Chapter 198 : Ready for War

High Priestess Ayesha took a deep breath and said to the Supreme Intelligence, "Blood God has promised to protect us, Adam and Eve belongs to him."

"Blood God can't protect you, the Elders of the universe are far stronger than him." Supreme Intelligence said lightly, "Moreover, the three major empires and major forces will all want to snatch it."

After a pause, Supreme Intelligence added, "This time is different from the last battle of Xandar, Xandar had a good reputation, and the major forces couldn't dispatch their real elites, but your Sovereign star is not well-liked in the universe. And you've researched taboo, the major forces can conquer you in an open and aboveboard manner. That means the strength of the war this time will be far greater than the last time."

High Priestess Ayesha was silent. What the Supreme Intelligence said was exactly what she worried about the most in her heart. Can the Blood God really protect them?

Supreme Intelligence continued, "This time, it was caused by the Blood God, don't you hate him? Don't you want to take revenge on him?"

High Priestess Ayesha gritted her teeth, she did hate the Blood God, but with her strength, she couldn't take revenge at all.

"Do I really have to join the Kree Empire?" High Priestess Ayesha was hesitating. At that moment, a flame poured into her body from under her feet, and her expression immediately turned cold.

"Supreme Intelligence, with the Blood God, nothing will happen to our Sovereign star, you can leave." High Priestess Ayesha said proudly, "If your Kree Empire dares to come, I will destroy all your fleet."

Supreme Intelligence was stunned for a moment and then shouted, "High Priestess Ayesha, do you know what you're talking about?"

High Priestess Ayesha replied, "Of course I know, Supreme Intelligence, you don't know how terrible the Blood God is."

"You will regret this," Supreme Intelligence said coldly before interrupting the communication. The flame then left High Priestess Ayesha's body and returned to the hands of a vengeful angel.

As It was mentioned before, the abilities of Ghost Rider vary; for example, Damon is good at demonizing machinery while Bert is good at demonizing life. The same is true for the Angel of vengeance. Among the nine angels of vengeance, one's holy flame can control others.

High Priestess Ayesha woke up suddenly and turned to look at the Angel Lena, asking in a panic, "What did you do to me?"

"I'm saving your life," Lena said coldly. "Do you think that those who betray our master will have a good end? Don't forget that Master is immortal, can the Kree Empire always protect you?"

High Priestess Ayesha was stunned for a moment, then realized what had happened. She snorted coldly, "I didn't intend to betray the Blood God, I said, Sovereign will try their best to help the Blood God."

"That's good," Lena snorted coldly. She looked up and down High Priestess Ayesha and said with a smile, "You fit the master's aesthetic quite well. The premise is that if the skin is replaced, master only likes aliens that look similar to Earthlings."

High Priestess Ayesha said disdainfully, "Gold is the best color, why should I change my skin for a man? Although Sovereign Star has the technology to do so."

Lena was too lazy to say more and turned around to leave. High Priestess Ayesha gritted her teeth bitterly, even a maid was so arrogant.

High Priestess Ayesha sighed secretly, "I've offended the Kree Empire to death, now I just hope the Blood God can really protect Sovereign Star."

The Kree Empire's Supreme Intelligence ordered, "Dispatch the fleet, block the jumping point, prevent the other two empires from accessing Sovereign, and send our main army to conquer it. In any case, we must obtain Adam and Eve."

"The main army?" The generals below were taken aback, and one general asked, "Supreme Intelligence, I agree to send troops, but isn't this battle a bit too big?"

The Supreme Intelligence replied, "It's worth it. Adam and Eve are not just two gods; they can also create a Protoss. With them, our Kree Empire will become a god-level civilization."

"Yes, Supreme Intelligence." The generals looked at each other and nodded in agreement. Soon, the Kree Empire's huge war machine began to activate fully.

"With my brain and a god-level body, a perfect God is about to be born," the Supreme Intelligence exclaimed excitedly. It had long desired a body, but an ordinary body would not be able to accommodate it. Adam and Eve were god-level bodies, and more importantly, their brains were blank, making them most suitable for the transplantation of the Supreme Intelligence.

The Supreme Intelligence did not possess self-awareness at first, but after existing for so long, it gradually gave birth to a sense of self, even selfishness.

"Blood God has been trapped in hell, and this is your chance for revenge for the Alliance of Ravagers," said Grandmaster to the Ravager Alliance Leader Starka.

"And Sovereign is one of the richest planets in the universe," he added.

Tall, muscular, and with a paralyzed face, Starka had not yet responded when Charlie, who was like a little giant, asked excitedly, "Is the Blood God really trapped in hell?"

"More than trapped, he is dead, and the Lords of Hell are watching over him," Grandmaster smiled proudly and said to Starka. "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

Starka obviously did not like Grandmaster and said coldly, "We have our own opinions on this matter, Grandmaster. You can leave."

Grandmaster didn't care, he said, "Time is of the essence, otherwise you may not even be able to drink the soup." With that, he disappeared.

Charlie couldn't wait to ask Starka, "Starka, when will we act?"

Starka glanced at Charlie and asked, "Charlie, do you remember why we formed the Ravager Alliance?"

"On the one hand, it is for self-protection, and on the other hand, it is to restrain space pirates and set rules for them," Charlie replied. "Ravagers, won't slaughter cities, won't deal with children, won't kill them..."

"That's right, Charlie. The Ravagers are different from space pirates," Starka said. "The last time I attacked Xandar, I actually crossed the line. You said you wanted to take revenge, but I barely closed one eye. But this time, I won't budge, Ravager. Won't get involved this time."

Charlie was silent for a moment before saying, "We could just rob..."

Starka shouted, "Enough! Is it interesting to deceive yourself? Once Sovereign is defeated, those guys with eyes above the top will definitely be slaughtered."

Charlie's copper-bell-sized eyes stared straight at Starka, but Starka looked at him without flinching. "I know, Blood God. I admit it, he is dying anyway," Charlie said.

"I won't shoot, but I can't guarantee that the other Ravagers won't. Any Ravager who takes action will be driven out of the Ravager Alliance. As for the space pirates, we can't control them."

Starka said, and Charlie nodded. "Okay, I'll announce this news to all Ravagers,"

"That's good, Charlie. We're not space pirates," Starka said as he stood, patted Charlie's shoulder, then turned to leave. Charlie watched his back, feeling a little embarrassed. "If I don't do it, how can I backstab you? Why are you so righteous? I'm embarrassed to attack you. Why can't you be a pure villain?"

Charlie sighed. "Fortunately, there are other space pirates, and there's a shortage of slaves on the Blood God's side."

Fury quickly received a notification from Charlie and said to Hill, "It seems we won't be used this time. Blood God, that guy is always causing trouble, and he still has the face to say that he's low-key."

Hill looked at the tablet in her hand and said, "Blood God really likes to cause trouble, but he can handle the trouble he causes himself. Unlike us, who always have to ask others to help us solve our troubles, like the Cube, and Hydra."

Fury's face grew dark. He said, "Why are you bringing up the old days for? And where are you getting this information from?"

Hill raised the tablet and said, "The three million that was embezzled last month, you only gave me two million and kept the remaining one million for yourself. Please hand it over. And as for Ronan, it's over ten million, not five million."

Fury was stunned. "How did you know?" With his ability to make false accounts, he never thought he would be discovered by others. He knew he was the number one corrupt man on Earth.

"I took the Xandar accounting license by myself," Hill said with a smile on his face. "Director Fury, you won't be able to hide a single item from me in the future."

Fury couldn't help but curse, "Motherfucker!" He thought, does this mean I can no longer live the way I want to? What's the point of life without 'private money'?

Asgard's acting king, Thor, was approached by Electro who said, "Thor, thank you for providing us with mages. They are very important."

Thor replied, "You're welcome. As brothers with Bert, any trouble he has is my trouble too. I'll go with you to fix those over-the-top guys."

Electro was surprised and said, "Thor, you don't need to take action. Mr. Wang has already arranged it and these phantom mages are enough."

Thor replied, "With my relationship with Bert, how could I not help in such a situation?" Thor then took Electro's hand and said, "Come on, I'll go help you in town."

Electro tried to refuse, but Thor insisted and dragged him towards the portal. Electro was shocked and wondered when Thor and Mr. Wang became such good friends.

At that moment, Heimdall, with golden eyes, and golden armor, appeared in front of Thor and said, "Thor, you can't leave."

Thor exclaimed, "Why not? Bert is in trouble now and I must help him. As an Asgardian, I am the most loyal."

Heimdall, however, exposed Thor's true intentions, "You just want to sneak out to fight, right? Thor, there is still a lot of official business that you need to handle."

"Go to Hell with those official duties. I've been dealing with them for more than half a year and I'm so sick of it. I have to go out and fight someone or I'll go crazy," Thor exclaimed, with anger in his voice.

"I don't know what Odin is thinking. With so many sites, does he know that the more sites there are, the more official duties there are? Even a prince needs my approval to get married. Isn't it annoying? " Thor continued.

Electro and Heimdall were speechless. If Odin heard this, he would be furious.

At the Tofu shop, Valkyrie couldn't help but laugh. Odin looked at the light curtain in front of him, his forehead was full of blue veins. If it wasn't his own son, he would definitely go back and kill him.

He had seen many prodigal sons, but he had never seen one who thought his father had left too much inheritance.

Valkyrie sneered, "Odin, it seems that Asgard is going to die."

Odin looked up to the sky and sighed, "I think so too."

On the Bifrost Bridge, Heimdall said, "Thor, this is your responsibility. Asgard is facing many difficulties and challenges now. For example, Loki is vigorously building Jotunheim. Under her leadership, the Frost Giants are now rapidly advancing to the four modernizations. We must find a way to stop her."

"Loki!" Thor couldn't help but sigh when he heard this.

Electro finally understood what was going on and said with a smile, "Thor, marry Loki. That way, on the one hand, you can completely settle Jotunheim, and on the other hand, you'd have someone to handle your business for you."

"Fuck Off," Thor glared at Electro, he and Loki were pure brother and sister, marriage was out of the question.

Heimdall couldn't help but glance at Thor. When he first heard the idea, he thought it was ridiculous, but now he thinks it's really good.

Thor has worked very hard, but he is not suited to be a king. He is better suited for charging into battle, not handling official business.

And Thor's girlfriends, whether it is Jane now, or Sif, who has a crush on him, are not suitable to be queens - one is a mad scientist who will not live for many years, and the other has the same virtues as Thor.

At that moment, Odin's voice suddenly sounded in Heimdall's ear. He nodded and said, "Thor, hurry up and return as fast as you can. Asgard needs you."

"Heimdall, you still know me. Electro, let's go quickly. Hahaha, I'm going to blow those guys' heads," Thor exclaimed, overjoyed, and pulled Electro to run into the portal, afraid that Heimdall would change his mind.

Heimdall couldn't help but sigh, Thor still needs to mature.

A few days later, in the space of Sovereign, Blood Ship formed a tight line of defense with countless small spaceships.

In the distance, the main army of the Kree Empire was approaching rapidly and aggressively. Behind the main army of the Kree Empire were densely packed space pirates, like hyenas, waiting to dismember Sovereign.

In the headquarters of Sovereign Star, High Priestess Ayesha exhaled and said slowly, "The Kree Empire is here."

"Speaking of which, we should thank the Kree Empire," Frank sneered. "They forcibly blocked the jumping point, and the armies of the Skrull Empire and Shi'ar Empire can't get through. Otherwise, we would face several times more enemies. They just want to eat alone."

High Priestess Ayesha snorted and said to Frank and the others, "This time, the Kree Empire dispatched the main army, not only with powerful troops and advanced weapons, but more importantly, equipped with star-killing weapons. With our strength, we can't stop them at all. I think it's time to call the Blood God back. Only he can keep the Sovereign star."

To be honest, High Priestess Ayesha hated the absence of the Blood God. It was ridiculous that the core character was not here at such a critical time.

What made High Priestess Ayesha even more dissatisfied was that these Earth bastards did not tell her where the Blood God went.