Chapter 157 : Xandar

At the edge of the solar system, Rocket and the party had already left. At the same time, the battlefield is cleaned up. However, the battle for the spoils is not over yet. Earth is about to have another fight.

A complete main ship, which country doesn't want?

"Compared to my Blood Ship, those main ships are rubbish."

Bert shook his head, sensed his projection on Kamar-Taj, and asked, "Is there any discovery over there in London?"

The projection replied: "No, it should be because the time has not yet come."

Bert asked again: "When will the Convergence begin?"

"I can't tell exactly what day it will be, but it will be about two and a half months later, in June." The projection said: "If you want to go to Xandar, just go, you can come back at any time anyway, and I will help you watch over."

"I don't want ravagers and bounty hunters to get involved in the Convergence thing." Bert said: "Two and a half months should be enough time, you should keep an eye on it."

Projection nodded: "Okay."

After contacting the projection, Bert called Tony and Steve over and said, "There is a very powerful planet in the galaxy called Xandar, and I plan to go there with the space stone."

Tony was puzzled: "The ravagers have been defeated by us, why are you leaving?"

"On the one hand, it's to avoid a steady stream of trouble." Bert said: "On the other hand, it's for business,"

Tony and Steve were stunned: "Doing business?"

"Yes, business, I want to make enough money to buy the low- and medium-level technologies that the Earth lacks." Bert nodded and said, "In this way, Earth can enter the interstellar age at the fastest speed."

Tony and Steve's eyes lit up, and Tony said, "Bert, I have to say, you are a genius, but what have you planned about business? Aliens don't like the things from our Earth, right?"

"Don't worry, I have already thought of a profitable business." Bert continued: "In short, I'll leave first, you guys keep an eye on the edge of the solar system, and when there are fewer ravagers, you will transfer most of your troops back to Earth. If nothing else happens, the Convergence will start in June."

"No wonder you're in such a hurry to settle this, Bert." Tony suddenly realized, he said: "No problem, we have enough strength to take care of both sides after capturing so much loot."

Steve sighed: "Don't mention the spoils, Coulson lost most of his hair to distribute those spoils."

"Aren't you embarrassed to say that, isn't that your job?" Tony complained.

Bert smiled, and said, "By the way, I want to take the Blood Ship to do business, but I can't go alone, It has to be imposing."

"Of course."

Tony agreed with it, he thought about it, and said, "How about letting some countries and major companies send some professionals to go with you? On the one hand, it can enhance the style, on the other hand, to better understand the universe."

Bert said: "Yes, but I only want beautiful women, and they can't be too old."

"Damn it." Tony and Steve cursed at the same time, you actually want to take the opportunity to pick up girls!


The starport of Xandar is the most prosperous in the Galaxy. There are a large number of spaceships coming and going every day. However, on this day, the starport was under martial law, and a large number of shuttle fighters surrounded the main fleet hundreds of meters long.

Inside the main ship, Bert was sitting in the command room, with a row of human beauties behind him, and opposite to him, on the screen was Lindy, A Xandarian of the Nova Corps.

"This spaceship is the Kree spaceship, not the Earth spaceship you registered."

Wearing a Nova uniform and looking like a human, Lindy, the Xandarian who looked quite arrogant, asked Bert: "As far as I know, the people on Earth cannot manufacture spaceships."

"Your correct, Xandarian."

Bert nodded first, and then said, "Earthlings can't make spaceships, but they can capture spaceships. This is the spaceship I grabbed from the Pursuer, Korath."

"You defeated, Korath the pursuer?" Lindy sneered: "You know, I fought against him, and the result was a draw."

"He doesn't know because I haven't told him yet." Korath walked out and said, "Xandarian Lindy, this is my master, Blood God Bert from Earth."

"Korath!" Lindy was amazed: "Aren't you a follower of Ronan?"

"Ronan is not worthy." Korath said frantically: "Blood God is my master."

"Korath, you are a wanted criminal, how do I know if you are acting?" Lindy said coldly, "I don't believe that an Earthling is qualified to be your master."

"First of all, he's not a wanted criminal." Bert said: "According to the truce agreement between your Nova Corps and the Kree Empire, all previous wars will be ignored, so he is not a wanted criminal."

Korath added: "Yes, I am innocent."

"We didn't pardon Ronan, he is a war lunatic," Lindy said.

Bert said: "Korath is no longer Ronan's man."

Lindy naturally wouldn't believe it easily, she said, "This needs to be investigated."

"You can check slowly." Bert smiled and then said: "Secondly, the people on Earth are not as weak as you think. I can not only subdue Korath but I can also follow the network signal to your office."

Lindy snorted coldly: "If you have the ability, then I welcome you to my office as a guest."

"Then it's better to be respectful than to obey."

Bert smiled slightly and appeared directly in Lindy's office, and then both of them were stunned.

Bert looked at the table full of snacks and the pair of feet without shoes, couldn't help but touch his nose. Lindy's proud image instantly collapsed in his heart.

Lindy was stunned for a moment, then turned off the communication in shame and then put on her shoes as quickly as possible. Then, she said with a straight face: "In an office where there are no outsiders, it's normal not to wear shoes, isn't it?"

Bert nodded and said, "Yes."

Lindy asked again: "It's normal to have some snacks in the office to satisfy your hunger while doing heavy work, right?"

Bert nodded again: "That's right, except for being a little sloppy, everything else is fine."

"In the case of an unknown person who broke into my office rashly, I should kill him on the spot, which is also normal, right?" Lindy asked again, her eyes rather dangerous.

Bert sat on the sofa, waved a bag of snacks, and said with a smile, "Yes, the problem is, I didn't break in rashly, I was invited by you."

Lindy was speechless because she really invited him, she snorted coldly, "Who allowed you to eat my snacks?"

"I allowed it." Bert smiled, and before Lindy could get angry, he asked, "Do you want to know why I can suddenly appear here?"

Lindy was immediately distracted: "Why?"

Bert said, "Because the space stone is on me."

Lindy stood up abruptly and asked in shock, "Is that rumor true? Is the space stone really on Earth?"

Bert said: "Yes, the space stone was indeed on Earth before."

"Before?" Lindy glanced at Bert and asked, "Do you want to contribute the space stone to our Nova Corps? Or do you want to transfer the disaster to Xandar?"

"Earth can protect the space stone, and it does not need to be contributed to anyone." Bert said: "In addition, I came to Xandar to do business, not to divert any misfortune."

Lindy sneered: "As far as I know, you people on Earth can't even get out of the planet."

Bert released a holographic projection and said, "When the ravagers came, they had the same idea as you, and then they all turned into corpses."

Looking at the wreckage of the main ship in the holographic projection, Lindy asked incredulously, "You defeated the Ravagers?"

"Yes, destroyed two ships and captured three ships." Bert nodded, swallowed the pastry-like snack, and said, "Xandarian Lindy, I'm here to do business, there is no malice, I will solve the trouble of the space stone myself."

Lindy was silent for a moment and asked, "What business are you going to do in Xandar?"

"Express delivery business." Bert smiled and said, "Earth Express."

"Express delivery business?"

Lindy made a face like 'are you making fun of me', a group of Earthlings, coming to Xandar for express delivery?

Lindy said, "I'm sorry, but we use drones to deliver couriers in Xandar."

"I meant a cross-planet express."

Bert drew a portal with one hand, and the opposite was his warehouse. He took out a box of top-quality chocolates from it and said, "This is our Earth's specialty chocolate, you can try it."

Lindy asked in shock: "Chocolate, a specialty of the Earth? Don't tell me, the opposite of that is Earth?"

"Yes, it is Earth, my hometown." Bert closed the portal and said with a smile: "As long as I have been to a certain place, I can open the portal to that place, even if it is a cross-planet, it is no problem, Xandarian, what do you think of my business? Is there a future?"

"This business will make you the richest man in Xandar." Lindy said: "The premise is that you can keep the space stone on your body."

Bert smiled and said plainly but confidently: "Of course, I can keep it, not to mention the mere ravagers, even if your Nova Corps wants to snatch it, I can still keep it."

Lindy looked at Bert without speaking, Bert looked at her without giving up, and after a while, Lindy said: "I will open a pass for you, your safety in Xandar will be guaranteed by Nova Corps, but when you leave Xandar, you are responsible for everything."

"No problem, by the way, are there any preferential policies?" Bert smiled and said, "My Earth Express will soon become your Xandar's leading company and a big taxpayer."

"Let's see if you live until then, then we'll talk about it" Lindy snorted coldly and said, "Okay, this gentleman, you can leave now."

Bert stood up and asked, "The last question, can I invite you to dinner?"

"Take me out to eat?" Lindy was stunned, and then said: "Wait..."

"Wait until I survive, no problem, I'll wait for you at the restaurant." Bert nodded and said, "By the way, your shoes are on the wrong foot."

Lindy became angry, grabbed a package of snacks, and threw it at Bert. After Bert caught it, he smiled at her and disappeared instantly.


Lindy gritted her teeth, and after a while, she reacted with a look of astonishment, when did she agree to eat with him?


On Blood Ship, Bert who just returned said to Korath: "Korath, go through the formalities."

"Yes, Blood God."

Korath nodded and took a few people to go through the formalities. Bert thought for a while and said to Crystal: "Crystal, you take a group of people with the identity certificate opened by Nova Corps to go to the major planets."

Crystal puzzled: "Go shopping?"

"Yes, I will lodge blood on you. If you have been there, it means that I have been there."

Bert said: "You rent a warehouse on those planets, the area should be large, and all the express delivery will be sent to those warehouses in the future."

Crystal nodded: "I understand, we will set off as soon as we get the identification."

"Be careful, if something happens, call the Blood Ship directly for help, and I'll come over to help right away." Bert said.

Crystal gratefully said: "Thank you Blood God."

After finalizing this matter, Bert picked up the communicator and contacted Lilith: "Have you purchased the copyright of the movies, I wanted you to buy?"

"I've got about 50% of the classic movie rights." Lilith said, "I'm dealing with the rest, so it shouldn't be a problem."

Bert was a little surprised: "So fast?"

"I bought several of those companies." Lilith said blankly: "It's a pity that there is an anti-monopoly law, otherwise I would've bought it all."

Bert nodded with satisfaction: "Well done."

Lilith asked, "Blood God, are you going to show these classic movies to aliens?"

"Well, let them know the information about the Earth and prepare for the future interstellar age." Bert smiled and said, "Maybe I can make a little money. Of course, it's not that simple. Many movies have to be remade."

Lilith asked, "Then you can take the opportunity to pick up girls, right?"

Bert asked angrily, "Am I that kind of person?"


Lilith answered with great certainty, and Bert laughed: "You know me very well, remember to find some directors for me."

Lilith nodded: "Okay."

'I wonder if Earth's movies will sell well in Xandar?' Bert thought to himself.


"Hello, we are Earth Express, if you need anything, please come to us."

In the capital of Xandar, a group of Earthly models wearing miniskirts distributed flyers to passers-by. The people of Xandar were very surprised. Do people still use such a backward advertising method these days?

"Express? Let me see."

A Xandar man took the flyer and glanced at it, almost scared to death: "Send a courier with 500,000 Units to start? Why don't you go rob it? Half a million is enough to buy a small spaceship."

"Our boss said that robbery does not make more money than express delivery." A model from the Earth said with a smile: "Sir, our Earth express can guarantee delivery across planets within ten seconds."

The Xandars sneered: "Delivery across planets in ten seconds? How is that possible? You guys are falsely advertising. I want to expose you to Nova Corps."

"It's possible because our boss has space stone... Don't you know what a space stone is? It's okay, I'll give you a detailed introduction."

After listening to the detailed introduction of the beauty of Earth, the Xandar man was stunned. He shook his head and said, "Even if it is true, I can't afford it."

Model answered: "It doesn't matter, I believe that you will be able to send it in the future."

"The service attitude is really good." The Xandar man sighed and then left without looking back.

The model didn't care, she said so much was just to promote the space stone, as for the real customers of Earth Express, those are rich people, big companies, and the military.