Chapter 165 : Retreat

Ebony Maw sensed the huge threat coming from behind and used his telekinetic abilities to block everything behind him, whether it was Bert or the Vibranium spear.

At that moment, A Dragon appeared out of nowhere in front of Ebony, it'd eyes were fixed on Ebony.

Ebony couldn't help but start to recall his life. He realized something was wrong and shouted in his mind, "Elder God, help me!"

"Ebony, including this time, half of your soul already belongs to me," the Elder God's voice echoed in his mind.

The evil voice of the Elder God echoed in Ebony's mind, and then Ebony's memories stopped. The Dragon was counterattacked by the Elder God and fell to the ground with a howl.

"What's going on?" Bert was shocked. The Penance Stare, which had never failed before, had failed this time.

"You can judge me, but you cannot judge a god," Ebony shouted angrily as he flew out. Bert snorted coldly, took back the dragon, and moved around Ebony like lightning. His shadow seemed to be everywhere.

Ebony's complexion was a bit ugly. Even with his reflexes, he couldn't keep up with Bert's speed. It was too fast.

Ebony had no choice but to use his powerful telekinetic abilities to cover the surrounding area. He then raised his hands and caused the surrounding buildings to fly up one by one.

"This guy is much stronger than I imagined," Bert said as he narrowed his eyes. Ebony was already very strong in his normal state, but with the power of the Elder God, he was touching the edge of godly and demonic power.

Of course, there is a price to pay for borrowing the power of the Elder God. The more Ebony used it, the faster his soul would sink.

"Blood God, go to hell," Ebony roared as he smashed buildings towards Bert's phantom one by one.

"Ebony Maw, you are lucky because you get to see my true strength," Bert sneered. A dazzling blue-red flame lit up on his body, revealing the power of space, blood, and chi.

Immediately afterwards, Bert's spear rushed towards Ebony like a blue-red meteor, easily smashing all the buildings in its path.

Ebony was shocked, and hurriedly used Telekinesis to form a shield in front of him to protect himself, but still, even such a powerful Telekinesis shield was destroyed by Bert in an instant, and he couldn't even delay it for a moment.

"God level! This guy's strength has actually reached the God level."

Ebony's liver and gallbladder were torn, and he hurriedly asked for help again: "Elder God help me."

"One-fifth of the soul."

He agreed immediately, and a vast force gushed out from the body of Ebony, rushing towards Bert like a furious sea.

"There is no end, isn't it just an Elder God?"

Bert roared, the Tesseract appeared in his hand, and then, a huge beam of light shot out from the Tesseract, slamming against the Elder God's power like a raging wave.

Two energies collided, without any sound, just endless darkness and destruction.

That's right, it was pitch black and destroyed, the mirror space was directly destroyed. Bert and Ebony returned to the real world.

Nothing happened to Bert, but Ebony was miserable. He was too close, and one arm was directly annihilated. At the same time, two forces penetrated his body, causing him to vomit blood.

In the void, a roar of the Elder God sounded, obviously, he was provoked.

Bert didn't care, because no matter how angry the other party was, he couldn't enter the main universe.

"Ebony Maw, the Elder God can't save your life."

Bert was about to kill Ebony. At this moment, a red liquid fell from the sky. Bert sensed the majestic energy in the red liquid and immediately put away the Tesseract to avoid it.

Bert looked up and saw Malekith floating in the air, Malekith saw that the situation was not good and rushed over to support Ebony.

Harrow ships also rushed over, which dropped a ray of light and quickly retracted Ebony.

Ebony vomited blood, and roared fiercely: "Blood God, I will definitely seek revenge for this."

"Sorry, you don't have a future."

Bert held the Vibranium spear and threw it forcefully. Seeing this, Malekith immediately controlled the Aether to block the Vibranium spear.

At this moment, the Vibranium spear disappeared out of thin air, and when it reappeared, it was already in front of Ebony Maw, and then, in the terrified eyes of Ebony's, the Vibranium spear penetrated his body like lightning.

Ebony let out a shrill scream, and the whole person quickly disappeared in the blue-red flame.

"Ebony Maw."

Malekith was furious and controlled the Aether to blast toward Bert. Bert instantly appeared in front of Malekith, and his five fingers turned into five spears and stabbed Malekith fiercely.

Malekith pulled out his Dark Matter Dagger and swung it quickly. All of Bert's spears were split open by him. Bert was a little surprised.

After thinking about it carefully, Bert thought it was very reasonable. How could the leader of the Dark Elves be weak?

Asgard, Frost Giants, and Fire Giants are all respected as the strong, and the Dark Elves are no exception.

Meanwhile, Aether reappeared and transformed into more than a dozen arrows, which he shot at Bert. Bert teleported away and then formed a circle with one hand, causing a huge portal to appear in the sky. The Blood Ship emerged from the portal and slowly approached.

Tony flew out of the Blood Ship accompanied by a group of unmanned battle armors and shouted: "Asgard, Earth is here to support you!"

At the same time, under the command of Korath, a large number of biochemical clones of Extremis soldiers flew out of the Blood Ship, shooting and ramming toward the Chitauri army frantically.

"Damn it, the earthlings have stolen our technology?"

The Chitauris' were furious, and immediately sent Leviathans and a large number of biochemical soldiers to fight back. The two sides fought frantically in the air, and there were explosive flames everywhere.

"Damn it."

Seeing Asgard's reinforcements, Malekith was furious and hurriedly sent the main ship to support them.

At this moment, Bert's hands were stacked together, and the blue-red flames turned into a huge beam of light and blasted toward Malekith!

Malekith controlled the Aether to rise into the sky, the two sides clashed fiercely in the sky, and the majestic energy shook the surrounding.

"How did Bert become so strong? I can't fall behind."

Thor glanced at Bert and swung his hammer to attack the Fire Demon Surtur. Despite Surtur's size, he was gradually being overpowered by the enhanced version of Thor.

"No, I am going to be the end of Asgard."

Surtur roared unwillingly as Thor shouted: "Asgard will not end. I, Thor, God of thunder, will always protect Asgard."

While shouting, Thor swung his hammer into the sky and then swooped down, unleashing thousands of thunderbolts. The attack was so powerful that it completely killed Surtur, causing only his crown to fall to the ground with a loud bang.

Surtur wouldn't stand a chance against the normal version of Thor, let alone this enhanced version.

"Kurse, weren't you arrogant just a moment ago? Why are you now cowering like a shriveled turtle? You are nothing but trash."

Elektra, in her half-dragon form, swung her claws and attacked Kurse frantically while cursing.

Kurse was so suffocated, but he didn't fight back, because his vitality was running out.

Previously, Kurse relied on the power of the Kurse Stone to fight against Elektra's frenzied attacks. However, he never anticipated that in addition to being able to quickly heal herself, Elektra also had an immortal body.

Even after being injured several times, Elektra remained alive and well. However, Kurse gradually drained his own vitality in the process. As a last resort, he was forced to focus on defense in order to conserve his remaining vitality.

Elektra's relentless offense was too fierce, and if the battle continued at this pace, it wouldn't be long before Kurse was completely drained of vitality.

"Ebony Maw, both Surtur, and Kurse have suffered defeats one after another. It seems that this battle is lost," Loki said as he sat on the main ship, his eyes flickering slightly. Suddenly, a dark elf beside him fell to the ground with a painful expression, writhing and moaning in agony. Everyone was shocked and pointed their weapons at him.

After a while, the dark elf stopped howling, and then, his body quickly withered, looking at it, it looked a bit like Ebony.

"Damn you, Blood God. I will never let you get away with this."

The shriveled dark elf roared furiously, his face contorted in an ugly expression. Loki was shocked and tentatively asked, "Ebony Maw?"

"It's me. I have been blessed by an Elder God. As long as my soul doesn't die, I won't die," Ebony Maw replied coldly, but inwardly he was bleeding. The Elder God had indeed blessed him but at a steep cost. If he used this power one or two more times, he would become the puppet of the Elder God.

"You are very clever," Loki said, a little surprised. "In that case, hurry up and help Malekith. Aether is too burdensome for him to handle any longer."

"No, I still need a little time to regain my strength," Ebony Maw said as he glanced at Bert, who was in his blue-red form, with resentment and fear in his eyes. "Bert in that form is really too strong."

Loki said, "If you can't take action, then we should retreat. If we wait any longer, we won't be able to retreat even if we want to."

Ebony Maw hesitated for a moment before nodding and saying, "Alright, we'll retreat. Let's first save Kurse. We can't afford to lose any more people."


Loki nodded and ordered the main ship to shoot toward Elektra below. A beam of light enveloped Kurse and lifted him up.

"Damn it," Although Malekith was unwilling, he knew that he had truly lost this time. He shouted loudly as the Aether swelled wildly and then exploded with a bang, causing Bert and everyone nearby to be thrown out and the buildings below to collapse one after another.

Malekith took the opportunity to return to the main ship and shouted, "Retreat!"

The Dark Elves immediately retreated, and the Frost giants and Fire giants quickly retreated to the Chitauri spaceship. Bert shouted, "Don't let them escape, chase them!"


Everyone shouted and, under the leadership of Tony, Heimdall, and others, they struggled to pursue the dark elf coalition.

Thor waved his hammer and chased after the main ship. He roared, "Loki, come out and let's end this once and for all."

Loki's phantom appeared in the air and sneered, "It seems that this time was not a complete failure. You're not dead, so Odin must be the one who died."

Thor shouted angrily, "Loki, from today on, we are no longer brothers."

Loki snorted coldly, "We were never brothers, to begin with."

Malekith was a little puzzled. "But aren't you brother and sister?"

Thor and Loki were a little speechless. Thor was too lazy to say anything and controlled lightning to attack the main ship. Malekith snorted coldly and waved a red light, which knocked Thor flying.

Bert did not participate in the pursuit. He fell to the ground as the blue and red flames on his body quickly dissipated. This form was indeed very powerful, but it consumed too much energy and he couldn't support it for long, which is why he rarely used it.

"It's difficult to control the power of gods with a mortal body," Bert sighed secretly.

At that moment, Elektra returned to her human form and walked over, bowing her head and saying, "Blood God, I'm sorry. I failed to kill Kurse."

"It's okay, there's always next time," Bert said, waving his hand dismissively. In the movie, even Thor was not a match for the Kurse. It was easy to imagine how strong Kurse was.

Lorelei also came over and gave Elektra a contemptuous look before asking Bert, "Master, is Odin really dead?"

"How could that old guy die so easily?" Bert sneered and said, "Put away your pretenses. Remember that you will be my slave in the future."

Lorelei wasn't angry but nodded happily. "Yes, Master."

Elektra gave Lorelei a disdainful look and merged into Bert's shadow, becoming the person closest to the Blood God.

It didn't take long for the Dark Elves to escape to another world under the leadership of Loki. Everyone felt that it was too risky to chase after them, so they chose to stop the pursuit.

The war has come to an end, and the Asgardian side has won a great victory.

In the palace, Thor said to Bert and the others, "Bert, Tony, Ivan, Barton, thank you for your help."

"You're welcome. Earth and Asgard are allies, so we should help each other," Bert said with a laugh. Thor laughed loudly and said, "Yes, we should help each other."

Heimdall couldn't help shaking his head. Although Thor had grown somewhat, he still had a lot of room for improvement. Earth was nominally a vassal of Asgard, not an ally. It was clear that the Blood God was secretly trying to improve the status of Earth.

Bert asked, "Is Odin alright?"

"He has fallen into Odin's sleep, mother is taking care of him. No one knows when he will wake up. It's all my fault," Thor said angrily.

Bert's eyes flickered as he used his space abilities to look into the depths of the palace and saw that Odin was playing with Thor's dungeon.

Heimdall also saw this and said solemnly, "Thor, Asgard will depend on you in the future."

"I will take responsibility and protect the people of Asgard," Thor said, nodding seriously. He then turned to Bert and said, "The Convergence is about to begin, and the Dark Elves will definitely go to Earth. When we finish cleaning up the battlefield, we'll go to Earth to help you."

Bert said, "When the Dark Elves appear on Earth, we won't be too late. The Aether is still in Asgard. We must prevent the Dark Elves from getting their hands on it."

"That's right," Thor nodded in agreement. He then said to Bert, "There's also Lorelei..."

Bert said, "She is already mine, and I hope you can forgive her for her past mistakes."

Thor hesitated before agreeing, "Yes, but you have to take care of her. She is very dangerous."