Chapter 170 : Doom's Graduation Project

"Odin, the old guy, occasionally does good things," Loki said.

Bert smiled and replied, "Alright, that's it. I'll let Tony and the others cooperate with you."

Loki warned, "Don't cooperate too much. I don't care how many frost giants the dark elves kill."

"Besides, don't tell Thor that I'm an undercover agent. He's an idiot and might leak it," Loki added.

"You just want Thor to hunt you down in a fit of rage?" Bert asked, complaining. He shook his head and then told Tony and Steve about the situation individually. After discussing it, they both agreed.

Bert looked at the Aether in the Tesseract, his eyes flashing. Loki couldn't be trusted completely, so he still had to leave behind something.

"Aether, I want to make a wish," Bert said to the Aether. "I won't devour you if you agree to two conditions."

The Aether particles shook violently and flew around inside the Tesseract as if they were very angry. "Are you threatening me?" they seemed to say.

Bert smiled lightly and replied, "Yes, I am threatening you. And I think my threat is very valuable."

After the Aether bared its teeth and claws at Bert, it fell still again. Bert knew that it had agreed to his terms.

"The first condition is that I can call you back at any time, as long as I want," Bert said. "The second condition is that I want to incorporate a mass of blood into your particles. You must ensure that the mass of blood is not discovered, and you must send me information at any time."

The Aether flashed with light, accepting Bert's conditions.

Bert nodded in satisfaction and merged a cloud of blood into the Aether. He then thought for a moment and changed positions with his projection.

More than ten minutes later, the Aether suddenly flew out of the void and Malekith's sad and angry voice sounded, "Algrim, complete the great cause of our dark elves."

Algrim didn't answer because his head had been chopped off by Elektra, and the Kursed warriors had been wiped out.

"Malekith and Ebony Maw are also lost?" the dark elves asked in desperation, their last hope gone.

Loki suddenly appeared in the air and the Aether flew straight into her body. She turned to Thor and smiled, saying, "Stupid brother, let's fight again next time."

Thor smashed his hammer towards Loki and said, "Loki, don't run away."

Loki disdainfully smiled and a ray of light fell from the sky, taking her away in a Harrow battleship.

Loki instructed, "Dark elves and Chitauris, withdraw to the clock tower over there. I'll launch a formation to take you off the Earth."

However, a dark elf yelled, "No, we can't run away. We have to complete the plan."

Loki threw an ice spear against the elf and coldly shouted, "We have already lost. The most important thing now is to preserve our strength. What are you waiting for? Do you want the dark elves to be exterminated?"

The remaining dark elves looked at each other before choosing to follow Loki's orders and flee to the clock tower.

Seeing the dark elves escape, the Chitauri immediately followed, while the frost giants and fire giants had already been wiped out.

"Stop them, don't let them escape," Tony and Steve said, leading the army in pursuit. Soon, more than a dozen Harrow battleships fled to the clock tower, where Loki launched a magic circle and made all the battleships disappear.

The Chitauri who had followed closely was furious that Loki had used them as cannon fodder. However, they didn't know magic and had no way to escape. Steve, Tony, and the others sneered and surrounded the Chitauri.

Half an hour later, the Chitauri were wiped out, and the humans cheered in unison. They had won the battle, but the war was far from over.


Let's move backward in time, To Kamar-Taj.

"They're trying to drain our mana," Bert said to the Ancient One as they fought against the demons in the Kamar-Tajs' affiliated space. Blood flowed like a river as the mages fought against the endless waves of demons.

"Our biggest weakness is that there are so few of us and no backup," Bert added.

The Ancient One nodded and replied, "They are very determined this time. It seems they have a special move."

Bert asked, "Master, why don't you use the Time Stone to look into the future and see what's happening?"

The Ancient One sighed and said, "Time has begun to exclude me. I won't use the Time Stone until the critical moment."

Bert was puzzled and asked, "The Time Stone repels you? Master, the Infinity Stones are just objects, why do they have to be treated with such caution?"

Bert expressed that he was very puzzled, as his space stone was very well-behaved.

"It's not the Time Stone that repels me, it's time itself that repels me," the Ancient One explained. "Time doesn't like being watched, and no one can have the Time Stone all the time."

Bert said, "That sounds a bit mysterious."

"Each Infinity Stone is extraordinary, Bert. You don't have to think about the other Infinity Stones and focus on absorbing the Space Stone," the Ancient One said. "A chance like yours is something that other people dream of. Once you completely absorb the Space Stone, you will become part of the universe. As long as the universe is alive, you will not die."

Bert nodded and said, "Okay, I'll focus on absorbing the Space Stone in the future."

Ancient One nodded in satisfaction and instructed, "You can't fight like this anymore. Doom, Mordo, you two go."

"Okay," Doom and Mordo both nodded. Mordo pointed to the front and sent thousands of monsters into his mirror space. This mirror space had been specially modified by Mordo so that no one else could enter or see it.

As soon as the monsters entered the mirror space, they were surrounded by thousands of voodoo corpses.

Mordo thought to himself, 'As long as the purpose is right, the process is not important. Unfortunately, the world is too ignorant, so no one can know about it.' It's worth mentioning that the monsters killed by the voodoo corpse become new voodoo corpses (like zombies), which is why Mordo doesn't mind injecting the voodoo corpse with the deadly version of the Extremis virus.

Seeing Mordo send thousands of monsters into the mirror space, Doom smiled and said, "I'll let you see my graduation work, the perfect crystallization of biotechnology and magic."

All the mages looked over in curiosity when they heard Doom's words. They wanted to know what exactly his graduation work was.

Doom didn't waste any time talking. He quickly cast spells with both hands, and a space magic circle appeared in front of him. Then, a large number of cockroaches the size of baby fists emerged from the magic circle and quickly crawled towards the monsters.

"Cockroaches?" The mages were shocked, and Kaecilius sneered, "Doom, your graduation project is just making cockroaches bigger?"

"Idiot," Doom replied with a disdainful smile. He didn't bother to explain further, and Kaecilius gritted his teeth in anger. This guy was really hateful.

Soon, the army of cockroaches and the army of monsters met. The monsters were very disdainful of the cockroaches and raised their feet to step on them.

The cockroaches flapped their wings, nimbly avoiding the big feet of the monsters, and then slammed into them.

Boom, boom, boom...

Intensive explosions sounded one after another. Despite their small size, those cockroaches were far more powerful than grenades, and a large number of monsters were blown to pieces.

The Hell commanders were shocked when they saw this and immediately ordered, "Balrog, destroy these cockroaches."

"Yes!" the Balrogs replied, before stepping forward and releasing flames to burn the army of cockroaches.

But to the horror of the monsters, the cockroaches were not afraid of fire, and their vitality was extremely tenacious. Even when beaten to death, they could still rush over and slam into the monsters.

"Why do you think I use cockroaches as a carrier for explosions? Their vitality is beyond imagination." Doom sneered. As for fire resistance, it was simpler: a modified version of the Extremis Virus.

As more and more cockroaches rushed out, the monsters suffered heavy losses. The monster commanders finally couldn't help themselves and used magic to kill a large number of the exploding cockroaches.

Doom smiled disdainfully, raised his hand, and an overwhelming explosion of cockroaches suddenly appeared from the pile of monster corpses, flying towards the monsters frantically.

These cockroaches could actually feed on the corpses of monsters and multiply rapidly.

Even the bravest of the monsters were frightened by the seemingly endless horde of exploding cockroaches and fled in terror. The insects covered the sky like a plague, and no matter how the commanders ordered their troops to stand their ground, they were eventually blown to pieces by the overwhelming numbers of the enemy.

"Don't retreat, kill them!" several commanders shouted at the front line. But as the army of cockroaches arrived, the commanders were quickly blown to pieces.

The expressions of the Hell lords were extremely ugly. Doom actually made so many cockroaches under their noses, which was like hitting them in the face.

"My exploding cockroaches have been working hard since the beginning, and the more you die, the more cockroaches I have."

Doom laughed: "Lords of hell, with me Doom, you will never want to step into the earth."

The Hell lords grit their teeth, and the earth has another guardian.

"Doom, well done."

Bert applauded loudly, Doom is Doom, and he did not let him down. This explosive cockroach is definitely a tool of war against the sky.

Different from Bert, the mage's expressions are quite complicated, with joy, doubt, and disgust - the explosion cockroach obviously used black magic, otherwise, it would not be possible to grow so fast.

At Kamar-Taj, the use of black magic is taboo.

Strange didn't care whether he used black magic or not. He looked at the exploding cockroaches, his scalp tingling: 'Isn't this bastard too strong? Can I really take revenge? Or, if nothing happened?'

Kaecilius shouted righteously: "Mordo, Doom uses black magic, don't you care?"

Mordo looked contemptuously at Kaecilius. He couldn't believe he hadn't realized how stupid Kaecilius was before. "That's right," he thought to himself. "I used to be just as stupid as him, so I didn't notice it. But now, I've become smarter, and Kaecilius remains the same."

Kaecilius was almost not angry with Mordo, but rather puzzled. Given Mordo's hatred of evil, why was he so calm?

Kaecilius sighed to himself, "Kamar-Taj is becoming more and more unfamiliar to me."

Doom glared coldly at Kaecilius and said slowly, "This battle is my graduation exam. When it's over, I'll leave Kamar-Taj."

The mages let out a sigh of relief at these words. They didn't want to stay with the Great Demon Doom at all.

The Ancient One said, "Okay, let's talk about it later. Let's deal with these monsters first."

"Yes, Sorcerer Supreme," all the mages nodded in agreement. While the army of monsters was distracted by the explosive cockroaches, they frantically released magic to kill the enemy.

The monsters of Hell were beaten to the ground. If it hadn't been for the lords personally taking charge, it's likely they would have fled.

Ancient One sighed. "Doom's talent is indeed extraordinary. If it weren't for his dark heart, he would be the most suitable candidate for Sorcerer Supreme."

"People who are not dark-hearted cannot create something like this," Bert said.

He smiled and continued, "It's worth my support for him."

Ancient One asked, "You supported him?"

Bert replied, "Of course. The funds alone cost billions, and I also gave him the dragon heart of the extraordinary dragon."

Ancient One asked, "You don't seem like someone who would engage in a loss-making business."

Bert replied, "No loss. Billions of dollars plus a dragon heart in exchange for Doom's shot is a big profit. Eventually, he will become a demon."

"It's really worth it," the Ancient One said, nodding in agreement.

At this time, the Hell lords on the opposite side finally couldn't help but take action. One of them, a demon dragon leader, opened its mouth and sprayed dragon breath that burned everything towards the army of explosive cockroaches.

Bert held out one of his hands and a huge space door suddenly appeared in front of the dragon breath. The dragon's breath flew into it and disappeared.

The next moment, the dragon breath appeared from above the monsters, instantly destroying a large number of them. "Master, it's our turn," Bert said.

Immediately afterwards, Bert raised his hand and pointed to the sky. The previously dark sky suddenly became filled with bolts of lightning roaming around. Then, thousands of thunderbolts bombarded down at the same time, like a catastrophe.

Bert had secretly brewed the lightning in the mirror space, waiting for an opportunity to use the lightning ring, one of the Ten Rings.

The Hell lords were shocked and hurried to intercept the thunderbolts, but because they were a step slower, many of them slipped through the net and fell below, killing a large number of monsters.

Bert sneered, "Lords of hell, is that all you've got?"

The Hell lords were furious and one of them shouted, "A mere vampire's projection dares to speak to us like this?"

Bert looked provocative and replied, "Aren't you also just a projection? If you have the ability, bring your real body over!"

Although the Hell lords kept cursing, none of them sent their real bodies over.

"What a joke," the Hell lords thought. 'The opposite is the Ancient One. Who dares to use their real body? Aren't you afraid of falling down?'

"Stop talking nonsense. Let's get this show on the road," one of the Hell lords said.

The Ancient One flew into the sky. Bert immediately followed, and the Hell lords looked at each other before flying up one after another.

"We can only do this once. In any case, we must defeat the Ancient One and enter Earth!" the Hell lords thought to themselves.

They only cared about defeating the Ancient One and paid no attention to the Blood God. The Blood God may be strong in the future, but for now, he was still far from it.

Ancient One waved her hand to cut off the space and shouted, "Who will die first?"

Lucifer snorted coldly with a group of Hell lords, "Ancient One, you've been arrogant for too many years. It's time to pay the price."

Bert touched his nose and thought to himself, "Master, this group really knows how to ridicule."

The Hell lords were not unexpectedly provoked and Lucifer said angrily, "Ancient One, do you think you are still the same as before? Your current strength is not even half of what it used to be."

Ancient One replied, "To clean up you, half of my strength is enough."

She quickly cast a spell and figures emerged from her body, looking at the Hell lords coldly.

This was not the power of the Time Stone, but rather a magic that the Ancient One had mastered. With her level of accomplishment, she could create twelve clones with the same strength as her.

In "Avengers: Infinity War," Doctor Strange used a similar magic, but those clones would dissipate as soon as they were touched.

Without further ado, the thirteen Ancient Ones all moved against the Hell lords.

Even as one and with only half of her strength remaining, she still dared to take the initiative to attack. This was the Ancient One - the one who guarded the Earth for hundreds of years, causing the demons to grit their teeth with hatred but remain helpless against her.