Chapter 173 : End of Convergence

"Arrogance!" Bert's words made the Hell Lords angry, and the flame demon lord rushed towards Bert with a burst of flames, shouting: "Blood God, die."

Sensing the powerful energy emanating from the Flame Demon Lord, Bert sneered and raised his hand, causing a small space to appear around the Flame Demon Lord, trapping him inside. Bert then turned towards the Hell Lords, causing a large number of space portals to appear out of thin air, quickly closing in on the Hell Lords. The Hell Lords quickly tried to evade them.

Bert flicked his finger and a space portal appeared in front of one of the Hell Lords. The one-eyed lord couldn't escape and was sucked into the portal, appearing in the small space with the Flame Demon Lord.

The Flame Demon Lord, who was attacking the small space, asked in amazement: "What are you doing here? I was about to explode."

The one-eyed lord shouted: "Do you think I wanted to come here? Quickly stop your explosion!"

"You think this can be stopped just because you want it to?"

Flame Demon Lord chuckled and flew towards the One-Eyed Lord, saying: "You seem unhappy, let's die together."

"Don't come near me!" The one-eyed lord shouted in fear, backing away. The next second, the flame demon lord exploded, taking the one-eyed lord and the small space with him into oblivion, leaving behind only two crystals.

"Two more achievements." Bert laughed and said, "Please call me Lord Bert."

The remaining Hell Lords roared in shock and anger: "Boy, if it weren't for our strength being greatly reduced, you wouldn't be acting so arrogant!"

Bert appeared in front of one of the Hell Lords in an instant, attacking him while saying: "Don't you Devils only care about the outcome, not the process?"

"Do we need you to teach us?" The Hell Lords were furious and rushed to attack Bert.

"I'm sorry, but space magic is the last thing you should fear when it comes to a siege." Bert separated the space, separating the Hell Lords, and then gestured with his hand. Doom, Mordo, and Strange appeared in the same space, looking puzzled and wondering what was happening.

Bert said: "These Hell Lords have been weakened. You can practice your skills and gain experience so you can kill the real Hell Lords in the future."

"Lord of Hell? I've wanted to kill one for a long time." Doom was very excited upon hearing this and immediately rushed towards the Hell Lord.

"Lord of Hell, that is a great challenge." Mordo's eyes were a little dignified, but he was eager to try. Strange, on the other hand, had a look of horror on his face. "What are you joking about? I just changed jobs and now I have to fight the final boss?"

"This is a broken game. I want to retire!"

The Hell Lords roared repeatedly: "Blood God, how dare you treat us like this and use us as training tools for your Kamar-Taj?"

"Can't I?" Bert sneered and pierced a Hell Lord with his Spear, sending him flying through the air. "If you're not happy, let the real body come. I will fight you one-on-one. If I lose, I'll write my surname upside down."

"Blood God, we won't let you go." The Hell Lords were angry but didn't lose their minds.

"It turns out you're so cowardly. It's a shame I had high hopes for you before." Doom looked disdainful. Strange, seeing these Hell Lords being defeated by the Blood God, lost some of his fear. It seems that Hell Lords are not so scary after all.

The Hell Lords became more and more frustrated, unable to change the situation. Their faces twisted in anger - they had underestimated the Blood God. This guy has become a threat to Hell, a major one in that.

"This bastard is even worse than Ancient One."

Ancient One looked at Bert with satisfaction. To be the guardian of Earth, cruelty is a necessary condition because the opponent won't follow any rules.

With the help of everyone, the Hell Lords fell one by one, and several of them chose to disperse themselves rather than be killed by Bert, denying him the achievement.

"Forcing the Lord of Hell to commit suicide - achievement complete. This achievement seems to be more powerful than the previous one?" Bert said lightly, causing several Hell Lords to almost vomit blood in anger.

After defeating the Hell Lords, Bert sent Doom and the others back to the battlefield below. He then walked to Ancient One and looked at the small space in front of him, asking: "Master, when will this be over?"

"Come on, the Spear of God is just a weapon after all, and its power will gradually run out." Ancient One replied. "It could kill all the Draculas in a few seconds before, but now it takes a minute, and dozens of Draculas are still alive and kicking."

Dracula was swearing in the small space.

Ancient One looked at Dracula and said with a smile: "This is really the last time. Even if I want to do it in the future, I can't do it."

Dracula cursed: "Do you think I still believe you? Ancient One, you deserve to be unmarried."

Bert was speechless. Dracula really didn't know whether to live or die. He asked Ancient One, "Master, have you been completely rejected by time?"

"Yes, I won't be able to use the Time Stone in the future. Fortunately, it has found its next owner," said Ancient One. "In addition, Dormammu's punishment caused me to suffer heavy losses, and my strength will be greatly reduced as a result."

'The strength is greatly reduced, and the Time Stone cannot be used. Isn't that Ancient One in the "Doctor Strange" movie?' Bert was stunned. In 'Doctor Strange', Ancient One never used the Time Stone, and she was so weak that Kaecilius was able to kill her with a sneak attack.

"Don't worry, it's just in appearance. My injury will recover in half a year. As for the Time Stone, if I try my best, I can still use it one last time," said Ancient One.

Ancient One secretly sent a voice transmission to Bert: "This time, I will leave it to Dormammu."

Bert lowered his head and said solemnly, "Master, I will help you protect the Earth."

"You already have the qualifications to do so. In the future, the Earth will be guarded by you, and I will be your advisor behind the scenes," said Ancient One.

"Bert, the dangers in this world are not only Thanos and Dormammu," Ancient One added.

Bert raised his head and asked with a smile, "Master, you won't tell me what the threat is, right?"

Ancient One smiled and said, "You are just a trainee guardian now. When you become an official guardian, I will tell you everything."

"I knew it," laughed Bert.

Dracula yelled from the small space, "Do you two still have any humanity? I am so miserable, and you are joking around here?"

Bert and Ancient One ignored Dracula and watched the fight quietly.

After more than an hour, the Convergence officially ended and no new monsters appeared. At the same time, all the space channels disappeared, and the Earth was once again returned to normal.

"We won! We defended the planet!" Governments of various countries announced this good news one after another, and the whole world was filled with joy. Humans had once again overcome difficulties and proved that they could protect the Earth.

At the same time, the Spear of God stopped in mid-air and the light on the Spear was dimming, like a light bulb that could go out at any time.

As soon as Ancient One saw that it was almost time, she raised her hand and all the future Draculas disappeared, leaving only the original one.

"Ancient One," said Dracula through gritted teeth. He wanted to curse, but suddenly disappeared and was summoned back by Ancient One.

"Poor cannon fodder," said Bert, shaking his head. Dracula had just died at least a thousand times; it was too miserable.

Then, Ancient One opened the small space, and the Spear of God used its last bit of strength to stab at Ancient One. Ancient One didn't dodge, but rather stretched out her hand and let the Spear of God pierce through it.

The Spear of God has the attribute of always hitting its target, and it cannot be avoided. It hit its target, and the light on the Spear of God completely disappeared, falling to the ground with a loud bang - its energy was exhausted, and it would take about a day to recover.

The Spear of God can restore its energy by itself. After all, it is a conceptual weapon. If it were a full set, its power would be even greater.

Ancient One cast a spell to stop the bleeding, and at that moment, a majestic voice suddenly sounded: "Ancient One, the Spear of God is a holy relic of our heaven."

"No more, Gabriel," said Ancient One coldly, and at the same time motioned for Bert to seal the Spear of God with the Space Stone. Bert did as he was told, and the Spear of God was trapped in the Tesseract.

Gabriel shouted, "Ancient One, do you want to go to war with our heaven?"

"So what? The contract I made with God hundreds of years ago has officially ended. From now on, Kamar-Taj will clean up all the humans with holy power," said Ancient One domineeringly. "Heaven will be treated the same as hell - this is the price you will pay for helping Lucifer."

"If you have the ability, come and attack the Earth. Kamar-Taj is never afraid of challenges. Well, you can get out," said Ancient One.

Gabriel was furious, but he had no choice but to leave.

"Master is mighty," said Bert with a laugh. Ancient One smiled and said, "What does it matter if I say something cruel? Anyway, it's not me who will have to face Gabriel next."

"Not you?" asked the apprentice Earth Guardian, blinking. "Master, you're cheating your apprentice," Bert complained.

"In your place, what would you say?" asked Ancient One.

"How dare a group of bird people be so arrogant?" sneered Bert. Ancient One shrugged and said, "It doesn't make a difference, does it?"

"Although there's no difference, I always feel like I've been tricked," said Bert.

Ancient One smiled and teleported to the wall below with Bert. At that moment, the army of monsters had all disappeared, and the ground was full of blood and corpses.

Doom didn't show any courtesy and controlled the army of cockroaches to eat the corpses to breed. After Wong bowed to Ancient One, he asked with a frown, "Master, aren't there too many cockroaches?"

Ancient One knew what Wong was worried about and smiled, "Don't worry, these cockroaches will have their place."

"I will throw them all into hell," said Doom lightly. Wong breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good."

"Master," said Mordo as he came to greet. He was in a good mood because his mirror space was full of voodoo corpses.

Ancient One had a bit of a headache; this blackening was too thorough, right?

Mordo said, "Master, I worry about that school in Africa. I want to take a year off."

"Go, but you have to come back to Kamar-Taj once a month, and I want to have a good talk with you," said Ancient One.

"Yes, Master," said Mordo, nodding. At that time, Kaecilius and Strange also stepped forward to greet him. Kaecilius' eyes were a little complicated. Did Master really absorb the dark power?

"Kaecilius," said Ancient One, sighing secretly but not saying much. She looked at the crowd and said, "We won."

"Long live the Earth, long live the Sorcerer Supreme!" cheered the mages loudly, as they guarded the Earth once again, as before.

Convergence has come to an end completely, and the Earth side has won a great victory.


On Sanctuary II, Loki summoned the Aether and said to the aloof tyrant, "Great Titan, allow me to dedicate the Reality Stone to you."

"It's only a half-Reality Stone," said Thanos, glancing at the Aether. "Wait until you have it all before giving it to me."

"Yes, Lord Thanos," said Loki, putting away the Aether. Thanos's reaction did not surprise her.

What Thanos wants is all the Infinity Stones. One or two means nothing to him, otherwise, he wouldn't have lent the Mind Stone to Loki in the first place.

Thanos asked, "Tell me about the whole process of this battle."

"Yes," said Loki, explaining the process in detail. Thanos said coldly, "Ebony Maw died in battle, all the Chitauris' were wiped out, and only you are safe and sound. You also got the Aether. Frost giants, dark elves, Loki, you are smart."

"I haven't seen the battle between Ebony Maw and the Blood God, so I can't comment, but there's no doubt that he is a loser," said Loki. "As for the Chitauri, they are a bunch of incompetent idiots, and they are not qualified to serve you, Lord Thanos. I will lead the Frost Giants and Dark Elves to gather the Infinity Stones for you."

Thanos was noncommittal and asked, "Is Odin really in eternal sleep?"

"It should be true, otherwise, with his character, it would never be possible for Thor to be in power," said Loki. "Thor is a piece of trash. There is only one person in Asgard who is eligible to inherit the throne, and that is me, Loki."

"Very well, Loki, I am pleased with your gift," said Thanos, nodding with satisfaction. He said with burning eyes, "Odin sleeps forever, Ancient One is seriously injured, and it's not far from the time when I get all the Infinity Stones."

"Ancient One was injured?" said Loki, shocked. No wonder Thanos never took the shot himself, it turned out that he was observing Odin and the Ancient One.

"Because of Dormammu, Ancient One won't live long," said Thanos. He didn't say much more, only saying, "Loki, from now on, you are my son... daughter. Go back to your kingdom and recruit troops, and wait for my call."

"Yes, Great Titan," said Loki. "When I gather the offerings, I will restore the man with the Reality Stone. Also, be careful of the Blood God, he's getting stronger," said Loki.

Thanos said, "He can't stop me. And more importantly, there are many people who want him dead."

Loki didn't ask anymore and turned around and left. Thanos looked at her back and sneered secretly. He knew that Loki was careful, but that didn't matter. The important thing was whether she could help him get the Infinity Stones.

'Everything is for the balance of the universe, for you.'