Chapter 154 : Ravagers are here

Hearing Gamora's question, Bert asked in amazement: "Thanos knows me?"

"He told me that he wants to fulfill his dream, and there are three people who are the biggest obstacles, Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One, God-king Odin, and Blood God Bert." Gamora continued: "You are so young, so you must not be the Ancient One or Odin."

"Should I say I'm honored?" Bert sneered and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here for the space stone."

Gamora briefly explained the impending arrival of the Ravagers, and then said, "This matter is actually Thanos' conspiracy."

"I know it's his conspiracy, but I don't know what he wants to do?" Bert said with his expression unchanged: "Does he think that these mere Ravagers can take the space stone from me?"

"Dude, you're really good at bragging." Rocket sneered: "A mere ravagers? The Ravagers don't even know how many planets similar to yours they have destroyed."

Bert glanced at Rocket, and turned his finger, a portal appeared under Rocket's feet, and Rocket fell directly. Groot was furious and reached out to attack Bert, Bert waved his hand, and it disappeared.

"Blood God, forgive them they are not bad people."

Gamora hurriedly interceded, no wonder Thanos valued Blood God so much, he was really powerful.

Bert said: "Don't worry, it's just a small punishment, continue talking."

Gamora nodded: "The purpose of Thanos is not to grab the space stone, but to kill superheroes and destroy the development of Earth."

Everyone was shocked.

"Yes, Thanos said that both the superheroes and the Earth are developing too fast. If this continues, it will affect his plan and must be stopped in advance."

Gamora nodded and said: "He also said that this is his kindness. If the Earth and its superheroes continue to develop, in the end, he can only blow up the Earth."

Tony said mockingly: "Then should we thank him for his kindness?"

"Yes, that's what he thought."

Gamora gritted her teeth and said: "In those days, he slaughtered half of my planet and then told me that it was his kindness. At that time, I thought he was showing off, but later I found out that he really thought so."

Natasha couldn't help but ask: "Isn't that crazy?"

Gamora said: "How can someone who wants to slaughter half of the life of the universe not be a lunatic?"

"No wonder he's called the Mad Titan."

The faces of everyone were a bit ugly, and it was only at this moment that they really realized how crazy Thanos was.

Bert asked again, "What else do you have other than telling me about this, Gamora?"

Gamora said: "I think you should leave the Earth with the space stone so that you can keep both the space stone and the Earth safe."

"No need, the Earth can keep the space stone."

Tony said toughly, everyone nodded, Bert smiled: "Gamora, thank you for your report, the war will start soon, you stay and watch the battle with me, after that, let's talk about Thanos carefully."

"Blood God..."

Gamora want to say more, but Bert waved his hand. Groot reappeared, and Rocket fell on the deck with a bang from the sky.

"Bastard, how dare you play me like that?"

Rocket was furious, got up and took out a grenade from his pocket, and threw it at Bert. Bert waved at it, and the grenade disappeared immediately.

Rocket was taken aback for a moment, and then took out a small explosive from its belt, but before it could be activated, the small explosive disappeared out of thin air.

Rocket was not reconciled, and reached behind his back to take out the energy bomb. Of course, the energy bomb disappeared again.

Rocket put his hand into his waistband, and Tony couldn't help but complain: "How many explosives are you carrying? Also, don't you think your behavior is stupid?"

"I am Groot."

Groot covered his eyes, looking like he didn't see anything, Rocket said angrily, "I'm not stupid."

Bert said: "Little raccoon, you also stay to watch the battle and then publicize the results of this battle, and I will let someone write a publicity draft for you."

Rocket snorted coldly, "Why should I help you?"

"You're not helping me, you're just making a deal with me."

Bert took out a small piece of Vibranium and threw it at Rocket, and said, "The hardest metal in the universe, are you interested?"

Rocket took the Vibranium, checked it a few times, and said excitedly, "Deal."

"Very good."

Bert nodded with satisfaction. At this time, Medusa's voice sounded in the communicator: "Blood God, the Ravagers are here, there are five main ships, the same as in the report."

'Report? They were indeed ambushing the Ravagers.' Gamora shouted: "Blood God, I still think you should leave with the space stone."

"Finally came." Bert ignored Gamora, he said to Steve and Frank: "Two commanders, start now, next, I will not interfere unless the situation gets out of hand."

Gamora looked stunned, 'Did you make a mistake, you are not making a move? Without you, how could the Earth stop the Ravagers?'

"Leave it to us."

Steve and Frank nodded at the same time, and then, Steve ordered: "Medusa, pass the picture of the Ravagers ship over."

"Okay." Medusa nodded, and soon, five main ships appeared on the screen.

"Is the Ravagers playing the tattered mash-up style?"

Tony complained, the five ships were not only different but also looked all tattered. At first glance, it could be seen that they were the miscellaneous army.

"That's what Ravagers are, and they're not regular troops." Rocket said: "However, don't underestimate them, there are a lot of fighters in those main ships, and more importantly, Ravagers are notoriously deadly when they fight.

To be honest, you are not necessarily opponents one-on-one, let alone five-on-one. "

"Little raccoon, thank you for your reminder."

Steve smiled and then said: "Black Bolt, you are in charge of the main ship on the left, I want it to be destroyed, can you do it?"

Black Bolt typed: "No problem, leave it to me."

"Destroy the main ship alone? Is bragging a special talent of your Earthlings?"

Rocket laughed, Gamora frowned, not to mention the Black Bolt, even the Blood God might not be able to do this.

Steve continued: "Tony, you lead the superhero group, unmanned armors, and Gordon into the second main ship, the goal is to capture this main ship, is there any problem?"

"No problem, leave it to me."

Tony nodded with certainty. He thought of something, and said to Ivan: "Madman, remember to obey orders, this is not the time to be joking."

Ivan sneered: "Do you think I'm like you? Breaking the rules every day?"

"Just follow the rules." Tony snorted, and it was rare that there was no quarrel between them.

"How are you going to get in, fly in?"

Rocket laughed, indescribably mocking, even Groot shook his head again.

Steve said: "Korath, you will command the Blood Ship to deal with the third main ship, and Frank and I will monitor by the side."

Korath said confidently: "No problem, with Kree...with the power of the Blood Ship, it is more than enough to deal with the Ravagers."

Steve nodded and continued: "Queen Medusa, Skye, you lead the Inhumans group, and Lockjaw to the fourth main ship, is there any problem?"

"No problem." Skye and Medusa nodded at the same time, they were confident in completing this task.

Steve continued to ask: "The last main ship is handed over to the Military, is there a problem?"

"No problem, leave it to us."

The Wakanda warriors and the representatives of the five permanent members nodded in unison. They had been looking forward to the real space battle for a long time.

Steve clapped his hands and said, "Okay, that's the arrangement, Black Bolt, after you destroy the first main ship, recover as quickly as possible, and then help fill in the gaps."


Everyone agreed and quickly prepared for battle.

Gamora, Rocket, and Groot shook their heads. The Earthlings were planning to die. They didn't understand the difference between space wars and interplanetary wars.

Rocket whispered: "Gamora, let's get ready to run."

Gamora said: "Let's observe, at least, they have the Blood God."

Rocket sneered: "He's just a man, not a real god."

Bert naturally didn't know what Rocket was thinking. He looked at the orderly crowd and nodded with satisfaction. His years of hard work were not in vain. The current strength of the Earth far exceeds the "Avengers" in the movie.

Outside the solar system, five main ships are heading toward the Earth at full speed. Charlie said with satisfaction: "At our speed, no one can be faster than us. The space stone is ours."

"Long live the captain."

The crowd cheered. One ravager smiled and said, "When we appear above the Earth, will those natives kneel in fear?"

"Eighty percent of the time, after all, it's just a group of natives." Another one said: "As long as Asgard's reinforcements don't come, we can easily get the space stone."

"I think we can figure out where to celebrate."

Everyone laughed as if they had already obtained the space stone, and the Winter Soldier watched all this with a cold eye. 'Just you bunch of trashes, want to take over the Earth?'

The monsters on Earth are not ordinary.

Charlie glanced at the Winter Soldier and asked tentatively, "Winter Soldier, can Asgard's Bifrost Bridge be teleported at will?"

"Within the Nine Realms, they can teleport at will. The reason why Asgard can become the ruler of the Nine Realms is because of the Bifrost Bridge."

Winter Soldier nodded. Seeing that Charlie was interested, he simply introduced it in detail. Charlie's eyes flickered. It seems that the Winter Soldier was indeed an Asgardian.

At this moment, a Ravager suddenly shouted: "A huge energy wave is coming to the left."


Charlie was startled, and before he could react, the main ship on the left started from the armor and quickly exploded and shattered with terrifying shock waves.

A few seconds later, the main ship of the Ravagers turned into a pile of space junk, and the stumps and arms of a large number of Ravagers floated in space and quickly froze.

"How can this be?"

Not only were Charlie and other Ravagers stunned, but in Blood Ship, another three were also stunned, and even their jaws were about to drop.

"With just a shout, the main ship was destroyed? Am I seeing that right, or am I dreaming?"

Rocket muttered to himself, and Groot slapped it very kindly, making it understand that it was not dreaming.


Rocket was furious, if not all weapons were confiscated, it must have given this bastard a shot.

"Black Bolt is too terrifying, isn't it?"

Gamora couldn't help but swallow her saliva. It's not that she has never seen a strong man, Thanos is a god-level strong man, but she has never seen a strong man who can destroy a spaceship with a single shout.

Tony and the others were also a little surprised. After all, it was the first time they saw Black Bolt's shout. However, they didn't talk nonsense and started to act according to plan.

Gordon entered the second main ship with superheroes like Tony, along with unmanned armors.

Lockjaw brought Skye and other Inhumans into the fourth main ship.

At the same time, the Wakandian ship along with five countries' ships, all fired energy cannons at the remaining two main ships.

"Except for the Wakandian ship, the rest are all the battleships of our Kree Empire."

Korath looked at the warships with national flags outside, and said secretly, this is true, there are no ships, no guns, and the Kree helped them build all of it.

"Teleporting directly inside the enemy's battleship? What kind of high-end fighting method is this?"

Gamora was stunned again, who said the Earth was indigenous? Stand up quickly, I promise not to kill you!

Boom, boom...

The energy cannons bombed the third and fifth main ships one after another. They were caught off guard and suffered heavy losses as they did not open the defense shield in time.

"Raise the defensive shield, release the fighters, I want them to die."

Charlie roared, he was confused and furious, who was ambushing him? Also, why couldn't he find them at all before?

Hearing Charlie's roar, the Ravagers in the third and fifth main ships immediately ran toward the warplane area at the fastest speed. As for the second and fourth warships, it was not that they did not want to obey the order, but that they had intentions. Powerlessness, their interior, was invaded.

The second main ship, Tony and others appeared out of thin air in the warehouse area with the help of Gordon. When the surrounding Ravagers saw them, they were stunned at first, and then shouted in horror: "Enemy attack, enemy attack..."

Tony shouted: "Form the position and kill all Ravagers in sight."


Everyone nodded. Dr. Banner turned into Hulk on the spot and rushed towards the surrounding Ravagers along with the Human Torch and War Abomination.

The Ravagers saw this and immediately took out their energy guns and shot at everyone.

Human Torch turned into a fireman and flew past several Ravagers, and several ravagers directly burned.

Not to be outdone, the Hulk jumped into the middle of a group of Ravagers, grabbed one of the Ravagers as a weapon, and smashed them around. After more than ten seconds, all the Ravagers were twisted to death.

War Abomination was slashing around with a big axe, and there is no one left alive under his axe.

"The Ravagers are nothing more than that.."

Tony laughed, and together with other superheroes and unmanned armors, they shot at the Ravagers who came to support them. Under their powerful firepower, a large number of Ravagers died on the spot.

The Thing used an energy shield to resist the energy attack for everyone, and asked unhappily, "Why am I the meat shield again?"

"Because you look safe!"

Dr. Reed laughed while shooting, and the Thing rolled his eyes, he accepted his fate and acted as a meat shield.