Chapter 184 : Attack

"Black Hole Cannon?" Hearing Shuri's words, Black Panther asked in surprise, "Wait, didn't the research on the black hole cannon fail?"

"It didn't work, but it's enough," Shuri pressed the launch button, and a pitch-black shell rumbled out from the muzzle, then exploded at the center of the spaceship, forming a small black hole.

This black hole had no power and the suction was even weaker, but all the remote-controlled spaceships around it stopped in the air uncontrollably.

The Phantom Legion behind took the opportunity to shoot frantically, and the Omnicrafts were blown up one after another.

"Black hole? That is impossible!" All the Sovereigns made an incredible cry. How could an indigenous planet master an ultimate technology such as black holes? Even the three major empires are not good at it, right?

"They've only scratched the surface," someone said. "The black hole has no actual attack power, but the black hole can block all signals, including our quantum signals, so our spacecraft was wiped out."

"Even if it's just fur, it's worth a lot," High Priestess Ayesha said. "Raising Earth to an important level, their metals and black hole technology are important to us."

"Yes, High Priestess," everyone nodded. The general asked, "High Priestess, what should we do next?"

High Priestess Ayesha said, "Do nothing and watch the show quietly. The strength of the Earthlings is far beyond our imagination. This time, the coalition may not be able to get the Space Stone."

"Sovereign's fleet is actually wiped out?" Both the Ronan Allied Forces and the Xandars were shocked. The Earthlings had actually killed the Sovereign's Omnicrafts or had done it easily. This was too incredible.

Was Earth really just an indigenous planet?

"It seems that this time the hire is right," Nova Prime was overjoyed. Her intuition told her that the Earthlings would give her more surprises next.

"A bunch of rubbish, every day they say how noble they are, but they can't even beat a bunch of natives." On the Dark Aster, everyone yelled and cursed, and Collector was no exception. It was a shame, and he had praised them at his own expense.

Ronan was a little annoyed that the outcome was unfavorable for him, and he ordered, "Green Pirates, you lead some pirates to attack the left side of the Xandar, and the two-headed demon, you lead the raiders, attack the right of the coalition. The rest, get ready, as soon as there is a breakthrough on the left and right flanks, we will immediately attack Xandar from the front and destroy their fleet."

The Green Pirates are the army of the Skrull Empire, and the troops assigned to them by Ronan are all regular troops of other forces.

The Two-Headed Demon is a battle commander sent by the Ravager Alliance, the same level as Nick Fury, and the team he leads are all real Ravagers.

As for the rest, they are all the troops of the Kree Empire, and they are most interested in destroying Xandar.

The pirate heads looked at each other and nodded, "Okay."

Then, the Skrull army and the Ravager army set off at the same time, and flew aggressively towards the left and right flanks of the Xandar army.

"With the strength of the Skrull and the Ravager army, we will achieve a great victory," Collector laughed and everyone nodded in agreement.

In the main ship of Nova Corps, a centurion frowned and asked, "Nova Prime, I believe there should be no problem on the left, but are the people on the right really reliable?"

On the left was the Earth coalition led by Bert, and on the right was an army of wanted criminals, from the Knowhere. The Guardians of the Galaxy and Natasha, Bert's loyal servants, were also present.

"Mr. Wang said that he left a trump card over there, and the enemy will die as many as they come," Nova Prime smiled and reassured him, "You don't have to worry, even if something goes wrong, we have the Space Stone to reinforce them."

"That's true," the crowd nodded in agreement. They were all curious about the identity of this so-called "killer of the Blood God."

On the left side of Xandar, Bert said to Steve: "Director, it's time for you to command."

"I've got this," Steve replied confidently. "Tony, lead the unmanned army to prepare to attack. Frank, you will command the biochemical Extremis army. Black Panther, you will command the Sixth Legion. This time, give them a ruthless attack, let them know that we Earthlings are not to be underestimated."

Tony and the others nodded in agreement. Bert added, "If possible, capture a Skrull warship. The Skrulls can change into other people. After this battle, they will definitely send spies to Earth, so we must be prepared for a rainy day."

Steve nodded and said, "Yes. After this battle, there will be no shortage of spies on Earth."

"This is the inevitable price of power," Tony shrugged.

With that, he led the space version of the unmanned battle armors to rush out of the main ship, followed by Frank commanding the biochemical Extremis army riding space capsules. As for the Sixth Legion fleet, it was also ready under the command of the Black Panther.

It's worth mentioning that superheroes such as Electro and Inhumans like Black Bolt did not participate in this battle as they had other missions.

On the right, Natasha, the Black Widow, ordered loudly, "Prepare to fight. Whoever dares to escape or steal will be executed on the spot. After the battle is over, Blood God will grant you freedom, so that you will no longer be slaves."

"Long live the Blood God, destroy the enemies on the opposite side," the wanted criminals roared loudly. Although the Ravagers on the opposite side were powerful, they may not have the power to fight. In contrast, the Blood God was the truly terrifying one.

In a main ship, Yondu shouted to Star-Lord: "Quill, you will take the spaceship in a while and you will be the first to rush up to make a good deal for us."

Star Lord replied angrily, "You're taking personal revenge!"

Yondu retorted, "What's wrong with taking personal revenge? I've been so kind to you and raised you from childhood to adulthood, but you've been taking advantage of me to mock me every day?"

Yondu continued, "Fortunately, God has eyes. Blood God knows my ability and has put me in command of this main ship. Quill, if you don't agree, you can try to escape. You're the best at that anyway."

Star-Lord retorted, "I won't run away. Blood God is from my hometown, why should I run away?"

Star-Lord's comment was met with boos from the crowd. He snorted coldly and turned to walk back, "This time it's over. The Blood God is really... Anyway, I'm also his fellow, uh, half fellow, why doesn't he take care of me?"

Star-Lord sighs as he entered the cabin, then a voice suddenly sounded from the communicator: "Isn't that our Star-Lord? Why are you downcast? Weren't you very arrogant because of the status of the Blood God fellow a few days ago?"

Star-Lord was surprised as he looked out and saw Rocket, Groot, Drax, and Gamora riding on the Milano, looking at him with a smile.

"My Milano," Star-Lord shouted in surprise. Rocket responded, "It's mine, but I'm merciful and allowing you to come up as my co-pilot."

"I'm right, hurry up and open the cabin," Star-Lord eagerly said. He couldn't wait to enter the Milano. He glanced left and right, and although it was decorated, it was still his Milano at its core.

Star-Lord was overjoyed, "Blood God helped me fix it? Haha, I really deserve to be his hometown."

"Again, it's mine, hurry up and sit down, the battle will begin soon," Rocket said impatiently. Star-Lord gave him the middle finger, walked to the passenger seat, and sat down. He then asked in a low voice, "When are you going to escape?"

"Didn't you call yourself from the same hometown before?" Rocket complained. Gamora and the others also rolled their eyes. Gamora said, "Sorry, we're not going to escape. We must prevent Ronan from getting the Space Stone and Power Stone."

Drax shouted, "I'm going to kill Ronan."

Rocket said, "Sit tight, let's go. Blood God said if the battle goes well, this spaceship will be mine, and I can be hired to work for him in the future. I will not miss such a good opportunity. Blood God is a golden thigh."

"Are you really going?" Star-Lord looked at the Ravager spaceship that was getting closer and closer and couldn't help but sigh. It seemed that this battle was inevitable.

On the left side of the Xandarian coalition army, the unmanned armor army and the biochemical Extremis army had already engaged with the Skrull army.

"Space capsules? Steel armors? What kind of backward war machines are these? Natives are natives," the Skrull commander sneered and ordered the Skrull battleships to fire in unison, energy beams and energy cannons shot densely at the unmanned armored army and the biochemical Extremis army.

"Raise your shield," Tony immediately controlled the unmanned armor to hold the vibranium shields in a vertical array in front. Then, all the vibranium shields were connected together and turned into a huge energy shield, blocking all energy attacks.

"Keep going," Tony ordered again, the unmanned battle armors at the back pushed the front with force, and the entire legion advanced in an orderly manner.

"What kind of metal is this, so strong? Keep firing. Charge the main gun and get ready to attack," the commander was a little surprised and immediately gave the order. The battleships continued to shoot, but they were completely unable to break through the defense of the shield formation.

Not long after, the main gun of a main ship was fully charged and a huge beam of energy slammed into the shield array.

"Get out of the way!" Tony roared before the main cannon fired. No one in the battle armor took back the vibranium shield and scattered to the side like a small bee, allowing the main cannon to blast empty.

The Skrull commander frowned a little and was about to give another order, but the unmanned battle armors re-formed the shield formation.

Immediately afterwards, a gun muzzle stretched out in front of the shield formation and a huge energy ray roared out, slamming a Skrull battleship violently, causing it to explode directly.

"Damn," the Skrull commander was furious and immediately ordered all the warships of the major forces to fire together.

The biochemical Extremis army was not far from the Skrull battleship, and they all flew out from behind the unmanned battle armors and crashed into those battleships at the fastest speed.

"Don't let them get close, they should be the Explosive Legion mentioned by the raiders," shouted Commander Skrull loudly. Everyone did not dare to neglect, and sent fighter jets to shoot at the biochemical Extremis army. Soon, a large number of biochemical Extremis clones exploded in the air.

"What is the most important thing about cannon fodder? The most important thing is the quantity," Frank sneered. Although many clones were destroyed, the remaining clones were still numerous. They crashed into fighter planes and warships frantically, and then exploded. The Skrull coalition suffered heavy losses.

The unmanned combat armor took the opportunity to rush over and launched powerful missiles at those warships. They were small and flexible, making it difficult for warships or fighter planes to evade them.

With the efforts of the clones and unmanned armors, the situation gradually became chaotic.

"About there," Tony's eyes flashed, and he remotely controlled an invisible unmanned battle armor to quietly approach the Skrull's core main ship. Then, the armor turned on its weapon system and slammed into the defensive cover of the Skrulls main ship.

The dim space suddenly lit up with a dazzling white light, and in the white light, the main ship of the Skrulls was annihilated.

"Is this a nuclear weapon?" Both the enemy and ally were shocked, not by the power of nuclear weapons, but by the fact that the Skrulls were so stupid that they were approached by nuclear weapons!

In fact, the Skrulls did not find nuclear weapons at all. The nuclear weapons were in the body of the unmanned battle armor, and the unmanned battle armor used the stealth technology of the dark elves. This was the crystallization of the joint efforts of Tony and Ivan, the nuclear bomb stealth battle armor.

Carol, who was fighting fiercely with Kallark, was taken aback: "You even used nuclear weapons?"

"The Earth is talking about reunification recently, and the effect of nuclear weapons has been greatly reduced, so it is used against aliens to play with," Bert said. "This is Maozi's nuclear bomb, and its power is quite good. I will buy them next time. Anyway, they have a lot of stock."

"Huh?" Carol was speechless, isn't this a bit too brutal?

"I didn't expect the Earth to become so powerful in just over twenty years," Carol was amazed. With the current strength of the Earth, it is absolutely qualified to enter the interstellar age.

Although the Skrulls have more than one main ship, the one that was just blown up was the command main ship, and the remaining fleet was headless, and immediately became chaotic.

Steve ordered loudly, "Army attack." The Blood Ship and the other fleet launched an attack together. At the same time, a flash of light flashed in the sky, and several Chitauri main ships and a Harrow ship (Dark Elves) appeared at the same time, attacking frantically below.

That's right, the Earthlings also ambushed their troops. The Skrull coalition was attacked from both sides and quickly defeated.

Steve saw this and immediately commanded the warships to divide and annihilate these coalition forces. Tony brought a group of unmanned battle armors and scanned a Skrull main ship, ready to capture it.

"Left side, lost." Ronan's expression was extremely ugly. He had no idea that the Skrulls would be defeated so quickly and so miserably.

"The strength of Earthlings is much stronger than we imagined," Collector's face was a bit ugly, what a shame about the three big empires.

Collector took a deep breath and said: "There should be no problem with the Ravager army, and it's the same for us to break through from the right." This time, no one responded, and everyone looked at Collector blankly. You seem to have said the same last time? Collector was a little embarrassed, he said: "This time, the army of Ravagers will definitely win."

On the right side, the army of Ravagers and the army of wanted criminals have already started a full-scale war. Although the army of Ravagers is not as good as the regular army, it is still no problem to deal with the army of wanted criminals. In a short period of time, the army of wanted criminals has fallen into a disadvantage.