Chapter 158 : Set up

"The space stone is in Xandar, is it true or not?"

In the main ship of the Thunder Pirates, the Thunder captain who was planning to go to Earth asked in astonishment, "Didn't you say it was on Earth?"

"Boss, you are out of date, all the advertisements have been published, and the whole galaxy knows about it."

The adjutant opened a tablet, and an earth beauty appeared on it, and said in the language of Xandar: "Earth express, delivery across planets within ten seconds..."

Thunder was stunned: "Which genius came up with the idea of ​​using space stone to deliver couriers? Is space stones used like this?"

"One delivery starts at 500,000 units, which is much faster than what we can earn from robbery."

One of his subordinates sighed, and everyone nodded: "It is indeed faster than a robbery, 500,000 in ten seconds, how much can you earn that day? I'm afraid it will only take a few years to become the richest man in Xandar, right?"

Someone shouted to Thunder: "Boss after we grab the space stone, can we also deliver couriers?"

"Can it be a bit promising? Although it is indeed very profitable to express delivery, although this can make me the richest man... um, the richest man?"

Thunder gritted his teeth and said, "Change the course, let's go to Xandar to grab the space stone, and then deliver couriers."

The ravagers cheered: "Grab the stones and deliver couriers."

The adjutant hurriedly said: "Boss, calm down, be calm, we can't beat Nova Corps."

"That's true."

Thunder frowned, thought for a while, and said, "Collect the money and let the earth express deliver something to Rainbow Star. Then, we will kill the earthman who delivered the express and grab the space stone."

The Ravagers cheered again: "Good idea, long live the boss."


"Is he not afraid of death?"

Lindy frowned as she looked at the advertisement. With such a high profile, not only would the ravagers attack him, but Xandar's executives would also have some idea.

It's a dead end.

Lindy's adjutant whispered, "Xandarian, instead of taking advantage of those ravagers..."

What are you talking about? How could we Nova Corps do such a thing?"

Lindy drank, then said, "Keep an eye on him, if his space stone is stolen, we will immediately help him get it back."

The adjutant was stunned: "Help him get it back?"

"Then forcefully buy the space stone on the grounds that he could not protect it." Lindy said, "I will apply to Nova Supreme for one billion as a purchase fee."

"The Xandarian is wise."

The adjutant said with admiration, in this way they could get the space stone without damaging the reputation of Nova Corps.

"After all, it came from a small place, just like the nouveau richer." Lindy shook her head, it seems that she has no chance to have dinner with him.

Lindy asked again: "By the way, what else did that Earthman do besides deliver couriers?"

"Go shopping with a beautiful woman." The adjutant said, "Besides, the women he goes out with are different every time."


Lindy gritted her teeth, she didn't expect this kind of person, 'you deserved your space gem being taken away.'

Lindy sighed secretly: "It's a pity, those chocolates are delicious."


At the door of Earth Express, the adjutant of the Ravager angrily shouted at the staff, "Didn't you say 500,000? Why did it become 800,000?"

"500,000 is the minimum price. You want to send it to Rainbow Star, and you also set a time, so you must add money."

The staff said with a smile on his face: "Sir, if you want to send express, please place an order as soon as possible, we will increase the price soon, 800,000 is actually the price during the preferential period." The adjutant scolded: "What's the difference between this and robbing?"

The staff said: "Yes, this is more efficient and faster than robbing money, and there is no risk at all."

The adjutant was so angry that he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, 800,000 is 800,000, I'll send it."

The staff said: "A wise choice, please come here to complete the formalities."

The adjutant snorted and followed the staff into the shop. His eyes were full of greed. In a few days, the space stone would belong to us. At that time, he would also earn 800,000 units from one order.

"That person seems to be the adjutant of the Crazy Thunder Pirates!"

Outside the express delivery point, a passerby pretending to be watching the news flashed his eyes and thought to himself, "It seems that the Crazy Thunder Pirates are ready to attack, we must notify the head of the group immediately."

In addition to this passerby, there are several spies around, there is no way, they are going to give up on the stone - ravagers, bounty hunters, and even some forces of Xandar, all have the idea of ​​space stone.

Although these spies didn't know the adjutant, they all noticed that there was something wrong with the adjutant. Unlike some good people, they secretly took his photo and sent it back to the headquarters.

As a result, the plans of the Crazy Thunder Pirates were known one after another.

"Crazy Thunder Pirates?"

Bert, who was shopping, also received the news. He said coldly, "Spread this news through the channels of the dark world. I want to watch a good show."

"Yes, Master."

The person who notified him said respectfully — he was the leader of a gang in Xandar and wanted to blackmail Bert, but he was controlled by Bert.

Even a highly secured planet like Xandar still has a dark side.

After explaining this matter, Bert hugged the beauty and continued shopping. He instructed the beauty, "Don't be too ambitious, try to buy basic technology, and lay a solid foundation first."

"Thank you, Mr. Wang." She said respectfully, "It will cost you money."

"It's okay, money is easy to come by anyway, spent a few million and get it."

Bert smiled indifferently, he is not picking up girls these days, but buying technology for various countries. The promise he made will definitely be fulfilled.

"Mr. Wang, you are really amazing." These millions are not the currency of the earth, but the universal currency of the universe.

"There's no way, I'm a man born with great destiny."

Bert hugged the beauty and laughed, and the beauty was leaning against Bert's arms.

"Tomorrow, Rainbow Star?"

Lindy also got the news, and she immediately said to the adjutant: "Go to Rainbow Star to set up an ambush immediately, and you will lead the team yourself. In addition, try to save the life of that earthman, lest others say that we kill people and steal treasures."


The adjutant nodded, but he was very disapproving of it. It would be better for the upstart Earthman to die, and it would save a lot of money.

The next day, Lindy was waiting for news from Rainbow Star, but unexpectedly received news that Bert was visiting.

Lindy asked, "The richest man in the future, why is he so free today?"

Bert put a box of chocolates on the table and said straight to the point: "I'm here today mainly to show you a good show. By the way, let you know that although I am rich, I am not a nouveau riche."

Lindy frowned and asked suspiciously, "What do you mean?"

Bert didn't say much, he drew a circle with one hand, the circle flashed with light, and the picture of the rainbow star appeared like a TV.

In the Rainbow Star Warehouse, members of the Crazy Thunder Pirates asked the holographic projection of the courier staff on Earth: "Why hasn't the courier arrived yet?"

The staff replied: "Because the time has not yet come, our boss likes to be on time. After all, he adds hundreds of thousands of units per second."

"Dead tyrant."

The members gritted their teeth secretly and waited for him for a while, anyway, he will be dead soon.

Lindy walked to Bert, looked at the aperture, and asked in astonishment, "Did you know they set up an ambush in Rainbow Star?"

"Of course I know, Xandarian, the ambush on the Rainbow Star is much more than you think."

Bert controlled the magic mirror to look outside, and soon discovered more than a dozen hidden forces - they all had invisible devices, but they couldn't hide from magic.

"So many?"

Lindy shouted incredulously, she thought there was only the Crazy Thunder Pirates.

Bert said: "The ravagers, bounty hunters, some of your forces from Xandar, plus the Nova Corps, today's Rainbow Star, will be very lively."

Lindy said, "Mr. Wang, Nova Corps is there to help you."

"I know, so I came to visit you with a present." Bert looked at Lindy with a smile on his face, Lindy felt that he had seen through her.

'I have a clear conscience.' Lindy snorted and asked, "What are you going to do with these guys? Nova Corps can cooperate with you."

Bert shook his head and said, "No, you let them stay outside and don't let others approach."

Lindy looked at Bert and said, "I know you must have arranged, but don't underestimate them, ravagers and bounty hunters are not easy to match."

"Xandarian Lindy, don't underestimate me."

Bert smiled, Lindy wanted to say something, in the aperture, the portal appeared out of thin air, getting bigger and bigger.

"Apart from you, who else can use the portal?"

Lindy was stunned, and at the same time hurriedly contacted the adjutant, telling them not to do anything and act on the spot.

"Perhaps." Bert didn't say much and watched the big play quietly.

In the Rainbow Star warehouse, another Bert came out. He handed the package to the other party and said, "Welcome to our Earth Express, we look forward to your next visit."

"There is no next time, you can stay with me."

The members of the Crazy Thunder Pirates gave a grim smile and threw two triangular gravitational devices at Bert's feet. A gravitational field appeared out of nowhere, and Bert was trapped in place.

Immediately afterward, dozens of pirates appeared around, and at the same time, they shot at Bert. Before Bert had time to say anything, he was bombed to pieces, and there was only a radiant stone floating in place.

At the same time, the portal behind Bert disappeared.

"Don't you think it's a bit fake? Also, how can the space stone be so bright? Is it a light bulb?" Lindy complained, and Bert smiled and said, "On Earth, there is an idiom called lust for profit."

"Space stone?"

In the warehouse, the breathing of all the pirates became rapid, and they stared at the space stone, eager to grab it in their hands immediately.

This stone is worth the wealthiest man.

"Guard your surroundings."

The captain shouted and rushed towards the space stone impatiently. Although the pirates were unwilling, they did not dare to do much. The captain was not a good person.

"The stone is mine now."

Captain excitedly grabbed the space stone. At this moment, the guards outside suddenly screamed. Then, a large number of energy attacks came from outside the warehouse. The pirates were caught off guard and suffered heavy losses.


Captain Thunder scolded, grabbed the space stone, and wanted to teleport it out. But the space stone didn't respond at all.

"How does this thing work?"

Captain was a little mad. As he ran towards the robot, he shouted, "Counterattack, as long as we get the space stone, we can do whatever we want in the future."

"Sorry, that's not your space stone, it's mine."

With this sound, the warehouse door was blasted open, and a tall figure walked in, which was an exoskeleton war mech.

Captain Thunder hid behind the robot and asked angrily, "Black Fox Pirates? Do you want to rob me?"

Captain Black Fox smiled disdainfully, and raised his gun to shoot wildly at Captain Thunder. At the same time, the members of the Black Fox Pirates rushed in and fought fiercely with the Crazy Thunder.

The Crazy Thunder Pirates quickly fell behind because of the losses before. Captain Black Fox was complacent when a large number of missiles and explosives were suddenly fired from outside.

The two groups of people were startled at the same time and hurriedly fled. The next moment, the warehouse rumbled violently and exploded. The sky shook, and there were flames, air waves, and black smoke everywhere.

When the black smoke cleared, the warehouse was razed to the ground, and a large number of ravagers died tragically. Only Captain Thunder and Captain Black Fox escaped.

"Who was it?"

Captain Black Fox opened his tattered mecha and shouted angrily, the next moment, an energy ray fell from the sky, Captain Black Fox widened his eyes and fell to the ground.

Captain Kuanglei got up and looked around, feeling extremely hopeless — there were people all around, and there were more than a dozen armed spaceships floating in the sky.

These people are not the same force, they are very vigilant against each other, and their expressions are also very puzzled, why are there so many people?

"I didn't expect that my Crazy Thunder Pirates would be delisted today. Don't you want space stones? Here you go!"

Captain Thunder laughed miserably and threw the space stone, which had been regarded as a treasure, into the sky, and the flying troops of all forces rushed over immediately.

At the same time, the forces of all parties shot at other troops at the same time, and a big melee of thousands of people broke out.

The adjutant was stunned: "Xandarian, what's the situation?"

"Let them fight." Lindy snorted coldly, and she asked Bert, "Where are your people?"

"You'll know in a while." Bert said: "Now, sit down and watch the play together. "


Lindy hesitated but did not refuse. She sat next to Bert and watched the battle together. She asked, "This surveillance technique is also the ability of the space stone?"

Bert shook his head: "No, this is magic."

"How can there be magic in this world?" Lindy sneered — the smart translator automatically translated magic into the mysterious power that Xandar had ever seen.

"Just because you haven't seen magic doesn't mean it doesn't exist."

Bert raised Lindy's hand in the air and swept it lightly. Lindy's hand had a heart-shaped mark, and he said, "Within three days if you can wash off this magic mark, I will donate 100 million units to your Nova Corps ."