Chapter 156 : Charlie-27

Hearing the words of Blood God and President Ellis, the representatives of all the countries were silent. They looked at the battle situation on the screen and couldn't help but feel a little emotional. It turns out that our Earth is already so strong.

Bert continued: "Civilization, country, race, these are not problems. The big deal is that in the future, each country will be divided into a planet, the Earth Federation, which must be established as soon as possible, and then the world will move forward to the interstellar era together."

The representative of Russia said: "Blood God, the high-end power of Earth is indeed very powerful, but the mid-range and low-end are far from each other, right?"

Everyone nodded, the current technology of the Earth is very deformed.

Bert said: "I will help make up for it. The key is, do you have the will to enter the interstellar era? As long as you have the will, everything can be solved."

The representatives looked at each other and nodded. President Ellis said happily: "There will be a formal meeting at the UN headquarters next month for discussion."


The representatives agreed, and Bert nodded with satisfaction. Although there will be a lot of questions in the future, at least it has started.

Within five years, the Earth Federation will definitely be established.

Leaving aside these for a while, seeing the overall defeat of the Ravager fighters, Charlie gritted his teeth for a while, he knew that he was defeated, completely defeated.

Charlie couldn't help but enter the public channel and asked loudly: "Who are you?"

Steve replied solemnly: "Earth Federation Guards!"

"Earth? How is this possible?"

Charlie looked incredulous, didn't they say that people on Earth can't even get out of the planet?

The other Ravagers were also dumbfounded, knowing that the Earth was so strong, they would not dare to come.

Steve said coldly, "Ravagers, surrender, or die."

Charlie roared: "A Ravager will never surrender!"

"Really? Then why did your captain drop?"

Tony's frivolous voice came from the radio. He said: "Report, the second main ship has surrendered, and all the surviving Ravagers have surrendered."


Charlie was taken aback, just at this moment, another voice sounded: "Report, the fourth main ship is taken, and all the high-level Ravagers surrendered."

"How can this be?"

Charlie roared in anger, no wonder the second and fourth battleships have been silent, it turned out that they were invaded by Earthlings.

The question is, how did they invade?

Steve asked again: "One last time, surrender?"

"No surrender, all Ravagers, breakthrough." Charlie shouted, it was not uncommon for Ravagers to surrender, but Charlie, as a Leader, must not surrender, because he represented the face of the Ravagers.


The Ravagers heard the order and fled in all directions, and Steve immediately ordered the pursuit.

"We will escape by the fighter plane, let the main ship start the countdown for self-destruction. I want them to die."

Charlie gritted his teeth, everyone nodded, and soon, the Ravagers fled the third main ship through various fighter planes.

It is worth mentioning that Charlie's fighter jets are relatively large, in addition to himself, there are a group of ravagers such as the Winter Soldier.

Winter Soldier's eyes flickered, and he quietly activated the signal device in the metal arm. Steve received the signal and was about to let Tony and the others take action. Bert said, "Let me do it. I'm a little interested in these Ravagers."

"I'll trouble you then." Steve hesitated and asked, "Bert, can you take me with you? I haven't seen Bucky in a long time."

"Carter will be jealous if she heard what you just said."

Bert smiled, put his hand on Steve, and the next second, the two disappeared at the same time.

"Is this ability also for sale? I can buy it with all my wealth." Rocket shouted excitedly, 'this teleportation ability is really cool and useful.'

Korath glanced at Rocket and said disdainfully: "I'm sorry, you can't afford to buy it even if you go bankrupt."

'If I can't buy it, I'll steal it.'

Rocket snorted, but unfortunately, it didn't know, everything it did, Bert would already know, because, in its body, there was a drop of Bert's blood - quietly infiltrated when he fell.

Leaving aside Rocket, for the time being, Bert and Steve appeared on Charlie's fighter plane out of thin air. The Ravagers were stunned for a moment, then startled, and immediately drew their guns and shot at them.

Bert raised his hand, the blood of all the Ravagers stopped flowing, and they fell to the ground with a face full of horror.

At this moment, Charlie's heart suddenly beat violently, as if the drums of war were beating, and the sound of thump could be heard clearly even outside, and Bert's blood control technique failed immediately.

"Die." Charlie got up and roared, ready to pounce on Bert, when his feet suddenly froze and fell to the ground with a thud.

It was Winter Soldier who shot. When he saw Charlie look over, he shrugged and said, "I'm sorry, I'm from Earth."

"So it is, no wonder people on Earth know everything."

Charlie smashed the ice with a reflexive punch, then got up and charged toward the Winter Soldier like a ferocious monster.

Even in death, he would kill this traitor.

Bert waved, and Charlie disappeared immediately. Then, he said to Winter Soldier and Steve, "I won't disturb you two in-laws. By the way, don't kill the Ravagers on the ground. They're still useful."

"Get out."

Steve laughed and scolded, but Winter Soldier was a little cautious. He said, "Blood God, be careful, that Charlie is very strong, probably only a little worse than the Hulk."

"You should be talking about the Hulk a year ago. The Hulk now is much stronger."

Bert smiled and disappeared. Steve walked over to the Winter Soldier, hammered his chest, and said with a smile, "How's it going, how many alien beauties have you soaked in?"

Winter Soldier laughed: "I think it should be three digits."

"You have such a good appetite."

Steve laughed, the two old friends who reunited after a long absence chatted happily,

In mirror space, Bert enjoyed the battle below while eating popcorn - Elektra vs Charlie.

Elektra has been hiding in the shadow of Bert, and Bert will take her with him when he teleports.

Charlie is very strong. After he activated his ability, he can break a hill with one punch. Unfortunately, Elektra is stronger than him!

He saw Elektra flickering around Charlie like a ghost, and the sword in her hand slashed again, leaving a wound on Charlie every time.

Charlie was furious and kept roaring, but no matter how he attacked, he couldn't hit Elektra and became a complete target.

"The soul of the extraordinary dragon has improved Elektra's strength a lot." Bert nodded with satisfaction, as he know, Elektra hasn't transformed yet.

At this moment, Charlie found Bert, he directly abandoned Elektra, and rushed over like a giant beast.

Elektra was about to give Charlie a fatal blow from behind when Bert put down the popcorn and said, "No, he's still useful for me, so keep him alive."

"Yes, Blood God."

Elektra withdrew, and Bert stretched out his hand, and the blood on Charlie's body gushed out from his wound, turning into a blood ball in the air.

Although Charlie was hit hard, he didn't fall. Instead, his aura became stronger. He roared and rushed forward desperately, fully explaining what a Berserker is.

Bert pushed his hand, and the space in front of Charlie quickly retreated. No matter how much he ran, he couldn't get close to Bert and even got further and further away, which made Charlie almost explode with anger.

Bert opened his mouth, and the blood in the sky turned into a drop of blood and flew into his mouth, he closed his eyes to analyze for a while, and a drop of blood popped out toward Charlie.

Seeing the blood flying, Charlie instinctively wanted to avoid it, but the blood suddenly disappeared, and when it reappeared, it dripped onto his forehead and quickly penetrated his skin.

"No matter what method you use, I will not surrender."

Charlie stopped and roared angrily. The next moment, he suddenly felt a long-lost consummation and almost burst into tears.

Charlie got down on his knees and shouted: "I finally found you, I've been looking for so long, I finally found you."

"The feelings are a little rich." Bert blinked and said, "Get up."

Charlie stood up and said respectfully, "Thank you, Master."

Although it's not the first time she has seen such a scene, Elektra still felt it was amazing.

It is not difficult to kill a person, but it is much more difficult to get the other party to surrender sincerely, and Blood God can do it with a drop of blood.

Bert asked: "I want to control the Ravager Alliance, is it difficult?"

Charlie replied: "It's very difficult because the Starhawk will stop you."

Bert asked: "Starhawk? It seems that there is no such person among the five leaders, right?"

"When Stakar and Aleta merge they become the Starhawk." Charlie said: "He is very powerful, can manipulate photon energy, and is a real master."

"Master?" Bert narrowed his eyes, thought about it and asked Charlie to project the appearance of Stakar and Aleta.

Charlie did as he told. Bert looked at the two familiar faces, and was a little speechless - Sylvester Stallone and Michelle Yeoh, the two from "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2".

'It turns out that these two cameo roles are so good.' Bert said: "Well, you and Fury join forces to expand your strength first, and the matter of the Ravager Alliance will be discussed later."

Charlie nodded: "Yes, Master."

Bert thought of something and explained: "Uh, you are working with Fury. Don't let him take care of logistics. That guy is a super corrupt criminal."

Charlie was puzzled: "Corruption? He did a good job. Many people praised him."

"That is why he's scary. He will sell you and make you count the money for him." Bert said: "Okay, wait a minute, I will turn those Ravagers outside into my own."

Charlie said sincerely: "It's their honor."

Bert waved and took Charlie back to the fighter plane. Bucky and Steve were still chatting hotly. Seeing Charlie coming out, both of them were a little wary.

"Don't worry!"

Bert made a move, and a drop of blood flew out from the Ravagers. After he swallowed it, he returned a drop of blood to the Ravagers.

"Steve, we should go back."

After doing this, Bert said, "Bucky, tell Fury that Charlie is my subordinate, and also, tell him not to be greedy for Charlie's money because Charlie's money is my money."

"It's useless to say, that guy's obsession with corruption is carved into his bones."

Bucky shrugged and asked, "You really have Charlie under control?"

Charlie said frantically: "Master is everything to me."

"It seems to be completely under control." Bucky sighed: "Blood God, you are getting more and more terrifying."

"It should be said, getting stronger and stronger." Bert smiled slightly, opened the portal, and walked in with Steve.

Charlie respectfully watched Bert leave. Then, he woke the Ravagers and said, "Continue to escape. After returning, we will work hard to strengthen the pirate group for the master."

"Everything is for the master."

The Ravagers shouted frantically, and the Winter Soldier was dumbfounded, Blood God was more than scary, it is frightening.

In Blood Ship, Bert asked Steve to finish, while he stood in front of the window and watched the battle outside.

"I finally understand why Thanos is so worried about the Earth. You are progressing too fast."

Gamora walked to Bert and sighed: "The plan of Thanos was made a year ago. At that time, you were not the opponents of the Ravagers. As a result, in just one year, the Ravagers were beaten by you."

After a pause, Gamora said: "If this goes on like this, Thanos really can only destroy the Earth."

"With me here, he can't destroy it." Bert said: "Gamora, what are your plans next?"

"Thanos asked me to assist Ronan." Gamora hesitated and said, "They seem to have discovered another Infinity Stone."

'Power Stone?' Bert's eyes flickered slightly, and he asked, "Will Thanos find out about your tipping off?"

"No, I'm prepared, as long as I go back on time, no one will find anything." Gamora said solemnly: "Blood God, please keep the Space Stone safe, it is related to the life and death of half of the life in the universe."

Bert smiled confidently: "Don't worry, no one can take the Space stone from me unless I die."

"I was not at all relieved before I met you, but now, I am very relieved." Gamora nodded and said, "Blood God, I'm leaving, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"I'm also very happy to meet you, but don't rush away, I want to know more about Thanos."

Bert laughed, Gamora is a good woman, she does things quickly and without any hesitation, but unfortunately, her skin is green.

Bert found that he didn't seem to have the same appetite as Star-Lord and Tony - in the comics, Tony had an affair with Gamora.

"I will tell you all the information about Thanos."

Gamora nodded and told Bert all the information she knew one by one. Bert carefully listened, as he knew that the world's tyrant must be stronger than in the movie.

At the same time as Gamora introduced Thanos, the battle was coming to an end, and there was no doubt that the Earth Federation won a significant victory.

Destroyed two main ships and captured three main ships - two intact and one broken.

At the same time, countless Ravagers were annihilated and captured, and only a few Ravagers escaped under the leadership of Charlie.

Looking at the debris and corpses in space, Steve took a deep breath and shouted, "We won."

The communication channel resounded with cheers from everyone: "Long live the Earth Federation!"

Bert smiled and said: "Quickly clean up the battlefield, maybe other Ravagers and bounty hunters will come. During this time, we can't be careless."


Steve nodded. At this time, he seemed to have received several secret communications, smiled bitterly, and asked Bert, "Bert, how should the spoils be distributed?"

"This time I didn't make any move, so the spoils will be all yours." Bert smiled and said, as he had already got the best trophy, and that was Charlie's power.

In time, the entire League of Ravagers will be his.

"If you don't want it, there will be some wrangling." Steve smiled bitterly and said, "Three main ships, a lot of fighters, those countries will break their heads."

"Then let them grab it, it's none of my business anyway."

Bert laughed, Gamora couldn't help but glance at Bert, this Blood God seems to be a little unscrupulous.


In the comics, After Stakar Ogord(Sylvester Stallone) and his adopted sister and wife Aleta Ogord(Michelle Yeoh) had been merged by the power of the Hawk God, they became the superpowered hero Starhawk, and eventually, they joined the Guardians of the Galaxy.
