Chapter 183 : War Begins

When the war was about to start, Collector suddenly shouted on the public channel: "Blood God, come out and answer for your actions."

Bert snorted loudly, "Collector, I have always respected you as an elder of the universe, but you brought the Ravagers to try and take my Space Stone. Do you really think I am easy to bully?"

Collector was furious and said, "You actually dare accuse me? Blood God, you occupied my Celestial's head, and I have come to settle the account with you today."

"Joke," Bert retorted. "When did I ever occupy your Celestial's head? When I arrived in the Knowhere, you had already fled."

Bert sneered, "What I possess is simply land without an owner."

Collector was so angry he could hardly speak. "If It wasn't you," he exclaimed. "Why would I have left Knowhere?"

"Hey, it doesn't sound familiar," Bert said with a sneer. "If you keep talking nonsense, I'll sue you for slander."

Bert sneered, "It's obvious that you bought the Power Stone. I was afraid that someone who knew nothing about the realm would grab it from you, so I came here in a hurry. What does it have to do with me?"

Collector clenched his teeth for a moment, but could not refute Bert's argument. Everyone believed that the Power Stone was in his possession, and he had no proof of Bert's actions.

"Collector," Bert shouted. "Since you want to grab my Space Stone, then I won't give you any more face."

"I will arrest you and suppress you for 10,000 years. Even if other elders of the universe come to the door, I will not back down, because you were the one who started it."

Collector was on the brink of fury, he thought to himself and asked on a private channel: "Blood God, is all of this part of your plan? First, you drive me away from Knowhere, and then let Ronan hunt me down. If Ronan succeeds, or beats me seriously, then you will be relieved. But if Ronan fails, after I find out the truth, I will surely come after you with Ronan's help. And when that happens, you can take action against me without worrying about the revenge of other elders."

Inside the Blood Ship, everyone looked at Bert in astonishment. How deep and intricate his scheming was.

"Bullshit," Bert retorted righteously. "I'm upright and honest, how could I use such despicable means?"

"Collector, don't make excuses for yourself, this time, I won't let you go."

Collector slammed his fist on the table in anger. He hesitated for a moment before asking, "Blood God, you've done so much, isn't it all just to let out a breath?"

"Earth is a very special place in the universe," Bert said slowly after a moment of silence. "It connects all the subsidiary dimensions of the universe. In simpler terms, if you want to enter the main universe, you must pass through Earth."

Everyone was a little surprised. It was the first time they had heard of this. They were a little proud to know that their Earth was not ordinary at all.

Collector asked, confused, "Blood God, what do you mean by this?"

"The Earth is so important, to protect the Earth is to protect the universe," Bert explained. "In other words, the guardian of the Earth is actually the guardian of the universe."

Collector asked impatiently, "So what?"

"So what?" Bert shouted. "Hmph, the Elders of the universe, do you old guys need to be taught by me how to do things? Without putting much effort into protecting the universe, you are swaying if you have more Infinity Stones. What kind of fuck do you think you are?"

Collector was stunned for a moment, then roared, "Blood God..."

"Shit, what have you done for this universe?"

Bert sneered, "You guys have no right to point fingers at things on Earth. Do you think I'm teaching you a lesson? Wrong, I'm using you to kill chickens and warn the elders of the universe."

Doom nodded. "How many Infinity Stones we have on Earth, it's none of your business?"

Everyone else nodded in agreement. The most annoying thing is that this kind of person doesn't show up when they want to contribute and suddenly comes out one day, arrogantly forbidding you to do this, forbidding you to do that, it's annoying.

Carol couldn't help but glance at Bert, this Blood God seems to be a bit great.

Collector gritted his teeth and said, "Blood God, you will definitely die here today. Those who offend the elders of the universe will not end well."

Bert sneered, "You will definitely be sealed for ten thousand years today. If other universe elders dare to act like you, I will send them in to accompany you."

Collector snorted and ended the communication. Doom asked, "Bert, why don't you just kill this guy?"

"Sealing him is just a lesson. If I kill the opponent directly, it is equivalent to declaring war on all the elders of the universe," Bert explained. "I'm not afraid of them, but the Earth can't handle their power. These old guys have lived for an unknown amount of time and they have a lot of energy."

"To live long and not die is a cheat," Doom snorted, his eyes were very cold. 'Elders of the Universe, I, Doom, have my eyes on you.'

At that moment, a figure flew out from the Dark Aster. He held the communicator and shouted loudly, "Captain Marvel, dare to fight?"

Looking at the figure in the red and blue tights and the red cape, Bert couldn't help but touch his nose. Apart from his looks and hair, what's the difference between this guy and Superman?

Carol looked at Bert, and Bert said, "If you're interested, go and play with him."

"I'll be back to support you soon." Carol nodded, turned, and flew out of the Blood Ship, then she shouted at Kallark: "I don't know which empire you are from, but I promise, you will regret appearing here."

"Sorry, I never regret." Kallark snorted and flew towards the abandoned planet in the distance, and Carol followed suit without fear.

When they arrived at the abandoned planet, Kallark didn't waste any time with words, his eyes lit up with red light, and two heat rays that melted everything fiercely shot at Carol. Carol dodged and flew towards Kallark, punching him hard in the cheek.

Kallark didn't dodge and kicked Carol with one kick. The next moment, the two flew out at the same time like shooting stars.

"Carol, you didn't disappoint me, unfortunately, you will lose today because I'm invincible," Kallark laughed and stopped in the air, then quickly flew to Carol. Carol snorted coldly, recoiled, and the two collided fiercely in the air and then hit the ground from the sky, the energy flew around, even the ground was easily torn apart.

Everyone couldn't help but secretly swallow their saliva. These two were truly terrifying, they were afraid that even the abandoned planet would be demolished by them.

"Gladiator will win without a doubt, don't worry," Collector said confidently. With the treasure he gave Kallark, there was no reason for Kallark to lose.

"That's good," the leader of the Ravagers said as he looked at Collector. "Collector, it's time for you to act."

Everyone nodded, Collector snorted and said, "Why use a sledgehammer to kill a fly? Bill, go and deal with the Blood God."

Accompanied by Collector's voice, a horse-headed cyborg came out. It was called Beta Ray Bill, a champion of the Arena, and his head even hung above the arena.

Horse-faced Bill waved the hammer of gravity in his hand and said in a muffled voice, "You said, after defeating the Blood God, this hammer belongs to me."

"That's right, I said that, go," Collector said with some distress. The hammer can control gravity, and it was a pretty good addition to his collection.

Of course, it was just pretty good, not unique, so Collector was willing to give people something good, and he wouldn't give it up easily.


Bill flew out excitedly and shouted at the Blood God: "Blood God, come out and die."

"Where did this come from?" Bert glanced at Beta Ray Bill and said to Dr. Banner, "Hulk, come on."

"Leave it to me," Dr. Banner immediately transformed into Hulk, put on his helmet, and nodded to everyone before rushing out on a space capsule.

"Horse-faced monster, come here and die," Hulk shouted loudly while flying towards the abandoned planet where Carol was located. Beta Ray Bill was a little annoyed when he heard the words, and immediately chased after him.

Upon arriving at the abandoned planet, the two of them didn't waste any time with words, they charged straight towards each other, and then the two huge fists slammed into each other.

A thunderous sound echoed, and the two flew out at the same time, knocking down a hill behind them.

The two of them were very excited, got up at the same time, and rushed towards each other, punching each other fiercely like two peerless beasts.

"These two monsters," both the enemy and the ally were amazed, each of the four people on the abandoned planet had the terrifying ability to dismantle battleships with their bare hands

On the Dark Aster, a Ravager shouted to Collector: "Collector, you should do it yourself."

"Yes, you should do it yourself," everyone shouted. Collector snorted and said, "No hurry, you fight first, anyway, I will definitely hold the Blood God."

Everyone was a little dissatisfied, but they were very much looking forward to the "drop" of stones from Collector and the Blood God.

"Don't worry about the battle over there, our target is Xandar." Ronan ordered: "Pirate group, you take the lead and break through the left side of the Xandar coalition."

The left side of the Xandar coalition is in charge of the Earth Federation. The members of the Pirate group looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

Collector smiled and said, "With the strength of the Pirate group, there is no doubt that the first battle will win."

"Of course," the Pirate group responded proudly, using the communicator to instruct: "Let's go."

With the order, a large number of unmanned remote-control drones that were dyed black flew quickly towards the left side, which everyone secretly despised, do you think we don't know who the drones painted in black are?

These unmanned remote-control drones (Omnicrafts) undoubtedly belong to the Sovereign. At this moment, their Golden High Priestess Ayesha is commanding the battle on Sovereign. In front of her are a large number of operators.

"Treasures like Space Stone, only our noble Sovereigns are qualified to own," Ayesha said proudly. Calling themselves Sovereign, one can imagine how narcissistic this group of people is.

On the Blood Ship, Bert instructed: "According to the information, these are the Omnicrafts of Sovereign. Shuri, I'll leave it to you and Wakanda to solve it."

"Okay, I thought I'd meet them, Phantom Legion, take off."

In the Vengeance (Wakanda Main Ship), Shuri loudly ordered, the Wakanda warriors lying in the operation bay immediately activated the vibranium spacecraft and controlled their remote-controlled spacecraft to face Sovereign.

"Quantum remote control drone?" Ayesha discovered the true face of the Phantom Legion for the first time and smiled disdainfully. They dared to use a quantum remote control drone in front of their Sovereign Omnicrafts, they really did not know whether to live or die.

A general Sovereign immediately ordered: "Send a quantum jamming bomb and let their aircraft lose control." Someone immediately followed suit, and several quantum interference bombs exploded next to the Phantom Legion. The connection between the Phantom Legion and the Vengeance immediately became intermittent, and many spacecraft began to "dance" in space.

As for Sovereign's own spaceship, it was completely unaffected. Their technology was mature and would not be easily disturbed by quantum interference.

"I guessed that you would use this trick," Shuri said, snorting as she immediately increased the quantum signal. All the phantom ships quickly recovered and stabilized. Seeing this, Ayesha became more and more disdainful. "The main ship is actually nearby? It's idiotic. If the main ship is needed, what's the point of remote control?"

General said with a smile, "It's really idiotic. They must be newbies in this area. Pilots, first destroy those spaceships, and then smash their main ships to let them understand how idiotic they are."

"Yes," a group of pilots agreed in unison. The familiar control spacecraft launched an attack, and the golden energy rays shot densely towards the Phantom Legion.

This was the second actual combat of the Phantom Legion, and it was far inferior to Sovereign's pilots in terms of technology. Several spaceships were shot soon, but these spaceships did not explode. Instead, they counterattacked as if nothing had happened, causing explosions.

"This is impossible!" a Sovereign pilot exclaimed, looking at the red light of the controller in front of him with disbelief.

But nothing is impossible. The shells of this batch of phantom spaceships were all made of Vibranium, and those energy attacks couldn't break their defenses at all.

Relying on Vibranium, the Phantom Legion and the Sovereign spaceship fought back and forth, and they did not fall behind at all.

"Damn, what kind of metal are their battleships made of, so strong?" General Sovereign scolded angrily. Whether it was technology or tactics, the Sovereigns were far stronger than the other party. The problem was that the defense of those damn ships was too strong, so strong that it directly ignored technology and tactics.

"It's a good thing. When we defeat Earth, we'll have this powerful metal," High Priestess Ayesha said excitedly. Was it difficult to defeat Earth? Of course not, it was just a group of natives who were just starting out.

"That's true," General said and ordered, "Don't get entangled with these ships, concentrate on attacking their main ships."

On the Vengeance, Shuri laughed proudly, "Haha, Sovereign is nothing but the same, and my Phantom Legion is stronger."

Black Panther said helplessly, "It's Vibranium that is strong, not your Phantom Legion. Shuri, you used so much Vibranium this time, the elders are quite dissatisfied."

"Do I have to care about them? Erik will support me anyway," Shuri said disdainfully. "Those elders have lost their minds, so much Vibranium would rather be hidden in the mine than used."

Black Panther shouted dissatisfiedly, "Shuri."

"Okay, let's just agree to disagree, hey, they're actually coming towards us, idiots, activate the black hole cannon," Seeing Sovereign's Omnicrafts rushing towards the Vengeance, Shuri laughed and shouted loudly.