Chapter 159 : Meeting

"Magic Imprint?"

Lindy looked contemptuous when she heard the words, and she said, "I don't know what kind of technology you have, but with Nova Corps' technology, it's easier to erase this. Just wait and prepare the 100 million units to donate."

"If you fail." Bert said: "How about you accompany me for seven days?"

"Seven days with you?"

Lindy frowned, and then sneered: "You are proud to use 100 million units to pick up girls."

Bert smiled and said, "In my heart, you are not comparable to a mere 100 million."

"You should keep that words for other women." Lindy snorted coldly on the surface.

Bert said: "I will only say this to a woman who doesn't like to wear shoes."

"What did you say?"

Lindy was embarrassed and angry, Bert laughed, opened the box, took out the chocolates and handed it to Lindy, and said, "Okay, this big show, it's time to end."

Lindy took the chocolate and asked in amazement, "You don't plan to make a move now? Anyone with a brain knows that we should let them finish fighting before fighting."

"That way, the deterrent effect will not be enough."

Bert snapped his fingers, and the 'Space Stone' that the Ravagers were fighting for suddenly turned red, reflecting the surroundings full of blood.

The Ravagers were stunned, what's the situation?

At this moment, the 'Space Stone' suddenly shot out countless blood-colored threads as thin as hair. Although these threads are thin, their powers were terrifying. Whether they are Ravagers, mechas, or even spaceships in the sky, they are all destroyed. Shot through.

That's right, all of them were shot through by the blood-colored threads, and then, their bodies began to shrivel, which was the thread sucking blood.

"How can this be?"

Lindy's mouth was wide open, with a look of disbelief, and her adjutant was also stunned.

In an instant, thousands of villains and a dozen spaceships were all eliminated.

Bert did not kill these people. He controlled the power of the threads, and the 'Space Stone' gradually returned to its original state, which was a human little finger.


Lindy thought of something, looked at Bert's hand, and found that Bert's left hand was missing a little finger.

Lindy swallowed and asked, "Is that your finger?"

"Congratulations, you're right."

Bert raised his left hand and teleported his little finger back. Immediately afterward, a flash of blood flashed, and his palm returned to its original state.

Lindy looked at Bert in disbelief. No wonder he has always been so high-profile. It turns out that he is qualified to be high-profile.

Lindy couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Wang, how strong are you?"

Bert smiled: "I already told you when we first met."

"When we first met?" Lindy was stunned for a moment, then reacted and asked in shock, "Can you really fight against the Nova Corps?"

"At the very least, you can't take away my Space Stone." Bert stood up and said: "Okay, let your people clean up the battlefield, three days later, I will come to invite you to dinner, in addition, please help me to arrange an appointment with Irani Rael, I want to talk to her about Xandar's preferential policies. "


Lindy nodded subconsciously, and waited until Bert left before she realized that she was not his secretary, so why should she help him?

"That bastard."

Lindy gritted her teeth, thought for a while, and went to the desk to contact Irani Rael — this matter must be reported to Irani Rael.

Three days later, Bert officially met with Irani Rael. She welcomed Bert personally. She not only specially approved many preferential policies for him but also placed a large number of express orders.

Space Stone is too advantageous in transporting troops.

At the same time, the ambush battle three days ago spread all over the galaxy, and everyone knows that the person from Earth, who has the Space Stone, can become the richest man in Xandar within a few years is very powerful.

He is qualified to own the Space Stone.

Earth Express, officially established a firm foothold in Xandar.

A month later, Taneleer Tivan, the Collector who knows no realm, placed an order on Earth Express. Bert knew this was an invitation from the other party and readily agreed.

Thanos' lair, Sanctuary II.

Thanos asked displeasedly: "That is to say, my plan has failed?"


Ebony Maw, a member of the Black Order, said respectfully, "Blood God is too powerful, and the Ravagers no longer dare to take action. Even if there are those who are not afraid of death, they will only go to Xandar, not Earth."

"Blood God is growing too fast." Thanos sighed: "He had no such strength a year ago."

Ebony said: "Great Thanos, we should get rid of the Blood God as soon as possible, right now Ronan wants to attack Xandar, I think we can help him."

"It's not yet time for me to meet him."

Thanos shook his head. At this moment, he seemed to hear something, turned his head, and asked, "The dark elves are about to wake up? Will the Reality Stone appear?"

Seeing Thanos talking to the air around him, all the people below lowered their heads. In fact, talking to the air is nothing. Thanos occasionally makes some unbearable movements against the air.

It's just air, Ebony Maw and the others have secretly checked it many times, and there is no one around Thanos at all.

"I understand."

Thanos stopped after talking for a long time, he thought for a while and said to Ebony: "Maw, the dark elves are about to wake up, you go to them, help them attack Earth, and destroy superheroes.

In addition, the Reality Stone will appear on the Dark Elves' side. When it's done, bring the Reality Stone back to me. "

"Yes, Great Thanos." Ebony said: "I will never let you down."

"Great Thanos, Chitauris will also join the fight."

The leader of the Chitauri hurriedly stepped forward to fight - only some of the Chitauris' attacked Earth before.

Thanos waved his hand and said: "Go, if you fail again this time, don't come back."

"Yes, Great Thanos."

Ebony and the Chitauri resigned at the same time with respectful looks on their faces. Thanos looked at the void, his eyes were extremely hot. The Infinity Stones appeared one after another, he would soon be able to fulfill his dream and restore the balance of the universe to his satisfaction!

On Hell, Mephisto was sitting in the dilapidated palace, heaving a sigh of relief — the Nine Realms are about to align, and the lords of Hells had withdrawn their troops and stopped attacking his territory.

"Damn, such a good opportunity, but I can't think of anyway."

Mephisto thought of something, clutching his head with a look of pain, if it was him in the past, he would definitely use this opportunity to destroy Blackheart, and maybe, add a little block to the Ancient One.

The problem is that he is not the one he used to be, and can't think of any conspiracy.

"I still have to restore my IQ first. The IQ of Blackheart is too low, what a fool." Mephisto sighed, he was destined to be absent this time when the Nine realms aligned.

Earth, United Nations Headquarters!

Today's topic is the Earth Federation and the Convergence. In the beginning, it went well. Most countries agreed to form the Earth Federation, but when the discussion of specific matters began, the representatives naturally quarreled.

"They're arguing again, splitting the spoils, and arguing about the formation of the Earth Federation." Steve sighed, he came back specifically for the meeting, but all he heard were quarrels.

"It's not bad if it doesn't fight, the Earth Federation is impossible to do in a few years."

President Ellis was in a good mood. When everyone was arguing, he said: "Mr. Wang originally planned to establish diplomatic relations with Xandar, but he said that if we want to establish diplomatic relations, the planet must be unified, and then we can have the ability to set foot on an alien planet.

I suggest that we first form an organization to deal with the aliens. As for the specific matters of the Federation, we will discuss and fill it slowly in the future. "

"There are more and more alien incidents, and it is indeed time to form an organization first."

The representatives agreed, and a representative from England asked: "How is this organization to be formed?"

President Ellis said: "It's very simple, find a person of high moral character to represent Earth, and then the World Security Council manages the specific matters."

"A person of high moral character?"

All the representatives looked at President Ellis. There is only one person on Earth who can convince all countries.

"That's right, I'm talking about Mr. Wang."

President Ellis didn't talk nonsense, and said bluntly: "I nominate him to be the ambassador of the Earth Federation, with full responsibility for the Earth and extraterrestrial affairs."

"Earth Federation's Ambassador?"

The representatives thought about it, and after a while, the Russian ambassador said: "Mr. Wang has guarded the world many times and provided a lot of technology for free. We Russia support him.

The question is, does Mr. Wang agree to it? He always likes to keep a low profile, and, how should this matter be explained to the public? "

"Mr. Wang will agree, what he is doing now is no different from an ambassador."

President Ellis said: "In addition, we can not publish his name so that it will not affect him ... affect his low profile."

The representatives couldn't help laughing, what do you want to say is to pick up girls? The representative of France said: "This is OK, let's vote."


The representatives began to vote, and finally, unanimously voted, Bert officially became the ambassador of the Earth Federation.

Erik watched with a cold eye, this ambassador had no real power, just a false title so that Bert could handle alien affairs justifiably.

The issue of the Earth Federation has come to an end temporarily. Next, Steve will introduce Convergence.

"According to Mr. Wang and Kamar-Taj's calculations, there will be a month or so before the convergence begins. At that time, there will be many alien monsters randomly appearing on Earth."

A representative asked: "Can't the space be locked?"

"Too many, the space can't be locked." Steve replied: "In addition, this time there may be an alien army taking the opportunity to invade."

"Alien army?"

Although the representatives were a little surprised, they were not too shocked. After all, this is not the first time that aliens have invaded.

More importantly, they have defeated aliens more than once.

"President Ellis, this time, you have to work hard for the United States." The representative of England chuckled: "If you need help, speak up at any time."

All the representatives nodded. Needless to say, the location of the alien invasion must be the United States.

President Ellis smiled and said nothing. The next moment, Steve said: "According to calculations, the location of the alien invasion is very likely to be London, England."


The representative of England was dumbfounded. He hurriedly asked: "Wait, wait, did you miscalculate, why is it London? It's not scientific."

"There is no mistake. According to the calculations of Kamar-Taj and the astronomers, the center of the nine realms' alignment is in London. If the alien army wants to use the convergence to make trouble, they will go to London."

Steve said sympathetically: "Please prepare for war."

The representative of England wanted to swear, did those aliens make a mistake, why are they not invading the good old United States, what did England do to make them invade here?

President Ellis gloated over the misfortune, you all watched with excitement when America was invaded every day. Now it's finally your turn.

The representative of England hurriedly said: "We need help."

Steve comforted: "Don't worry, the space fleet has gradually withdrawn, and we will deal with this war together."

The representative of England was not at ease, and he asked again: "Will Mr. Wang come back to preside over the overall situation?"

Steve laughed: "Of course."

"That's good."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. With Mr. Wang there, everything was no problem.

The representative of England asked: "Does London need to be evacuated earlier?"

"It's not that far yet, but prepare to evacuate in advance."

Steve said: "In addition, I suggest announcing the details about the Convergence in advance. This time, monsters may appear anywhere, and it will be very dangerous if the public does not know about it."

A representative asked: "Will it cause panic?"

Steve said, "The monster hasn't come yet, so probably not."

The representatives asked a lot of questions, Steve answered them one by one, and finally, the countries voted to open up about the Convergence to the public.

"Convergence, once every five thousand years?"

"There will be alien monsters randomly appearing?"

"Maybe there will be an alien invasion?"

"Invasion on London? Are the aliens lost? America is on the other side!"

The popularity of the Convergence completely overwhelmed the news of the initial establishment of the Earth Federation, and the people were yelling, give a break to the world, so many disasters?

In the past, it was okay as it only harmed the United States, but now it is harming the whole world?

London citizens even expressed that aliens are not welcome at all, and hoped that they will continue to invade the United States.

"Earth Federation Ambassador has a good reputation. But the question is, is it too much to ask for a decent salary? Crystal, call the United Nations and ask them to set a salary for me."

Bert complained, and Crystal asked inexplicably: "Blood God, with your wealth, you don't need such a salary, right?"

"It's not about money, it's just that you can't work for free. If you keep working for free, people will take your contribution for granted."

Bert said, at this moment, a red-skinned maid came over and said, "Hello, Mr. Wang, the master is waiting for you."

"Lead the way." Bert said. As he is now in Knowhere, and at his feet is the severed head of a Celestial.

No one knows the origin of this Celestial's head. Hundreds of years ago, Collector discovered it and regarded it as his own nest, and sent a large number of miners to dig out the brains, bone marrow... of the Celestial's head, and made a lot of money.

In "Guardians of the Galaxy", this old guy spent 4 billion units to buy the Power stone, one can imagine how rich he is.

At the same time, it is also a paradise for criminals, because there are no rules here.