Chapter 169 : Decision

"Reality Stone? Restore IQ?" Bert's words made Mephisto look at Malekith greedily, and Malekith became vigilant.

After a while, Mephisto spoke, sneering: "Blood God, do you think you can fool me like that? I don't know who you are, but if you have the Reality Stone, take me back to Earth quickly. I'll help you kill that bastard of Blood God, and while you're at it, restore my IQ."

Malekith glanced at Mephisto and shook his head. "No, the reality stone needs to be sacrificed in order to be used, and I have nothing to sacrifice right now."

"Why not sacrifice Mephisto?" Bert's voice sounded again. "He's the devil of hell."

"Malekith, the time for the Convergence is running out," Bert added.

This time, it was Mephisto's turn to be vigilant, and he asked Malekith, "You're not going to be tricked, are you?"

Malekith said, "Of course not. Do you have anything to sacrifice?"

"If you want to enter Earth, you'll have to break the defense line arranged by the Ancient One. Except for me... cough cough cough." Mephisto stopped speaking halfway through and shut up, wanting to slap himself. How could he have said such a thing?

"Damn IQ," Mephisto looked up at the sky and sighed. "The Blood God is really too poisonous."

"Then there's no way. I have to go back to Earth. I have no other choice," Malekith said, his eyes flashing fiercely. He didn't have much time left to live and had to succeed this time.

Mephisto hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Don't fall for the trick. Let's go kill the Blackheart together. He's my son and also half a lord. That should be enough for you to return to Earth."

"It's too late. For the great cause of the Dark Elves, Die," Malekith shouted and appeared in front of Mephisto, his fists shining red as he slammed them into Mephisto like a shooting star.

"What do you think you're doing?" Mephisto was furious and changed back into the form of a devil to meet him. With a loud bang, the two flew out at the same time and knocked down the wall behind them.

Malekith stood up from the ground and found himself surrounded by an army of demons. He said coldly, "It seems that you don't have good intentions."

"Of course, I want the Reality Stone. I wanted to use you, but I didn't expect your IQ to be lower than mine," Mephisto flew over from the opposite side, his face grim.

Malekith sneered, "Lower than mine? So you know that you're an idiot."

"Die!" Mephisto became angry and led a group of demons to besiege Malekith.

Malekith was not afraid and fought against the demons. With his current strength and the help of Aether, he even had the power to fight against Mephisto.

"Sure enough, the fight has started," Bert said, smiling slightly. Neither Malekith nor Mephisto were too stupid. The reason for their fight was simple - Malekith was running out of time and needed to return to Earth as quickly as possible.

To return to Earth, Malekith had to kill Mephisto and sacrifice him. Ordinary sacrifices cannot penetrate the defense line of the Sorcerer Supreme. If it were easy to enter Earth, how could those Hell lords have been kept out for hundreds of years?

Of course, Bert's plan was not perfect. For example, they could call other Hell lords to help, but with Mephisto's current IQ, he couldn't think of it, and Malekith didn't understand hell, so he couldn't think of it either.

So, they went to war.

In addition, Bert had also prepared a backup plan. If something went wrong, he could bring Malekith back to Earth in an instant, so there wouldn't be a situation where cleverness is mistaken by cleverness.

Leaving that aside for now, in the mirror space, Ebony Maw heard Bert's words and gritted his teeth. "Blood God, what if Malekith is missing? I can still kill you!"

"A dying man, where does all this nonsense come from?" Bert said with a disdainful smile, his body rushing towards Ebony's like lightning. Ebony pushed forward with both hands, and the air hit Bert like a wall.

Bert immediately teleported, but the space suddenly became chaotic, forcing him to reappear in his original location.

"When telekinesis is strong enough, it can even interfere with space. Blood God, your teleportation is useless," Ebony Maw laughed out loud, controlling the air around Bert into a ball and pressing him hard.

Bert's body was covered in blue and red flames, which forcibly blocked the pressing air. He lifted the Vibranium spear with some difficulty, shouted loudly, and the spear shot violently toward Ebony like a sharp arrow released from a bowstring.

"You can't kill me," Ebony Maw roared and a translucent giant phantom appeared out of thin air outside his body. The Vibranium spear hit the phantom as if it had fallen into a quagmire, its speed becoming slower and slower.

In the end, the Vibranium spear ran out of strength and fell to the ground with a bang.

This eruption made Ebony's nose, eyes, ears, and mouth all bleed, but he didn't care. He laughed loudly, "Blood God, the Elder God will not let you kill me. In order to complete the agreement, it will do anything to project power on me. My previous agreement was not to cheat, but to kill you for sure."

In the laughter of Ebony, the phantom on his body gradually solidified, turning into a crimson Elder God with stalwart to the extreme. When he appeared, even the void was a little frozen.

"Blood God, who gave you the courage to despise an Elder God?" The Elder God roared furiously. His huge arms raised high, like a falling meteor, and slammed into Bert, who was blocked by the air.

Inspired by such terrifying power, Ebony Maw's body couldn't bear it and he kept vomiting blood. But his face was full of happiness because that bastard Blood God was finally going to die.

At this moment, the Vibranium spear that had fallen to the ground suddenly emerged from the foot of Ebony Maw and pierced through Ebony Maw's body from bottom to top.

Ebony opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, with an unbelievable look on his face. "How could this be?"

At that moment, the flame on the Vibranium spear evolved into Bert's face, and he sneered, "You're very proud, right? It's a pity that you were too proud and forgot to defend yourself. Hmph, what about the Elder Gods? I want to kill you. Can they stop it?"

The ghost of the Elder God, who had disappeared quickly, roared at Bert, "Blood God, I won't let you go."

Bert's figure emerged from the Vibranium spear, and said with a sneer, "My dear, wait until you can enter the Earth."

At the same time, Bert, who had been blocked by the air, slowly disappeared. In fact, he was just a force. Bert's body was inside the Vibranium spear.

After a while, Ebony Maw's body was burned to the ground, and his soul gave Bert a hateful look, intending to escape. At that moment, Bert took out a scroll and made a move towards the void, Ebony's soul flew towards the scroll uncontrollably.

Ebony shouted in horror, "What is this?"

"You think the same method can be used a second time in front of me?" Bert sneered. "This is the soul scroll drawn by the Sorcerer Supreme herself. It can seal all souls. I can't kill you, but I can seal you forever."

"No, you can't do that!" Ebony shouted, "Elder God, I will sacrifice all of myself to you, take me away."

A ripple appeared in the void. The power of the Elder God wanted to come, but Bert summoned the Tesseract to suppress the space and shouted at the same time, "I'm sorry, this road is dead."

The next moment, the soul of Ebony was sealed into the magic scroll. The Elder God roared, "That soul belongs to me! Blood God, you will pay for your actions."

"This sentence, you have said it many times. The problem is, you have not realized it once," Bert sneered. "Does your face hurt?"

"Blood God!" The Elder God roared, but there was nothing he could do with Bert, so he could only dissipate in the air. Bert snorted, put away the magic scroll, and then turned his eyes to Mephisto again.

Mephisto was covered in injuries, and even the horn on his head was broken in half. He laughed, "I won, after all. I still won, the Reality Stone is mine."

Opposite Mephisto, Malekith was lying on the ground covered in bruises. His vitality was almost exhausted, and now he couldn't even lift his fingers.

Around the two of them, the corpses of demons were piled up like mountains. In order to kill Malekith, Mephisto paid a lot.

"I curse you, I curse you with my soul not to die," Malekith shouted in a weak voice, gnashing his teeth.

Mephisto smiled disdainfully and said, "Do you think you still have a soul? You sacrificed yourself with the Reality Stone, not only your life but also your soul. Hmph, die for me."

As he spoke, Mephisto slapped Malekith with his claw. Malekith was about to cast the final curse, but at that moment, a flash of light made him disappear from Mephisto.

At this moment, Bert's voice sounded: "Mephisto, thank you."

Mephisto was stunned when he heard Bert say "thank you." Then, he realized that he had been made into a tool demon by the Blood God. Mephisto was filled with anger and roared in frustration.

"Blood God!"

At that moment, a loud laugh came from outside. "Mephisto, your time of death has arrived," said the Blackheart.

Mephisto was shocked to realize that the Blackheart was planning to take the opportunity to kill him while he was already weakened. "This idiot is here again!" he thought to himself.

Mephisto knew that he couldn't defeat the Blackheart in his current state, so he turned and ran. "Mephisto, you will pay for this," the Blackheart laughed as he chased after Mephisto. If he killed Mephisto, he would be the real lord of hell.

Malekith was brought back to the mirror space by the space stone. When he saw Bert, he was about to speak, but Bert controlled the blue and red flames and violently attacked Malekith. When the flames disappeared, Malekith was completely destroyed, leaving only the Aether floating in place.

Bert summoned the space stone to seal the remaining half of the Aether. The Aether seemed to accept its fate and remained motionless within the space stone.

Bert did not return to the real world immediately. Instead, he announced on the channel, "I won." Everyone was stunned for a moment before erupting into cheers. They were glad to see that the Blood God had not let them down.

"Bert, let's hurry and clear the scene together," Tony said. "None of these intruders can be spared."

Everyone nodded in agreement. "Yes, none of them can be spared," they said.

Bert replied, "If you want to wipe them all out, I can't show up. As soon as I appear, they'll flee."

Tony nodded and said, "Then don't show up. Leave them a glimmer of hope, let them fight to the death and fight to the last man. That's how it should be."

Ivan added, "Bert, you don't need to come. Leave it to us here."

Others also chimed in, saying, "Leave it to us. We can handle it."

The current situation was not just good, but very good.

"Alright, I'll leave it to you here. I'm going to Kamar-Taj's side. The Hell lords have deployed more troops than expected this time, so there may be variables," Bert said.

He then turned to Loki and asked, "The overall situation has been decided. Will you return to the team or continue as an undercover agent?"

Loki was silent for a moment before asking, "Are both Ebony Maw and Malekith dead?"

Bert replied, "Malekith is destroyed, and the soul of Ebony Maw is sealed by me."

"You're really cruel," Loki said.

He then asked again, "Are you really going to turn me back into a man?"

"I am not the God of Deception. I promise you, I will do it," Bert replied with a smile. "It's a pity, I originally wanted to wait until you became a woman completely before turning you back into a man."

Loki was speechless. 'Are you really not a devil?' he thought to himself.

Loki glanced at Thor, who was roaring nearby and said, "I'll continue as an undercover agent. It's boring to return to the team now, but I have one condition."

"What condition?" Bert asked.

"I want Malekith's half-reality stone," Loki replied. "Also, I'll run away with the dark elves to win Thanos' trust."

"We want to wipe out the dark elves," Bert said, frowning slightly.

Loki sneered in response, "What's the difference between killing more or less? The dark elves have been abandoned, they can only be my puppets in the future."

Bert hesitated before saying, "Okay, I'll give you the Aether."

He then asked, "Loki, I'm curious. Why are you on my side this time?"

Loki snorted, "Stop being smug. Who is on your side? I'm only helping you because of Odin."

"Since he really regards me as a son, then I will also regard him as a father," Loki explained.

Originally, Loki had no intention of standing on Bert's side. In fact, she had even planned to blow up Odin and Thor. However, after Odin said a few bitter words, she changed her mind.

Loki has always wanted to gain Odin's approval and has always looked up to him as a father figure. In "Thor," everything she did was motivated by this desire. Because of this, she even killed her own father.

As time passed, Loki became increasingly dark and ruthless, which was in part due to Odin's tough attitude towards him. The more ruthless Odin was to him, the more ruthless Loki became in return.

However, in this world, Odin's temperament has gradually softened due to the matter with Hela. As a result, he is no longer as tough on Loki and tries to persuade him instead. Loki sees that Odin still cares about her and decides to turn back.

In a sense, Loki is just a rebellious "child."