Chapter 149 : Puppet

"Are you busy modifying the armor?" Hearing Tony's words, Bert sneered: "Don't put too much pressure, because you will not be able to beat Ivan."

"Who's under pressure? Bert, I'm telling you, I've leveled up too, just wait and see how I beat Ivan."

Tony snorted coldly and put down the phone, then he shouted to Ethan anxiously: "Ethan, hurry up and modify the anti-Ivan armor, that bastard uses magic armor."

'When there is pressure, there is motivation.'

Bert shook his head, put down the phone, and said to Crystal beside him, "Go and bring Korath over."

"Yes, Blood God."

Crystal nodded respectfully. The parasites in her body had been removed by Bert, but she didn't know what went wrong. She became extremely worshipful of Bert, and almost regarded Bert as her god.

Bert saw this and simply kept Crystal by his side as a secretary. Anyway, she was good-looking and had superpowers.

Soon, Korath was brought over, and Bert asked: "Korath, the people from the Kree Empire have never appeared. It seems that Ronan doesn't care about you."

Korath said stubbornly: "There must be something delayed."

Bert asked: "Perhaps! Korath the hunter, I will ask you one last time, what is the purpose of your coming to Earth?"

Korath said: "I will answer you once again, I will not say."

"Then there's no other way." Bert flicked his finger, and a drop of blood fell on Korath's forehead and quickly submerged into his skin.

"Blood God, what are you doing?"

Korath asked in shock and anger. At this moment, he suddenly felt a long-lost pleasure, as if he suddenly returned to his relatives, his empty heart suddenly became full.

Korath said happily: "Blood God, what do you want to know, I will tell you all."

"What is the purpose of your coming to Earth?" Bert asked.

What he just cast on Korath was the new magic he created after spending more than half a year - The blood puppet technique.

The principle of this magic is similar to that of parasites. It uses blood to make the other party feel complete, and then make him follow with all his heart.

Although there is some limitation, there is no doubt that the Blood puppet technique is god-level magic.

"It's for an undercover investigation." Korath said without concealing anything: "Someone in the universe is spreading a rumor, that there is space stone on Earth, so Ronan sent me to Earth to investigate secretly to confirm whether there is really space stone, and in whose hands. After we investigate clearly, Ronan will come in person and take the stone. "

Bert was stunned, and he asked, "There is a space stone on Earth? Where did this news come from?"

"It is said to be related to Thanos." Korath said: "Ronan secretly suppressed the news to monopolize the space stone, but he can't suppress it for too long. When that time comes, countless greedy people will flock to the Earth."

'Thanos? Does he want to fish in troubled waters, or does he want to kill Earth's superheroes with a borrowed knife?'

Bert narrowed his eyes slightly, and he said, "I see. In the future, you will be my adjutant and control the Blood Ship for me."

"Blood Ship?" Korath was taken aback, and then said: "I am happy to."

​​​​​Bert nodded, opened the portal, and walked through with Korath and Crystal.

Opposite the portal was a huge manufacturing workshop. A battleship hundreds of meters long is being transformed. Korath glanced at it and said in amazement, "Isn't this my main ship?"

Bert looked at Korath with a smile on his face, Korath immediately changed his words: "Blood God, your ship is mighty!"


Bert smiled. At this moment, Anton Vanke came over and said excitedly: "Mr. Wang, I have transferred the biochemical technology of the Chitauris' to the Blood Ship. The Blood Ship will have an endless stream of cannon fodder in the future."

"Very good."

Bert nodded with satisfaction, he asked: "Anton, how long will it take for the Blood Ship to be completed? It will come in handy soon."

"Give me another month and I'll finish it." Anton said confidently: "By the way, when will Ivan come back? I have a lot of Kree technology and Chitauri technology waiting for him to inherit, hum, Howard left a new element, what's so great? It's nothing compared to this big gift."

"Soon, I'll go to Asgard to bring him back in a few days." Bert smiled: "By the way, this is the original captain of Kree's main ship, and he will cooperate with you to transform the main ship."

Anton glanced at Korath and asked, "Wasn't he been refusing to cooperate?"

"I will cooperate obediently in the future." Korath said: "Blood God if you want to control the main ship, I alone am not enough. I need a qualified crew."

"I know what you mean, the other Krees' will return to their places one after another." Bert said.

Korath nodded, and he said: "Please rest assured, I will make them obey your orders obediently."

"I'm relieved." Bert smiled and said, there is the Blood puppet technique, why should he be worried?

After solving the Blood Ship, Bert called Black Bolt.

Bert said: "Black Bolt, monitor the solar system, and notify me immediately if you find an alien spacecraft."

"No problem, after getting Kree technology, our detection technology has been greatly improved, it is enough to monitor the entire solar system." Black Bolt typed: "Mr. Wang, thank you for your great help during this time. Attilan has been rebuilt, and the people's living standards have greatly improved."

Bert smiled and said, "You are part of the Earth Federation, and it is right to help you."

Speaking of this, Black Bolt was speechless: "Mr. Wang, the Earth Federation has not been established at all! Inhuman Kingdom only joined the United Nations."

Bert smiled: "Don't worry, within ten years, the Earth Federation will be established, I promise."

"Mr. Wang, your guarantee is naturally reliable." Black Bolt typed: "By the way, Mr. Wang, Attilan is ready to welcome tourists and immigrants."

"As long as those Inhumans agree, I won't stop it."

Bert knew what Black Bolt meant. He said: "As for tourists, I have set up a moon tourism company and can start promoting it at any time."

Black Bolt was beaming with joy and typed: "Thank you, Mr. Wang."

'In terms of Inhumans, it shouldn't be a big problem.'

Bert hung up the phone and thought to himself that in the battle of the moon last year, he got the Kree main ship, the Kree elites, the surrender of the Inhuman kingdom, and the Blood puppet technique. The harvest is quite good.

After thinking about it for a while, Bert sensed the projection and said, "I'll go to Asgard in a few days, you work hard and don't make any mistakes."

"Under normal circumstances, shouldn't the projection be sent out, and the body should stay on the Earth?" The projection said: "What if you have trouble outside, what will you do?"

"Are you cursing me?" Bert complained: "Don't worry, Odin can't kill me. Speaking of which, the Reality stone should be born soon, right?"

The projection said: "Born my ass! Jane hasn't returned to Earth for more than a year. As for that Daisy, she is filming every day!"

"It seems to be true."

Bert had a headache. He said, "It's okay, there is another way, Dr. Selvig. I will let him go to London to investigate. When that time comes, you should keep an eye on him. Once you find the Reality stone, take it immediately."

The projection reminded: "With the Reality stone, the Earth will have four infinity stones. At that time, the Earth will become the target of the universe."

"Even when there were only three, Earth was the target of the universe." Bert said: "If anyone dares to come, then use their corpses to pave the way for me to become the Guardian, just like Master did back then."

Projection laughed: "The guardian of the Earth, how can you not make a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood?"

Bert laughed as well: "Exactly."

Asgard, Bifrost Bridge, colorful lights flashed, and a group of people appeared out of thin air.

Everyone looked at the fairyland-like scenery around them and couldn't help but wonder: "Is this Asgard? It's really beautiful."

"Blood god, welcome to Asgard, I am the Gatekeeper of Asgard and the guardian of Bifrost, Heimdall. All-Father is waiting for you."

Heimdall saluted, whether it is Bert's strength or status, it is worthy of his serious treatment.

Bert returned a salute and then asked, "You're welcome, where's Thor, hasn't he come back yet?"

"Soon, with your help, the suppression of the rebellion went smoothly."

Heimdall said, at this moment, he sensed something and looked at someone in the team.

Everyone turned their heads in unison and found that Dr. Reed was scanning the surroundings excitedly with an instrument. Everyone couldn't help but cover their faces. 'Why are you too blatant?'

Tony quickly grabbed Dr. Reed and said to Heimdall, "I'm sorry, there is something wrong with my friend's head."

"Who has a problem with his head? Don't pull me, I'm about to calculate the transmission frequency of the Bifrost Bridge."

Dr. Reed shouted dissatisfiedly, everyone became more and more embarrassed. You can steal something, but it is too arrogant to steal in front of its own guardian!

Bert laughed and said: "He has a problem with his head, forgive him."

Heimdall said meaningfully: "I can see it."

"Of course I know you can see it." Bert smiled and said, "I used to want to have eyes like yours so that I could watch beautiful women bathing every day...ahem, that way, I would be able to see great mountains and rivers and beautiful scenery every day."

'You were talking about the women's bathhouse just now, right?' Everyone secretly complained.

Heimdall looked at Bert speechlessly, His all-seeing eye has become a peeping eye in your mouth!

Heimdall said expressionlessly: "All-Father is waiting for you."

"I'm going to a meeting. Dr. Reed, don't scan anymore and be careful otherwise Heimdall might throw you down."

Bert said, Dr. Reed finally reacted, smiled awkwardly, put away the instrument, and said, "I have some brain problems, don't care about me."

Heimdall said: "The Bifrost Bridge is the Crystallization of magic and technology. No matter how much you imitate, you can only get so far."

"Enough, my goal is only within the solar system." Bert said: "Heimdall since you said it, I will no longer be sneaky. What conditions do we need to allow us to study the Bifrost Bridge?"

Heimdall said: "You have to talk to the All-Father about this."


Bert nodded, and then, everyone rode on the war horse prepared by Asgard, and under the leadership of Heimdall, galloped towards Asgard.

Tony was very puzzled: "Why on horseback? Isn't there a spaceship around?"

Bert said: "Do as the locals do. Asgardians like to ride horses, just like they have high technology, but they like close combat."

"A peculiar hobby."

Tony shrugged, Asgard is completely different from the high-tech alien country he imagined, more like a medieval country with black technology.

Soon, Bert and the others saw Odin, the One-eyed. After some courtesies, Odin said with an unswerving expression, "I have something to talk about with the Blood God alone."

Everyone was a little worried, and Bert smiled: "It just so happens that I have something to talk to the All-Father alone, so you all go out first."


Everyone looked at each other and left as they said, leaving only Bert and Odin in the palace.

When the door was closed, Odin immediately asked angrily: "Why are you not teaching my daughter well? Teaching her to play games every day, and teaching her to play everywhere every day, is called good teaching?"

"Why not?" Bert said: "Is she not happy now? Only by being happy can a person love life, and love the world. When Hela followed you, did she ever truly smile?"

"Of course!" Odin said with some guilty conscience: "At least before the age of six."

Bert sneered: "What about after the age of six?"

"After the age of six, I started training her so that she could inherit the position of the goddess of death." Odin sighed and said, "To make her ruthless, I killed her pet with my own hands, and since then, she has never laughed again.

I succeeded, she became the goddess of death, but I also failed because she was no longer my daughter, she was just the goddess of death. "

Bert sneered: "And you are worthy of questioning my educational methods?"

"No matter how much I have a problem, I know that normal children shouldn't play games every day." Odin said angrily: "She is now an internet addict girl. Last time she went to the store to buy clothes and asked the boss how much for a silver-scaled breastplate?"

"She only plays games for three or four hours a day, what internet addict girl?" Bert said in dissatisfaction: "Also, her homework has not fallen behind, and her historical knowledge is even more first-class."

Odin said: "She was completely ruined by you, Blood God. "

"She was ruined by you." Bert said: "Hela is fine now. She has completely stopped using death and fear to rule the world. She is no different from a normal girl now."

Odin shouted: "My daughter, how can she be so ordinary? Even if she doesn't become the goddess of death, she should be the daughter of heaven, the kind who comes out and makes countless people cheer and worship."

"Like Thor?" Bert contemptuously said: "What's the use of that fart? What else is there in his head besides muscles?"

Odin was very annoyed: "Are you questioning my educational methods?"

Bert sneered: "Teaching three children like this, don't you have any points in your heart?"

"Blood God, you are courting death."

Odin was furious, slammed Gungnir on the ground, and thunder appeared out of nowhere, aiming at Bert, each of which was enough to easily destroy a hill.