Chapter 193 : Grandmaster

"In fact, this is not uncommon in the universe," Gamora said, shaking her head. "After the space pirates have looted, they can hide in any corner, and no one can find them, so they are very unscrupulous."

Gamora continued, "Your Earth is protected by strong people, so you don't have to worry about mere pirates, but many planets in the universe are facing the threat of space pirates."

Betty asked, "Don't you care about the big forces like Xandar and the three empires?"

Gamora shook her head, "I can, but I can't handle it. The universe is too big."

"The universe is indeed too big," Betty couldn't help nodding. At this time, there was a loud rumbling in the sky. Everyone turned their heads and found that the main ship was falling down with black smoke.

Star-Lord laughed, "Looks like the big man is done. Rocket, the space pirates are going to escape, kill them."

While shooting excitedly, Rocket shouted, "Leave it to me. You people on Earth are really strong, you can get a fleet if you come out. By the way, how do I immigrate to your Earth Federation?"

Star-Lord said proudly, "The Earth Federation is not something you can join if you want."

Rocket sneered, "You're so proud of yourself, you're only Half-Terran."

Star-Lord snorted coldly, "Half-Terrans are still Earthlings. Blood God said, he will give me the Earth Federation ID."

Betty smiled. The Earth Federation under the leadership of Blood God is growing.

Soon, the main ship fell to the ground and exploded. Anger's incarnation of Hulk rushed out of the fire and killed the remaining pirates. The pirates were frightened and fled desperately.

Milano and the Hulk pursued frantically. After half an hour, the battle was over. Most of the pirates died on the spot, and only a few managed to escape.

Hulk was very dissatisfied with some of them escaping, and angrily pounded the ground, each blow causing the ground to rumble and vibrate.

Star-Lord, who got off the spaceship, swallowed his saliva and said to the crowd, "I think we should come back later."

"I believe in Hulk." Betty shook her head and strode towards Hulk, and everyone hurriedly followed.

Betty walked over to Hulk without fear, and asked with concern, "Hulk, how are you feeling?"

Hulk stopped bombarding, he turned to look at Betty, his red eyes gradually dissipated.

After a while, Hulk sat on the ground with a thud and said, "Before, Mr. Wang said that I was the luck of the Earth. I didn't believe it, but now I believe it."

"Are you sure?" Star-Lord sneered. Gamora and the others immediately glared at him, as if to say, are you looking for death?

Hulk ignored Star-Lord. He looked at the burning city in the distance and said, "If they had me, they would not have been destroyed."

Everyone glanced back and couldn't help nodding. Although Hulk would cause some damage, if he was there, the space pirates would not dare to offend.

"My existence is not meaningless. I will use my anger to protect the Earth and the universe." Hulk said decisively. Betty touched his huge arm and said with relief, "Hulk, you have grown up."

Hulk was a little embarrassed. He touched his head and said, "My strength has become a lot stronger, but it's not enough. I can't protect all planets."

"Big man, how can you protect all the planets by yourself?" Rocket sneered.

Star-Lord said, "It should be said that it's enough to take care of yourself."

"You're stupid, but, Banner can. Banner is smart." Hulk snorted and said, "Banner uses his brain, Hulk does this."

"You actually call us stupid?" Rocket and Star-Lord were furious, and Drax asked inexplicably, "He's telling the truth, why are you so angry?"

Rocket and Star-Lord became more and more annoyed, they were about to argue, but Hulk's face showed Banner's expression and said slowly, "The method is not without, but technically, it's still a bit immature."

"What way?" Betty asked curiously and the others looked over in surprise.

"We have a Bifrost bridge on Earth, and if we can cover the entire galaxy, we can protect all planets from space pirates." Banner briefly introduced the function of the Bifrost Bridge, and then said, "Dr. Reed has been expanding the function of the Bifrost Bridge and with his wisdom, he should be able to accomplish this goal within three years. At that time, as long as those cities ask for help, the superheroes can immediately come to support."

"Bifrost Bridge? Superheroes Protection?" Gamora and the others were stunned when they heard the words and then took a deep breath. If the Earth really has such technology and enough superheroes, then the Earth will become a new great empire.

A Galactic Empire comparable to the three major empires!

"Are we witnessing history?" Star-Lord murmured to himself, if this goes on like this, the Earth will be incredible.

Rocket shouted, "Damn, I must join the Earth Federation, maybe I can walk sideways in the future."

"A Galactic Empire, should it be able to resist Thanos?" Gamora's eyes flickered, the stronger the Earth, the better.

Drax and Groot blinked, completely not understanding what these people were talking about.

Betty frowned and said, "Banner, isn't it too soon? The Earth has just started, and the inside has not even been unified."

Hulk said, "The sooner, the fewer people die."

Banner said, "The technology has not been completed, I just put forward a possibility, when I have time, I will discuss with Bert, Steve, and Tony to see if this expansion model with the characteristics of the Earth can work."

Thinking of something, Banner laughed, "If this idea is successful, the status of superheroes will become higher, and Bert and Tony's company will be released."

Betty smiled and said, "Bert's company will definitely release it, but Tony's side is not necessarily. His superheroes often cause trouble, and it is not formal at first glance."

"We will discuss this later. The defenders of this planet are here. We will leave after getting paid." Star-Lord glanced at the hurried defenders and said, "Our next stop is Sovereign Star, and they sent a mission with a super high bounty."

Betty asked inexplicably, "Isn't Sovereign's technology very developed, why do they want to ask us for help?"

"It's very developed, but they don't want to take risks on their own, so they go out to hire worthless mercenaries, that is, us." Rocket sneered.

Betty asked, "Are you sure you'll be okay?"

Rocket said, "The problem is that they will say those words in front of us and take it for granted."

"Umph!" Hulk said angrily, and Banner smiled, "That's not good, they are our employers, Hulk, change back, we are ready to go."

"Okay." Hulk nodded and changed back to Banner, who slapped on the belt, and a suitable suit appeared on him.

This is a gift from Bert to Banner - a custom-made magic robe made by the dwarf.

Star-Lord and Rocket are envious of this kind of clothing, but unfortunately, they cannot afford it as things related to magic are very expensive.

Under the awe-inspiring gaze of the defenders, everyone left the planet with a reward. Hulk looked at the burning city below and clenched his fists secretly. He would never allow such a thing to happen on Earth.

At night, the sleeping Hulk had a dream - yes, Hulk dreamed, not Banner.

Hulk dreamed of an old man wearing a robe and a demonic spirit. He called himself Grandmaster and wanted to invite Hulk to the best arena in the universe.

Grandmaster said excitedly: "With your strength, it would be a waste not to join the Arena. You will definitely become the Champion."

Hulk said impatiently: "I am the strongest superhero, I don't have time for any kind of competition."

"What is so good about being a superhero? Your power comes from anger, and the people of your planet must hate you."

Grandmaster opened his hands and said, "If you come to my Arena, everyone will welcome you, and even treat you as a God."

"You don't know how much they like me. The sales around me are as high as tens of millions, and a new movie will be released recently." Hulk looked disdainful: "Also, I have a mission... uh, with your virtue, you wouldn't understand what a mission is."

Grandmaster was speechless. He is a dignified Elder of the Universe, was being despised by someone so insignificant? He didn't give up and continued to persuade the Hulk, but the Hulk ignored him completely. Annoyed by Grandmaster's words, the Hulk punched him directly.

The Hulk in this world was completely different from the Hulk in the movies, who was ignored and unloved by all.

Grandmaster flew back and shouted angrily, "Do you know who you have just rejected? I am an Elder of the universe, Grandmaster!"

Hulk blinked and sneered, "I'm so scared. Do you know who's standing behind me?"

Grandmaster said disdainfully, "Who could be more honorable than me?"

"Blood God is my boss," Hulk said sarcastically. "If you want me to change jobs, you'll have to talk to him first. Because I'm afraid you don't have the guts."

"Blood God? That lunatic?"

Grandmaster's expression froze. This champion was actually working for the Blood God? In the eyes of Grandmaster and other Elders of the Universe, Blood God was a madman - Collector was just a little too serious, and he was arrested and suppressed for 10,000 years. Is this not madness?

"I'll find you again," Grandmaster said before disappearing. He was not retreating, but rather going back to plan carefully.

Blood God is indeed a terrifying entity, but the Elders of the Universe have lived for far too long and some of them prefer to seek stimulation. For example, the old gambling dog Grandmaster.

"Gambling with the Blood God must be exciting," Grandmaster thought to himself. If he won, not only would he be able to slap the Blood God's face, but he would also be able to save Collector and get the new champion Hulk, which would be a cost-effective move.

As for losing, well, how could he possibly lose? He is the Grandmaster after all. No gambling dog ever thinks they will lose.

"The first step is to defeat the Blood God, but it's not going to be easy," Grandmaster thought to himself. He looked at the four statues above the arena - in addition to the horse-faced Bill, there were the God of War Ares, the two-headed man, and a humanoid. Each of these three entities were not weaker than Bill.


Sovereign Star!

Bert looked at the golden grounds, golden walls, golden decorations, and even golden trees and the corners of his mouth twitched.

The foreign minister of Sovereign Star, Michelle, said to Bert proudly, "Blood God, I heard you like gold. In this regard, we Sovereigns will never let you be disappointed."

'Don't you know what it means to have too much of a good thing?' Bert couldn't help shaking his head. Although he really liked gold, an entire world made of gold was too much for anyone to handle.

"Too much? I haven't heard of it. We only know that we need to make things perfect," Michelle said. "For example, I am the ultimate in women and no woman is more beautiful than me."

As soon as these words came out, the three Angels dressed in high heels behind Bert snorted at the same time and Michelle gave them a contemptuous look, not bothering to say anything.

"You're so beautiful, you're inhuman, like a work of art," Bert shook his head. When he saw Michelle, he just wanted to put her on display in his living room, he didn't feel any attraction at all. Only someone like Tony Stark would like a woman like her.

"Inhuman? What do you mean?" Michelle looked puzzled but Bert didn't answer. Soon, a group of people arrived in the main hall. High Priestess Ayesha, who was 1.9 meters tall, with golden skin and golden clothes, stood under the steps and personally welcomed him.

Even the Sovereigns who were known for their arrogance must respect Bert when they faced him.

After some courtesies, High Priestess Ayesha asked, "Blood God, are you willing to carry out express delivery business on our Sovereign Star?"

"No problem," Bert smiled and said, "Earth Express is very willing to serve Sovereign Star."

"That's good," High Priestess Ayesha nodded with satisfaction, and then she asked, "Blood God, do you have any opinion on Michelle? She is the most beautiful woman in our Sovereign Star. No matter her face or figure, she is the most beautiful woman. The perfect one, the suitors are endless."

"Same reason I said before, you can't understand the problem," Bert shook his head. He asked, "High Priestess Ayesha, why did you let Michelle get close to me?"

"For your genes," High Priestess Ayesha said frantically. "Blood God, your genes, plus our technology, even if it is a god, we can create it."

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested. I won't give my genes to you," Bert directly rejected the other party. High Priestess Ayesha was a little dissatisfied, but did not dare to attack. She said, "If you change your mind, you can come to me at any time. We are willing to give everything to get your genes. Even, I can also do some academic research with you."

"High Priestess, you are more human than Michelle," Bert laughed. He asked, "By the way, High Priestess, do you sell the genetic technology of Sovereign Star? I mean the basic technology. I am willing to spend a lot of money, even some treasures."

Dr. Lizard needs the genetic technology of Sovereign Star to analyze the artificial cocoon, which is why Bert came over in person.