Chapter 155 : Strength

"It feels no different from the previous battle."

Electro fired the coins in front of him, and with a bang, a group of Ravagers was blown away, most of them died tragically on the spot, and the remaining few wailed on the ground.

Tony shouted: "Electro, you prioritize attacking those large weapons."


Electro nodded, and Ivan shouted: "Sissy, let's see who kills more Ravagers."

"Afraid you won't succeed?"

Tony snorted coldly, turned on the laser, and swept sideways, and more than a dozen Ravagers were cut off.

Not to be outdone, Ivan turned the two whips into energy cannons and bombarded them one after another. The Ravagers suffered heavy casualties.

The captain of the second main ship looked at the 'Slaughter' on the screen and roared: "Damn, send heavy weapons to kill them."

"Bomb them to death."

Ravagers roared. They have been in the galaxy for so many years, and they have never suffered such a big loss. They have sent high-level equipment such as power armor and small combat robots.

Superheroes sneered, Human Torch was raging. Hulk and War Abomination were invincible. Tony, Ivan, Electro, and others were powerful, whether it was power armor or small combat robots, they were all blown up by them.

The Ravagers were all beaten up, where did these guys come from, so terrifying.

The overall strength of Earth is indeed not as good as that of aliens, but the superheroes on earth, even if they get into the universe, can still be considered strong.

If it was a battleship against each other, then the superheroes had nothing to do, but in this kind of hand-to-hand combat, the superheroes were not afraid of anyone.

While Tony and the others were attracting the attention of the Ravagers, the invisible Natasha, Susan, and the Absorbing Man (touching the invisible material) were quietly sneaking toward the command room.

Natasha instructed: "Susan, after entering the command room, you close the door, and I will deal with the captain and force them to surrender."

Susan said: "No problem. Speaking of which, this is no different from a normal battle, right?"

"It's really not different, Gordon's teleportation, no matter where it is, is a magical skill."

Natasha smiled. She thought of Gamora's title of 'The Deadliest Woman in the Galaxy', and her heart burst into flames — she wanted this title!

At the same time, in the spacecraft area of ​​the fourth main ship, Lockjaw appeared out of thin air with Skye and other Inhumans.

"Enemy attack."

The Ravagers immediately shouted, and pointed their energy guns at the Inhumans.

As soon as Giella raised her hand, a dozen or so gun-wielding Ravagers flew up and slammed into the ceiling.

At the same time, the laser-eyed Inhuman took off his glasses, shook his head, and the laser swept across, and the three Ravagers were divided into two at the same time.

"So Bloody."

An Inhuman wearing glasses took it off and glared at the Ravagers. All the Ravagers he glared at fell to the ground uncontrollably - their bodies were paralyzed.

"It's good, but they won't die!"

Laser-Eyed Inhuman snorted disdainfully, and Alisha said, "Focus, we can't be slower than those superheroes."

Bubble Inhuman, while blowing bubbles, complained: "Aren't you a superhero too?"

"Yes, and I'm very popular, Blood God is planning to make a movie about me."

Alisha smiled triumphantly, raised the flame energy gun, and shot around - the source of energy was herself.

"Then you have to repay the Blood God."

Crystal raised her both hands - flames, thunder, and lightning roared out, and a large number of Ravagers died tragically.

At this time, other Ravagers came to support and also brought a lot of heavy weapons and robots.

"I wish I could be a superhero like you."

Inhuman Joey gave a wry smile and raised his hand to activate his ability against those heavy weapons and robots. In just an instant, those metal products were all melted, and the Ravagers fled in fright.

"You better forget it, Joey, it's too dangerous for you to walk down the street."

Queen Medusa smiled bitterly while controlling her hair to attack the Ravagers.

"Yeah, cars, steel bars, if you're not careful, it will cause a catastrophe. Oh, when I was awakened, hundreds of S.W.O.R.D. agents came to my house and surrounded me. I almost died of fright."

Joey pointed his finger to the steel stairs ahead, the stairs melted directly, and a group of Ravagers fell screaming.

Everyone laughed. Skye, who put her hands on the ground, said, "You are better than me. I just awakened and caused an earthquake. Okay, it's going to shake, everyone, get ready."

Everyone hurriedly grabbed the things around them. The next moment, the entire main ship shook violently, countless machines rumbled and exploded, and countless Ravagers hit the wall and fell to the ground.

At this time, the combat effectiveness of the fourth battleship was reduced by at least half.

Joey clicked his tongue: "You are indeed much more dangerous than me. I heard that you have the title of 'Earth Destroyer'?"

"For now, it's just 'Destroyer of Attilan'. Many Inhumans who have studied law are planning to claim compensation from her." Queen Medusa said with a smile, after spending more than half a year together, her relationship with Skye has improved a lot.

"Really? Please don't scare me. I'm so poor that I'm dying. Recently, I've been working part-time as a tutor at Mr. Wang's house to make money."

Skye was stunned, Medusa smiled and said, "Don't worry, they were all rejected by Black Bolt. Besides, what you call being a tutor is actually just going to play games with them, right?"

"Education is entertaining, teaching is entertaining."

Skye smiled and pointed her hand at a few Ravagers. A shock wave was sent out, and all the Ravagers exploded from the inside.

"Failed again, I actually wanted to break their hearts." Skye sighed and said, "Mr. Wang is very good. He can play table tennis with eggs. I want to be able to control my powers like him."

Alisha flew up, punched a Ravager more than three meters high, and said, "Don't you think it's too easy? We even have time to joke?"

"It's easier than expected, and aliens are nothing more than that."

Inhumans nodded, and the glassed Inhuman said: "It turns out that we are so strong, no wonder Blood God has been promoting the interstellar era, and we are fully qualified to gain a firm foothold in the universe."


Everyone agreed, and at this moment, a voice sounded in Medusa's ear: "Queen, I have brought the girl to the door of the command room."

"Very good, take her in, control the captain and turn him into a puppet." Medusa nodded and said, "Look after her, don't let her turn into a demon."

This Inhuman girl is the same girl who tried to control Tony at the beginning. She can absorb the emotions of others and control them. As for the conversation with Medusa, it was an Inhuman who can walk through walls.

"She's gotten better." Invisible Inhuman said through the wall, the Inhuman laughed, and soon, the clear voice of the little girl came from the command room: "Give your pain to me."

Let's turn our attention back to the Blood God. Under the command of Korath, the energy cannons of the Blood Ship hit the third main ship one after another. While the enemy ship counterattacked with the energy cannons, opened their hatches, and sent a large number of Ravagers.

"Destroy all their energy cannons." Korath looked disdainful.

"It looks like they have never been to an army academy or had any training." Steve couldn't help laughing. It seems that, on any planet, the regular army despises the miscellaneous army.

It is worth mentioning that Steve, Frank, and Barton have been monitoring everything silently next to Korath, and they will be in charge of commanding the battleships in the future.

Korath ordered: "Send the Fearless Legion."

Following Korath's order, the hatch of the Blood Ship was opened one after another, and a large number of fully wrapped space motorcycles flew out, rushing towards the Ravager fighters at full speed while attacking.

Gamora was stunned: "Chitauris'?"

Korath corrected: "No, this is the Blood Ship's Fearless Legion."

Rocket sneered: "This kind of small mobile ships are okay for a war inside the planet. In space war, it is no different from cannon fodder, it is too fragile."

Bert smiled: "It doesn't matter, all I want is their mobility."

"These rookies are here to die, let them do it."

Seeing the Fearless Legion, the Ravagers laughed in disdain and activated their energy guns and machine guns to shoot frantically at the Fearless Legion.

Although the legion tried their best to evade, many of them were shot and exploded in the air. The Ravagers became more excited and kept shooting.

Soon, the Fearless Legion rushed to the area of ​​the Ravager fighters. All of them glowed red and crashed into the fighters desperately. Then, they exploded and perished along with the fighters.

In just a few minutes, the Ravagers' fighter planes were empty.

"These lunatics."

Rocket and the Ravagers shouted in horror at the same time, they have never seen this kind of army, this kind of tactics.

Gamora said: "Don't be so shocked, those are just cyborgs, not real life."

"Accurately speaking, it is a biochemical clone of Extremis Soldier."

Bert said: "With the space mobile ships, the cost is about several hundred thousand dollars, which is not very valuable."

For disposable items, naturally, he won't use good materials.

While Bert was speaking, another batch of mobile ships flew out and rushed towards the Ravager fighter jets. The Ravagers were frightened and avoided one after another.

It's not that the Ravagers are cowardly, but that the other party is too cruel.

Charlie smashed the console hard, who are these guys, so powerful?

That's right, poor Charlie still doesn't know that the Earth Federation was the one who's fighting him.

Looking at the spoiled Ravager fighters being beaten outside, Gamora couldn't help but sigh: "It seems that I underestimated the strength of your Earth."

Rocket asked Bert: "Are these biochemical Extremis soldiers for sale?"

Bert pointed to the fighter plane over Wakanda and smiled at Rocket: "The technology over there is more suitable for you."

Let's turn the time back a little. By surprise, the six countries' ships attacked the fifth main ship and succeeded. The fifth main ship was about to explode.

The captain of the fifth main ship was very angry, and while fighting back, he sent a large number of Ravager fighters like the third main ship.

"I've been waiting for this for a long time, Shuri, don't let your skills fall off the chain."

Black Panther said, Shuri snorted and said, "Look at me, I am a talented girl who surpasses Tony Stark - Panther Legion attack."

"Yes, Her Highness."

A group of Wakanda warriors nodded in unison, and then put on their helmets and lay down in the operating compartment.

Immediately afterward, a large number of unmanned aircraft flew out of the ship to meet the Ravager fighters.

Panther Legion, remote control Legion, with Shuri's technology, she can guarantee there will be no delay, same as the real operation, the only problem is that the distance is too short, Shuri is conquering the quantum transmission technology, once successful, the Panther Legion will become the killer of the Earth Federation.

Soon, the Panther Legion and the Ravager fighters were facing each other. The two sides came and went, constantly firing energy attacks, and a large number of fighters were destroyed in a short period.

In general, the Panther Legion suffered greater losses. After all, the Wakanda warriors had no experience in space combat before. Fortunately, they were all remotely controlled. One fighter was destroyed and immediately connected to another to attack again.

At the same time, the other five countries also sent their special fighter planes and weapons, and the United States even dispatched unmanned combat armors and war lizards.

"Remote-controlled legions?"

Rocket heard Bert's voice and looked towards the Wakanda's ship, his eyes suddenly lit up, this is indeed more suitable for him than the biochemical Extremis soldiers.

Rocket couldn't help but ask: "How much?" Bert smiled at him.

At this time, the communicator rang: "Call the director, the superhero team has taken control of the situation, and the battle is expected to end in five minutes."

"Call the director, the Inhumans have taken control of the Captain, it is over."

Tony and Medusa's reports sounded one after another, and Tony shouted dissatisfiedly: "The Inhumans are almost done, let's speed up."

"All the best."

Bert nodded in satisfaction, Gamora's jaw would drop, this Earth Federation is too strong, right? How long did it take to get the two main ships?

No, it's three, the Ravager's first main ship was destroyed by a high-pitched sound at the very beginning. Is this still the indigenous Earth they imagined?

Steve commanded: "Korath, Black Panther, we are also speeding up the progress here, and we can't fall behind them too much."


Korath and Black Panther both nodded, Korath pressed the button, and the three Leviathan biochemical giants flew out of the battleship and charged toward the Ravager fighter ships with a large number of biochemical cannon fodder.

The Ravager fighters, who were already at a disadvantage, saw the Leviathan biochemical beast, completely collapsed, and fled back one after another.

Korath sneered: "This is the difference between the rogue army and the regular army. The rogue army can only fight against the wind. Once it is at a disadvantage, it is easy to collapse."

Although Rocket was unhappy, he had to admit that what Korath said was right, the rogue army was just a rogue army after all.

Bert reported all these battles to the headquarters of the S.W.O.R.D. Bureau on Earth, and then asked: "With the strength of Earth, it is enough to gain a firm foothold in the universe, do you really want to continue to stay on Earth and fight for a little profit?"

President Ellis added meaningfully: "The universe is big, Earth is small."