voice suddenly sounded in his ears: "Sir, I have something to say just now, I came here without even knowing why this time. Mr. Wang opened an unscientific portal in front of me. ...

By the way, have you noticed that there seems to be a sound behind us? Shouldn't it be an animal?"

Mordo wants to hit the wall, God, give me a break.

A few hours later, the driver stopped, pointed to the front, and said, "Welcome to the poorest and most chaotic place in the world. Mr. Wang said that you will stay here for half a year."

Peter was about to say something when suddenly a group of people rushed out from the front and aimed their guns at them. Although he couldn't understand what they were shouting, it was obvious that they were robbing.

Peter was stunned: "These are children?"

"What's weird about this? Children also need to eat. Do you know how many children starve to death here every year?"

The driver shrugged and said to the three: "Welcome to hell."


The three of them frowned together. They had hardly ever been hungry, so they couldn't understand what it was like to starve to death.

Thinking of something, the driver opened the trunk and said, "You still have two companions."

The three turned their heads and saw that two people were locked in the iron cage in the back compartment, one of them was an Asian who was unconscious, and the other was a mercenary in a red and black uniform, his mouth was sealed. Several layers of cloth were tied together, and when they saw Peter and the others, they immediately screamed.

Peter and Harry covered their faces at the same time: "God, why is he here?"

The driver said: "These two guys are so daring, they even dare to deceive the vampires. President Mercury asked me to bring them to be cannon fodder for you."

Mordo blinked, and for some reason, he suddenly had a sense of hopelessness.

Time has come to 2011. In the past year, many major events have happened in the world, including Inhumans, the first space war, Wakanda becoming the sixth permanent member, the proposal of the Earth Federation of the United States, and so on.

People have a feeling that the world has changed, it has become completely different from before, and a big era is slowly kicking off.

In the underground laboratory, Bert received a call from Tony: "Bert, there are more monsters on the battlefield. It seems that the Convergence is not far away."

Last year, Bert opened a space battlefield in Africa, and all the alien life that was sent to the earth due to the convergence will all appear on that battlefield.

Tony and the governments of various countries were very interested in this battlefield, and they took the initiative to contact, and they are very happy to fight every day.

"Within three months, the Convergence will officially come, and by then, there will be a lot of alien life on the battlefield." Bert said: "You have to be prepared."

Tony nodded, and he said, "No problem, the governments of various countries can't wait for more monsters."

Bert thought of something and asked, "By the way, how is your research on the Bifrost Bridge with Dr. Reed?"

Tony said: "It's almost done, it successfully teleported objects to the moon last month."

Bert sneered: "How much is the deviation?"

Tony laughed and said, "Not much, just a few hundred kilometers."

"This is not too much? There must be no deviation, otherwise, people might get stuck in the ground." Bert said angrily, "Continue to study."

"I will continue to study, even if you didn't tell me."

Tony said: "By the way, in the past six months, we have dug up a lot of deuterium on the moon. New energy can almost be popularized."

Bert said: "Don't worry, use it as a bargaining chip to get several other countries to agree to establish the Earth Federation."

Tony nodded and said, "You really should put some pressure on them, or God knows when they will argue."

"It's not that easy, at least wait a few years."

Bert smiled and said, "By the way, I'm going to Asgard in a few days to discuss the Convergence with Odin. Would you like to come?"

"Meet the King of God? Bert, I feel like you're in a high-end fashion right now."

Tony said: "I'll come, just to let Ivan see my new battle armor, specially designed for him, but I can't stay for too long, many things on earth can't be separated from me."

"He also designed a magic armor to fight you." Bert laughed: "Don't worry, I will bring you back then."

"Magic armor?"

Tony was stunned and said stubbornly, "Hmph, who's afraid of who? Don't talk, I'm very busy here."