Chapter 182 : Layout

"Watching over?" Carol glanced at Bert and asked, "Why are you, a vampire, so kind to help humans?"

"Vampires are also a part of the Earth, Carol. You are in the universe anyway, don't be so narrow." Bert said, "In fact, the Earth not only has vampires, but also Demons, Inhumans, and so on."

"To be honest, I'm a little doubtful that the Earth you're talking about is the Earth I know." Carol said, "When this matter is over, I will go back to Earth. I wonder how many old people are still alive?"

"You're Welcome," Bert smiled. And at that moment, Nova Prime suddenly came to visit Carol.

Nova Prime said incredulously, "I didn't expect that, Captain Marvel. You are actually a person from Earth. I always thought you were a Kree."

"In order to avoid affecting the Earth, I have never revealed my true identity," Carol said with a smile. She is very fond of Nova Prime, because the other party is a strong woman.

"Captain Marvel, are you willing to help us? I can count your military exploits twice, you get one, and the Earth one." Nova Prime asked impatiently. Carol, is equivalent to a fleet.

Carol agreed without hesitation, "That's what I meant."

"Very good," Nova Prime was overjoyed. With Carol and the Black Bolt, this time Xandar may not lose.

"Nova Prime, are you really not considering my plan?" Bert said, "Sneak attack on the Ronan coalition with Space Stone has a great chance of success."

Carol's eyes lit up when she heard the words, and the Ronan's forces would never have imagined that they would take the initiative to attack.

"Mr. Wang, it's not that your method is bad, but it really doesn't work." Nova Prime smiled bitterly, "There are not only three major empires in the Ronan coalition but also major forces. Before they launch an attack, we can't take action against them first, otherwise, we will give a pretext to the forces behind them."

Bert said unceremoniously, "Nova Prime, I think you are a bit pedantic."

"Caution is a must." Nova Prime shook her head and said, "I won't disturb you, Captain Marvel. Welcome you again."

"Thanks." Carol sent Nova Prime away, Bert thought about it and went to Tony and the others.

Seeing Bert coming over, Steve asked, "Bert, is Captain Marvel okay?"

"No problem, she will fight with us." Bert said, "Tony, Ivan, you two can't beat her together, you have to work hard."

Tony and Ivan both said in unison, "That's because I'm not ready."

"You copying me?" Tony and Ivan glared at each other at the same time, everyone laughed, and Electro asked, "When will you two get married?"

The two of them pointed their middle fingers at Electro at the same time, and they immediately reacted, glaring at each other at the same time again, and everyone couldn't help but continue to laugh.

"Remember to invite me when you set the wine." Bert smiled, turned his head, and said to Hulk, "Hulk, you did a good job today. I invite you to eat some dragon meat, which was just cultivated in the laboratory."

Dr. Banner's face turned green, and Hulk said excitedly, "Great, I want to drink Elixir wine."

"No drinking." Dr. Banner said, "You go crazy when you drink, Betty said, you're not allowed to drink unless she allows it."

Hulk said unhappily, "If I don't drink it, don't drink it, then get me a bottle of Coke."

Tony touched his nose and said, "Banner, to be honest, you look so weird."

"I think it's not bad, I get along very well with the Hulk." Dr. Banner smiled and said, he is much more cheerful now than he was bitter and grieving a few years ago.

Everyone shook their heads, it was a fart, it was like schizophrenia.

"Don't say this, the Ronan coalition should be coming soon, get ready." Bert laughed, and everyone said expectantly, "We've been waiting for them for a long time."

Ronan Coalition Base, Collector gathered a group of leaders, and then repeated the information he had just received.

"Captain Marvel?" Ronan sucked in a breath of cold air, that was a terrifying existence comparable to a fleet of one person.

Red and blue attire, Kallark with a mohawk head said confidently: "Give her to me, and I will defeat her."

Ronan said coldly, "You have no idea how strong Carol is."

Kallark said disdainfully: "You also don't know how strong I am, I have never lost."

Collector touched his chin and said, "With your strength as a Gladiator (Current Alias), it's not a problem to deal with Carol, but if you deal with Carol, who will deal with the Blood God?"

"Would you like to deal with him?" Kallark said, "You have the Power Stone, isn't it easy to deal with him?"

Collector was stunned: "I have the Power Stone? Who said that, why don't I know it myself?"

"Collector, is it interesting to hide it from us at this time? Who doesn't know that you bought the Power Stone for four billion?" A Ravager sneered: "If you don't have the Power Stone, how dare you provoke the Blood God?"

"That is." Everyone looked at Collector angrily, and Collector became more shocked. He hurriedly explained, "The Power Stone is not in my hands, it was taken by the Blood God."

"The Power Stone is in the hands of the Blood God? If it's true, I think we can break up." Fury sneered, and everyone laughed, mocking indescribably.

A disguised Skrull said, "Collector, you don't have to hide it anymore, we won't rob you of your Power Stone, but the Blood God must be dealt with."

"That's right." Everyone nodded their heads one after another, If two tigers fought each other, one would definitely be hurt.

Collector deliberately concealed the information about Power Stone before, and now no one will believe him if he says anything.

"Okay, I'll take charge of the Blood God." Collector gritted his teeth and agreed, he said, "In addition to the Blood God, Carol, there are a lot of strong people on Earth, we have to be prepared."

Some people expressed disdain, "How many strong people can there be in a rural place like Earth?"

"You can't say that." Fury shook his head and said, "There are still a lot of strong people on Earth. The reason why our Ravager Alliance was defeated last time was because of their superheroes."

"You Ravagers are just a bunch of weak chickens, don't compare us to you." A commander of the Kree Empire said disdainfully, "This is a space battle, not a land battle. Unless you are as strong as Captain Marvel, the so-called strong man is nothing to worry about. After a shot, everything will be solved."

"That's right." Many people nodded, they looked down on the Earth, and they looked down on Ravagers.

Fury shrugged, I've reminded you anyway, it's none of my business if you don't listen. Collector hurriedly said, "The superheroes of the Earth cannot be underestimated, some of them are even enough to fight Carol."

Others didn't believe it at all, the Earthlings are just a group of indigenous people, how can they be strong?

"Collector, if you're really worried, let's compete with them." Kallark said proudly, "They have masters, and we also have them. Even if the others can't, I can kill them all."

Someone sneered immediately, "What age is it, declaring like this before the battle?"

"Individual combat power far exceeds that of the group, what's the problem with the competition?" Kallark sneered, "I declare in advance that my battle with Carol may accidentally injure your battleships. Your battleships are too fragile."

"What did you say?" Everyone was very annoyed and quarreled with Kallark. Ronan knocked on the table and shouted: "There is no need to compete, attack Xandar directly, Gladiator, you take Carol, Collector, you deal with the Blood God, As for other superheroes, no worries."

"Yes, no need." Everyone nodded, Collector frowned, leaned over to Ronan, and said in a low voice, "Ronan, those superheroes on Earth really can't be underestimated."

"I know." Ronan said: "The problem is, they are here for the Stone. If it becomes a competition, who will be interested in attacking Xandar?"

Collector glanced at Ronan and didn't speak again - everyone's interests were different.

Ronan didn't want to waste much time, and shouted loudly: "Ten days later, set off to attack Xandar."

"Okay." Everyone agreed, the military meeting was over, and when the others left, Fury leaned over to Ronan and said, "Leader, the funds are not enough."

"Not enough?" Ronan was stunned: "Didn't I just transfer 10 million to you ten days ago?"

Fury said 'simple and honest': "The battle is imminent, and morale must be encouraged. I went to a nearby planet to find a group of robot beauties, so the cost was a bit high."

"Robot beauty?" Ronan almost yelled, but he said with a dark face: "I will transfer another 10 million to you, save it, and there will be no more in the future."

"Okay." Fury left contentedly, and he got another eight million, which is really good money.

After Fury left, Ronan asked the Collector, "What about the battle between you and the Blood God? You don't have the Power Stone at all."

Collector replied, "Don't worry, the Blood God won't attack easily. Even if he does, I have a way to deal with him."

Ronan asked suspiciously, "Blood God has two Infinity Stones, can you really deal with him?"

Collector shook his head and said, "Blood God can't use the Power Stone. In fact, he can only use the Space Stone."

"He can't use it, but others can right?" Ronan said, "For example, Carol."

"She can't use it. Once someone on Earth uses the Power Stone, I can join other Elders to punish them." Collector said, "He would also not give the stone to the Xandarians, because it is too precious."

Ronan looked at the Collector and said, "This is the best, the Blood God is handed over to you."

"No problem," said the Collector with a smile. He then thought of something and handed Ronan a special item, saying, "This is one of my collections. You decide whether to use it or not. I don't force it."

After hearing the function of this collectible, Ronan frowned at first, then took the special item and said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome," replied Collector with a laugh. He added, "Blood God will soon know how stupid it is to fight against me. I have lived for so long, and the treasures in my hand are far beyond his imagination."

Collector not only gave the treasure to Ronan, but also to Kallark and one to the Champion. This time, he would fight hard.

"He will surely regret it, because he offended us at the same time," Ronan said while holding the almighty weapon. The Collector smiled and turned to leave.

Looking at the back of the Collector leaving, a cold light flashed in Ronan's eyes. This time, Collector was his biggest opponent to obtain the Power Stone and Space Stone.

After leaving the conference room, Collector found Nick Fury and handed him a special bottle of black potion. "Add this to the food," he said.

Fury looked at the black potion and asked in amazement, "What is this?"

Collector replied, "You don't need to worry about that, just do it, and I'll give you a million."

Fury said righteously: "Who do you think I am? Do you think I will betray everyone for a mere one million?"

Collector glanced at Fury, "Five million, don't bargain with me, I'm not in the mood."

"Deal," Fury immediately took the potion bottle, Collector transferred the money to Fury, and said, "Don't cheat, I can sense it."

"Rest assured, I do things and never disappoint," replied Fury with a laugh. Collector nodded in satisfaction and turned to leave.

When there was no one around, Fury sighed. He really missed the life of the Director. Not only could he embezzle at will, but he didn't have to play a clown all day.

Fury shook his head, found a safe place, and told Hill what had happened before. After Hill heard it, she immediately contacted Bert.

Hill was too lazy to pay attention to Bert's nonsense, she asked: "Blood God, what is that potion? What is Fury going to do?"

Bert sensed it for a while and said, "It's a demon potion. I didn't expect Collector to have something to do with demons. Let Fury do it. It's just a demon, it's nothing."

"You are professional in this area," Hill said. "By the way, Fury asked me to tell you, don't bully Carol, she is a bit arrogant, but she is a real superhero."

Bert said: "How could I bully Carol? I plan to take her as an apprentice."

"Apprentice? Your hobby is really special," Hill said. She was relieved, since he want her as an apprentice, there must be no malicious intent.

"More than ten days later, in the outer space of Xandar, the densely packed Xandar spaceships and Earth spaceships, along with the Ronan coalition forces that covered the sky, faced each other across the distance. Xandar had dispatched their fleet in advance to intercept the Ronan coalition, not wanting the war to happen on Xandar.

Ronan shouted through the public channel: "Xandar, today is your end."

Nova Prime, who had gone to the front line in person, shouted back: "Ronan, we Xandarians will never give in."

"Xandar, never give in!" the Nova Corps roared in unison. Although they were outnumbered, they had faith and firmly believed they would not be defeated.

"A bunch of idiots," Ronan sneered. "Nova Prime, cherish your last moments. Everyone, prepare to attack."

"Down with Xandar!" the Ronan coalition shouted loudly, though it was not their true purpose, it did not prevent them from shouting slogans.

"Xandar, prepare for battle," Nova Prime shouted. The Xandarian fleet lined up one after another, waiting for the opponent's attack."