Chapter 189 : Lilandra

When Bert looked at him, Kallark was horrified and everything around him disappeared, leaving only Bert's growing figure. In just a moment, Bert's figure filled the whole world and in comparison, Kallark felt as weak as an ant. "I can't possibly be his opponent at all," he thought.

Incomparable fear emerged in Kallark's heart and his confidence quickly disappeared. The protagonist's ring lit up, trying to motivate Kallark, but to no avail. "I'm an incompetent piece of shit," Kallark knelt on the ground with a thud, trembling and no longer arrogant. His confidence had collapsed.

The three of them who were fighting Kallark were stunned. Such a powerful Gladiator was actually frightened into a waste by Bert's look? This is too exaggerated, right?

"A shame," Carol flew over to solve Gladiator.

Bert shouted: "It's okay to beat him, but don't kill him, I'm very interested in his ability."

"Good," Carol nodded, restrained her power, went up and punched Kallark in the face, "You are the protagonist? You want to marry me? What did you say about my face..."

Hulk and Horse-faced Bill looked at each other and went up to join the fight. It wasn't that they were despicable, but that guy was just too disgusting and hateful. "Don't hit me, don't hit me!" Kallark, whose confidence collapsed, did not dare to fight back, holding his head and wailing.

The three of them became more and more speechless, this is completely different from the previous one, right?

After finishing the Gladiator, Bert turned his eyes back to the Dark Aster. At that moment, Doom walked out with Ronan, who had been turned into a mummy and was tattered. "Don't bother, I have already done with him," Doom said.

"I didn't intend to help you," Bert smiled. 'A mere Ronan, how could Doom not be able to deal with him?'

Doom threw Ronan's body down and held the Cosmi-Rod War hammer, "This hammer is good, I'll keep it."

"Up to you," Bert said indifferently. "However, the Dark Aster should be reserved for the S.W.O.R.D."

"Hopefully they have the money to fix it," Doom smiled and said. "Okay, the task is completed, I will go back and continue to repair the Celestial's heads. The technology it contains is very powerful."

Bert helped Doom open the portal, then said, "Go ahead, I'll let Steve help you fight for Eastern Europe." Doom nodded and walked into the portal with the hammer - he couldn't open the portal across the galaxy.

"No one wants Ronan's body," Rocket and Star-Lord's eyes lit up, and they rushed towards Ronan's body at the same time. When they found out that someone was arguing with them, they immediately fought with each other, completely ignoring that they were comrades before.

Gamora and Groot rolled their eyes at the same time, 'These two guys are so embarrassing,' they thought.

As for Drax, he was still in a coma, unaware that his enemy had been killed by Doom.

At this time, Electro shouted: "Mr. Wang, the command room is under our control."

Bert nodded with satisfaction and said, "Very good, get rid of all the rest and completely control the Dark Aster."

"Yes," Electro responded and took Skye and the others to clean up the entire Dark Aster.

Bert turned his head to look at the fleeing Kree fleet, and asked Nova Prime, "Do you need help?"

"Thank you, Mr. Wang, for your kindness. We can handle these defeated troops," Nova Prime said, there was obviously a hint of respect in her voice.

The strong are respected, and this is the same everywhere.

"Good," Bert didn't say much and turned his head to look left and right.

On the right, under the threat of death, the army of Ravagers surrendered one after another. The few who did not surrender were all destroyed by the Vibraioum chariot.

On the left, the Skrull coalition was running away, and Steve and everyone were chasing after them. The Skrull main ship that Tony and the others were eyeing had changed hands.

Captain Skuru, who was firmly bound by the strong wind, roared angrily: "You destroyed the Skrull Empire's Flagship and captured us. The Skrull Empire will not let you go."

"Don't worry, no one will know about this. We will announce that all the enemies on the main ship have been killed by us," Tony said lightly. "It's just a main ship, and the Skrull Empire will not make a big deal about it. After all, they don't care."

"The Skrull Empire will definitely destroy your Earth," Captain roared. "You natives, you don't know how strong the Skrull Empire is. You don't even have the weapons to destroy a star."

Tony snorted coldly and said, "We haven't seen a star-killing weapon? Odin's Spear and Bert's Space Stone can easily destroy a star."

"Blood God can actually destroy a star?" Captain Skrull was stunned for a moment.

Tony continued: "With the Blood God, no one can destroy our Earth, and he can push back you no matter how much you attack. Taking ten thousand steps back, even if you could, would you dare? With the Blood God's elusive ability, once he takes revenge, how long can your Skrull Empire resist?"

Captain Skuru was speechless, even the three major empires could not bear the wrath of the Blood God. "Our Skrull Empire, how come we keep encountering such superpowers?" Captain Skuru couldn't help sighing.

Hundreds of years ago, their main star was targeted by Planet Devourer. Even if they tried their best, they could not repel the other. In the end, they could only obediently give up the main star to the Devourer. This is the most shameful thing about the Skrull Empire. In this universe, the strength of the individual is stronger than that of the group.

In any case, the three major empires and Ronan's forces were completely defeated this time, and the war was coming to an end. Bert nodded with satisfaction and took Collector through space to the dimension of hell.

Collector was stunned: "Are you going to seal me in hell?"

"Yes, you have too many friends in the main universe, and it is easy to get into trouble," Bert said. "Hell is full of chaos, your friends can't find you, Collector, I will seal you for 10,000 years, can you accept it?"

Collector snorted coldly: "I don't agree, but does it help?"

"It's useless to disagree, but suicide is useful. If you die, the other elders of the universe will definitely not give up," Bert smiled and said. "In this way, you can take revenge on me, and you don't need to be imprisoned by me again, killing two birds with one stone."

Collector said angrily: "Blood God, you humiliated me, so you are not afraid that I will really commit suicide?"

Bert didn't answer, just looked at the other party with disdain. 'This guy didn't dare to die, let alone commit suicide. The longer one lives, the more afraid of death,' he thought.

Collector flicked his sleeves and snorted coldly, "I won't be fooled by you."

Bert said with a look of contempt: "It's boring, I still think that after you commit suicide, you will be resurrected with the Time Stone, and your expression will be very beautiful."

Collector looked at Bert in astonishment, "Are you the devil?"

"Don't talk about it, Collector, it's useless to refuse, but money is useful," Bert said with a smile on his face. "You can use your treasures and money to commute your sentence. I don't have to ban you for 10,000 years."

"You actually want my treasure and money?" Collector laughed angrily. "Blood God, aren't you too greedy?"

"Don't worry, if you don't want to, I won't force you, I'm a civilized person," Bert said. "In addition, I want your money mainly to repair the Celestial's heads. Your money is basically earned by selling the resources of the heads. This is called cause and effect."

"You are called a civilized person?" Collector snorted, he thought for a while, and said, "I will never give you a unique treasure, it is my life, but money and ordinary treasures, I can give you, but you have to shorten the sealing period to a thousand years."

Bert didn't hesitate, nodded and agreed: "Ok."

"This is an ordinary treasure that I have collected over the years. Although it does not have the ability to defy the sky, each one is a fine product," Collector took out a treasure box from his arms and gave it to Bert with great reluctance. "The other part of me is stored in my spaceship, and I hide it at the coordinates... You can collect it yourself."

"Judging from the performance of Kallark and Ronan, your treasure is indeed a fine product." Bert took the treasure box and asked curiously, "By the way, why did the strength of Kallark suddenly soar?"

"Because he has confidence," Collector briefly explained the matter. Then, he handed the watch to Bert and said, "With this, you can withdraw my money."

"Wow, you are really rich," Bert glanced at the numbers on his watch and couldn't help whistling. It seemed that in a few years, he would now be the richest man in Galaxy.

Collector snorted unhappily. He thought of something, and asked again: "Blood God, really don't put together six Infinity Stones."

Bert asked, "Why? Can we talk now?"

"Once the six Infinity Stones are gathered, the Nemesis will come back to life." Collector hesitated for a while, and said the matter again. Then, he sighed: "There is nothing wrong with preventing the gathering of the Infinity Stones. My fault is that I had a bad attitude towards you."

"No, you're wrong, the lack of respect, respect for the guardians of the planet," Bert's eyes flashed, and he said, "I know about the Nemesis. Well, you can start serving your sentence."

After finishing speaking, Bert sealed Collector in the depths of hell and placed a large number of space bombs next to Collector's cage, and threw a modified nuclear bomb inside. This was to ensure that Collector could not escape and that no one could rescue him.

"If you want to escape from prison or if someone comes to rescue you, these space bombs will explode together with the nuclear bomb, shattering the entire cage," Bert said calmly.

Collector was taken aback for a moment and then exclaimed, "Hey, what will happen when someone comes to save me? And what if someone accidentally touches the seal?"

"If you have any complaints, feel free to find a lawyer to sue me. Bye. We'll see you in a thousand years, if I still remember," Bert said, waving his hand and disappearing instantly. Collector screamed in the seal, but no one heard him, so he could only sit on the ground, feeling dejected.

Collector kept praying in his heart, "Grandmaster and other elders of the universe, you must not come to save me. That fucker is crazy."

'Nemesis? Why didn't it appear in the movie?' Bert thought to himself, frowning slightly. He realized that the handling of the Infinity Stones should be done with caution.

By the time Bert returned to the battlefield, the battle was over. The Xandar and Earth coalition had won a great victory and the Ronan coalition was almost wiped out.

"Xandar, long live! Earth, long live! Blood God, long live!" Seeing Bert's return, everyone cheered loudly. This was a super victory that was enough to go down in history.

Without Ronan, the Xandarians can finally rest easy.

At the same time, Earth has proven its strength. In the future, no one will view the people of Earth as ignorant natives and no one will view the Blood God as upstarts.

Blood God is a top-level powerhouse worthy of everyone's respect.

On Sovereign star, The general looked at the last picture sent by the Sovereigns, swallowed his saliva, turned his head and asked Ayesha the Golden High Priestess: "High Priestess, do you still want to proceed with the previous plan?"

"All canceled. We cannot act on Earth until the Blood God is dead," the high priestess replied.

"We cannot afford the vengeance of the Blood God," she added.

The general nodded in agreement, no one would be foolish enough to attack Earth until the Blood God is gone.

The high priestess then asked, "Does the Blood God run a courier company?"

The general nodded, "Yes, Earth Express. Although it's expensive, it can be delivered quickly across the galaxy."

"Invite them to come to Sovereign Star to open an express service. This kind of express service would be useful for us as well," the high priestess said.

"In addition, I've heard that the Blood God has a fondness for women. I want the life seed of the Blood God," the high priestess continued with some excitement. "If we can get the Blood God's genes, the Sovereigns will be able to reach a higher level, even become a god-level civilization."

The general nodded, "I understand."

The high priestess said no more and turned to return to her palace, where a golden cocoon was being firmly protected by a group of elites. This cocoon is a super artificial man - Adam, which the Sovereigns cultivated with genetic technology.

The high priestess narrowed her eyes and muttered to herself with anticipation, "I wonder if you are stronger or the Blood God is stronger?"

It's worth mentioning that there were a total of two cocoons, one of which was lost, and now only one remains.

Shi'ar Empire.

Queen Lilandra looked at Kallark, who had been beaten into a pig's head on the screen, and couldn't help shaking her head. She said, "Try to find a way to save Kallark. After all, he is Imperial guard. Moreover, although he fell off the chain, his previous performance was quite good."

A minister next to her said, "I will go to redeem Kallark, but Kallark's confidence seems to have collapsed."

"Confidence can collapse and can be recovered," Queen Lilandra said. "In addition, invite Blood God to the Shi'ar Empire to carry out the express business, and send someone to sneak into Earth to investigate, but only for investigation. Do not cause trouble. Before killing the Blood God, do not go to war with Earth."

"Understood," the minister nodded.

"The war between the Queen, the Skrulls, and the Kree has been ongoing. Should we send someone to mediate?" the minister asked.

"Let the council discuss it," Queen Lilandra said, sneering uncomfortably. She looked up at Blood God on the screen, her eyes blazing. If the Blood God could be recruited, the council would not be a problem at all.

The royal family and parliament of the Shi'ar Empire are like fire and water, and sooner or later they will go to war.


Princess-Majestrix Lilandra Neramani is a member of the royal family of the Shi'ar Empire, which was governed by the extraterrestrial Shi'ar race and controlled all known inhabited planets in the galaxy in which the Shi'ar dwelled. Lilandra was born on the world called the Aerie, the planet on which the Shi'ar race originated. The Empire was ruled from an artificial planet called Chandilar, the Imperial Throneworld.
