Chapter 172 : Spear of God

Ancient One couldn't help laughing as she sensed the situation in the dark area. Bert's abilities had really surprised her; she never thought he would be able to kill a Devil's projection so quickly.

"Today, none of you will escape," Ancient One said majestically, repelling the attack of the Hell Lords. It wasn't her style to simply repel the attack; she wanted to kill all enemies so they wouldn't dare to invade Earth easily. The peace of Earth for so many years had been due to Ancient One's iron blood.

The Hell Lords had difficult expressions on their faces as they realized they were losing ground. If things continued, they would be beheaded by Ancient One one after another, just like before.

'Fortunately, I didn't use my real body,' the Hell Lords thought, secretly sighing that the old woman Ancient One was too cruel. Her successor, the Blood God, was also very cruel.

The lords looked at the battlefield below and saw that Kamar-Taj, led by the army of cockroaches, had already started to counterattack. The defeat of the army of monsters was only a matter of time.

"Lucifer, if you have any trump card, hurry up and use it," a Hell Lord said to Lucifer.

"Now is not a good opportunity," Lucifer replied, hesitating. At that moment, Ancient One had the upper hand and he might not be able to get his wish.

"If we continue to fight, there are no good opportunities, let alone bad ones," the other Hell Lords pointed out.

Lucifer gritted his teeth, nodded, and said, "Okay, let"s start. You pass all your power to me."

"Good," the lords agreed, gathering around Lucifer and pouring all their strength into him.

Lucifer's black wings and the surrounding black light seemed to cover the entire world, as a gap opened in the void, revealing an indescribable eye that represented the deepest darkness. Everyone present, including the Hell Lords, felt a sense of eternal darkness upon looking at the eye.

"Dormammu!" Ancient One shouted in surprise. "Lucifer, are you crazy? Dormammu is also your enemy."

Dormammu, the lord of the dark dimension, had always wanted to devour Earth and the main universe. The Hell dimension was a subsidiary dimension of the main universe, so if the main universe was swallowed, the Hell dimension would also disappear. Therefore, Dormammu was a common enemy of Earth and Hell.

"Don't worry, according to the agreement, I will only make one shot," said Dormammu as a strange rune flashed in his eyes. The Ancient One vomited blood on the spot, and all twelve of her clones disappeared.

Bert rushed to support the Ancient One, who was badly injured by Dormammu. Bert was puzzled, wondering why the Ancient One had been easily injured by Dormammu.

"Ancient One, this marks the end of your use of dark power," Dormammu laughed. "Unfortunately, you are going to die soon. Otherwise, I would be happy to turn you into a dark puppet."

Ancient One nodded her head towards Bert, indicating that she was fine. Then, she said to Dormammu, "Dormammu, you have wasted your best chance. With the authority as the dimension master, you can only punish me once."

"Once is enough, because you have no future," Dormammu sneered.

At that moment, Lucifer closed the space crack and shouted, "Dormammu, you can leave now."

"Angel," Dormammu snorted. While the gap in the space was still open, he quietly transmitted a dark force and sneaked into the bodies of three mages with dark souls.

"Do you want to know why the Ancient One is immortal?" Dormammu's voice sounded in the minds of the three mages at the same time.

Doom smiled disdainfully and crushed Dormammu's consciousness. "I knew it already. Do you still need to tell me?"

"No matter what Master does, it is to save the world," Mordo said without hesitation. He smashed the light directly, wiping out Dormammu's consciousness.

Only Kaecilius squinted and asked, "Why? Who are you?"

The space gap was repaired, and the conversation above cannot be heard by the people below.

Dormammu said aloofly: "I am the lord of the Dark Dimension, Dormammu."

"Dormammu?" Kaecilius blinked and asked. "That Dormammu who was turned into a puppet by the Dark Dimension, who works 24 hours a day and has no salary?"

"What nonsense? I'm the master of the Dark Dimension, not a puppet," Dormammu said angrily. He wondered who had been slandering him behind his back.

Kaecilius asked: "Have you taken any vacations besides work? Do you have any recreational activities?"

Dormammu was stunned for a moment and then snorted coldly: "The great master doesn't need such vulgar things. All my time will be used to devour the universe and expand the Dark Dimension."

"What's the difference between you and a puppet?" Kaecilius asked.

Dormammu shouted: "Of course there is a difference. I am the master of the Dark Dimension. Everything I get from my work is my own. Why can't capitalists, dimension demon gods, and lords work 24 hours a day?"

'The capitalists I know are not as diligent as you are,' Kaecilius muttered. He hesitated and asked, "Why can the Sorcerer Supreme live forever?"

Dormammu chuckled and laughed: "Because she's stealing the power of the Dark Dimension!"

"Sorcerer Supreme steals the power of the Dark Dimension?" Kaecilius was stunned for a moment, then roared: "That is impossible, Sorcerer Supreme would never do that."

Dormammu laughed. "Poor child, the truth is often cruel."

Although Kaecilius was angry at Dormammu's 'slander', he hesitated for a moment before deciding not to destroy this wisp of consciousness. He was finally suspicious.

Leaving aside Kaecilius' thoughts for a moment, on the upper floor, Lucifer closed the space crack and shouted, "Ancient One, your time of death is here."

After finishing speaking, Lucifer didn't wait for Ancient One's response. He wiped his hands in the air and a pure white spear with brilliant light gradually appeared. As soon as it appeared, all the Hell Lords were in pain and fled from Lucifer's side.

At the same time, the surrounding void was blocked by the holy light of the pure white spear, making it impossible to teleport or escape.

As a fallen angel, Lucifer was smoking mad under the illumination of the pure white spear, but he didn't care. His face was full of excitement as he could finally enter Earth.

Even Ancient One took a deep breath upon seeing the pure white spear. "Concept Armed, God's Spear!"

Bert couldn't help but ask, "Master, what is the Spear of God?"

"God once created a set of conceptual weapons from the origin of the universe, which is called God's Armaments. The Spear of God is one of them. The biggest difference between it and other artifacts is that it has a concept."

Ancient One said in a deep voice, "If I remember correctly, the concept of the Spear of God is that it will hit its target. As long as it is shot, it will definitely hit the target."

"Will hit!" Bert's eyes narrowed. This attribute is nothing in a game, but in reality, it is terrifying.

Bert said, "Master, let me take you to escape. The Space Stone can break through the blockade of the Spear of God."

"Don't worry, the Spear of God can't kill me. Bert, transfer some of the power of space to me," Ancient One said, signaling for Bert to calm down. Bert nodded and secretly sent the power of space into Ancient One.

Ancient One looked at Lucifer and said in a cold voice, "I suspected that you were colluding with angels before, but I didn't expect it to be true. Heaven has fallen."

Lucifer said, "I didn't collude with the angels. I sent someone to steal it from Gabriel."

As soon as these words came out, not only Bert and Ancient One looked disdainful, but even the Hell Lords sneered. God's Armament could only be taken from heaven if it agreed to it. Who could take it otherwise?

Lucifer's expression didn't change as he said, "Whether you believe it or not, I did."

After a while, all the Spears of God appeared, like a holy sun illuminating the entire space. Lucifer threw it and shouted, "Ancient One, die."

The Spear of God penetrated space and came to Ancient One instantly. Ancient One quickly cast a spell to form a small space using the power of the Space Stone. The Spear of God slammed wildly into the small space at an alarming speed, and cracks quickly appeared.

Ancient One cast the spell again, causing a figure to appear out of thin air in the small space. The Spear of God sensed its presence and immediately rushed over to penetrate it, turning it to ashes with holy flame.

The Spear of God was about to continue attacking the small space when the figure was resurrected. It looked around in confusion, and asked "What's the situation?"

Before he finished speaking, the figure was once again killed by the Spear of God, but he was quickly resurrected again.

Resurrected, kill, resurrect, kill... Infinite loop, God's Spear completely forgot its mission and kept killing that figure.

"Ancient One, you're using me as cannon fodder again," the figure finally reacted and roared in grief. - Yes, it's our classmate Dracula.

Ancient One looked expressionless and had used Dracula as cannon fodder. Bert blinked and asked Ancient One, "Master, the Spear of God seems to hate Dracula?"

"God hates vampires. Your fear of silver, garlic, and the curse of sunlight is directly related to Him," Ancient One explained. "As God's weapon, the Spear of God naturally hates vampires."

"How so?" Lucifer was stunned and quickly took out Gabriel's mark to control the Spear of God, making it ignore Dracula and kill Ancient One.

The Spear of God was somewhat frustrated with Lucifer's order and split in two, one continuing to shoot at Dracula and the other turning to attack the small space.

Lucifer breathed a sigh of relief as the Spear of God did not disappoint him.

Ancient One sneered when she saw this and the Eye of Agamotto appeared in front of her. She cast a spell with both hands and the Time Stone inside the Eye of Agamotto lit up with a dazzling green light.

Ancient One pulled the green light into a magic circle with her fingers and then pushed the magic circle into Dracula's body.

Dracula, who had just been resurrected, seemed to have seen this trick before and roared, "Ancient One, you said you wouldn't use this trick on me."

"You also said that you wouldn't speak ill of me in the future," Ancient One sneered. Before Dracula could say anything else, the formation started and hundreds of Draculas suddenly appeared in the small space. They were stunned for a moment before looking at Ancient One with grief and indignation. 'This old woman is too vicious,' they thought.

The Spear of God saw so many Draculas and split into hundreds of spears, shooting at them crazily. As for Ancient One, who was Ancient One?

Bert was stunned. "Master, this is too cruel. You actually pulled hundreds of Draculas from time to use as cannon fodder?"

No wonder Dracula was so afraid of Ancient One. Even the brutal Hell Lords were dumbfounded, and it was a shame that Ancient One didn't have the qualifications to be a devil.

Ancient One turned to Bert and asked with a smile, "Do you think I'm too cruel and stingy?"

Bert immediately replied, "Dracula deserves it. A hundred is not enough, at least a thousand."

"It's not forced, and I won't do it either," Ancient One said, shaking her head and sighing. "It's just strange that this cannon fodder is so useful."

Bert touched his nose, thinking he must keep improving his strength so he wouldn't be regarded as cannon fodder one day.

"Spear of God, complete your mission," Lucifer kept urging Gabriel's mark. The Spear of God felt a little irritable and shattered the mark directly, causing Lucifer to scream and spit out black blood.

As the weapon of God, the Spear of God doesn't even care about the archangel Gabriel, let alone the fallen angel Lucifer. If it wasn't for Gabriel's sake, the Spear of God would've stabbed Lucifer earlier.

Lucifer was not willing to give up and turned to the Hell Lords, shouting, "Go, kill them while Ancient One can't fight."

The Hell Lords hesitated. They had passed most of their power to Lucifer before and were now very weak.

Lucifer roared, "You are just phantoms, what are you afraid of? It's a big deal to die together."

"That's true," the Hell Lords said and no longer hesitated, rushing towards Ancient One and Bert. Bert snorted coldly and created a small space with the power of the Space Stone, trapping most of the Hell Lords inside.

Bert then held the vibranium spear and rushed towards Lucifer, stabbing him in the chest.

"It's just you? Even if I'm seriously injured, it's not something you, a vampire, can contend against!" Lucifer roared, and demonic energy turned into a large number of black thunderbolts, shooting at Bert.

Just then, another Bert appeared behind Lucifer. He pushed forward with both hands and the flames all over his body turned into a long sword, stabbing at Lucifer's back.

"It's this trick again," Lucifer said, immediately controlling the black thunder to turn and blast towards the other Bert. At the same time, the feathers on his wings fell off and turned into a shield to protect him.

The black thunder blasted out the other Bert and his body was tattered. The real Bert then pierced several times with his spear and stabbed Lucifer's chest ruthlessly.

Lucifer opened his mouth and looked at Bert in disbelief. "You are the real one!"

"Yes, this is my real body. The projection is behind me, I'm not like you, who don't even dare to use your real body," Bert said, sneering. "You're afraid of death, what can you do?"

Lucifer screamed and his body quickly disappeared in the flames. With his last breath, he asked Ancient One, "Ancient One, where is God?"

Bert asked in confusion, "Is God not in heaven?"

Lucifer replied, "God has been missing for over ten years. The last place He appeared was on Earth. Angels have always wanted to enter Earth to find God, but Ancient One didn't allow it."

Bert was stunned. "God is missing?"

Ancient One said, "I have answered Gabriel many times, I don't know where God is."

"Ancient One, we will definitely enter Earth. You can't stop us, even if we wipe out all mankind. We have to find God," Lucifer said, leaving a cruel message before being reduced to ashes and leaving only a magic crystal behind.

"Destroy all mankind? Keep dreaming," Bert said, putting away the magic crystal and turning to look at the Hell Lords who had broken through the small space and regained their freedom. "It seems that today I can accomplish a lot of achievements, including killing the Hell Lords."