Chapter 180 : Hire Superheroes

"Hope so," Hill said, still dubious about Bert's words. She thought of something and advised, "Blood God, I think you should keep a low profile in the future. You've been too high-profile lately, you know? You've even become an idol, and people dream of being as rich and powerful as you."

"If I don't make a high profile, the goal of this coalition won't be Xandar, but Earth," Bert said with a smile. "I'm not like Tony Stark, I don't wish to live in the spotlight."

Hill was taken aback for a moment and asked, "You mean, you're deliberately making yourself high-profile?"

"Yes, there are so many Infinity Stones on Earth. If we don't do something, sooner or later, they'll attract the attention of the intergalactic army. After all, there's a tyrant who knows us very well," Bert said with deep eyes.

"In this case, it's better to take the initiative to attract the enemy to attack. This has two advantages: one is to keep the battlefield away from Earth and the other is to show the strength of Earth. Earth is not weak at all, it's just that other people don't know it," Bert said.

"I see," Hill said, greatly admiring Bert's strategy. She said, "Fury and I both underestimated you, and thought you had really become a nouveau riche."

"The one-eyed guy must have scolded me a lot," Bert said with a sneer.

"Hill, you and Fury focus on doing your job well. The Earth has me, and nothing will happen," Bert assured.

"Clear," Hill said, completely relieved. "Fury has already infiltrated the forces, he will keep sending information to you. In addition, if possible, he hopes you'll help him kill a person. This person has been opposed within the Ravager Alliance."

"No problem," Bert agreed. He then ended the communication and called Doom, asking, "Doom, when will the Celestial's head be usable?"

"It can't be in a few months. On the one hand, the Collector has destroyed it too much," Doom said. "On the other hand, this head is very powerful, and it is very difficult to repair. Bert, this time, you may have to bleed a lot."

"I'm short of everything except money, you continue to study," Bert said, putting down the phone in disappointment. It seemed that he would still have to rely on the reputation of the Blood Ship in battle.

The Blood Ship wasn't bad, but it had no special features. It was just a dignified Blood Ship. How could he drive the same battleship as others?

At that moment, Bert's phone rang and it was a call from Nova Prime herself.

Nova Corps headquarters, Nova Prime asked Bert, "Mr. Wang, have you heard the latest rumors?"

Bert asked, "Are you talking about the rumors that Ronan's army is preparing to attack Xandar?"

Nova Prime said worriedly, "Yes, this time Xandar is in danger."

Bert smiled and said, "Nova Prime, don't worry, Ronan is no big deal."

"The tone is really big," said a centurion, dissatisfied. "Bert, you caused this matter entirely." Many people also looked at Bert with dissatisfaction. The reason why Ronan was able to summon so many people this time was entirely because of Earth Express.

Bert glanced at the centurion and said with a sneer, "Yes, it was all caused by me. Without me, Ronan would never have come to attack Xandar."

The centurion was a little annoyed. Just as he was about to say something, Nova Prime shouted, "Don't talk nonsense, this matter has nothing to do with Mr. Wang. Ronan's main target is our Xandar."

Centurion Lindy also said, "Yes, no matter what we do, Ronan will not let us go."

Although everyone was unwilling, they also knew that Centurion Lindy was right. Nova Prime said to Bert, "Mr. Wang, I'm sorry for what was said earlier. I hope you will continue to help us in this war as before."

Bert said, "No problem, I do have a bit of responsibility for this matter. This time, I will waive the cost of the portal."

The faces of everyone looked a lot better. Only the centurion Luke, who had spoken before, snorted coldly. He felt that Xandar was completely protecting Bert from disaster.

"Thank you, Mr. Wang," Nova Prime said gratefully. She then thought of something and asked, "Mr. Wang, I wonder if I can invite you to join the fight?"

"My appearance fee, you can't afford it," Bert said with a smile. "However, if you need it, I can help you hire superheroes on Earth."

"Those Earth natives?" Centurion Rook sneered. Bert glared at him, he flew out and slammed into the wall, and slid down.

"Mr. Wang," Nova Prime shouted angrily, and everyone else looked at Bert angrily. Bert said, "You can say whatever you want about me, I don't care. But who gave you the courage to despise the Earth?"

Centurion Luke looked at Bert with gnashing teeth and reached for the energy gun at his waist. Nova Prime shouted, "Centurion Luke, you go out first."

"Yes, Your Majesty," Centurion Rook said grudgingly. Although he was unwilling, he did not dare to disobey Nova Prime's order and got up and walked towards the exit. Before he left, he gave Bert a resentful look, obviously hating Bert to the core.

Bert tapped his finger, and a drop of blood silently entered Centurion Luke's body. Although these little people didn't need to be concerned, they should be guarded against.

After Centurion Luke left, Nova Prime said firmly to Bert, "Mr. Wang, although Centurion Luke is a bit excessive, he is the Centurion of Nova Corps after all, and it is not your place to teach him a lesson."

"I didn't shoot, I just looked," Bert shrugged and said. "Of course, I was a little wrong just now, so let's donate 10 million to Nova Corps as an apology."

Everyone was speechless, but they could no longer make things difficult for Bert. Ten million was not a small number.

"Local tyrants are local tyrants," someone muttered.

Nova Prime took a deep breath and asked, "Mr. Wang, I have heard the report from Centurion Lindy. She said that your Earth once repelled the attack of Ravagers. I want to know, how did you do it?"

"Hearing is useless, seeing is believing, please enjoy," Bert said as he clicked on his smart bracelet. A holographic projection appeared in front of everyone and they all turned their heads to watch.

They saw a man in black standing in front of the spaceship shouting loudly, and a Ravager main ship was being smashed to pieces.

"That is impossible," all the centurions shouted in unison. Destroying a main ship with a loud roar seemed too outrageous.

Lindy couldn't help but ask, "Bert, is this your new movie?"

"No," Bert replied, "this is a documentary."

He then showed them a few more pictures, including images of biochemical Extremis clones, unmanned battle armors, and superheroes. Everyone was stunned. The Earth they thought was only indigenous was actually so powerful.

Bert then started to play a video of the Hulk, and the centurions were amazed. They wondered what kind of terrifying monster this was.

"Everyone, the Earth is not as weak as you think," Bert said. "We have enough strength to help you fight against Ronan."

Bert then proposed, "Hire us, we will never let you down."

Nova Prime asked impatiently, "What price can I hire you for? Especially the man in black."

"Two conditions, first, the establishment of diplomatic relations between Xandar and the Earth Federation, and second, a resource planet. As for the size, it will be determined by the military exploits of the Earth," Bert said. "If the military exploits are less than a certain level, Xandar may not pay the remuneration."

Nova Prime, a decisive woman, nodded without hesitation. "Okay, I agree, Mr. Wang. I hope to see your reinforcements from Earth as soon as possible."

"Rest assured, they will be here soon, Nova Prime. You will never be disappointed," Bert said as he smiled and got up to leave. Centurion Lindy caught up to him and said, "Don't blame Luke, he's just a playboy, and he chased me before."

"I'm not interested in blaming him, but if he shoots me, then I'll never let it go. This is a matter of principle," Bert replied.

"Principle? Isn't your principle to pick up girls every day?" Lindy snorted coldly. They had dated before, but broke up soon. The reason was simple, Bert changed women faster than he changed clothes.

"Yes, I am immortal and need a woman to maintain my love for this universe," Bert said. "Otherwise, a long life will make me lose my feelings."

Lindy stared at Bert dumbfounded. After a while, she gave Bert a middle finger and turned to leave.

This was the first time she had heard such a ridiculous reason.

"Why tell the truth... well, I'm really bullshitting," Bert laughed. He was only in his early twenties and there was nothing wrong with liking women.

These were all trivial matters, Bert turned around and left the Nova Corps headquarters and then opened a portal to return to S.W.O.R.D.

S.W.O.R.D., Steve, and Coulson saw Bert coming over and said with a smile: "It seems that something big has happened."

"There is indeed a big event," Bert said. "Call Tony and the five representatives, I have something to say."

Bert said, Coulson nodded first, and then hesitantly said: "Mr. Wang, I want to tell you about the Church of Angels, can I?"

Bert looked at Coulson and asked with a smile, "What do you want to say?"

"Mr. Wang, aren't your methods too intense?" Coulson said. "Several small countries have caused political changes and even the resignation of the president because they prevented you from cleaning up the Church of Angels."

"No, it's not intense at all," Bert replied. "Compared to Kamar-Taj, I'm already very mild."

"You know the means of Kamar-Taj," Bert said.

"I know," Coulson smiled bitterly. "Just by looking at the original three demons, I know how cruel Kamar-Taj is."

"Colson, you should know that Steve is a devout believer, and he even has a nickname, the righteous man of God," Bert said. "The question is, has he stopped the matter of the Church of Angels?"

Coulson looked at Steve in amazement, Steve shrugged, and said, "I am pious to God, but I am not pious to angels. In fact, I agree with Bert's purge of the Angelic Church, it is necessary."

"The problem is that doing so will cause concern and dissatisfaction in other countries..." Coulson wanted to say something else, but Bert waved him off: "Whoever is dissatisfied, let him come over and tell me in person. I promise to make him satisfied. Okay, let everyone know about the meeting."

"Okay, Mr. Wang," Coulson said with a smile, but he thought to himself, who would dare to come over and tell you in person? Aren't they afraid of death?

Soon, everyone arrived, and Bert briefly explained the matter. Everyone's eyes suddenly brightened. Tony couldn't help but ask, "Is the reward really a resource planet?"

Bert said, "Yes, don't make a fuss. The sale of resource planets is very common in the universe. I originally planned to buy a planet to rent to you, lest you be shortsighted."

"Buy a resource planet?" Everyone was shocked. This Blood God is really proud and can't be more proud.

Several directors looked at each other and laughed at themselves - they were really shortsighted.

The Blood God purged the Angelic Church, not for any power grab, but to protect the Earth. A super rich man who can even buy and sell planets, how could he play such a small trick?

Tony asked greedily, "If we wipe out the Ronan's army, what kind of resource planet can Xandar give us?"

"Don't be so big," Bert smiled and said. "Take a resource planet to practice, and in the future, we will have a large number of planets."

Bert then said to Tony, "Tony, save more money and buy a small landscape planet for retirement."

Tony gave Bert a middle finger, thinking, "You're amazing to be rich... Uh, it seems to be really amazing to be rich."

On Earth, although Tony is not as rich as Bert, he can be compared anyway, but in the universe, he and Bert are completely incomparable, because he has no money. Tony Stark, the poor cosmic ghost.

'This can't be done, I also want to start an interstellar business.' Tony gritted his teeth. He said, "We immediately deploy our troops and head to Xandar. Such a great opportunity cannot be missed."

"Yes, transfer troops immediately," Everyone nodded, completely ignoring the possibility of failure. What a joke, how could they fail with the Blood God?

"Okay, let's prepare, three days later, I will open the portal to take you there," Bert said as he nodded and everyone dispersed. Steve stopped Bert, who was leaving and said, "Bert, do you have any clues about the Scepter?"

Ever since he knew about the Infinity Stones, the governments of various countries and the S.W.O.R.D. have been looking for the Scepter. Bert's eyes flashed and he asked, "Have you not found that Hydra for so long?"

Steve smiled bitterly: "I didn't find it. That group of Hydras are hiding very deep. Bert, the Infinity Stones are too important, we can't let them continue to fall into the hands of the Hydras."

"I'll keep my people on notice," Bert said. Actually, he knew where the Scepter is - there are some methods he used on the Scepter. The reason why he didn't tell Steve about it is because he wanted Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch to be Born, both of them are very powerful superheroes.

"I'll trouble you then," Steve said. "In the interstellar era, there is no need for residues like Hydra."

"I like your words," Bert laughed. And when Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch were born, Hydra could close its doors and go out of business.

On a certain planet in the galaxy, a group of space pirates were attacking a city. Despite the defenders' efforts, they were no match for the space pirates and were suffering heavy casualties.

The pirates were very excited as they thought of the spoils they would acquire once the city was conquered, including the property and women within it.

Afterwards, the pirates planned to hide in space, thinking they would be difficult to locate.

At this moment, a dazzling figure flew towards them at a high speed. The defenders cheered loudly upon seeing this figure, but the pirates were filled with dread as they realized they had encountered a formidable opponent.