Chapter 190 : After the War

In the Kree Empire, Supreme Intelligence issued an order: "Ronan's business has nothing to do with us. Let Xandar return his body. In addition, invite the Blood God to the Kree Empire to carry out the express business."

"Understood," the Kree high-level officials respectfully agreed.

Supreme Intelligence continued, "Make a complete agreement with Xandar as soon as possible. Also, send people to contact those Inhumans who have Kree blood in their bodies and may be willing to return to the Kree Empire."

"If the Inhumans are willing to return, we can definitely defeat the Skrull Empire," the high-level officials said excitedly. They knew how powerful the Inhumans were, as the recent battle had proved, especially Black Bolt who destroyed at least a dozen Kree battleships.


The Skrull Empire, Queen Veranke said coldly: "Send someone to sneak into Earth and gather all information on it, with a focus on those with superpowers, as they are very important to us."

"Our Super-Skrulls should be able to imitate the abilities of those with superpowers," a general said excitedly.

"Replace?" asked Queen Veranke.

"Yes, replace," the general nodded. "We can secretly bring those superpowers back to the Skrull Empire and have our people take their place."

"It can be considered, but first we need to find out the true strength of the Earthlings," Queen Veranke thought for a moment and said. "Don't act rashly. The Blood God is very powerful and I don't want what happened hundreds of years ago to happen again."

"Yes, Queen," the general said.

He then asked, "By the way, Captain Marvel has something to do with the traitor Talos, do you want to do something about it?"

Queen Veranke said coldly, "Not for now. Traitors won't end well."


Xandar celebrated for seven days straight, celebrating both the victory and the final peace of Xandar.

Earthlings were warmly welcomed by the Xandarians, and superheroes such as Hulk and Captain Marvel gained a lot of admiration. On Xandar's network, they were even more popular than the stars. Of course, the most popular was the Blood God. After all, he was the strongest, the most famous, and the most talked about.

In the backyard of Earth Express, Bert brought Tony and Steve and said straight to the point, "I talked to Nova Prime, and she's going to officially send someone to visit Earth. This is the first step. As long as there's no problem with the visit, Xandar will establish diplomatic relations with Earth and become the first diplomatic planet of the Earth Federation."

"Wow, this is a big deal," Tony said.

Steve also said, "This is the first time Earth has officially hosted an alien mission. Let's make arrangements. In short, don't be rude, but there's no need to overdo it, and there's no need to hide our true situation."

Bert added, "Although there will be no real feelings between countries, the Nova Corps is a justice-oriented organization. If they are willing to help us, then we will avoid many detours."

"I agree with this point. The Nova Corps has a good atmosphere," Steve said.

Tony said, "It would be much better to have a guide. By the way, Bert, what about the resource planet that Nova Corps promised us?"

Steve also looked at Bert with bright eyes. This was a real frontier, and it was still an entire alien planet.

Bert smiled and said, "Don't worry, they won't betray our trust. Nova Prime has already prepared several planets. When they visit Earth, they will be given to Earth to choose."

"Fantastic, this battle was not fought in vain," Tony and Steve said as they high-fived, indescribably excited.

"It's really not in vain," Bert smiled and then said, "Resource Star can not only inspire Earth but also ease the contradictions within Earth."

Steve was puzzled, "Contradictions within Earth?"

Bert explained, "If you want to step into the interstellar era, there will definitely be a lot of problems and contradictions. For example, the popularization of intelligence will make a large number of workers unemployed, and if they cannot be properly accommodated, there will be serious problems. Resource Star can give these workers a new place."

Tony added, "It's true. Stark Group is preparing to set up a re-employment foundation. Bert, if you're interested, you can invest some money in it."

Tony used to be a playboy but now he has become a real superhero, a superhero who worries about the country and the people in the study.

"Okay, I'll let Lilith allocate 10 billion to your foundation," Bert said.

"Tony, Steve, you and the human elite must plan ahead and plan a lot. At this critical time, there must be no problems inside Earth," he added.

Steve touched his nose and said, "Ten billion? It's a lot of pressure to be with you local tyrants."

"Don't talk about you, I'm also a little stressed," Tony replied.

Tony then asked Bert, "Wait, Bert, you're not going to do nothing and leave everything to us, right?"

Steve couldn't help laughing, he knew that Bert was like this in S.W.O.R.D and now as the ambassador of Earth.

"What? Resource Star, Xandar ally, I got all of these," Bert shrugged and said, "I am in charge of the overall situation, and you are in charge of the details. It's that simple."

Tony gave Bert a middle finger in annoyance. He couldn't understand why Bert always seemed so carefree while he was always so busy.

"By the way, there are two more things I want to tell you about," Bert said. "The first thing is Kallark. The Shi'ar Empire wanted to redeem him, but I refused. You bring him back to Earth and bring him to Dr. Reed, so he can find a way to clone a few Kallarks. Their fighting ability is very strong, as long as they have enough confidence."

Tony said with great interest, "He is indeed worth cloning, and I will participate in this project."

Bert smiled and said, "Not only you, but Dr. Banner will also participate."

Tony and Steve couldn't help laughing at the mention of Dr. Banner's name. Tony asked, "Has Hulk been beaten by Carol today?"

In the previous battle, Hulk had used the phrase "square-faced bitches" indiscriminately and Carol held a grudge. She beat Hulk once a day since then.

"Should be getting beaten up," Bert smiled and said. "The second thing, I asked Nova Prime for a few places in the military academy."

Tony and Steve's eyes lit up at the same time, and Tony asked urgently, "Really? Xandar is so generous?"

"The Nova Corps clearly wants to befriend us," Bert replied. "Tony, Steve, you and Natasha, Frank, Barton, and Ivan will go to the Military Academy to study. In addition, I will give the Federation some places, and they can each send three people to join the Military Academy."

"I'll make time to go to class," Tony agreed without hesitation. Although he is not a soldier, he understood the importance of understanding the details of interstellar warfare in order to design the most suitable suit for it.

"I can do it too," Steve said, nodding hesitantly. He never expected that he would have to continue studying after so many years after graduation.

"When the diplomatic relationship with Xandar is officially established, I'll get a few more places, and that's it for now," Bert said. "Okay, what needs to be said is almost finished. You can go back and continue celebrating."

Steve shook his head and said, "No more celebrating. You open a portal, and I'll go back to Earth to discuss the reception of the Xandar."

"Sure thing," Bert smiled and sent Steve back to Earth. Then, he looked at Tony and asked, "Do you have anything else?"

"Yes," Tony hesitated and asked, "Bert, are you looking for someone to study the Pym particle in secret?"

"It's not secret, it's upright," Bert replied. "Dr. Pym has an apprentice named Darren Cross, who is now the project director of the Oscorp, and he is confident that he will be able to research the Pym particle within two years."

"The Pym particle is a powerful thing," Bert continued. "In medicine, it can help us cure many incurable diseases. In military, it can make us invincible."

"Of course I know how powerful the Pym particle is," Tony said. "The problem is, Bert, it is the research result of Dr. Pym, and although I am very upset with that guy, the research results of scientists should not be taken away."

"I know, but he doesn't want to sell it to me, so I have to find someone else to research it," Tony said.

Bert replied, "Tony, no matter how you look at it, I can't do it. If it was someone else, I would have already taken action. In addition, the Pym particle has not been patented yet, I will find someone to re-research it. What's the problem? It's not plagiarism of his technique!"

Tony was speechless. He was silent for a moment before saying, "Dr. Pym said that Darren Cross has a bad mind."

Bert sneered, "So what? As long as he develops the Pym particle, I can give him whatever he wants, power, status, money, beauty, honor, and life. Isn't that what he pursues?"

"When he has these, will he still commit crimes and be anti-social?" Bert continued.

Tony was speechless again, and Bert continued, "You tell Dr. Pym, if he is willing to sell Pym particles, I can give him anything he wants. If he is not willing, please don't hinder me. I won't show mercy to him."

"I'll talk to him," Tony sighed. In this matter, Bert did not do anything wrong. It can even be said that he was quite restrained. With his means, it was very easy for him to acquire Pym particles.

Bert said, "I will persuade him not to be so stubborn."

Tony said, "I will. Well, I'll go visit the Military Academy."

Bert nodded and had someone take Tony to visit the Military Academy.

Not long after Tony left, Carol and Dr. Banner walked into Bert's house together. Bert smiled and said, "You guys are getting along so well, what's going on? The sun is rising from the west?"

Carol snorted coldly, "The sun of Xandar originally rise from the west, and it was the big man who had a grudge against me, not Dr. Banner. Dr. Banner is not bad, he is completely different from that guy."

Dr. Banner said, embarrassed, "Hulk is in a rebellious stage, please forgive him."

He then asked Bert, "What are you going to do with Bill? Hulk wants to help him."

Bert asked, "Will he surrender to Earth?"

Banner shook his head, "No, he still has family members to take care of, so he must go back."

"That's fine," Bert thought for a moment and said, "Since Hulk is begging for him, then I'll take it easy. As long as he is willing to be researched by us for three months, I'll let him go. However, that gravity hammer is our trophy, we can't give it back to him."

Dr. Banner's eyes lit up, "Research? That's great. The machinery on his body is very powerful. With him, Oscorp's mechanical prosthetics project will definitely advance by leaps and bounds."

After a pause, Dr. Banner said a little embarrassedly, "As for the gravity hammer, Hulk has already claimed it, and it's impossible to return it to him."

Carol said disdainfully, "Even with a hammer, he's still a weak chicken."

A green light flashed on Dr. Banner's face, and Hulk shouted, dissatisfied, "Woman with a square face, who do you call a weak chicken?"

Both Bert and Dr. Banner were speechless as Hulk's statement could lead to trouble.

Before Carol got angry, Bert asked her, "Carol, what's your business with me?"

Carol hesitated and asked, "Can you really improve my strength?"

Bert smiled and opened his hands, his body lit up with a dazzling blue light. The energy in Carol's body was drawn towards Bert, like a tired bird returning to its nest.

Bert absorbed Carol's energy, purified it, and sent it back to her body. Carol sensed it and found that although the energy was less, its power was doubled.

Carol had no doubts, she learned the plot from the Kung Fu movies, knelt down to Bert and shouted, "Meet Master."

"No need to kneel. Although I am thousands of years old, I don't like others kneeling in front of me," Bert raised his hand and Carol stood up involuntarily. She smiled and said, "Actually, I don't like kneeling to people, especially to men."

"Everything is too much," Bert didn't say much. He said, "Carol, in addition to purifying the energy in your body, I will also teach you a superpower that only we can use."

Carol's eyes brightened, "Superpower?"

Dr. Banner asked, "Should I leave? According to the movie I watched, peeking at other people's practice seems like they will be beaten to death."

"Don't worry, my sect has no such rules," Bert smiled and introduced Carol to the concept, "The energy in us is space energy, which has a special ability to connect other spaces. As long as we find a space that fits us, we can draw its power to our advantage. Manpower is limited, but space is unlimited."

Carol couldn't wait to ask, "Master, what can I do to absorb the energy of other dimensions?"

"No hurry, you have a lot of work to do, for example, to sense spatial fluctuations," Bert smiled and said, "Your strength is too easy to obtain. If you want to improve, you must practice and learn from scratch. Carol, this is a test for you."