Chapter 191 : Dragon World

"Start from scratch?" Carol was taken aback for a moment, but then she said, "No problem. As long as it helps me improve my strength, I don't mind starting over."

Dr. Banner, who had been listening curiously, asked, "Bert, can you absorb energy from other dimensions?"

"Yes," Bert replied. "There are two spaces that are particularly suitable for me. One is the dragon world related to the Resurrection Elixir, where there are many dragons. The other one is a bit more complicated, but we'll talk about that when we come across a strong enemy in the future."

Carol, surprised, asked, "Master when you fought with Mephisto before, you didn't use this. Does that mean you didn't use all your strength then?"

"It's more than that," Bert laughed. "In fact, I didn't even use 20% of my strength."

Carol was stunned. "Only used Twenty percent of your power?"

"Don't think about it now, Carol," Bert said. "If you have time, I'll teach you how to sense space. It may be boring at first, but you'll have to be patient."

"No problem," Carol said firmly.

Both Bert and Dr. Banner shook their heads. At that moment, Hulk shouted, "Mr. Wang, is there any way to make me stronger? I want to beat up that bitch." Carol glared fiercely at Hulk, he was worthy of a beating.

"Your potential is limitless, but the issue is that your power comes from anger," Bert said with a sigh. "Hulk, you haven't truly been angry yet, have you? I mean the kind of anger that makes you lose your mind and just want to destroy everything."

Hulk replied, "I've always been angry, but I've never been truly violent."

"If you want to become stronger, you have to be truly angry, Hulk," Bert said. "Go on a trip. The universe is so vast, you're bound to encounter something that will make you truly angry."

In reality, it wouldn't be difficult to make Hulk stronger. If he were to kill Betty, Hulk would instantly become an invincible green warrior. However, what would that mean for Earth? The Earth needs a Hulk who can control his power.

"Traveling?" Both Dr. Banner and Hulk were surprised. "Bert, won't it be too dangerous? If Hulk really goes wild, many people will die," Dr. Banner said.

Hulk himself shook his head. "I don't want to hurt anyone,"

Carol couldn't help but glance at Hulk. Although this big man was very annoying, he had a good heart.

Carol didn't know that this was the result of years of hard work by Banner and Betty, who had successfully made Hulk more human.

"Don't worry," Bert said with a smile. "I'll let Betty come with you. With her there, you can be as angry as you want and it'll be okay."

"In addition," he added, "you don't have to worry about Betty's safety. I'll cast a spell on her. If there's any danger, I'll rush over as soon as possible."

Bert then asked, "Dr. Banner, are you interested in interstellar travel with Betty and Hulk?"

Dr. Banner replied, "I am interested, but I have no experience in this area."

"I'll find someone to go with you," Bert said. He then released the projection of the Guardians of the Galaxy and said, "This is the Guardians of the Galaxy that I have just established. They will be chivalrous and righteous in the galaxy and, at the same time, promote the Earth Express."

Carol snorted coldly, "Guardians of the Galaxy? Such a big name."

"Although it has a big name," Bert replied. "It's actually a temporary worker, similar to Earth's Cosmos brand cigarettes."

Bert smiled and thought, 'In fact, in the movie, the Guardians of the Galaxy are also temporary workers, Xandar's temporary workers.'

"I'll go out with Betty after I finish my current research," Dr. Banner said determinedly. He added, with a hint of happiness, "Just like a honeymoon trip."

Bert asked in astonishment, "Are you married? Banner, you didn't inform me?"

"Before the expedition, I proposed to Betty and she agreed," Dr. Banner said, a little embarrassed. "Betty and I don't want to get married in a big way. We've been through a lot. We just want to stay together quietly."

The happiness exuding from Dr. Banner made the single Carol a little uncomfortable. She thought about it carefully and realized that she had been single for more than 20 years.

"Go back to your hometown and get married after this battle? Fortunately, my life was tough, so it didn't take effect," Carol said.

Bert was speechless. After a moment of thought, he took out a pair of rings and said, "I still have to give a gift. These are treasures collected by Collector, called teleportation rings. After wearing it, you can teleport to the other person."

"Thank you, Bert," Dr. Banner said, and he eagerly took the ring. After all, Bert is a very wealthy man.

'By the way, will Hulk run out when Banner and Betty are on their honeymoon?' A thought occurred to Bert and he said with a smile, "Alright, let's get ready. When we set off, I'll have the Guardians of the Galaxy pick you up. I believe your adventure story will be very interesting and wonderful."

"It's not good if it's too exciting, the heart can't stand it," Dr. Banner said with a smile, and he left satisfied. Carol, on the other hand, stayed to continue mastering her powers with Bert.

As it turns out, it's not just ordinary people who can become superheroes. Carol had a lot of talent and within just a few days, she had already begun to make progress. Bert was very pleased with this and encouraged her to keep practicing.

In the meantime, Bert began to tally up the harvest from this trip. He had to say, the harvest was quite substantial.

Let's talk about the harvest for Earth first - the establishment of diplomatic relations with Xandar and the acquisition of a resource-rich planet are undoubtedly important steps for humanity.

At the same time, Earth has proved its strength and it is now known that Earth is not a planet to be underestimated.

Bert also made an impact on the three major empires, ensuring that as long as he does not die in the future, those powerful forces will not dare to invade Earth openly, - except for Thanos, he is crazy.

In addition, Earth has obtained many valuable resources and technologies from the Dark Aster, Skrull main ships, etc. This will provide Earth with enough resources to last for decades.

Furthermore, Bert has also obtained Gladiator, if it can be cloned, Earth will have many strong people, and even if it can't be cloned, Bert can still turn it into a puppet.

These are the harvests for Earth, Bert himself also has many harvests.

Firstly, he has acquired a significant amount of wealth, making him the richest man on Xandar with Collector's wealth.

In addition, Bert also obtained Collector's collection and the head of the Celestial. It must be said that Collector is truly a generous person and has 'sponsored' many valuable things.

Needless to say, the Celestial's head, when it is repaired, it may be one of the strongest battleship in the universe.

As for Collector's collections, they are mostly high-quality items, some of them even reaching the level of the Ten Rings. This has instantly made Bert's background extremely profound.

In addition to these, Bert has also gained a significant power boost, that is, the power of the nine spirits of vengeance - the Ghost Rider, there is no doubt about it.

Furthermore, Bert has also gained a lot of fame, prestige, and slaves. The Blood God Group is no longer seen as upstarts, everyone knows that they have super-powerful people worthy of awe.

"I have gained a lot, so I have to digest it well," Bert said with satisfaction. At that moment, the Spear of God in his body suddenly flew out by itself. Immediately afterwards, holy light sprinkled and nine holy angels appeared in the holy light, kneeling before Bert.

The angels of vengeance shouted at the same time, "Master, we will be your weapons, punish the Sinners for you and cleanse the world."

"Master?" Bert blinked in surprise, and the Spear of God explained, "I have washed away their original memories and now their memories are brand new. They will regard you as their Lord and dedicate everything to you. However, the essence of their vengeful spirits remains the same, that is, they still hate evil and still want to cleanse them."

"It's okay, after all, I'm a good person," Bert said with a smile. He looked at the nine angels in amazement and asked, "Wait, why are they all female angels? Am I so lucky?"

"Master, angels have no gender at the beginning. I cleaned their memories, which is equivalent to resetting them and returning them to their original state without gender," The Spear of God said. "I know you like beautiful women, so I made them all women."

"I didn't expect you to be such a good Spear of God, but I like it," Bert said with a laugh. "The next step is to help them find a suitable host."

"Master, you don't need to help them find a host," Spear of God said. "The Demon King of Hell can't control them, so he keeps them in a state of soul and then indirectly controls them with the human soul. In fact, as long as there is enough energy, they can recover their bodies on their own."

"That means they can fight by themselves?" Bert asked.

"Of course, they are the warriors sent by God to cleanse the sins of the world," The Spear of God said.

"That's better. What kind of energy do they need?" Bert asked.

"They can use a lot of energies, but it's better to use divine crystals or purified magic crystals," The Spear of God said. "The crystallization of divine power will greatly increase their strength."

"I have a lot of this stuff," Bert said, throwing a magic crystal to the Spear of God and added, "Purify it. From now on, the nine of you will be my angel guards."

"Yes, Master," the Nine Angels of Vengeance said in unison. Bert raised his hand and helped them stand up, then he asked, "What's your name?"

The head angel, who is the captain said, "I am their captain, my name is Annie."

As Bert looked at the angel, Annie, with the appearance of an angel and the figure of a devil, he nodded with satisfaction. With nine such angels guarding him, going out must be very stylish.

As a powerful and famous man in the universe, it is natural to have a bit of grandeur.

After a while, the Spear of God purified the magic crystal and used it to restore the bodies of the angels.

In the holy light, a group of angels wearing exquisite and gorgeous battle armor appeared in Bert's line of sight. Bert looked at them up and down, and was extremely satisfied, which was quite in line with his aesthetics.

"You came at the right time, come with me," Bert said and opened a portal and walked in with his nine angel guards.

Outside the portal, Annie looked at the slightly desolate surroundings and said, "Master, this is not the main universe."

"This is the dragon world, uh, this name is named after myself," Bert said. "I devoured a fire dragon. After I got the Space Stone, I had a connection with the fire dragon's homeland."

The Dragon Bones below Manhattan has been completely consumed by Bert and his body now contains the complete power of the fire dragon.

Of course, with Bert's current strength, the power of the fire dragon is a bit underwhelming. After all, the Space Stone is too powerful.

"Dragon world? The dimension of the dragon where the dragon family is located?" Annie understood and said, "Master, dragons are not good things. They are very greedy and often invade other dimensions to loot."

Although the "Angel of Vengeance" has been purged of its memories, its common sense still exists. "Is that so? That's better," Bert said, a little surprised, before smiling. "Go catch the evil dragons, and I hope their meat is as delicious as that of the extraordinary dragon."

Dragons play a large role in the world. Their meat can be eaten, their blood can be consumed, their bones can be used to train in martial arts, and their souls can be used to create a powerful Iron Fist. In fact, if there weren't so many other things to do, Bert would have come to hunt dragons early in the morning.

Bert possesses three powers within his body: the power of the "Blood God," the power of the fire dragon, and the power of space. Currently, the power of space is the dominant force. He wants to restore balance, or else he may become the embodiment of the "Space Stone," which would not be good.

The power of space is just one of the many powers Bert wields. Additionally, his apprentices need many dragon bones and dragon souls, and the apprentices of the "Iron Fist" technique also need dragon materials. It's quite amusing to think about how many iron fists he can create in bulk, and how those people from the "Kunlun" sect will react when they see it.

"Master, we will hunt dragons for you," Annie and the other nine "Angels of Vengeance" shouted in unison. They are happy to serve their master and punish the dragon family.

"Very good. Call me when you are in danger, and I will come to help you right away," Bert said, nodding with satisfaction. He then thought of something and continued, "By the way, when you get used to this place, leave three people by my side. Your main job will be to act as my personal guards."

"Yes, Master," Annie and the others nodded. They then spread their wings and flew into the sky, ready to begin their search for the evil dragon race. With the abilities of the "Vengeful Angels," it would be easy for them to distinguish between righteous and evil dragons.

"It's good to have subordinates. I don't have to do anything myself. Hey, this dragon dimension is a treasure trove for me," Bert smiled and left the Dragon Realm. The reason he didn't take action himself was due to laziness, and because he had others to do it for him. He could then focus his attention on the main universe.

However, it's also because there were more than one dragon god in this dragon world. If he takes action himself, it's easy for a war to break out.

As for whether the Dragons will hold a grudge against Heaven after they discover Annie and the others, that is none of Bert's concern.