Chapter 161 : Aether


Discovering that he had lost Jane, Dr. Selvig was in a hurry. He was about to call Bert when Bert suddenly appeared beside him - Dr. Selvig was not paying attention after pressing the button on the watch.

'Jane came back and entered the sealed land. What is this, destiny? It hasn't changed even after I interfered?

Bert narrowed his eyes to sense the fluctuations in space. During this time, he had been helping Tony and Dr. Reed make a replica of the Bifrost bridge, so he didn't notice Jane's return - this is his real body, and the projection is on Kamar-Taj.

"Mr. Wang..."

Seeing Bert appearing, Darcy and Dr. Selvig shouted hurriedly, Bert waved his hand and said, "You wait outside, don't act rashly, I'll go in and take a look."

After finishing speaking, Bert turned into a streak of blood and flew into the abandoned apartment, then rushed straight towards the corner.

The corner contains a space node. As soon as Bert flew there, he was teleported to the dark and sealed land, just in time to see Jane reaching out to the red-lighted strange vault.

Bert immediately raised his hand and made a pulling gesture, Jane flew towards him uncontrollably and was caught by him.

Jane was startled at first, then recognized Bert and shouted in surprise, "Mr. Wang, it's great that you are here, where is this place?"

"Not a good place, you stay here, I'll explain everything later."

Bert said and strode to the front of the vault. Then, he put his hand on it. The vault glowed red, and a red liquid-like substance slowly flew out. Aether

Bert thought that the Aether would rush into his body, but contrary to his expectations, Aether did not choose him but flew towards Jane's position.

"What the hell, this thing chooses its master?"

Bert snorted coldly, pushed through the air, and separated Jane from the Aether with a space wall. Aether seemed to be a little angry and hovered in the air.

Bert put his hands together, and a small space appeared out of thin air, squeezed towards the Aether, the Aether turned into an arrow, penetrated the space wall, and escaped.

Immediately afterward, the Aether started to disappear gradually. Bert took out the Tesseract, turned it into a space cage, and locked it towards the remaining Aether.

The Tesseract is locked, and the remaining half of the Aether will not continue to disappear immediately. It seems to know the power of the space stone, and it stays in it quietly without resisting.

"What happened? Why didn't the Aether choose me? Also, why did it suddenly disappear?" Bert frowned, he thought for a while, put away the Tesseract, and said to Jane, who looked puzzled, "Let's go out first."


Jane nodded, this place was too depressing, she didn't want to stay there any longer.

Then, Bert took Jane out of the sealed land and returned to the outside world. Dr. Selvig and Darcy were relieved to see that they were safe and sound.

The two were about to ask something when a colorful beam of light fell from the sky, and then Thor rushed out and shouted nervously: "Bert, what happened, why can't Heimdall see Jane?"

Before Bert spoke, Jane asked angrily, "Why are you so nervous now? I've been back on Earth for so many days, why are you coming to me now? You didn't even know that I left."

Thor looked confused, he asked: "Why should I look for you before? Didn't you come back to Earth for a few days to have fun?"

"Do you think I came back to Earth to play for a few days?" Jane collapsed, and Thor didn't even know that she was angry, let alone that she ran away from Asgard.

Jane wanted to say something else, Bert said: "You children can talk about your matters after a while, Thor, let's go back to Asgard, I want to see Odin."

Thor immediately asked, "Bert, what happened?"

"A Major event."

Bert didn't say much. He called Steve and told him what happened just now. Then, he opened the portal and the people from the S.W.O.R.D. Bureau came out.

Bert ordered: "Block this place, and no one is allowed to approach. Dr. Selvig, Jane, you immediately calculate the specific time when the nine realms will converge."


Dr. Selvig and Jane nodded at the same time. Although Jane was a little temperamental, she still knew the importance of the matter.


After dealing with this, Bert shouted to the sky, and a colorful light fell, bringing him and Thor back to Asgard.

Bifrost Bridge, Bert said to Heimdall: "Heimdall, the Dark Elves have awakened, beware of all those who enter Asgard, the Dark Elves may send Kursed soldiers to infiltrate."

Heimdall's golden pupils flashed, and he said confidently: "No enemy can enter Asgard under my eyes."

"I hope so." Bert did not talk much and went to see Odin with Thor.

In the splendid Palace, Odin asked in shock: "Aether reappeared? How is that possible?"

Bert summoned the Tesseract, pointed at the Aether inside and said: "Nothing is impossible, the Aether has really reappeared, half of them were intercepted by me, and the other half disappeared suddenly, I doubt it is related to the Dark Elves."

"Dark Elves got half of Aether?" Odin's face was very solemn, and he shouted: "Pass the order and enter the state of combat immediately."

"Yes, Allfather."

The guards immediately went out to give orders. During this time, Odin transferred a lot of troops back.

Thor said enthusiastically: "What about the Dark Elves? Father, return the hammer to me, and I will lead the army to destroy them."

"You just want your hammer, right?"

Odin snorted coldly: "Unless you can summon lightning, I will never give you the hammer, now go out and settle the army, the God of sparks."

Bert couldn't help laughing, Thor said angrily: "God of sparks? Odin, you despise me so much?"

"I'm your father, what's wrong with despising you? Go out." Odin said impatiently, Thor turned and left angrily.

Bert smiled and said, "God King, I feel that you are much younger and more lively."

"After hanging out with a group of little girls for a long time, I naturally became young." Odin chuckled, and he said, "By the way, can you change the drop rate? Little Hela and I have finished the Thor dungeon hundreds of times, and it hasn't dropped the hammer."

Bert was speechless, this old guy wants to cheat? He said, "It won't be fun if you cheat. Let's get back to the point, God King, why does Aether resist me?"

"The Aether resists you?" Odin thought for a while and said, "It may be that the Aether is afraid that you will swallow it."

Bert puzzled: "What?"

"You are devouring the space stone." Odin looked at Bert and said, "When you finish swallowing, the space stone will disappear from this world forever."

"I'm just absorbing its energy, uh, it's no different from devouring it." Bert shook his head and asked, "That is to say, apart from space stone, I can't have other infinity stones?"

"It is already a great blessing for a person to own an Infinity Stone." Odin said: "Take the Aether and follow me to the treasure house."

Bert complained: "That treasure trove full of fake items?"

Odin glared at Bert, and he said, "I haven't settled this matter with you? It is stated in the game that most of my treasures are fake and useless items."

"I didn't say that."

Bert shrugged and followed Odin to the treasure trove. Odin's goal was the Infinity Gauntlet, uh, the fake Infinity Gauntlet.

Facing Bert's teasing eyes, Odin said, "I once wanted to collect the Infinity Stones to unify the universe, so I asked the Dwarf King to build the Infinity Gauntlet. Later, I gave up and the Infinity Gauntlet was shelved.

To be precise, this is not a fake Infinity Gauntlet, but an unfinished Infinity Gauntlet. "

Bert asked: "What's the difference with the finished version?"

"The full version of Infinity Gauntlet can control all Infinity Stones. This one, it is estimated that it can only control one or two Infinity Stones."

Odin put on the Gauntlet on his left hand, motioning to Bert to let go of the Aether, but Bert did not do so, he said, "Odin, this Aether is mine."

Odin asked with a dark face: "What do you want?"

Bert said without hesitation: "Eternal Flame."

Odin hesitated and said, "Half of it."


Bert nodded and released the Aether. Odin activated the fake Infinity Gauntlet, and the Aether was automatically absorbed into the hole where the ring finger was and turned into a half-stone.

"Only half, barely usable." Odin said: "The Aether can modify Reality, and in a sense, it is the most powerful Infinity Stone."

Bert asked: "Is there a price to pay?"

"Yes, every use requires sacrifice, that is the Reality stone." Odin nodded, and he said decisively: "This stone came at the right time, I will use my life to protect Asgard and those stupid children."

"I think you aliens have stiff heads and don't know how to use Reality stone at all."

Bert couldn't help shaking his head. When he watched "Thor 2", he complained, that featherless chicken, no, Malekith attacked with Aether directly.

"What do you mean?" Odin said fiercely: "Do you want to fight?"

"If you're not little Hela's biological father, I wouldn't bother to care about you."

Bert snorted and said, "Don't you have excess divine power? Wouldn't it be better to use your divine power as a sacrifice? This will not only stimulate the Reality stone, but also allow you to live a few more years, and even restore most of your combat power."

"Can it be used like this?"

Odin was stunned, he thought for a while, and said, "In exchange for some of my divine power, little Hela's attack on Thor's dungeon tonight will drop the hammer."

Reality stone flashed, and the modification of Reality was completed.

Bert was speechless: "You used your divine power to modify that?"

"It doesn't matter."

Odin laughed, getting along with those little girls made him a lot happier, he said: "It feels a lot easier, this way is easy to use, but unfortunately the Reality stone is not complete, the price for each sacrifice is doubled, and your game is as black-hearted as you."

"Hey, you are familiar with me, if you talk nonsense again, I will sue you for slander." Bert said angrily: "Prepare for war, the Dark Elves are probably coming soon."

"It's just a group of idiots, what's there to be afraid of?"

Odin said arrogantly, holding the Infinity Gauntlet, and Bert rolled his eyes and said, "You are indeed Thor's father. Let's not talk about this, I want to talk to you about Loki."

"Loki?" Odin frowned and asked, "What do you want to do?"

Bert said: "Just in case."

Let's move backward a little bit, at the same moment when the Aether appeared, somewhere hidden in the universe, the remnants of the Dark Elves woke up inside their ship, Ark.

Five thousand years ago, the Dark Elves were going to use Aether to turn the universe into a dark world without light when the nine realms converged. But they were defeated by the Asgardian army led by Odin's father, Bor, and the Aether was taken away and sealed.

The Dark Elves' leader Malekith led the remnants to escape, they hid on the edge of the universe, waiting for the next Convergence, which is now.

Malekith said slowly to his lieutenant Algrim: "The Convergence is about to begin, and the Aether has awakened us."

Algrim clenched his fists and said with hatred: "It's time for Asgard to pay the price."

"That's right."

Malekith nodded. He was about to say something when his face suddenly brightened and he said, "Aether is calling me, and it wants me to sacrifice my life to summon it."

Algrim shouted very excitedly: "We are destined."

"I sacrifice the lives of a hundred Dark Elves in exchange for the presence of Aether before me."

Malekith did not hesitate and immediately offered sacrifices. The hundred dark elf soldiers who had just woken up on the spaceship were turned into ashes. Immediately afterward, Aether appeared in front of Malekith out of thin air.

Malekith was overjoyed at first, then frowned and asked, "Why only half?"

Algrim was stunned: "Half?"

"Yes, half, somethings not right." Malekith absorbed the Aether into his body, he sensed it for a while, and said, "I can't sense where the other half is."

"Asgard must have done something." Algrim said: "Malekith, we have to get the rest of the Aether back."

"Of course." Malekith thought for a while, turned to look at Algrim, and said, "Algrim, I want to sacrifice you."

Algrim was stunned for a moment, then knelt on one knee and said, "I am willing to become the Kursed."

"Okay, you infiltrate Asgard and destroy the shield."

Malekith nodded and said, at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded: "It's useless, Asgard is prepared, you can't hide from them."


Malekith and Algrim were startled at the same time, and at this moment, a figure shriveled like a corpse came out of the shadows and said, "I am Ebony Maw, under the command of the Great Titan."

Malekith asked the soldiers in a deep voice, "How do you know we are here and what do you want?"

Ebony said: "I am here to cooperate with you to destroy Earth and destroy Asgard."

Algrim stood up and said disdainfully, "What qualifications do you have to cooperate with us?"