Chapter 164 : Against Ebony Maw

Although there is Lorelei's 'setting things right', the situation in Asgard is still not optimistic. After all, there are too many enemies, dark elves, frost giants, fire giants, Chitauris, and their troops that far exceed Asgard.

Especially the Fire Demon Surtur, it is too strong, the three warriors of Asgard can't stop it at all, and it led the fire giants to break through.

Surtur's destination is Asgard's treasure trove. Once he gets the Eternal Fire in the treasure trove, Asgard will usher in its end.

In the Palace, with a flash of light, Odin fled with Thor to the place where Odin slept. As soon as they passed, Odin fell, and Gungnir dropped to the ground with a bang.


Thor was shocked and hurriedly picked up Odin and put him in the life capsule, Odin touched Thor's face weakly and said, "Thor, Asgard is handed over to you, remember, you are not the God of Hammer, you are Thor God of Thunder."

After saying that, Odin tilted his head and fell into a coma.


Thor knelt in front of Odin with a thud. He raised his head and roared, hating his incompetence, hating his own stupidity,

In the roar, Thor's eyes and hands flashed with lightning and the surrounding area was red and white.

Thor looked at the lightning and cried to Odin: "Father, I succeeded, I now know how to release lightning."

Unfortunately, Odin could no longer answer Thor, Thor wiped his tears, stood up slowly, and said, "Father, don't worry, I will never let you down again, and I will definitely protect Asgard."

After finishing speaking, Thor turned and left with resolute eyes. At this moment, he finally grew up.

After Thor left, Odin suddenly opened his one eye and sat up. He laughed and said, "This trick I learned in the TV series was useful."

Frigga came over and said dissatisfiedly, "You are so proud after pitting your son?"

"It is only right and proper for a father to pit his son." Odin smiled and said, "When the nine realms gather together, I will retire entirely. In the future, Asgard will be handed over to those two children. I don't care. I used to manage too much."

"Two children?" Frigga was taken aback for a moment, and then she asked happily, "Have you forgiven Loki?"

"She has always been my child, and I am no longer king."

Odin took Frigga's hand and said, "I've missed too many things before, for example, I haven't watched the sunrise with you for a long time, Frigga, we won't care about Asgard in the future. , while there is still time, let's go and take a good stroll around the universe."

Frigga's eyes lit up and she asked: "I've been waiting for this day for a long time, but, Odin, can you really let Asgard go? Its current situation is not good."

"Trust the two children, they are not bad, and they have a group of good friends."

Odin said: "A child will never grow up if he is not trained. I used to protect Thor so well that he was just like Erha. By the way, Erha is a dog on the earth..."

Frigga patted Odin angrily: "What did you say about our son?"

"This is what little Hela said." Odin smiled and said, "Let Thor go and hone his powers. If something happens, we'll come back and help him."

"Okay." Frigga nodded. She thought of something and asked, "Odin, what exactly are you planning with Blood God this time?"

"There is no planning, everything is improvised." Odin smiled bitterly and said, "During the day, Blood God went to talk to Loki, and he told Loki that as long as Loki stood on Asgard's side next, he would help Loki change back to a man."

Frigga asked: "Wait, Blood God knew about Loki's plan during the day?"

"He didn't know, he was just in case, maybe Ancient One noticed something." Odin said: "Before at the energy core, Loki suddenly asked me with a magic voice transmission, 'Can I stop the Black Hole Grenade and the big explosion of the energy core?'

I replied 'yes', after that, she continued acting as if nothing had happened and then detonated the Grenade.

If I guessed correctly, she should have gone undercover, that is to say, the Blood God persuaded her. "

Frigga asked: "Odin, aren't you afraid that Loki will lie to you? You know, she lies a lot."

"I believe my child, if she was really mean, Thor would be dead."

Odin said: "I just took this opportunity to hide. This time it is not only the dark elves but also the crazy Titan Thanos, we must leave a few trump cards."


Frigga was taken aback, then nodded and said: "Facing him, you really should leave some trump cards, Odin, will Loki be an undercover agent, will it be dangerous?"

"Don't worry, Blood God gave her a teleporting ring. Besides, Loki is not such an easy person to die, and her survivability far exceeds Thor." Odin smiled and said, "Frigga, let's watch the play quietly."


Frigga nodded happily, if Loki could really get better, then she would be completely relieved.

Leaving aside the plans of Odin and Frigga for the time being, Thor walked out of the palace and happened to see the Fire Demon Surtur rushing over with a group of Fire giants.

"Go to hell!."

Thor jumped high with lightning flashing in his eyes, and then he pressed his hands down, and a huge thunder fell from the sky and slammed into Surtur and the Fire giants.


Surtur was shocked and hurriedly avoided it. Thunder bombarded down. Except for him, all the other Fire giants were bombarded and killed on the spot.


Seeing Thor appear, Asgard's morale was shaken, Heimdall, Sif, and others were also greatly relieved, Thor finally came, and more importantly, he finally became the real Thor.

"Damn it, Odin's little brat, die for me."

​​​​​The lightning hit Surtur's chest smoothly but only caused a little damage. Surtur laughed disdainfully: "You are much worse than Odin."


Thor opened his hand and shouted. In the Blood God Manor, Lina, who was about to smash walnuts, found that Thor's hammer was vibrating. She was stunned and let go. A portal appeared out of thin air.

This is the magic that Bert added to Mjølnir earlier.

Immediately afterward, Mjølnir flew into the portal and landed firmly in Thor's hands.

"Buddy, you are back, let's fight together."

Thor laughed loudly and smashed the Twilight Sword with Mjølnir full of thunder. With a bang, lightning and fire sputtered wildly, and even the floor was burned through.

"Come again."

Thor shouted and fought fiercely with Surtur at the gate of the palace.

"Hammer flew away?"

Little Hela, who happened to be beside Lina, couldn't help but glance inside the portal. At this sight, she was stunned. The palace opposite looked familiar.

Because of the connection of the portal, the power of Asgard spread to little Hela. Little Hela felt a little cold and shivered. At the same time, a black light flashed in her eyes.

That is the power of death.

In the sealed land, Hela, who had been in a coma, gradually became stable, her eyelashes moved, and it seemed that she was about to wake up, but after a while, she fell asleep again.

It's not that she can't wake up, it's that she doesn't want to wake up. She is having a beautiful dream, a dream of having a master, friends, sisters, and a perfect childhood.

Soon, the portal closed, and little Hela suddenly woke up. She shook her head and said, "It seems that there are no walnuts to eat, Lina, lets's go online, I don't believe that Thor's Hammer can't be dropped."

"Roasted duck as a treat, after it drops?"

Lina asked with blinking eyes, this is why she has been following little Hela to fight Thor's dungeon.

"Don't worry, I'll treat you hundred roast ducks."

Little Hela laughed and took Lina to the dungeon. Recently, Master was not at home, so she and Mindy were playing like crazy.

Leaving aside little Hela for the time being, while Thor was entangled with Surtur, the Kursed Algrim was about to sneak into the palace. At this moment, a figure appeared in front of him and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, The road ahead is blocked."

Algrim looked at him vigilantly, and asked in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

"He is the next Guardian of Earth, Blood God."

A voice rang out, and Bert turned his head and found that Ebony was floating in the air.

Bert asked, "Ebony Maw?"

"It seems that you have also collected a lot of information."

Ebony slowly fell, and said to Algrim: "Go and do your business, leave the Blood God to me."

Algrim glanced at Ebony and was about to leave. At this moment, a figure emerged from the shadow behind him out of thin air, and a sword stabbed his back fiercely.

Kursed reacted immediately, turned around, and threw a fist at Elektra, Elektra did not dodge, and the sword continued to stab the opponent.

The next moment, Kursed was stabbed, and Elektra was smashed into the air, rolling on the ground for more than ten meters before stopping.

Elektra slowly got up from the ground and looked at Kursed with a defiant expression. At the same time, her injuries healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Kursed narrowed his eyes and showed his strong self-healing ability.

Ebony looked at Elektra in astonishment and asked, "What kind of creature is this?"

"A murderous creature."

Bert waved his hand and disappeared along with Ebony, and he entered the mirror space.

After the two disappeared, Elektra said to the Kursed with a grim expression: "Blood God told me to kill you."

"Just you?"

Kursed smiled disdainfully, and the wounds on his body healed quickly. As long as his life did not end, Kursed was immortal.

"I'm enough."

Elektra's body quickly swelled and deformed. After a while, a green half-dragon with a height of more than three meters and full of power appeared in front of the Kursed.

Elektra's, half-dragon form.

Kursed was a little surprised, but not afraid. He roared, smashed the ground, and rushed towards Elektra. Elektra grinned and greeted him brazenly.

Boom, the two fists collided heavily, and a gust of wind suddenly blew around, and the stone statue around couldn't resist being blown to the ground. The guards secretly swallowed their saliva and quickly retreated.

Seeing that the other party was on par with themself, Half-Dragon and Kursed became excited. They shouted, completely ignoring the defense, and attacked each other frantically.

In the mirror space, Ebony looked around and said coldly, "No wonder your strength has improved so fast, it turns out that Ancient One is helping you."

"For the strong, use honorific titles."

Bert drew a circle with one hand, and ten space portals appeared out of nowhere, squeezing towards the Ebony Maw.

Ebony flew into the sky, and then, he raised and pushed with both hands, and a large amount of the floor flew up and shot towards Bert.

Bert circled again, a portal appeared in front of him, and all the floors flew into it and disappeared.

Immediately afterward, the floor flew out of the portal behind Ebony and smashed him fiercely.


Ebony hurriedly dodged but was hit by a block and fell to the ground with a bang.

Because he used the power of his mind to protect his body, Ebony was not injured. He stood up and said with a gloomy face: "Blood God, you angered me."

"What are you, you deserve to say such things?" Bert smiled disdainfully and said, "Ebony Maw, you will die here today."

"You think you can kill me?"

Ebony seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world, laughing loudly, and then he flew up, raised his hands, and the surrounding stone statues, decorations, and various sundries all flew into the sky.

"Why not?"

Bert sneered, he slashed in the air, turned into a huge long knife, and slashed toward Ebony.

Ebony moved sideways to avoid, then, with a wave of his hand, countless debris fell from the sky, attacking Bert like rain!

Bert flicked his hands to both sides, the space was directly opened, and all the attacks of the Ebony Maw were invalid. Then, he grabbed his right hand in the air, and the space where the Ebony Maw was quickly approached him.


Bert stretched out his left hand, and his five fingers shot out like five blood-colored spears, piercing the void and Ebony together.

"I hate space magic."

Ebony raised his hand, and the black hole grenade on his waist flew up and exploded in front of him, a small black hole suddenly appeared, and everything around was sucked in.

"Black holes can be made casually, isn't this black technology too dark?"

Bert quickly retracted his five fingers. At the same time, a dragon appeared out of thin air behind Ebony, and smashed his claws on Ebony, causing him to fly uncontrollably toward the black hole.

Ebony was startled, and without thinking about anything else, he hurriedly summoned the power of the Devil.

Bert snorted coldly: "You are a believer of a certain devil?"

"It's an Elder God, not those low-level demons."

Ebony smiled disdainfully, he said: "Blood God, I underestimated you, but today, you will die."

Ebony raised his hands toward Bert and the Dragon. Both Bert and the dragon felt a huge force restraining them at the same time, unable to move.


Ebony gave a wicked smile, and four black hole grenades flew from his waist, shooting toward Bert.

Bert and the dragon turned into space phantoms at the same time and rushed out of the mind block of Ebony. Then, Bert pointed at the four black hole grenades. The four grenades disappeared out of thin air, and when they reappeared, they were already in front of Ebony, about to explode.

Ebony hurriedly sealed the four black hole grenades with the power of thought, and then he fled to the side at the fastest speed.

The next moment, four black hole grenades exploded at the same time, a large black hole appeared in the air, and the surrounding things flew toward the black hole crazily.

Bert put on his battle armor, teleported to Ebony, and stabbed his spear fiercely. Ebony wanted to control the spear with the power of his mind, but he couldn't because it was just a phantom.

At the same time, Bert's real body appeared behind Ebony, and the spear pierced his back.