Chapter 167 : Baron

"Scaring my lovely students, are you ready to pay the price?" After comforting the students, Mordo walked to the playground and said coldly to the Frost Giants.

Unfortunately, the Frost Giants can't understand the language of humans at all. They roared and rushed towards Mordo, thinking that all the people of Earth should be damned.

Mordo snorted coldly and cast spells with both hands, bringing all the Frost Giants into the mirror space.

In the Mirror space, there are thousands of voodoo corpses glowing green. When they saw the Frost Giants coming in, they immediately rushed over. After a while, the Frost Giants were torn apart into pieces.

Mordo nodded with satisfaction, How did those warlords and armies disappear? It's very simple, it was made into voodoo corpses by Mordo.

Mordo returned to the real world. Spider-Man, Harry, and the mercenary Wade had rushed over. Wade laughed and said, "It seems that our Lord Baron has solved the monster."

Baron is what the surrounding warlords and dark forces call Mordo. They are extremely afraid of Mordo, so they donate food and medicine every month. That's why the school can afford so many students.

In front of the students, Mordo was an angel. In front of the warlords, Mordo was a demon.

Spider-Man couldn't help but persuade, "Mr. Mordo, I still think that refining poisonous corpses from corpses is too evil. Even if they are bad people, they shouldn't be treated this way."

"What's the problem? As long as the purpose is right, it doesn't matter what the method is." Wade retorted loudly, "Without Lord Baron's thunderous means, how can the surrounding area be so peaceful?"

"This is wrong, evil means do not achieve justice," Spider-Man said.

"Who said that? I once chopped off a scumbag's head and threw it in the toilet. Then, his children grew up healthy and happy, and they even sent me postcards a few years ago," Wade said.

There was no accident. Spider-Man and Wade quarreled again. Although Mordo had listened to it for more than half a year, it was still unbearable, and even blue veins appeared on his forehead.

Harry shook his head beside him. The reason why Mordo degenerated into what he is now is because of these two super talkers.

Mordo picked up the staff that represented the power of the devil and said coldly, "Okay, you guys are guarding the school. I'm going to support Kamar-Taj. That is my responsibility."

This staff, Mordo picked up a long time ago. Otherwise, there would be no voodoo corpses. Before taking it, he was hesitant, and after taking it, he was relieved.

'As long as the purpose is right, the means are not important. Master, this is what you asked me to understand, right? I have understood. In the future, I will protect the world and Kama Taj in the dark.'

Mordo didn't talk nonsense. He opened the portal and walked in. Spider-Man looked at Mordo's back, scratched his head irritably, and always felt that he had messed up something.

On the other hand, Wade was complacent. He said proudly, "I let that buddy get enlightened. After the Vampire finds out, they will definitely reward me greatly, right?"

Kamar-Taj's annexed space was already in the midst of war when Mordo arrived. The magic weapons and high-tech weapons on the wall were shooting frantically, and the charging monsters died in large numbers, unable to even get close to the wall.

But the monsters did not stop. They rushed forward frantically, their eyes full of greed - as long as the wall was broken, they could enter Earth and enjoy the delicious life and soul.

Behind the monsters are the projections of the Hell lords. Sorcerer Supreme and Bert are standing on the wall, facing them head-on. Both sides are brewing momentum and preparing for a decisive battle.

"Brother Mordo is back."

At this time, the mages found Mordo and they were all overjoyed. Mordo smiled and nodded to everyone. Then, he walked to Ancient One and said respectfully, "Master, I'm back. Your lesson, I can understand now."

Ancient One looked at Mordo with a complicated look. 'You did understand, but you have gone to the other extreme end.'


Ancient One gritted her teeth a bit. She had calculated everything, but she didn't expect that guy to appear beside Mordo.

That guy should never appear in this world.

Bert didn't know that much. He was very satisfied with Mordo's transformation. This hidden danger was solved.

Now is not the time to persuade, Ancient One secretly sighed and said, "Just come back, let's fight."

"Yes, Master," Mordo replied.

"I understand," Doom said, handing Mordo a vial of the virus. "Be cautious. This virus is highly unstable and can be deadly if handled improperly."

"I will be careful," Mordo said, taking the vial and carefully placing it in his pocket. He knew the destructive potential of the Extremis virus and would not take it lightly.

"Everyone, let's fight!" the Ancient One called out to the other masters. They launched their attacks against the monsters and hell lords and the battle was intense, with both sides evenly matched.

But with Mordo's help, the masters were able to gain the upper hand. Together, they drove back the monsters and defeated the hell lords, restoring peace to the annexed space.

Doom asked in surprise, "Are you sure you want to use something like this?"

Mordo laughed, "As long as the result is right, the process doesn't matter."

Doom was stunned for a moment, then he laughed and said, "You've finally become enlightened. How many do you want?"

Mordo glanced at the voodoo corpses in the mirror space and said, "More than a thousand."

"More than a thousand?" Doom asked, stunned. "I'm not Blood God, how could I have that many?"

After a pause, Doom said coldly, "If you don't care about the user's lifespan, then I have something that might work."

"They have no lifespan," Mordo replied.

Mordo opened the mirror space for Doom to see. When Doom looked at it, he was honestly a little surprised. Mordo was more than just enlightened, he had become completely corrupted.

Doom couldn't help laughing again, "I like you a little bit, Brother Mordo."

"I also find you quite likable," Mordo replied, laughing. Everyone looked at them, chatting happily, and were puzzled. Weren't they supposed to be mortal enemies?

In London, the main ship of the Dark Elves arrived as soon as the time came. It was invisible, of course.

Malekith looked at the Blood Ship and the six frigates above Greenwich and sneered with disdain, "It is foolish to park the battleship so openly in the air. They are courting death."

"The people of Earth have no experience in space warfare," Ebony sneered. "Let's give the Blood God a taste of his own medicine. Let him know that he is just a buffoon."

"Good idea," Malekith nodded and ordered the dark elves, "Approach the space fleet stealthily from below. Charge the cannons and be ready to launch at any time."

"They're coming," Ivan said, looking at the screen on the Blood Ship. "Although I couldn't fully crack the dark elves' stealth technology, it was not a problem to find them."

"Let them come," Bert snorted coldly. "Tony, Reed, shoot."

Dr. Reed said with a bitter face, "Mr. Wang, do you really want to launch it? I admire your creativity, but the Bifrost Bridge is not meant to be used like this."

"Dr. Reed, it's wartime now," Bert shouted coldly. "I don't have time to argue with you. Launch it immediately."

"Yes, coordinate lock, Bifrost bridge, launch," Tony said, pulling Dr. Reed and activating the Bifrost Bridge at the space station. In the next second, a colorful beam of light fell from the sky and hit the invisible enemy ship.

The main ship was hit hard and the hull was almost blown in half. It lost power and crashed into the playground below, causing flames and black smoke to fill the sky and dust to obscure the view.

Dr. Reed couldn't help shaking his head. It was a waste to use the Bifrost Bridge as a weapon of attack.

"Blood Ship, frigate, attack," Bert ordered again. Korath and the others immediately activated the energy cannon and more than a dozen huge energy columns hit the main ship of the Dark elves on the ground.

Malekith was completely blindsided. He never thought that he would be attacked by the Earthlings while trying to attack them.

"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't be on this broken spaceship," Malekith Kursed. "Damn Blood God!"

Loki was frightened and angry. The people of Earth are too cruel, he thought. They even managed to imitate the Bifrost Bridge.

At that moment, the five main ships of the Chitauris' appeared in the sky. Seeing that the dark elves were in a bad situation, they attacked the space fleet, causing the fleet to turn their guns to counterattack.

With the help of the Chitauri, the dark elves were able to catch their breath, but their main ship had been scrapped after repeated attacks.

"Abandon the main ship and use the Harrow ships to fight back," Malekith gritted his teeth and shouted. At that moment, except for him and Kurse, the blood in the other dark elves stopped flowing and they fell to the ground in pain.

This was blood magic and blood control, tactics formulated by Bert and Tony to attack head-on and defeat the dark alliance as quickly as possible.

Ebony sensed something and shouted loudly, "This is a special kind of blood magic, Malekith. Use the Aether quickly or all your people will die."

"I will sacrifice ten years of my life to give all dark elves immunity to this blood magic for a month," Malekith said, not daring to neglect. He immediately activated the ether particles, which flashed and modified reality. All the dark elves returned to normal, gasping for breath on the ground.

Malekith roared, "Abominable Blood God, the rest of you take Harrow ships and fight back. Kurse, Ebony, Loki, come with me to kill the powerful humans."

"Kill!" everyone shouted, following Malekith out of the main ship and standing on the grass, provoking the spaceship in the sky.

"You actually broke my blood magic?" Bert asked, withdrawing his hand. "I'll take some people to deal with them below, and you handle the Chitauris' and the next army of ice and fire."

Tony and the others nodded, "No problem. Leave it to us, we are ready."

"Good," Bert said, no longer wasting time on words. He teleported down with Hulk, Elektra, Ghost Rider, Electro, Human Torch, The Thing, Absorbing Man, Alyssa, War Abomination, and War Lizards.

Ebony clenched his teeth and shouted, "Blood God!"

Bert pretended to be surprised and asked, "Ebony? You're still not dead?"

"You are the one who will die," Ebony roared.

"Defeated generals are brave enough to speak up," Bert said. "Since I can kill you the first time, I can kill you the second time."

Bert turned to look at Malekith and said coldly, "Dark elves, retreat, or the dark elves will be wiped out today."

"The dark elves will not retreat," Malekith said, surrounded by ether particles. "We have a mission to save this disgusting world. There should be no light in this world."

"Those who have seen the light will not continue to stay in the dark. Let's fight." Bert waved his right hand and brought Ebony and Malekith into the mirror space. Seeing this, the others rushed towards the Kursed warriors.

Algrim shouted to the Kursed warriors, "Kill them!"

"Kill!" the Kursed warriors roared.

The Kursed Warriors rushed forward frantically, causing the ground to tremble in front of them.

The first to encounter a Kursed Warrior was Damon, Ghost Rider in the Sin Buster battle armor. Without saying a word, he swung his flame chain around a Kursed Warrior and threw him into the building beside him.

"Why do we have to fight during the day?" Damon sighed as he rushed into the building and punched the Kursed warrior who had gotten up. The Kursed warrior roared and caught Damon's fist with one hand.

At that moment, Damon opened his visor, revealing a burning skull in front of the Kursed warrior.

"Hm?" the Kursed Warrior was stunned for a moment. Then Damon whispered, "You are guilty."

As Damon spoke, the Kursed Warrior began to recall his life, and a moment later, his soul burned to ashes.

"It seems that your sin is not light," Damon snorted, closing his upper armor and going to find other Kursed warriors. Unfortunately, The Penance Stare could not be used continuously, otherwise, the battle would be easy.

At the same time, the others were also fighting against the Kursed warriors and the battle was fierce, especially Hulk. He loved fighting opponents who were all flesh and punched them with excitement. He kept throwing punches and even beat the Kursed warrior back and forth.

"Where did this monster come from?" the Kursed Warriors were shocked. The Earthlings were too terrifying to keep such monsters?

"You are indeed strong, but sorry, I am stronger," Electro sneered and tossed a Vibranium coin. An orange light flashed and the Kursed warrior's chest was shot through.

The Kursed warrior wailed and the wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Electro snorted coldly and continued attacking. The Kursed warrior didn't dare to take any more direct attacks and kept dodging. When Electro saw this, he threw a pile of coins and bombed wildly.

His task today was to destroy the Kursed warriors.

The upgraded War Abomination and War Lizards each faced a Kursed warrior and, armed with Vibranium weapons, they were not at a disadvantage.

The Thing, Absorbing Man, Alyssa, and Human Torch was also fighting hard. Although they couldn't beat the Kursed Warrior, they could hold out for a while.

Elektra confronted Algrim again. Elektra had turned into a half-dragon and sneered, "This time, I won't give you another chance to escape."

"This time, I won't run away, because you will die," Algrim roared, with several black hole grenades hanging on his waist. He didn't believe that the other party could survive a black hole.

"When did humans become so strong?"

Loki thought, stunned at the strength of the humans. He had thought that the eleven Kursed warriors could sweep the superheroes, but they were all held back. What was even more terrifying was that the Earth had not even used its full strength yet.

"It seems that my choice was not wrong," Loki thought to himself. Just then, a colorful light fell and Thor, the God of Thunder with a hammer, appeared in front of Loki, roaring, "Loki."

Loki sneered, "Just you? Are the others afraid?"

"I'm here to kill you," Thor replied, jumping high with lightning all over his body and smashing Loki with his hammer.

Loki didn't dodge but looked at Thor with a mocking expression. Thor looked at him and couldn't help recalling the past years. Despite this, he couldn't bring himself to attack. The hammer deflected and struck the ground next to him, causing a loud noise and kicking up dirt and weeds.

Loki disappeared, revealing that it had just been a phantom. The real Loki then appeared behind Thor and kicked him away.