Chapter 179 : Ronan's Alliance

"It looks like the mirror was discovered by the Collector," Bert said as he examined the antique mirror in his hand. He snorted and then sealed it.

Although something had gone wrong, Bert didn't take it too seriously. He knew that Collector would find out eventually. After all, if the other party didn't know, how could they learn from their mistake?

Putting away the mirror, Bert turned to look at Cosmo the Spacedog. "Did Natasha tell you something?" he asked.

"I didn't expect that in the end, capitalism of all evils would win," Cosmo's voice resounded in Bert's mind, through the psychic ability he possessed.

Bert didn't say much, he simply said, "Come back to Earth with me and my apprentice, that duck over there. Do you want to come too?" He gestured towards Howard the Duck, who walked upright like Donald Duck.

The duck asked, "Won't you imprison me?"

"I'm not Collector, I don't have the habit of exhibiting living things," Bert replied. "As long as you register with the S.W.O.R.D., you can move freely on Earth."

Howard breathed a sigh of relief and said gratefully, "Thank you for saving me. I am willing to register with the S.W.O.R.D.."

"Cosmo, don't think too much, just walk around first," Bert said to Cosmo.

Cosmo nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go back to Earth first. Thank you for saving me."

"You're very welcome," Bert smiled and opened a portal to send Cosmo and Howard back to the S.W.O.R.D.

Natasha walked in and said with a smile, "It seems like you just enjoy doing good deeds."

"It's easy, why don't you do it too?" Bert joked. He then asked, "Is everything under control?"

"All wanted criminals are locked up," Natasha replied, nodding. Then she asked, "Bert, you did all of this, Not just because of anger, right?"

Bert laughed and said, "What if I say yes?"

Natasha replied, "Congratulations, you will become the pettiest man in the universe."

"That's not a bad name," Bert said, and added, "Anger is one of the reasons and another one is for the Celestial head and wealth."

"Celestial head? Isn't it already dead?" Natasha asked, confused. "As for wealth, are you still short of money? Don't you earn at least a million a day?"

"In the hands of Collector, the Celestials' head is indeed a dead thing, but in my hands, it's not," Bert said with a smile. He then quietly sent a trace of Eternal Flame into the head under his feet.

Eternal Flame can give life to the dead, but the Celestial's head is incomplete, and in order to restore it, it must be repaired first. Of course, Bert didn't share this information with Natasha and continued: "No one has too much money, I want to buy a planet and rent it to Earth to inspire them to step into the interstellar age."

Natasha was stunned, "Can you buy a planet? How proud are you?"

"Of course, you can buy it. Resource planets, landscape planets, immigration planets, as long as you have money, you can buy anything, and even the three Major Empires can be protected for a certain period of time," Bert said. "Compared to the universe, the Earth is too small."

"You are good," Natasha said, giving Bert a thumbs up. Some people were worried that Bert wanted to rule the Earth, but they didn't know that to him, a mere Earth was nothing at all.

"Does it even need to be said?" Bert shrugged. He was about to speak when he suddenly received a communication from Doom. He raised his hand to open a portal and Doom the Iron Face came over.

Doom scanned the surroundings and asked, "Is this the Celestial's head you said?"

Bert nodded and said, "Yes, you help me repair it, and find out the function of the Celestial's head."

Doom said, "No problem, I'm very interested in the Celestial's head. Now I'll study the dead one. In the future, I'll grab a live one and study it slowly."

Nebula heard the words and looked at Doom as if he were a lunatic. - Even the gods won't dare to think about Celestials, what a lunatic!

Doom noticed Nebula's gaze, turned to look at her up and down, and said with great interest, "I'm very interested in your body."

Natasha looked at Doom in astonishment, Nebula is a robot.

Nebula said with a murderous expression, "Why are there so many perverts in this world? Someone said this to me last time, do you know what happened to him? I chopped him up and fed it to the dog."

"I'm just interested in the machinery in your body," Doom said. "Let me study your body, and I will help you restore your flesh and blood."

Nebula was stunned for a moment, then asked incredulously, "Can you help me change back to a person?"

"It's not difficult, as long as you have tissue left," Doom said. "However, the quality is not guaranteed. I have never done experiments in this area before. If you want a perfect body, I suggest you go to the Blood God, whose cloning ability can help you."

Nebula looked at Bert in surprise. Bert shrugged and said, "I originally planned to use this ability to buy people's hearts, Nebula. If you want to transfer to a cloned body, your soul must be very powerful. In other words, you have to practice the soul art first."

Nebula asked impatiently, "How long does it take to transfer the body?"

"Depending on the qualifications, the time is different. Generally speaking, it takes about three years," Bert said. He then glanced at Doom and added with some displeasure, "If you have Doom's talent, three months will be enough."

"Actually, I only need one month," Doom said lightly. "Nebula, right? Your aptitude is very average. I suggest you become my experiment subject."

Natasha couldn't help but complain, "Bert, where did you find this evil scientist?"

"Doom is not an evil scientist, he is a king, a king who is about to integrate Eastern European nations into the Earth Federation," Bert replied. "Besides, he is an infatuated man. Even if his fiancée runs away with another man, he is still reluctant to hurt him. In order to protect her, he would even be attacked by magic."

Natasha and Nebula both looked at Doom in surprise. An infatuated king? He really couldn't be seen as such.

Doom's face was a little dark behind the mask, and he asked, "Did you peek at the showdown between me and the Fantastic Four?"

"No, it's fair and square, I even made a bet with Tony and the others that you would lose, and won a hotel and a casino," Bert said. "By the way, when you said that you wished them well, it sounded so lonely that Skye almost cried."

Doom's old face couldn't hold back, and he blasted an electric current towards Bert. Bert laughed and ducked. He said, "Okay, you can start work. If you need anything, just tell me."

Doom snorted and asked Nebula, "Which side are you choosing?"

Nebula asked, "How long will it take for me to recover my flesh and blood after I follow you?"

Doom replied, "The worse the quality, the faster the time. If you don't care about changing the body to a cockroach, you can do it now."

Nebula gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, you can study my body." Both Natasha and Bert wanted to roll their eyes a little, what kind of words are these?

Doom nodded and left with Nebula. Bert looked at their backs and couldn't help but touch his nose. The two seemed to be on the right track.

Half a month later, on the Dark Aster, Collector walked up to Ronan, who frowned, and said, "The Ravager Alliance has sent a fleet to join us." Ronan didn't seem too happy, as there were too many people who came to him during this time, and some of them even want to 'save their heads' and he was numb.

Ronan asked slowly, "Did they also say that they are willing to join me in doing justice to eradicate the cosmic scum of Xandar?"

"No, they are very frank and want to kill the Blood God for revenge," Collector said with a smile. "Ronan, those people outside are not here for you, but for the Space stone. You just gave them an opportunity."

"I know, the question is, isn't this too much?" Ronan looked at the dense fleet outside the window and said, "My army in the Kree Empire only has so many troops, and some of them have battleships that are even of the same rank as this regular army."

"They are the regular army," Collector pointed to the fleet in the area on the right and said, "That's the fleet of your Kree Empire. In order to prevent you from finding out, they found a Ravager as the nominal leader and refitted the warship."

"The fleet of the Kree Empire? How is that possible, if it's the Kree Empire, why don't they come to me directly?" Ronan asked in amazement. During this time, he had been greeting guests and handling logistics, and he had no time to learn the details of each fleet.

Collector said with a smile, "Because you are a wanted criminal, and their identities cannot be leaked. Xandar has a good reputation, and it is not easy for the three major empires to attack directly, so they all pretend to act as Ravagers."

"All three empires are here?" Ronan was shocked. The three major empires in the universe were the Kree Empire, the Skrull Empire, and the Shi'ar Empire. Among them, both the Kree Empire and the Skrull Empire had contact with humans, and Captain Marvel also rescued a group of Skrulls who were unwilling to participate in the battle.

"Yes, the Skrull Empire is over there. They have shapeshifting abilities, so it's normal that you didn't find them," said Collector.

"The Shi'ar Empire has also sent someone, but there is only one," Collector added.

"Only one?" Ronan's expression was slightly dignified. The fact that the Shi'ar Empire had only sent one person indicated that they had great confidence in that individual and believed that he could match a fleet by himself.

"Yes, there is only one. The Shi'ar Empire's Imperial Guard, Kallark. I've always wanted to acquire his body, so even if he was disguised, I still recognized him," said Collector.

Collector nodded and said, "If this person has enough self-confidence, he can even reach the level of gods."

"I've heard of Kallark. He is the peerless powerhouse of the Shi'ar Empire," Ronan said, nodding gloomily. He then asked, "Which other major forces have also sent people?"

"There are quite a few, for example, the Sovereigns," Collector said with a smile. "It's not accurate to say that they sent people. They only sent their Omnicrafts. The Omnicrafts of the Sovereigns are unique in the universe."

"Collector, with so many forces involved, how can we grab the Power Stone and Space Stone?" Ronan asked, frowning deeply. The strength of these coalition forces far surpassed his own.

"I didn't tell them about the Power Stone," Collector said. "As for the Space Stone, Ronan, I can't guarantee you that. You'll have to grab it yourself."

Ronan was silent for a moment and said, "Then it's up to you. At least, this time Xandar will definitely be destroyed."

"I am very sure of that," Collector said, his eyes flickering. He had no plans to give up the Power Stone and Space Stone. For this battle, he had specially invited a champion-level powerhouse from Grandmaster.

'Blood God, since you don't want your face, don't blame me for being rude,' Collector said coldly. "Ronan, are you going to see that one sent by the Ravagers Alliance? He said he can help you with logistical issues."

"Really?" Ronan asked, relieved when he heard the words. With so many people together, logistics would be very troublesome.

"Really," Collector said, smiling, and went out to bring someone in. It was a bald, one-eyed guy in a leather coat. When he saw Ronan, he said with a smile, "The leader of the Ronan Alliance, I have long admired your name."

"Leader?" Ronan did not reject the title, he asked "Can you really handle the logistics of so many people?"

"No problem, I also handle the logistics of the Ravager Alliance," the one-eyed guy said with a smile. "However, you must give me enough money. It's not a small expense for so many people to gather together."

Ronan looked at the one-eyed with some suspicion and said slowly, "Okay, I'll give you enough money, but you can't make any mistakes."

The one-eyed said confidently: "No problem, I'm notoriously reliable when I do things."

"Blood God, what are you doing? You have caused such a big trouble. Ronan is gathering an army to attack Xandar..." Hill's angry voice came from the communicator, and Bert said, "There are so many people, I'm so scared."

"You still have time to joke?" Hill said angrily. "With the current strength of the Ronan's Army, Xandar may not be able to stop it. Once Xandar is breached, Earth will be next."

Bert said lightly, "They're just a group of chickens and dogs, you don't have to worry so much. Be careful that you don't lose too much hair and become like Fury."

"Chickens and Dogs?" Hill laughed in anger and said, "Blood God, do you know that in Ronan's army, there are regular troops from three major empires?"

"So what?" Bert smiled and said, "I told you before, except for the existence of god-level civilizations, I don't care about the others at all. Although the three empires are strong, they are not god-level civilizations."

Hill asked in surprise, "Are you really so sure?"

"100% sure, Hill. To me, they're just a bunch of dicks, and I'm not even interested in dealing with them myself," Bert said confidently. With his current strength, the so-called coalition forces were not worth mentioning at all.

In addition to his experience, Bert felt that he had enough qualifications to serve as the guardian of Earth.