Chapter 153 : Gamora

Hearing the words of Bert and Odin, Thor asked with an embarrassed expression: "Can I change the conditions? For example, buying ten carts of walnuts for Lina?"

"What do you think?"

Odin snorted coldly, turned around, and left, Bert shrugged and said, "Thor, work hard as soon as possible, or your hammer will be used by Lina to smash walnuts."

"That is not possible." Thor gritted his teeth and said, "Isn't it just lightning? I'll show you."

After finishing speaking, Thor aligned his hands with each other, and desperately tried to release lightning with a constipated look, as a result, everyone only saw a few sparks.

"This is called lightning, Thor?"

Everyone looked at him with pity.

Hill got up and said: "I'll go back and tell Fury about the matter, don't be careless, the Ravagers are not as weak as you think."

Tony said confidently: "Don't worry, we are definitely stronger than you think."

"Hope so." Hill nodded, put on the cloak, and turned to leave. Tony glanced at Ivan and said, "Madman, there will be more Ravagers, let's see who kills the most?"

"Afraid you won't succeed?"

Ivan sneered, and the magic armor on his body instantly changed back to two bracelets. Tony was a little envious, as Jarvis opened the battle armor and he came out looking sweaty.

Tony stretched out his hand and shouted, "Jarvis, inject the antidote."

"Yes, sir." The steel armor raised its hand and injected Tony with an antidote.

"Tony, this kind of constant injection of viruses and antidote is a great burden on your body." Bert said: "I think you should inject the perfect version of the Extremis virus directly!"

Tony shook his head and said: "Until there is a perfect antidote, I will not inject the perfect version of the Extremis Virus.."

"Whatever." Bert shrugged and said, "Tony, I have to stay for a few more days. The matter of the Convergence and the Bifrost Bridge has not been discussed yet. You and Banner and the others will go back to Earth first and get ready."

Tony nodded, and said, "Don't worry, we won't let you down."

Bert smiled and said, "I don't doubt you, you're good except that you like to hide in the study."

Everyone laughed, and Tony gave Bert a middle finger: "I said, it's because of the Extremis virus."

Bert said: "Understood, alright, everybody pack up, if you want to go shopping or buy special products, hurry up and keep the account on me."

"Long live Blood God."

The crowd cheered, and Tony asked suspiciously, "Where did you get the money? You, like me, just came to Asgard for the first time, right?"

"Bert, this is the income from selling the Vibranium to the dwarves." Ivan threw a card to Bert and said, "The dwarves like vibranium very much, they hope you can sell more."

"Let them trade magic items for it." Bert shook the card and said to Tony: "Vibranium is hard currency anywhere in the universe. That is to say, I am also a local tyrant in the universe, Mr. Poor Ghost, do you understand?"

Tony couldn't help but give Bert a middle finger again, then grabbed the card and went shopping in Asgard.

The money of the dead local tyrants is not spent in vain.

'It's not good to sell Vibranium all the time. I don't want to be the second generation of miners. I want to find a way to make money in the universe.'

Bert touched his chin, whether it was on the Earth or the universe, he wanted to be a god.

Thor, who kept his 'constipated' expression, shouted: "Where are you all going? I'm about to conjure thunderbolts."

No one paid any attention to him and continued to end the scene. Bert shook his head, hoping that the invasion of the dark elves would wake Thor up in advance and become the real Thor.

Are you afraid that Thor will be killed without a hammer? Don't worry, Thor's divine power is still there, and he's not that easy to kill. Moreover, Bert marked him, and if necessary, the hammer will immediately return to his hand.

"Thanos, what exactly do you want to do?"

Bert narrowed his eyes slightly, he didn't care about Ravagers or bounty hunters, the only thing he cared about was the mastermind behind the scenes, the Mad Titan, Thanos!

The Ravagers are an interstellar criminal syndicate that specializes in thievery, trafficking, and piracy. There are nearly one hundred factions of Ravagers around the galaxy. Each faction has a captain of its own, leading its operations. It is a very loose organization. Under normal circumstances, space pirates act independently. Only when something major happens, they will get together.

Ravagers are governed by five leaders, each of whom has a powerful force. If you want to replace them, it is very simple, just defeat them.

On this day, one of the elders, Charlie-27, called his logistics officer, Nick Fury, and asked straight to the point: "I heard that you are from Asgard?"

Nick Fury nodded without skipping a heartbeat: "Yes, I am an Asgardian. Because of some things, I escaped from Asgard and became a Ravager."

The Logistics Officer is the supervisor in charge of selling stolen goods and purchasing materials in the Ravagers Alliance.

In addition, Fury has a universal translator on his body, so he can easily talk to Charlie.

The huge and sturdy Charlie continued to ask: "There is a rumor recently that the space stone is on Earth, is it true?"

Fury nodded again: "It's true."

Charlie was a little surprised: "Are you so sure?"

"All of Asgard knows about it." Fury said: "More than a year ago, to repair the Bifrost Bridge, Prince Thor went to Earth to borrow space stone."

"I see." Charlie understood, and he asked again: "Is the Earth as weak as the rumors say?"

Fury shook his head and said: "It's not that weak, although they don't have the strength to step out of the planet, they have superheroes, who have a variety of superpowers.

In addition, the Earth is protected by Asgard. Once Earth is invaded, Asgard will send troops to help, which is why Earth can always be safe and sound."

Charlie didn't care about superheroes at all, he asked: "Will Asgard send troops?"

Fury answered with great certainty: "It will definitely because the Earth is a vassal of Asgard."

"That's troublesome." Charlie frowned and said, "How fast is Asgard in sending troops?"

"Asgard has a Bifrost bridge that can connect to Earth in an instant." Fury said: "However, it takes a lot of time to deploy troops. Asgard has been fighting the rebellion recently, and there are not many spare troops."

Charlie's eyes lit up and asked, "In other words, if we can grab the space stone in a short time, we can avoid Asgard and escape easily?"

"Should be able to." Fury nodded and said, "The premise is that Asgard is unprepared."

Charlie was puzzled: "Not prepared, what do you mean?"

Fury explained: "If Asgard knew that ravagers are coming, they would mobilize their forces in advance."

Charlie understood: "That is, we must be the first ravagers to reach Earth."

Fury nodded: "Yes."

"I understand." Charlie knew what to do, he asked: "By the way, Fury, I heard that you have a very powerful soldier called the Winter Soldier. I want to borrow him, is there any problem?"

Fury looked reluctant: "Leader, the Winter Soldier is the number one general under my command. I am like a brother to him, and I can't leave him for a second."

Charlie smiled disdainfully and said, "Don't pretend, this time if we get the space stone, you will be the middleman to sell the stolen goods."

"Thank you, old man." Fury immediately agreed: "I promise to sell the space stone for the best price."


Charlie waved his hand to signal Fury to leave, and Fury turned to leave. Charlie looked at his back, his eyes narrowed slightly, he was always a little wary of this new ravager who was rushing up very fast and gained the trust of the legendary captain Stakar.

The reason is very simple, he can't see through the other party, which is also the reason why he asked for the Winter Soldier, he wanted to take the opportunity to explore Nick Fury's bottom.

"Earth, I can only help this much."

Nick Fury, who walked out of the main hall, slowly exhaled a sigh of relief, with a dignified expression on his face. Even if he used tricks to make the Ravagers set off in a hurry, with Charlie's power, at least four main ships could be dispatched.

Can the Earth hold them back?

In a small spaceship, a green-skinned woman with long hair urged a little raccoon: "Quick, the ravagers have set off, we must notify the Earth as soon as possible and let their superheroes leave with the space stone."

"I think it would be better if we take the space stone so that the Earth will be completely safe."

Little Raccoon, Rocket said while driving the spaceship, "I'm such a good person, Groot, don't you think?"

The tall tree man beside said in a low voice, "I am Groot!"

Rocket shouted dissatisfiedly: "What's wrong with me? I'm thinking of the Earth."

The green-skinned woman Gamora shouted: "Shut up, concentrate on driving, where's the next jump point?"

Rocket said with flickering eyes: "It's just ahead, but, don't you think about it? Space stone is worth at least billions, and one vote is enough for us to eat for a lifetime."

Gamora was very dissatisfied: "I told you to shut up. Your mission is to send me to Earth in the shortest possible time. To invite you, I have spent several times the remuneration."

"Don't worry, I'm the best pilot and will definitely get you to Earth. I just think it's more cost-effective to grab the space stone."

Rocket shrugged and said, "As far as I know, Earth is just a rural aboriginal planet, and it is not difficult at all to grab the stone."

Gamora glanced at Rocket and said, "Earth is not as weak as you think. The Chitauris' wanted to invade the Earth, but they were wiped out."

"The Chitauris' are just trash."

Rocket looked disdainful, and Gamora didn't bother to talk anymore, she sneered: "You can try, then don't blame me, I didn't tell you."

"Just gonna try it, am I gonna be afraid of a group of natives?"

Rocket snorted coldly. Soon, the spacecraft reached the next jumping point, which is the space node. The universe is like a honeycomb structure. Through the space node, it can quickly go into the distance.

Rocket drove the spaceship into the jumping point, and the surrounding space expanded and changed. When the spaceship stops, it has reached the edge of the solar system.

"Space stone, uncle Rocket is here." Rocket moved forward at full speed, and said proudly: "I wonder if those natives of the Earth will be scared to death when they see me?"

Gamora was too lazy to answer. At this moment, a spaceship with a dragon pattern suddenly appeared in front of it. Then, the communication channel of Rocket's ship was invaded, and a voice sounded: "This is the Earth Federation Guards, an unfamiliar spaceship. , please stop immediately, or we will destroy you."

"Earth Federation Guard? Didn't you say that Earth is just an indigenous planet? Also, when did their main search ship suddenly appear? This is unscientific."

Rocket screamed, and Gamora was also very surprised. She said: "It seems that the Earth is developing very fast. Earth Federation Guards, hello, I am here to inform you of the news, you are in danger now."

The opposite side was silent, and after a while, a voice said, "Let's speak on the main ship."


Gamora nodded, Rocket snorted and said, "I want them to see my piloting skills."

"Don't cause any trouble."

Gamora shook her head, and soon, the small spaceship was docked on the main ship, and a group of unmanned battle armors was waiting for them.

Rocket jumped from the spaceship, looked at the unmanned battle armor, and sneered: "These toys look good."

Tony's voice came from an unmanned armor: "Which zoo's little raccoon are you?"

"Who are you calling a raccoon?"

Rocket was furious and took out his gun directly. Battle armors immediately raised their gun at Rocket and others. Groot opened his hand and assumed a fighting posture.

Korath walked over with an Asian male and said, "Stop, Tony Stark, that's not a raccoon, that's a sad experiment."

"Korath the Pursuer!"

Seeing Korath, Gamora's expression changed, and she pulled out the dagger and shouted, "I thought the style of this battleship was familiar. It turned out to be your Kree battleship. Are you here to grab space stone?"

Thanos and Ronan had some collaborations, so Gamora knew about Korath.

"This is not a Kree warship, this is my lord's warship." Korath said.

Gamora was stunned: "You have a new master?"

"Yes." Korath said: "I came to receive you, come with me, hey experimental subject, throw the gun away, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

Gamora was more surprised, what kind of existence can make the pursuer Korath surrender this much?

"I'd like to see, how are you gonna be rude?"

Rocket said arrogantly, and Jiella, the Asian man behind Korath, snorted coldly, raised his hand slightly, and Rocket's weapon flew into his hand uncontrollably.

Rocket blinked, and then said: "For your sincerity, that weapon is given to you."

"I'm Groot." Groot said.

Rocket angrily said, "Don't speak foul language. Also, I'm not confessing, I'm polite, do you understand? By the way, Earthlings, remember to give me some specialties as a gift in return."

Gamora shook her head speechlessly. She put away her dagger and said, "I want to know who your master is?"

"You'll see him soon."

Korath smiled and took the three of them to the command room. On the way, Rocket couldn't help but ask: "How did you all suddenly appear? This is not scientific."

"There is someone with the superpower that can hide the main ship and even reduces energy fluctuations." Korath said Rocket's eyes brightened, and it asked, "Is this superpower for sale?"

"What do you think?"

Korath sneered, and Gamora asked, "Are you planning to ambush someone?"

Korath did not answer, and soon, everyone arrived at the command room. Bert and others were waiting for them inside.

Bert looked at Gamora and asked, "Gamora, Daughter of Thanos, The Deadliest Woman in the Galaxy, what are you doing in this solar system?"

"Daughter of Thanos?"

Everyone was very shocked and raised their vigilance.

Natasha looked at Gamora with interest, The Deadliest Woman in the Galaxy, she liked this title.

"Adopted, in fact, the person I hate the most is Thanos." Gamora looked at Bert and asked, "Are you the Blood God?"