Chapter 160 : Begins

"Blood God, I have been meaning to meet you for a long time, and I finally see you." The white-haired Collector Taneleer Tivan warmly greeted Bert with peculiar glasses.

Bert smiled, and at the same time glanced at the glass jar on the left - there, a former Soviet space dog was locked.

The space dog was very excited when he saw Bert, and his eyes were full of hope.

Tivan noticed Bert's gaze and said with a smile: "This is my proud collection, an earth dog that understands psychic abilities."

Bert asked: "Is it for sale?"

"My collection is not for sale, each of them is unique."

Tivan smiled and said, "I want to buy good things from you, for example, Space stone. I can offer you an incredible price."

"Fortune-tellers say that I am born with a great destiny, and I will never be short of money in my life."

Bert asked with a smile: "Is it really not for sale?"

Tivan answered with great certainty: "Collectors don't sell their collections."

"Forget it, Mr. Tivan, why did you invite me to the Knowhere?"

Bert smiled, the space dog fell on the ground disappointed when Bert gave up, this guy must be from America.

"I want to see you and give you a piece of advice." Tivan said: "Infinity Stones, cannot be gathered together."

Bert asked with a half-smile, "Is it advice or a warning?"

"It's a warning and advice. The gathering of the Infinity Stones will bring terrifying disasters." Tivan said: "Three Infinity Stones are already the limit of what our elders of the universe can endure. If there are more, we will intervene."

Bert didn't answer. He looked at the collection around him and asked, "What kind of disaster will the gathering of Infinity Stones bring?"

"Cosmic destruction-level catastrophe."

Tivan said: "We, the elders of the universe, do not want to get involved in the matter of Earth, but we cannot ignore the safety of the universe."

"Is that so? I took note." Bert said: "By the way, I heard that the elders of the universe are immortal, is it true?"

"It's true, immortality is boring, so we elders of the universe will find some special interests." Tivan said: "For example, collecting, gambling."

"I found it too, that's beauty." Bert smiled. He pointed to the duck in the glass jar and asked, "What is that?"

"Howard the Duck, a visitor from a different universe, unique in this universe." Tivan smiled and said, "Blood God, if you find Infinity Stones again, you can sell them to me, and I will give you a good price."

"Let's see." Bert smiled and said, "Mr. Tivan, thank you for your hospitality, and I am leaving."

Tivan said, "Please walk slowly."

Leaving the collection hall, Bert's expression turned cold, Tivan was enthusiastic on the surface, but his words always contained threats. If he didn't teach them a lesson, they might think I'm afraid of him!

The elders are immortal, and so am I, Blood God.

Then, Bert returned to Xandar, he thought about it, called Natasha, and said, "I have a task for you, are you free?"

"Of course." Natasha said excitedly: "Fighting every day annoys me, I'm not a thug, I'm a secret agent."

"Okay, let's meet."

Bert opened the portal, Natasha came out, and asked: "What do you want me to do? It's better to be exciting. I can't touch men recently, I'm bored to death."

What kind of bullshit is this? "

Bert was speechless. He briefly introduced the Knowhere, and then said: "I want you to join the realm of knowhere and find out information about Tivan and those criminals."

"Knowhere? I like this kind of place." Natasha smiled and said, "No problem, leave it to me, I'll make sure it's done properly."

"Okay." Bert nodded with satisfaction, he asked: "I will help you to set up a new identity, what more do you need?"

"A universal translator is needed." Natasha said: "In addition, I also need a few ravager partners. I have never been in the universe before, so it is easy to fall into traps."

Bert said: "No problem, I caught a lot of ravagers last time, I will pick out a few for you."

Natasha smiled and said: "Besides, I also need some money, which is certainly not difficult for you."

Bert laughed; "Of course, it's not difficult, I earn tens of millions of units a day."

"The mighty Blood God." Natasha smiled and asked, "By the way, can I bring the battle armor?"

"Yes, but unless it is necessary, it cannot be used. The battle armor is a special product of our Earth and is easy to recognize."

Bert said: "You summon the battle armor."

Natasha nodded and summoned the Black Widow armor from the space gate. Bert took out a platinum bracelet and poured space energy into it, and the bracelet glowed faintly.

Then, Bert pointed the bracelet at the black widow's battle armor, the light flashed, the battle armor disappeared, and at the same time, the light of the bracelet dimmed.

Bert handed the bracelet to Natasha and said, "Natasha, your battle armor is in this bracelet. As long as you shout the command, the bracelet will release the battle armor."

"So easy to use?" Natasha's eyes lit up and asked, "Can it be reused?"

Bert shook his head: "No, after using it, I need to recharge it."

"What a pity, anyway I'll go prepare." Natasha said regretfully.

Bert nodded and said, "Well, when you are in danger, call my name, and I will save you."


Natasha blew a kiss to Bert, turned around, and left with Crystal, she was going to get familiar with the target.

Bert smiled, remembering what Natasha had said before, and couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

In addition to his space magic, there is one thing that is very armorable for superheroes to carry equipment, and that is Pym particles.

Pym particles can be used in many fields, such as the space field, or the medical field, which can be described as black technology of black technology.

The problem is that the Pym particles in Bert's hands are not obtained in good ways.

"With Dr. Pym's character, he will not hand over the Pym particles. Hey, wait, in "Ant-Man", Dr. Pym's bald apprentice seems to have also researched the Pym particle. Maybe I can do something in this regard."

Bert thought silently. At this moment, Crystal came back and said, "Blood God, I have arranged everything for Natasha."

"Very good." Bert nodded, and he said, "Crystal, there are many things on Earth, I can't stay in Xandar all the time. After I leave, you will take over the Earth Express."

"Me?" Crystal was stunned, she asked: "Blood God, I can't open a portal, how can I take over?"

"Don't worry."

Bert raised his hand towards Crystal, and a cloud of blood flew out from the palm and submerged into the crystal's body.

Bert said: "That blood is a clone of me, but it has no self-awareness and needs you to tell him to do things."

"Blood God is in my body, will he obey all my orders?" Crystal's eyes brightened, and Bert said angrily, "Don't think wildly, and don't use my avatar to do strange things."

Crystal bowed her head a little embarrassedly, and she said, "Don't worry, Blood God, I will take charge of Earth Express."

"Well, I'll be back when the Convergence matter is resolved." Bert nodded, the nine realms are about to be aligned, and it is not far away.

Two weeks later, In Knowhere, the door of a bar opened, and a hot beauty walked in. A ravager was about to whistle, but his partner tightly covered his mouth.

The partner reminded fearfully, "Don't, she is the Fire Spider."

The ravager was shocked, that is the legendary fire spider?

"A bunch of useless men."

Fire Spider, that is, Natasha after the disguise, smiled disdainfully. She ordered a glass of wine and collected information while drinking. At this moment, she saw a green figure in a cloak walking into the bar.


Natasha recognized the other party on first look and suddenly laughed. She had never forgotten the title of 'the deadliest woman in the galaxy'.

Natasha thought with great excitement: 'Gamora, last time I let you escape, this time, let's have a good fight. I want your title.'

Gamora, who was about to drink, suddenly felt a chill in her heart. She hurriedly looked around but found nothing. Her eyes suddenly froze, and it seemed that she had encountered a top killer.

"Just in time to have some fun."

Gamora sneered secretly, she is never afraid of challenges, because she is the most dangerous woman in the universe.


In a tavern in Asgard, Darcy, the Earth star who came to Asgard to film the scenes, asked Jane, her long-lost friend, "Jane, why do you look unhappy? We haven't seen each other for almost two years."

"I'm very happy to see you." Jane sighed and said, "I'm bothered by other things."

Darcy asked gossip: "What's the matter? Could it be that Odin, the God-king, bullied you again?"

God King Odin has always disliked Jane, the prospective daughter-in-law. Jane once wrote to Darcy to complain.

Jane shook his head: "No, Odin is very busy right now. He deploys troops during the day and plays games at night, so he doesn't have time to talk to me at all."

Darcy was stunned: "Playing games? Dignified God King playing games?"

"Yes, it's the "Superhero" game produced by Oscorp." Jane said with some amusement: "He and a group of little girls are fighting Thor dungeons every day, wanting to explode the rare artifact Thor's Hammer."

Darcy was stunned, he's fighting his son's copy? What the fuck is going on here?

'I didn't expect that the King of God was like this. I wonder if he will fight his own copy in the future?' Darcy shook her head and asked, "Since Odin didn't bully you, what's bothering you?"

Jane said weakly, "Thor, he has been calling a name in his dreams."

"What? Did he cheat on you? I knew that macho is unreliable." Darcy said angrily, "Who did he call? I'll accompany you to beat her. I learned a lot of kung fu for acting."

Jane replied, "Her name is Mjolnir."

"Mjolnir, what an ugly name, uh..."

Darcy cursed at first, then reacted with a stunned expression: "Mjolnir - his Hammer?"

"Yes, his Hammer was snatched away, and he sighed every day. I asked him whether I was more important or the hammer. Guess how he answered?"

Jane gritted her teeth and said: "He said, two are equally important, I am a renowned scientist, but it is as important as a broken hammer?

To make matters worse, I suspect he was just comforting me, at least he never called me by my name in my dreams. "

Darcy said: "That is to say, you are not as important as a broken hammer?"

Jane glared at Darcy, what nonsense?

"Alright." Darcy smiled and said, "Jane, come back to Earth with me, You are too nice to men, but men don't know how to cherish you."

"Back to Earth?" Jane's eyes lit up and said, "That is a good idea. I've been out for a long time, I want to go back and receive a few Nobel Prizes."

Darcy complained: "Is it possible to win the Nobel Prize as you want?"

"With my research results, won't it be easy to win the Nobel Prize? Let's go back to Earth." Jane said excitedly: "As for that Thor, let him go with the hammer."

"Yeah, let's go, let's go back to Earth." Darcy laughed and stopped filming, taking Jane to 'escape' Asgard.

Heimdall didn't stop them. He didn't bother to take care of Odin's housework. Besides, Thor did need some stimulation. After practicing for a few months, it was still electric sparks. Even he couldn't stand it.

After returning to Earth, Darcy and Jane wandered the streets of Paris for a few days and then went to London to meet Dr. Selvig to catch up.

Dr. Selvig was overjoyed when he saw the two girls. He ignored Darcy and said to Jane, "Jane, hurry up and help me calculate the data. I have analyzed it many times, but it is not correct."

"What data? Data gathered by nine realms"

Jane asked excitedly, Darcy patted her forehead speechlessly, she is really a working woman, I didn't see you so excited when we went shopping the other day.

"Yes, London is the central point of the Convergence. Now it is getting closer and closer to the time of convergence. According to my calculations, there will be a spatial singularity in London."

Dr. Selvig nodded and said, "Once we find this singularity, we can calculate the specific time when the nine realms converged."

Having said this, Dr. Selvig couldn't help but sigh and said, "Unfortunately, I haven't been able to figure out where it is, and I have gone to several places."

"That's because you got it wrong."

Jane pointed to the data and said, Dr. Selvig suddenly realized, and reanalyzed with Jane. It didn't take long for the two to calculate a new location.

"It's probably there, we'll investigate right away."

Dr. Selvig immediately took Jane to drive, Darcy shook her head and helplessly followed.

In the car, Darcy looked out and asked in surprise, "Why are there so many people in London? Didn't the S.W.O.R.D. Bureau asked them to evacuate as soon as possible?"

"Many people are reluctant to leave, after all, the aliens haven't appeared yet."

Dr. Savig said: "There are still people who don't believe the inference of the S.W.O.R.D. They say that aliens will only invade America, not England."

Darcy shook her head: "S.W.O.R.D. Bureau is Mr. Wang's company. How could it be possible to publish fake news?"

"That's right." Dr. Selvig smiled, and soon, the three of them came to an abandoned building.

"There are strong spatial fluctuations here." Jane looked at the instrument in her hand and said impatiently, "Let's go in and have a look."

Dr. Selvig hurriedly grabbed Jane and said, "Wait, there is still something to do."

Jane asked in astonishment, "What's the matter?"

Dr. Selvig raised his hand, clicked on the red button on his watch, and said, "Mr. Wang explained that before exploring, we must press the red switch on the watch."

Jane was puzzled: "Why?"

"I do not know either."

Dr. Selvig shrugged, he was about to say something, but at this moment, the surrounding space suddenly became very chaotic, a group of birds that were flying in the sky suddenly came out from behind the three of them, startling them.

"This is the spatial singularity."

Dr. Selvig turned his head excitedly and shouted at Jane, only to find that Jane was gone.