Chapter 181 : Captain Marvel

Boom, boom, boom...

In an instant, the majestic pirate battleships were smashed and exploded by a bright figure. The figure emerged from behind and with a simple hit, the battleship was destroyed.

Once all the pirate battleships were destroyed, the dazzling light dissipated, revealing a blond woman with a radiant square face. "Captain Marvel!" the defenders cheered in unison. Captain Marvel is a protector of weak planets and has defended many cities.

Carol Danvers, also known as Captain Marvel, waved to the crowd before turning to leave. She is a busy woman, as the entire galaxy needs her protection.

At this moment, Carol's communicator rang. Talos the Skrull General was on the other end, sounding anxious. "Carol, it's terrible..." he said.

After hearing what Talos had to say, Carol couldn't help but scold, "What is that Blood God doing? Does he think the Earth is dying too slowly? And what is Fury doing? Why didn't he stop that idiot?"

Thinking further, Carol used her communicator to send a message to Nick Fury, who had a pager and could receive messages.

Fury's message came quickly: "I know about this, you don't have to worry, we can handle it."

Carroll scolded: "Dammit, you have no idea how powerful Ronan's forces are, and all three empires are involved."

Frey replied: "I know, in fact, I am in the Ronan coalition, and I am responsible for their logistics."

"What?" Carol was stunned and couldn't help but ask: "Why did you join the Ronan Coalition?"

"I cannot explain further at the moment," Fury typed.

Carol couldn't believe it, and she sneered: "You have dementia."

She then turned into a stream and flew towards Xandar.

The idea of the Earth being able to stop the Ronan coalition was a joke. They couldn't even stop Ronan. If it wasn't for her, the Earth would have been destroyed long ago.

Fury's claim that Carol was not a match for the Blood God was also ridiculous. He was just a nouveau riche causing trouble for the planet. Carol was not arrogant, but she had been in the universe for many years and had never met an opponent.

Carol was full of energy, and her mission was clear: to save the planet again and show that women were just as capable as men.

Her flying speed was extremely fast, and she quickly arrived at Xandar. The people of Xandar knew Carol and pointed her to the location of the Earth Express.

As she landed at the door of the Earth Express, Carol shouted loudly, "Call that idiot of the Blood God to come out and meet me."

A woman in the shop, who identified herself as Crystal, was furious and with a finger, created an air cannonball that blasted towards Carol.

Carol, surprised, easily destroyed the air cannonball and asked, "Who are you? I'm looking for the Blood God."

"I'm your aunt," Crystal responded. She controlled the four elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water at the same time, forming a torrent of elements that bombarded Carol.

Carol stretched out her hands to resist the elemental torrent and was slammed back quickly, but the elemental torrent could not hurt her.

As the battle erupted at the door of Earth Express, passersby quickly avoided the area and someone called Nova Corps for help.

In addition to calling the Nova Corps, many people were shooting videos and some were trying to post it online, while others were spies. Earth Express had never been short of spies.

"Interesting," Carol laughed. "But it's far worse than me."

Crystal looked at Carol in surprise and shouted back, "There are enemies."

A group of Superheroes from Earth rushed out from the backyard of the store, including Tony Stark, Ivan Vanko, Dr. Banner, Black Bolt, and others.

"Ma'am, your look is so cool, but now, please hold your hands," Tony said as he flew up and pointed his palm at Carol. "By the way, I actually agree with what you said about the Blood God."

"Where does all this nonsense come from?" Ivan, who was wearing magic battle armor, snorted and swung his electric whip at Carol. Carol raised her hand to catch the electric whip and asked curiously, "Are you all from Earth?"

Tony asked in surprise, "You're also from Earth? Hey, you speak English with a southern American accent."

"Let me see how you guys have grown," Carol said as she pulled Ivan towards her and clenched her fist, intending to hit him hard.

Ivan sneered, and the energy in the electric whip suddenly soared tenfold, even Carol had to let go, Ivan took the opportunity to bombard Carol and blast her out. But Carol was still uninjured, she flew up and sneered: "That's it?"

"That guy is notoriously powerless, look at me," Tony said as he put his hands together, and a high-temperature beam of light slammed into Carol. Carol raised her right hand and blocked the high-temperature beam with a beam of energy.

"You are a guy who hides in the study every day, aren't you embarrassed to say that I am powerless?" Ivan said disdainfully, and a massive pillar of lightning slammed towards Carol, who raised her left hand to block it firmly.

Although it was a one-to-two match, Carol did not lose the slightest. She provoked loudly: "That's it?"

At this moment, with a bang, Carol was slammed and flown out by a green figure, and the building opposite was instantly knocked down and a lot of dust was thrown up. It was Hulk who was wearing two armguards and had Banner's expression on his face, he apologized "I'm sorry, you were too arrogant. Hulk and I both want to beat you."

Everyone laughed dumbly. At this time, Hulk shouted excitedly: "Let Hulk come, move you two weak chickens, applaud me by the side."

Tony and Ivan pointed their middle fingers at Hulk at the same time. Hulk has recently entered a period of rebellion and has become more and more annoying.

At that moment, a dazzling figure rushed out of the building opposite and slammed into Hulk. Hulk was sent flying and smashed into a flower bed.

Enraged, Hulk got up and launched a violent attack on Carol. Carol was not afraid and pushed aside Hulk's huge arm and delivered a combination of punches to Hulk's face. Hulk was beaten repeatedly and sent flying back.

Hulk roared, his body swelled in a circle, and then punched Carol. Even the air was blasted. Carol was a little surprised, she avoided Hulk's fist and punched him in the chin, sending him flying into the sky.

At this time, the Nova Corps arrived and Crystal immediately went to negotiate: "This is a matter of the Earth Federation, you don't have to participate, we will double compensation for all losses."

"Actually, we don't want to participate either. That's the famous Captain Marvel, the protector of the galaxy." The Nova Corps officer shrugged, he honestly didn't mind seeing Earth Express unlucky.

"Captain Marvel? I seem to have heard the Blood God say this name," Crystal said, stunned, and quickly contacted the Blood God who was working as a scout at the Film and Television Academy to discover the future female star.

"Hulk!" Hulk, who was knocked flying, was extremely angry. After falling from the sky with a bang, he immediately rushed towards Carol.

Just as Carol was about to dodge, Hulk's right armguard suddenly lit up and a gravitational force enveloped Carol, preventing her from moving. This was the gravitational bracer that Dr. Banner gave to Hulk, the technology of which came from the dark elf's spaceship.

"Die." Hulk grinned fiercely and slammed his fists down like heavy hammers. Carol raised her radiant hands to resist, and with a bang, Carol was driven into the ground like a wooden stake, and the surrounding area was cracked.

Hulk raised his hand and was about to give Carol another hit. Carol roared angrily and burst out with energy, sending Hulk flying out with a pile of gravel.

Then, Carol flew up and provoked again: "That's it?" Everyone gritted their teeth, this person was really crazy, but in fact, Carol just wanted to see the strength of the Earthlings.

Tony and the others were about to besiege Carol when Bert appeared out of thin air and shouted, "Stop."

Carol turned her head and asked coldly, "Who are you?"

"The Lord of vampires who has lived for thousands of years, the God of Blood," Bert said lightly and touched the beads in his hand at the same time. An invisible wave flashed and all the surrounding cameras were damaged.

"Blood God is the Lord of Vampires?" Carol was shocked and every one next to her rolled their eyes. 'You're a young man in his early twenties, why do you always like to pretend to be an old monster?'

"Yes, there are vampires in this world," Bert smiled and said, "I know who you are. Do you think we should talk first and then fight, or first fight and then talk?"

"Of course we'll fight first, you idiot, do you know how much trouble you've caused the Earth?" Carol flew over and punched Bert in the chest. Bert didn't move and a faint light of blue lit up on his body.

Carol's fist contained extremely strong energy, but when it hit the light in that space, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, and there was no response. Carol was stunned for a moment and then her fists attacked Bert one after another, but the result was the same as before.

Bert asked: "Do you want to continue?"

"Of course," Carol roared, and concentrated energy in both hands to bombard Bert, Bert remained motionless, and all the energy was absorbed by the space light.

The people around were shocked, this Blood God is too strong, right? In the face of such an attack, nothing happened?

Tony scanned for a while and said, "Bert has diverted all the attacks away, and his control over the Space Stone has become more and more consummate."

"This is much more difficult than hitting that woman directly." Ivan nodded and asked Bert, "Bert, who is this crazy woman?"

"Yili." Bert didn't answer directly, he turned his head and shouted at the Inhuman Yili, and Yili immediately opened the protective dome to isolate all the outsiders.

Then, Bert introduced: "This is Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers. She is Nick Fury's trump card. She gave Fury that pager."

"Is that Carol who resisted the Kree invasion?" Tony was stunned, he asked, "Isn't she from Earth, why is she so young?"

"Because of Space Stone." Bert laughed: "I once wanted Dr. Reed to mass-produce her, but Dr. Reed researched for a few years and found nothing. I am still very disappointed."

Tony looked at Carol and said, "What a pity, let Dr. Reed send me the research materials, and I will study it too."

Ivan sneered, "You want to regain your youth, so as not to hide in the study again?"

Tony said angrily, "I said, I didn't hide in the study, I did it to avoid hurting Pepper."

"Have you said enough?" Carol shouted angrily. She stopped the energy bombardment and scolded Bert in annoyance, "Apart from standing there, what else would you do?"

"I will do this," Bert raised his hand towards Carol, a beam of bright energy roared out, and Carol flew away.

Tony looked up at the sky, and after a while asked in astonishment, "Did she crash into the satellite?"

"Yes, This woman is too arrogant, and it is difficult to speak without being beaten first." Bert smiled and said, that energy is all Carol's own, no need to use it for nothing.

"Bert, you're getting more and more brutal." Everyone sighed, and Bert shrugged and said, "No way, the level has been doubled recently."

"Double again? It's not scientific." Tony was speechless. Didn't he say that the higher the level, the harder it is to rise? Why is this big devil doubled again?

"You have to work harder, the challenges facing the Earth will become more and more."

Bert smiled and instantly appeared on the satellite. He then asked Carol, who had a doubtful expression on the ground, "Can we talk now?"

"Why are you so strong?" Carol gritted her teeth and asked. Fury didn't lie, Blood God was indeed stronger than herself.

"Having lived for thousands of years, it is normal to be strong," Bert shrugged and said. "I think you are quite pleasing to the eye. Do you want to be my apprentice? I can make you stronger."

"Apprentice?" Carol was not angry. After all, the other party was thousands of years old. She asked, "Can you make me stronger?"

Bert smiled and said, "Yes, the energy in you comes from the Space Stone, and I can make those energies more pure and powerful."

In a sense, Carol is very suitable to be Bert's apprentice.

"We'll talk about it later, let's talk about business first." Carol didn't want to be a student, she flew up and asked, dissatisfied, "You have lived for thousands of years, why are you still so high-profile? Now the whole universe knows about you. Let's discuss in the conference room."

Bert teleported back to Earth with Carol and then explained the matter in detail.

"Thanos?" Carol frowned, "I've heard of him, the Mad Titan, who likes to kill half and keep half, but I didn't expect him to have a connection with Earth."

"The three Infinity Stones are all on Earth. There must be a fight between Earth and Thanos." Bert said, "Carol, since you are here, come and fight with us, just to get a better resource planet for the Earth. Don't worry, Ronan's forces are nothing. I'm 100% sure to help Xandar defeat them. You don't have to worry."

Carol frowned and said, "The universe is dangerous, and it's too early for Earth to enter the interstellar age."

"It's getting late, aliens have invaded several times." Bert said, "In addition, there are too many strong people on Earth. If they are not allowed to expand, they can only kill each other. Instead, it is better to go out with one heart. Anyway, I will watch over."