Chapter 194 : War is what you want? Then war is what you'll get.

"Sorry, Blood God, the genetic technology of Sovereign Star is not for sale. That is our core technology." High Priestess Ayesha rejected Bert's request.

Bert shrugged and said, "That's a pity. Speaking of it, you Sovereigns are indeed quite powerful, whether it's Birthing Chamber & Genetic technology or Anulax Batteries, or Sovereign drone controls i.e, Omnicrafts using quantum communication, it's all unique in the universe."

Sovereign Star is very rich, they rely on their Anulax batteries to make a lot of money in the universe.

High Priestess Ayesha said proudly, "We Sovereigns are the best race in the universe."

'The best race,' Bert looked at the numb faces around him and couldn't help shaking his head. This race was not very expressive at all. Except for High Priestess Ayesha, there was no difference between others and robots.

High Priestess Ayesha was the most human-like life on this planet.

Seeing Bert's expression, High Priestess Ayesha asked, "Blood God, are you looking down on us?"

"No, I just don't agree. That's okay, let's not argue about it. We might end up fighting and that's not good. After all, this is the first time we meet," Bert smiled and said, "High Priestess Ayesha, it's a pleasure to meet you. In my eyes, you are much more moving than Michelle."

"I like your honesty," High Priestess Ayesha said arrogantly. Michelle, who was on the side, did not dare to be dissatisfied and lowered her head without speaking.

At that moment, a maid came over and whispered a few words to Ayesha. Ayesha turned to Bert and said, "Blood God, I have invited your Guardians of the Galaxy to help us with a problem. The Abilisk intends to devour our planet's power source. Do you want to come with me to meet them?"

"No, if their boss is present, they will be embarrassed," Bert shook his head, but he was a little surprised. Isn't this the plot of "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2"? It's starting so soon? It's been less than four months since Ronan's death.

"Alright," High Priestess Ayesha instructed Michelle, "Michelle, bring Blood God to visit our city. I think he has misunderstood us."

Michelle said respectfully, "Yes, High Priestess."

"Blood God, we'll talk later in the evening," High Priestess Ayesha and Bert nodded, and, surrounded by the maids, she left gracefully.

'Being a maid all their life, they don't have a chance to get ahead. It's no wonder that they need to concentrate on the leaves to help them sleep.' Bert shook his head and followed Michelle to visit the Sovereign Star.

Along the way, Michelle couldn't help but ask, "Blood God, what is it that you find so human about?"

"There are many aspects of human taste, for example, emotions and desires, and self," Bert glanced at Michelle and asked, "Who else would you be if you weren't Sovereign's foreign minister?"

"Who else would I be?" Michelle blinked, puzzled. "Blood God, I don't understand your question. I only have one identity, and that is the foreign minister of Sovereign Star. This is the meaning of my existence."

"If you don't even know yourself, where's the human flavor?" Bert shook his head. He took out a romance novel out of thin air and said, "If you have time, take a look at this book."

It's worth mentioning that this book was written in Xandar script and is currently on sale in Xandar. The sales are very good. "Do you want to teach me something?" Michelle asked, in her opinion, books are for learning.

The cosmic forces in Marvel are actually very strange. The Sovereign Star isn't bad, but the Shi'ar Empire prohibits everything related to imagination. In that empire, showing imagination is punishable by beheading. So, that empire has no comics, no TV, no novels, no consoles, nothing.

After going too far, Bert shook his head upon hearing Michelle's words and said, "This is just for entertainment. Take a look when you have time, throw it away if you don't. So, where should we start our visit from?"

"Let's begin with the museum," Michelle replied, putting away the novel and pointing forward. "It wasn't like this in the beginning for us, We Sovereigns..."

As Bert visited Sovereign, the Guardians of the Galaxy, including the Hulk, were preparing to deal with monsters at the battery factory.

"Rocket, before you came, I thought what you said was an exaggeration," Dr. Banner said with a sigh. "I didn't expect that group of women to be even more annoying than you said."

"Yes, they look at us like we're lower creatures," Betty added, a little angry. "What's more, there's no attempt to hide it, they speak out directly."

Rocket spread his hands and said, "I told you, they're the most annoying race in the universe."

With a flash of green light on Dr. Banner's face, Hulk said solemnly, "I'm still very angry about what happened yesterday. I may cause a scene on Sovereign."

Everyone was stunned for a moment before they understood what Hulk meant and Rocket laughed, "Man, I support you. This is unacceptable, isn't it?"

"Yes, who made those space pirates so hateful," Star-Lord nodded in agreement. But Dr. Banner shook his head and said, "Hulk, no. Bert is discussing the express delivery business with Sovereign Star. We can't cause trouble for him."

"Boring," Hulk said, curling his lips in annoyance before disappearing back into Dr. Banner's body. Gamora clapped her hands and said, "Okay, pay attention, monsters may appear at any time. It must be hard to deal with, otherwise the Sovereigns wouldn't need to hire us."

Star-Lord said, "Understood, our lives are worthless anyway, we're used to fighting with monsters."

Drax said honestly, "Your life may not be valuable, but mine is very valuable."

Star-Lord asked, angrily, "I was being sarcastic, don't you understand? Forget it, you definitely don't. By the way, why aren't you wearing the suit of our Guardians of the Galaxy?"

"I don't want to wear it, my nipples are very sensitive," Drax replied, wearing only leather trousers and a bare upper body. Everyone rolled their eyes, no one wanted to hear that excuse.

At that moment, a hairless monster with many tails and tentacles - Abilisk shuttled through space and appeared in the battery factory out of thin air, trying to steal the Anulax batteries.

Gamora activated the energy field immediately, blocking off the void and trapping Abilisk.

"Hulk, very upset," Dr. Banner turned into Hulk and smashed Abilisk out with a punch, slamming it into the energy barrier.

Abilisk was very durable, and even after being hit by Hulk, it was not injured. It quickly got up and roared angrily at Hulk.

"Take it easy, you'll lose money if you break things," Star-Lord said as he activated his gliding boots and flew into the sky. He then pulled the trigger of his energy gun, shooting energy blasts towards Abilisk.

As soon as Abilisk threw its tentacles at Star-Lord, he was smashed and flew out.

"We'll lose money if we break things, but we shouldn't have to," Rocket laughed and activated his energy cannon, shooting bullets at Abilisk.

"Please, focus on fighting," Gamora sighed, picked up her energy cannon, and began aiming. As for Drax, he took two daggers and rushed up with the Hulk.

"I am Groot," Groot thought for a moment, turned on his music player, and rushed fiercely into the battlefield with passionate BGM.

High Priestess Ayesha looked at Hulk in the light curtain and asked curiously, "What kind of monster is that green one?"

An intelligence officer stepped forward and replied, "His name is Hulk. He once defeated Beta Ray Bill in the Xandar War. He is a powerful superhero from Earth."

"How many strong people are there on Earth? Find a way to get his genes," High Priestess Ayesha said, sighing. "He is qualified to be our war beast."

"Yes, High Priestess," the intelligence officer nodded, and continued, "In addition, according to our scan, the Earthling named Star-Lord may have a special bloodline."

"Star-Lord?" High Priestess Ayesha looked at Star-Lord, who was dancing to the music while fighting, and said with a blank face, "His gene, we don't need it, it will pollute us."

The intelligence officer said with conviction, "Indeed."

"I hope Hulk won't be spoiled by the Galaxy Dance Troupe," Bert laughed as he sensed the battle in the battery factory. Those funny people always brought joy.

"An Abilisk?" Bert thought of one thing and couldn't help narrowing his eyes. Can he catch some Abilisks to use as transport planes and fighter jets? Catching Abilisks is difficult for others, but it is easier for Bert, after all, he is the master of Space Stone.

Just as Bert was contemplating, a phantom appeared in front of him out of thin air, but it was a demonic old man. Michelle and the three angels immediately looked at him vigilantly.

Michelle shouted angrily, "Who are you to dare invade our Sovereign Star?"

The old man didn't bother to pay attention to Michelle, instead, he said to Bert, "Blood God, hello, I'm Grandmaster, Collector's brother."

Bert signaled the others to be calm, and he asked, "Are you here to seek revenge?"

"No, I'm here to gamble with you," Grandmaster smiled and said, "The bet is Collector, Infinity Stones, and Hulk."

Bert narrowed his eyes and asked, "What if I don't want to gamble?"

Grandmaster said a little arrogantly, "Blood God, this can't be done by you..."

"I already said, you bastards, why can't you ever learn what respect is? I bet your whole family," Bert's face suddenly turned cold. He raised his hand, and a portal appeared out of thin air. Opposite the portal, there was a huge arena.

Sakaar Star, Arena.

Grandmaster was startled and hurriedly asked, "Blood God, what do you want to do?"

"Since you care so much about brotherhood, then I will send you to accompany your brother," Bert said as he slapped the portal, and a dragon burning with raging fire roared out and flew straight into the portal.

Immediately afterward, the dragon quickly grew larger, charging fiercely towards the arena below with a loud dragon roar. In the blink of an eye, it had become thousands of meters long, majestic and imposing.

The majestic dragon's roar caused everyone in the arena to look up into the sky, shocked.

"Damn, this guy is really crazy," Grandmaster said, frightened and angry. He started the defense immediately, and a defensive dome appeared out of thin air, firmly protecting the arena.

The dragon gave a contemptuous smile in the air, and then, it was divided into one hundred, and at the same time, it slammed into the protective dome, causing it to shatter like glass.

It wasn't over yet, the flames in the air shrank rapidly, turning into hundreds of flaming dragons and rushing towards the bottom.

Boom boom boom...

Wherever the dragons passed, they either exploded or burned with raging fire, and the entire arena was in chaos. The guards fought desperately, but they were burned to ashes by the dragon's flames one after another.

"Blood God, I won't let you go," Grandmaster said, seeing that his arena turned into a sea of fire. He was furious and while commanding the guards and slaves to fight against the dragon, he activated the super destroyer of the arena, intending to kill Bert, the culprit.

"Stubborn," Bert said, smiling disdainfully. He retracted the dragon and quickly cast spells like a thousand-handed Avalokitesvara (Images of Ikonn, also known as "duplication spell"). Space doors appeared one after another outside the arena, superimposed together to form a perfect semicircle.

Immediately afterwards, the semicircle slowly shrank inward, destroying everything in its path, whether it was a wall, a tree, or a life.

Space Magic : Circle of Death.

"No!" The people in the arena were frightened and fled furiously inside, not daring to fight against the shrinking semicircle.

Grandmaster roared and fired a super destruction cannon, a huge beam of destruction light slammed on the semicircle, but to Grandmaster's despair, the beam of light did not break the semicircle, but disappeared quickly.

After a while, a huge beam of light descended from the sky and slammed towards Grandmaster. Grandmaster widened his eyes and tried his best to escape from the area.

The next moment, with a bang, the sky shook, the entire palace was razed to the ground, and even the ground was sunken for dozens of meters.

"It seems that today is the day I die," a dark-skinned, disheveled female alcoholic said, shrugging freely. She turned around and picked up the wine behind her and poured it into her mouth desperately.

"Blood God, do you really want to go to war with us Elders?" Grandmaster stood on the ruins with disheveled hair and roared at the sky.

Bert sneered, "It's not that I want to fight you, it's you that wants to fight me. In that case, I will fulfill your wish."

Grandmaster gritted his teeth. He looked at the circle that was getting closer and closer, panicked a little, and hurriedly shouted, "Blood God, I surrender, I accept your seal."

Bert didn't answer, his eyes were extremely cold. He was tired of the Elders of the universe.

Michelle on the side couldn't help but swallow her saliva. She didn't know much about the Universe Elders, but the fighting power of the Blood God was too terrifying.

Just when Grandmaster and the others in the arena were about to be divided by a semicircle, eleven distinctive figures appeared one after another over the arena. They raised their hands and released various energies towards the semicircle, smoothing it out.

"Great, you are finally here," Grandmaster breathed a sigh of relief, it was none other than the Elders of the universe.

There are a total of thirteen elders of the universe, except for the sealed Collector, the rest are all here.

"It seems that there is gonna be a fight, it doesn't matter, it won't be me who's gonna lose anyway," Bert snorted coldly, his body lit up with dazzling blue light, even his eyes were no exception.

At the same time, the surrounding void kept shaking like water ripples, and Michelle was so frightened that she backed away.