Chapter 168 : Trump Card

"My brother, you know that I may be fake, but you still can't do it. What kind of revenge and what kind of king are you like?" Loki said to Thor with a look of disdain. "The king needs to be cold-blooded and ruthless, just like Odin," he added.

"The king needs kindness and mercy," Thor countered.

Thor got up, turned, and shouted at Loki, "I won't kill you, I will lock you up until you die of old age."

"Then try it," Loki replied, waving his hand and summoning a group of Frost Giants who had been lurking beside him. They roared and rushed towards Thor.

"Loki, I won't let you go," Thor declared, wielding Mjolnir and fighting against the Frost Giants. He was not what he used to be and easily defeated the Frost Giants one by one.

Jane, who was setting up the Void Stabilizer on the spaceship, couldn't help sighing as she watched Thor's battle. She had always thought that she was first in Thor's heart, but now she realized that she was only third.

The hammer was first, Loki was second, and she was third. Jane was speechless at this revelation. What kind of love was she even talking about? Maybe it was time for them to just split up. Thor was handsome and physically strong, but he had nothing else going for him.

Meanwhile, in the sky, the space fleet was fighting against the Chitauris'. In addition to the bombing, the two sides also sent a large number of biochemical soldiers to fight fiercely in the air. Many biochemical soldiers and Giant beasts fell from the sky in a short period. Fortunately, the area below had been cleared, so there was no risk of hitting anyone on the ground.

Steve said, "Chitauris has more troops than us, Black Bolt. It's time for you to play."

"Waiting for a long time," Black Bolt replied through his communicator. Black Bolt, dressed in black, stood imposingly at the door of the spacecraft, that appeared above out of thin air.

"A little cold," he said loudly, and with that, the void shook as a Chitauri main ship in front of them exploded, shattering into pieces and falling to the ground in a rain of fire.

"How can this be?" the Chitaruis' exclaimed, almost scared to pee. They immediately turned their weapons to bombard the Avengers Ship. Black Bolt touched his throat and walked back into the spaceship as it flew into the sky, propping up its defensive shield.

At the same time, Gordon teleported to the main control room of a Chitauri main ship with a group of Inhumans, sneering, "The layout of each main ship is the same. You're too unimaginative?"

The Chitauri Ship's captain was startled and called for support as he raised his gun to shoot at Gordon and the others. Yili immediately put up a defensive shield, and Yiren took off his glasses and glared at the Chitauri people one by one. After a few seconds, all the high-level Chitauri had fallen to the ground. The Pain girl stepped forward and grabbed the Chitauri's hand, saying with a smile, "Give me your pain."

Seeing that the overall situation had been settled, Gordon said, "Leave it to you. I'll take the others to the next boat."

"No problem, this main ship will soon be ours," Yiren nodded and said with a smile.

"Very good," Gordon nodded. He took Skye and the others to the engine room of the next main ship. They knew that the command room would be heavily guarded, so they targeted the engine room instead.

When they arrived, they saw many soldiers protecting the engine room. The soldiers raised their guns to shoot as soon as Gordon and the others appeared. Inhuman Giella raised her hand with a cold snort, causing all the energy guns to fly up. Joey stepped forward and waved his hand, causing all the armor on the soldiers to melt and scalding the soldiers, who screamed in pain.

Joey looked contemptuous and said, "What age are you still wearing metal armor?"

Skye put her hand on the wall and said with a smile, "It's fortunate that the Asgardians aren't here, otherwise you'd be beaten."

"The Asgardians are also weird. They have high technology, but when they fight, they charge forward with weapons like medieval soldiers," Gordon complained.

At that moment, a large number of biochemical soldiers came to support. Everyone was preparing to start fighting when Skye shouted, "Gordon, the engine is about to burst!"

Without saying a word, Gordon teleported everyone away. The next moment, the Chitauri's engine room exploded with a loud rumbling, Fires rushing out and engulfing all the soldiers who had come to support.

Without the engine room, the main ship naturally fell to the ground with black smoke, and the Chitarians fled in panic on space capsules and Leviathan monsters. Moments later, the main ship of the Chitauri crashed to the ground, causing all the surrounding buildings to collapse.

At the same time, the Pain girl easily controlled the ship, and the Chitauri ship began firing wildly at its own people, causing the situation to quickly reverse.

"The Earthlings are too powerful, aren't they?" Loki was stunned. In a short period of time, five Chitauri main ships had been destroyed or captured. This was not the Earth he knew, the one that couldn't even get off the planet.

"Loki!" Thor roared beside him, but Loki didn't pay attention. He activated the magic instrument in his hand, causing a large number of Frost Giants and Fire Giants to appear around him. These were the regular armies of the Frost Giants and the Fire Giants.

The leaders of the Frost Giants and the Fire Giants roared, "Destroy the Asgardians, destroy the Earthlings!"

"Destroy them." Steve shouted coldly, and the army hidden in the surrounding buildings launched missiles at the Frost Giants and Fire Giants.

Hundreds of missiles roared out, falling like meteors on the positions of the Frost Giants and the Fire Giants, exploding and turning the surrounding area into a sea of fire. Many Frost Giants and fire Giants were wiped out on the spot, with more Frost Giants dying since fire Giants were not afraid of fire.

This was not the end, however. After a while, the second wave of missiles struck again, accompanied by a large number of bombers taking off and the sea fleet firing medium-range missiles one after another. It was a missile bombardment.

Seeing the tragic situation of the Frost Giants and Fire Giants, the human executives in the command room shouted, and President Ellis even sneered, "A group of primitive people dare to invade our Earth?"

"That's right, they don't even have decent weapons. Do they think we Earthlings are easy to bully?" everyone nodded in agreement. One-on-one, humans might not be a match for Frost Giants and Fire Giants, but humans had technology on their side.

The Prime Minister of England looked at the sea of fire with a bitter expression. Why did the war have to happen in London? How much would it cost to rebuild?

"Don't worry, Mr. Wang said he will give you some extraterrestrial technology as compensation," President Ellis said with a smile. "Mr. Wang won't let us suffer."

"Alien technology?" the Prime Minister of England's eyes lit up. He immediately declared, "The missile barrage should continue without stopping. Even if the entire city of London is blown up, we can't allow a single alien to live."

Everyone looked at the Prime Minister of England silently, as if to say, do you want more compensation?

Five minutes later, the missile scrubbing ended, and the area where the Frost Giants and Fire Giants had been was now a ruin. All the invaders except for a few Fire Giants had died. Elite squads hidden in the city had emerged, using high-tech weapons to eliminate the remaining Fire Giants. "See that, aliens? We, Earthlings, are not weak," they declared.

"How could this be?" the Chitarians and dark elves exclaimed, falling into the ice cellar. They never thought the Frost Giants and Fire Giants would die so quickly and so miserably.

Thor laughed, "Loki, do you see? You are about to lose."

"Idiot," Loki looked disdainful. The complete annihilation of the Frost Giants didn't make her feel distressed or angry at all. If these guys aren't dead, how could she be the Queen of the Frost Giants? No, the King? Loki doesn't want to be a puppet.

"Everyone, hold on. It won't be long before Malekith and Ebony kill the Blood God and support us," Algrim roared. The Dark Elves, Chitarians, and other alliance forces were completely defeated, and now their only hope for victory was Malekith and Ebony Maw.

"Hold on," the forces shouted in unison. They couldn't lose this battle because they had no other options left.

"Sucker punch," Steve said disdainfully, full of confidence in Bert because he had never let the Earth down. For many people, Bert was already the guardian of the Earth, and it was because of him that the Earth had such strong strength.

Let's rewind a bit, in the Mirror space, Bert faced off against Malekith and Ebony Maw. Ebony looked around and sneered, "Blood God, today this place will be your burial ground."

"Aren't you tired of it? You said the same thing last time, and look what happened," Bert sneered. "I don't know how you were resurrected, but today you will definitely die."

"It will never be me who dies today," Ebony Maw said confidently. Malekith also declared, "Yes, the ones who will die today will never be us. Blood God, we have full confidence in killing you, since we dared to come here."

"Then let's fight and see," Bert said, not wasting any more time on words. He equipped himself with battle armor, and a dazzling blue-red fire burned on his body, making him look like a god.

Seeing the blue and red fire, Ebony Maw and Malekith was a little apprehensive. Malekith controlled the Aether and asked, "Do you know how the Kursed Warrior was born?"

Bert replied, "I don't know, and I don't want to know."

Malekith explained, "The Kursed Warrior is born through the use of 'Aether', which transforms life and soul into extraordinary combat power. In simple terms, it's a trade-off of a lifetime for a short period of brilliance. Because it's only fragmented, the effect is not as good as using 'Aether' directly to transform and obtain invincible strength."

While speaking, Malekith absorbed the Aether along with Kurse stone into his body and rapidly swelled, his body emanating a strange red light. Malekith had transformed himself into a Kursed Warrior using the Aether.

"Blood God, no matter how strong you are, can you be stronger than the ultimate Kursed Warrior of the Dark Elves?" Malekith roared in a dull voice. He stomped his foot hard, causing a huge crack to open in the ground. He laughed, his power now seemingly invincible.

Bert was surprised, "You turned yourself into a Kursed Warrior? Are you planning on dying?"

"As long as the great cause of the Dark Elves can be completed, who cares if I die?" Malekith shouted. "Blood God, you are dead today."

"Yes, Blood God, you are dead today," Ebony Maw also laughed, shouting loudly, "Elder God, I will sacrifice all of my soul to you in exchange for the death of the Blood God. If he does not die, the agreement will be invalid."

"I would never accept such an agreement, but since the target is the Blood God, I agree," the evil voice of the Elder God replied. He was not fooled by Ebony Maw's words, he simply wanted to take revenge on the Blood God. Who gave Ebony Maw the guts to speak such words?

In the next moment, the aura around Ebony Maw soared, and a strange rune representing the Elder God appeared on his face. He raised his hand and activated his ability, causing the entire Earth to shake.

"Blood God, we are enough to kill you one-on-one, let alone two-on-one now. Today, you are dead," Malekith and Ebony Maw yelled at the same time, determined to kill the Blood God no matter the cost.

"You guys really impress me a bit." Bert couldn't help raising his eyebrows as he said, "Since that's the case, I can't hold back anymore."

As he spoke, the blue-red Flames on Bert's body burned fiercely, emanating an aura of burning through the void. Malekith and Ebony Maw both raised their vigilance, knowing that even though they had the upper hand in numbers, their opponent was the Blood God and they couldn't afford to be careless.

Just as the two of them were fully focused on Bert, Tesseract appeared above Malekith's head before disappearing instantly.


Ebony Maw froze for a moment before frantically trying to sense Malekith, but he couldn't sense him at all.

Ebony was shocked. With his current strength, he should be able to sense Malekith's presence no matter how far away Malekith is, as long as he is still in the main universe. But now he can't sense anything. There are only two possibilities: either Malekith is dead, or he is no longer in the main universe.

"What did you do?" Ebony asked.

Bert took back the Tesseract and said lightly, "I chatted with Odin some time ago and he said that, as a guardian, you must have a killer trump card to keep the demons and gods from daring to invade Earth. I thought it made sense, so I secretly researched a killer tool, but I didn't expect it to be available so quickly."

Ebony asked, "What is this killer tool?"

Bert smiled and said, "It's a secret. I wouldn't want to reveal my trump card to the enemy."

The name of this killer trump card is called "Dimensional Banishment." In short, it uses space stone to banish enemies to other planes. If someone is exiled from Earth, they will never be able to return unless they break the Elder God's guardian circle.

Mephisto, the lord of hell, watches the live broadcast of the battlefield in mid-air with a smug smirk. Both the Elder Gods and the lord of Hells are enemies of Mephisto, so he is naturally very happy to see them fighting each other.

At that moment, a beam of light fell from the sky, destroying the roof of the palace and landing on the ground.

"Again? Wait, why did I say it again?" Mephisto exclaimed as he quickly got up and looked at the light ahead with vigilance. Soon, the light disappeared and the huge Malekith appeared in front of him.

"Blood God," Malekith growled as he clenched his fists and looked around. He asked Mephisto, "How do I get back to Earth?"

Mephisto looked contemptuous and asked, "You want to go back to Earth?"

"Do you have a grudge against the Blood God?" Mephisto asked.

"Mephisto, this guy has the Reality Stone on him. Kill him and the Reality Stone will be yours," Bert's voice suddenly sounded. "The Reality Gem can fulfill all wishes, for example, restore your IQ."