Chapter 152 : Ravagers

"Hill, weren't you learning how to embezzle with Nick Fury? Why did you come back to Asgard?"

Bert looked at Hill and asked in surprise. Hill didn't answer. She looked at Korath over there vigilantly and asked, "Blood God, why are there Krees' by your side?"

Korath said in a deep voice, "Because the Blood God is my master, is there a problem?"

"Master?" Hill was stunned, Blood God is so powerful that he can even subdue the Krees'?

Bert smiled and said, "Don't worry, everyone here is my own. If you have anything, just say it."


Hill said: "A year ago, a rumor suddenly appeared in the universe that the space stone i.e, one of the Infinity Stones was on Earth. Fortunately, someone secretly suppressed this rumor, so it didn't have a big impact.

But for some reason, this rumor came up again during this time, surprisingly no one was secretly suppressing it this time."

Korath said: "Last time the rumors were suppressed by Ronan, he wanted to monopolize the space stone."

"Ronan the Accuser?" Hill suddenly realized: "No wonder the rumors have appeared again."

Korath asked, "What do you mean?"

"You don't know yet?"

Hill said: "Ronan was expelled by the Kree Empire. He is now unable to protect himself, and naturally, he is not interested in helping Earth suppress rumors."

Korath shouted in disbelief: "Ronan was expelled by the Kree Empire, how is that possible?"

Hill said: "The Kree Empire intends to cease fighting with the Nova Corps. Ronan, the main war faction, firmly disagreed and was forcibly expelled by the Supreme Intelligence."

The 'Supreme Intelligence' is an artificial intelligence and the ruler of the Kree Empire who embodies the empire's greatest minds.

"No wonder no one came to Earth to redeem us, it was because of this." Korath smiled wryly, Ronan couldn't even take care of himself, let alone them.

Bert asked: "That is to say, are there aliens planning to come to Earth for the space stone?"

"Yes, bounty hunters and Ravagers are all interested in ​​space stone." Hill hesitated and asked, "Blood God, is the space stone really on Earth?"

Bert stretched out his hand, the Tesseract appeared in his hand, and he said: "This is the space stone."

Everyone was stunned: "The Cube is the space stone?"

Bert thought for a while, put away the Tesseract, and shouted to Tony and Ivan who were fighting in front of him: "Stop for a while, I gotta tell you all about the infinity stones."

Tony and Ivan stopped and said, "Okay."


Bert nodded, formed six Infinity Stones with magic, and said, "The six Infinity Stones were born during the Big Bang...

Among them, the space stone is in my hands, the time stone is controlled by my master Ancient One, and another one, if I guess correctly should be the Scepter. As for the remaining three, power, reality, and soul, no one knows where. "

"Three of the six Infinity Stones are on Earth?" Everyone frowned, this is not right.

"The Infinity Stones are powerful."

Bert said: "The power stone is enough to destroy a planet. In addition, the Mad Titan that is, Thanos, has been collecting the Infinity stones. Once he collects them, he just has to snap his fingers, and half of the life in the universe will be destroyed."

"Half-life in the universe?"

Tony asked hesitantly, "Bert, since the Infinity Stone is so dangerous, why don't we destroy it?"

"The Infinity Stones are not so easy to destroy." Bert shook his head and said, "Besides, if you were Thanos and found out that the Infinity Stones were destroyed by the earthlings, what would you do?"

Frank said coldly: "Destroy the earth."

Bert asked: "Yes, all life on earth and half of life in the universe, which one do you choose?"

Ivan said without hesitation: "Of course, it's the former because I'm from the earth."

Everyone nodded. Bert smiled and said, "The answer is correct. In addition, the Infinity Stones are an important asset for us to fight against the powerful enemies of the universe. Without the Time Stones, the earth would not have been stable for so many years."

Tony nodded, and he said, "What should we do this time? The Infinity Stones are so important, there must be many enemies coming."

Bert said: "It's not difficult to solve, I'm thinking about which method to use."

Tony asked, "Which method? Let's hear it."

"The first one, shock and awe."

Bert said: "Simply put, I will take action alone and take care of all the Ravagers and bounty hunters. In this way, other greedy people will be deterred and dare not come back to Earth."

"Can this kind of thing be done?" Hill was stunned: "Blood God, that is a spaceship, not a Helicarrier without a protective dome."

Everyone couldn't help laughing, Hill was the captain of the Helicarrier!

"Small things."

Bert smiled and said, "What Captain Marvel can do, I can do too, and it's easier, Hill, let's put it this way, my current enemies are only Gods and Demons and god-level civilization."

"I didn't expect you to grow up so fast, Blood God."

Hill breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that nothing will happen to Earth this time, because Earth has the Blood God.

Tony frowned and asked, "Bert, is there any other way?"


Bert glanced at Tony and said, "I won't do anything, it's up to you and the governments of various countries to stop the Ravagers. Of course, I'll be watching from behind. If something goes wrong, I'll help."

"This method is good."

Tony said happily: "It can not only solve problems, but also enhance our actual combat experience, and lay the foundation for the future interstellar era."

Bert complained: "You just want to show off?"

"It's not that." Tony shook his head and said, "Sooner or later, you will take over the position of Ancient One, and then your attention will be shifted to the gods and demons, and you will no longer have time to pay attention to worldly affairs.

I think we should get used to the days without you in advance, so as not to be in a hurry. "

"Makes sense."

Everyone nodded, and Bert said: "Okay, then we'll choose the second method, Tony, inform the governments of various countries, we will stop the Ravagers and bounty hunters on the edge of the solar system, and the Inhuman kingdom will also participate in the war."

Tony nodded: "Okay, governments must be very interested."

"Wait, this isn't reliable, is it?"

Hill hurriedly said: "Don't talk about space wars. With Earth's technology, you can't even go to the edge of the solar system, right? Also, I know you are strong, but it's a space war, not a battle within the planet."

"We never fought a space battle? Last year, we defeated the Inhuman Kingdom and the Kree fleet on the moon." Tony said arrogantly: "It's just a group of space pirates, what's there to be afraid of?"

"Defeated the Inhuman Kingdom and the Kree Fleet on the Moon?" Hill was stunned: "How can Earth technology develop so fast? I just left not long ago, right?"

Bert smiled: "Hill, don't worry, they can deal with the Ravagers, even if they can't, there is me."

Hill thought for a while and said, "Fury will secretly provide you with information about the Ravagers."

"Fury was among the Ravagers too?"

Everyone was a little surprised, and Bert asked: "What is Fury responsible for in the Ravagers Alliance?"

Hill smiled: "Responsible for logistics."

"Nick Fury in charge of logistics?"

The crowd was in an uproar, and Banner spit out the wine. Korath was puzzled, why did the group react so much?

Bert asked: "Excuse me, Hill, what's the difference between letting Nick Fury be in charge of logistics and putting mice in the rice jar?"

"At least the mice will only eat a little, but Nick Fury will embezzle the whole tank of rice."

Hill smiled and said, "The number one corrupted criminal on earth, how could it be a vain reputation?"

Everyone laughed, and Bert shook his head and said, "Let's give a moment of silence for the Ravagers Alliance, Hill, if Fury needs our cooperation, just say it."

"He won't be polite."

Hill took out several communicators and said, "This is a communicator produced by the Skrull Empire. It can not only communicate across galaxies but is also very secretive. You can carry it with you."

Korath took a look at it and said disdainfully: "The product of the Skrull Empire has long been cracked by us over ten years ago. Come, here is the latest encrypted quantum communicator of the Kree Empire."

Hill was stunned. She wanted to show off her wealth, how could she be shown off by others instead?

"The technology of Ravagers is not as good as that of regular empires."

Bert smiled, and at this moment, an object fell from the sky and slammed into the bonfire with a bang.

Bert raised his head and shouted in dissatisfaction: "Who is so immoral? Also, throwing objects from high altitudes is against the law!"

Odin fell from the sky and said with a displeased face: "The laws of Asgard are made by me. There is no such thing. If there is, I will remove it tomorrow."


Bert was stunned for a moment, turned his head to look at the mass object, and found that it was Thor who had been beaten into a pig's head.

'This guy is useless. Even after beating him for a day, he still didn't let out a single lightning bolt.'

Odin gritted his teeth and said, "Thor, are you the God of Thunder or the God of Hammer?"

'What's the difference between throwing lightning with my hammer and throwing lightning by myself?' Thor sat up in dissatisfaction and shouted: "Banner, hurry up and bring me some wine, I'm dying of thirst."

Banner threw a bottle of liquor over and asked, "Are you sure you can still drink like this?"

Thor smiled and said, "No problem, this little injury will be gone after a few bottles of wine."

Dr. Reed complained: "Can wine heal wounds?"

Bert secretly sent a voice transmission to Odin: "Odin, if you want Thor to release thunder, you must first get the Mjølnir away from him, otherwise he will always rely on that Hammer."

Odin thought for a while and said, "Hm, I'll get that hammer away from him."

Bert smiled slightly and said to Thor: "Thor, what if you lose Mjølnir one day, what will you do?"

Thor said arrogantly: "I won't lose it, I always carry it, and no one can take it except me."


Bert raised his hand, and Mjølnir next to him slowly flew up and landed on his hand.

Everyone was stunned, and Thor even spits out the wine. He shouted: "That is impossible, how can you take Mjølnir?"

Ivan is also puzzled: "Bert, with your character, you have no reason to be recognized by Thor's Hammer. Is the Hammer broken?"

Bert asked dissatisfiedly: "Is my character bad?"

"Yes." Everyone nodded in unison, Bert rolled his eyes, these guys must be jealous of him.

Although he was lazy, covetous, and likes beautiful women, how could he have a bad character as the next guardian of Earth?

Odin sneered, Bert didn't pick up Mjølnir at all, he just added space outside the hammer, and then picked up that space - If Mjølnir is placed in an elevator, it will rise with the elevator.

Thor thought of something, and asked in shock: "Are you also Odin's..."

Bert and Odin took out their weapons at the same time, and looked at Thor coldly, Thor was stunned, and immediately shut up and did not speak.

Bert nodded in satisfaction, he asked, "Thor, do you remember, last year, you exchanged a carload of walnuts for Mjølnir?"

Tony complained: "Is Mjølnir so worthless? Thor, I'll give you two carts of walnuts for it."

Thor didn't have time to pay attention to Tony, he thought for a while, and said, "That's the case, I exchanged it with your apprentice Lina."

Bert said angrily: "So a year has passed, what about the walnuts?"

Thor touched his head and said a little embarrassedly: "It seems that it was indeed not given to Lina."

"Thor, you're going too far, you even lied to a little girl."

Everyone despised him for a while, and Thor became more embarrassed. He was scared to death at that time, how could he still remember the walnut thing?

"Those who do not keep their promises are not qualified to own Mjølnir. Thor, on behalf of Lina, I will officially take back your Mjølnir." Bert said: "In the future, this hammer is not yours."

"How does that work? Lina is my sister, I'm her brother, what's wrong with forgetting to keep a promise?"

Thor was in a hurry. He was just halfway through when a peal of thunder came down from the sky, smashing on his head.

Odin withdrew his hand expressionlessly, 'if you want to die so much, I will fulfill it.'

Bert laughed dumbly, stretched out his hand to draw a portal, and threw Mjølnir into it.

Lina, who was playing a game, heard the sound and turned her head to look, and exclaimed: "The Hammer of Thor."

"Lina, you got Mjølnir? I've tried dozens of dungeons and still didn't get it."

Little Hela ran over excitedly, but found that it was the real Mjølnir, and said with a look of disgust: "It turns out that it is this junk, Lina, you keep it to smash walnuts, by the way, play the Thor game with me again at night, I don't believe that Mjølnir is so hard to get.

It's a pity that I can't get Odin's character, I am very interested in the spear in his hand. "

Odin glared at Bert, is this the result of your education?

"Very cute and lively."

Bert shrugged and closed the portal. Thor reacted and yelled at the shrinking portal, "Mjolnir..."

Bert said angrily: "Shut up, people who don't know the whole thing, might think your wife has been robbed."

"I'd rather have my wife robbed."

Thor said angrily while reaching out to summon Mjølnir, but the hammer didn't respond at all.

Then, he got up and said, "I'll go to Earth to buy walnuts and exchange them for the hammer."

"It's too late unless you master thunder yourself, don't even think about getting the hammer back." Bert said.

Odin nodded and said, "I agree."