Chapter 199 : War Begins

Hearing High Priestess Ayesha's words, Frank and the others couldn't help but look at each other. They knew where the Blood God was, but it was useless to say it.

Annie said, "High Priestess Ayesha, you don't have to worry. Master has arranged everything. Sovereign will be fine."

High Priestess Ayesha laughed angrily. "How could I not be worried? Apart from the Blood God, who else can stop the Star Destruction Weapon?"

Thor's arrogant voice came over the communicator, "Isn't it a star-killing weapon? You are afraid of shit, I will destroy it."

Everyone rolled their eyes. This husky had been locked up for more than half a year, and now he was acting crazy.

Carol snorted and said, "The star-killing weapon is indeed powerful, but it requires a lot of time to charge. With my strength, I can destroy it three times before it is charged."

Thor said excitedly, "Carol, let's see who will destroy the star-killing weapon first."

Carol replied, "Afraid you won't succeed?"

High Priestess Ayesha snorted coldly, "The Kree Empire is not stupid. They will definitely guard against you super-strong people. In addition, 80% of the Elders of the universe will give them support. I don't know what kind of strength and power those Elders have."

"I said, Master has arranged everything. You can just obey the orders," Annie said impatiently. "Master doesn't like to lose, and we won't let him lose."

Frank said unhappily, "That's right. You can just wait and watch the show. When you modified your genes, why didn't you change the verbose genes of women?"

Carol said displeasedly, "This sentence, I can't pretend I didn't hear it." Frank rolled his eyes. He and Carol had had a lot of conflicts lately.

Frank, as a soldier, was used to speaking his mind.

High Priestess Ayesha sighed. Up to now, she could only obey orders obediently. These people on Earth were as arrogant and hateful as Blood God.

High Priestess Ayesha gritted her teeth secretly, "Fucking primitive creatures."

At that moment, a communication link came in. It was from the Kree Empire. Their commander said straight to the point, "High Priestess Ayesha, Blood God is trapped in hell, and you can't protect yourself. You surrender now, there is still time."

"Blood God is trapped in hell?" High Priestess Ayesha was stunned for a moment, then glared at Frank and the others, "This is what you mean, the Blood God arranged everything?"

"Master has indeed arranged everything, High Priestess Ayesha. Don't use your poor brain capacity to measure Master's wisdom," Annie said. "I'm saying it for the last time, just wait and see the play. Today, there will be a good show, a good show that will shake the whole universe."

High Priestess Ayesha gritted her teeth in anger and said, "I'm waiting. I hope you're not acting in a funny movie."

Frank shouted on the communication channel, "Supreme Intelligence, you come out."

"Who are you?" The voice of Supreme Intelligence sounded, "If you have enough value, I am willing to accept your surrender."

"You deserve to make me surrender?" Frank the Punisher smiled disdainfully. He said, "The purpose of our Earthlings is that people will not offend me, I will not offend others. Supreme Intelligence, I will give you one last chance to retreat."

"Is this a joke from you Earthlings? An ant actually threatens a tiger?" Supreme Intelligence laughed disdainfully, as did the other Kree people. This time, they sent a full main army over, far exceeding the strength of Sovereign.

"Tigers? You alone dare to speak of tigers in front of us Earthlings?" Frank snorted coldly and said, "Supreme Intelligence, I'm waiting for you to come and beg me."

"Earthman, you managed to make me laugh," Supreme Intelligence said. "Since you do not surrender, then prepare to die. Adam and Eve, I am determined to win them."

After that, the Kree Empire shut down the communication.

High Priestess Ayesha sneered, "I have to say, the courage of you people on Earth is beyond my imagination."

"Shut up," Frank shouted, "Ivan, they are coming."

"No matter how many come, they will all die today," Ivan replied with a savage smile. "Everything has been arranged according to Bert's instructions."

"That's good," Frank nodded with satisfaction. Now, they were waiting for the Kree fleet to come up and die.

Bert, who was in Hell, sensed the situation on the Sovereign star with a sneer. What about the three major empires? They dare to provoke him. They will see how good they look when he is finished with them.

At this time, Adam's breath has stabilized, which means that he is about to be born. The Lords of Hell are gearing up for each other. When the blockade is lifted, they will rush in as soon as possible to teach Bert how to behave.

With so many Hell Lords, it is impossible for the Blood God not to die.

The phantom of Grandmaster suddenly appeared, sneering at Bert: "Blood God, you're lucky. You still have a life to witness the demise of Sovereign."

Bert gave Grandmaster a disdainful look and said, "Let's make a bet. I bet that Sovereign Star will not be destroyed today."

Excitedly, Grandmaster asked, "What's the bet? Don't talk about your life, it's already gone."

Bert sent a voice transmission to Grandmaster and then said. "If I lost, I'll give you the Power Stone. This is an extra, and it's not included to the previous bet."

Grandmaster hesitated and said, "I can accept this gamble, but you have to add the wealth and treasures you got from Collector."

Bert asked, "You want to give it back to him?"

Grandmaster immediately responded, "How is that possible? My brothers will settle accounts, and I'll use the money to rebuild the Arena."

"You really are a good brother. It's settled," Bert said, snorting. Grandmaster nodded, and said proudly, "No problem, Blood God. I'll see your desperate expression soon."

Bert sneered: "I'm sorry, you definitely won't be able to see it. The mere Kree Empire is not in my eyes."

"You Earthlings truly are unique in the universe for bragging."

Grandmaster gave Bert a thumbs up. The Kree Empire, one of the three major empires, you dares to say it's nothing.

The Lords of Hell watched all this with a cold eye. They didn't care about the game, as long as the Blood God was in hell, everything was enough.

On the Dark Sky, the main legion of the Kree Empire, Supreme Intelligence commanded through the screen: "Earthlings are so confident, there must be a trump card. Let those space pirates attack first."

Although the Supreme Intelligence does not take the people of Earth in its eyes, it will not be careless. This battle is very important to it.


Captain Kree nodded, ordered the main army to target the space pirates, and then forced them to be the vanguard.

The space pirates were frightened and angry, and some of them turned around and fled immediately. Captain Kree snorted and controlled the warships to shoot at them. With dozens of energy rays flashing, all those spaceships were blown up.

"I'm not asking you, I'm ordering you." Captain Kree sneered: "But don't worry, we will not use you as cannon fodder. We will follow you into the field."

The space pirates had no choice but to be obedient, driving their colorful and tattered warships and quickly flew towards the Sovereign star.

The Kree Legion, under the command of their Captain, followed behind the space pirates, but not too far away.

"Using space pirates as cannon fodder? Then wait."

Ivan snorted coldly and ordered, "Let the clone army and the giant beasts go."


Korath took the lead, the Blood Ship opened the hatch, and a large number of clones flew out on space motorcycles, followed by more than a dozen Leviathan behemoths.

Soon, the space pirates came to the vicinity of the Sovereign star. They looked at the army of spaceships waiting in battle and felt a little nervous, but under the pressure of the Kree fleet, they could only rush up.

The war broke out directly, and a large number of clones rode space motorcycles and rushed towards the space pirates.

Commander Kree loudly ordered: "Be careful, these cyborgs will explode, but their defenses are very low. Use range weapons such as power grids to attack them."


The space pirates responded and fired grid cannonballs, plasma bombs, blasting cannonballs, and other area-killing weapons at the clones.

With the poor defense of the clones, once they were hit by these attacks, they would surely die.

"Earth people, you were able to be arrogant before, just because we didn't know you, but now that we know your abilities, you are not worth mentioning at all. Indigenous people, after all, they are just indigenous people," Commander Kree sneered.

Just as the area attack was about to cover the clone army, the clone army suddenly disappeared. When they reappeared, they were already in front of the space pirate battleships.

Immediately afterwards, the clones collided with the battleships and exploded violently. The battleships were instantly blown out with large holes, and countless space pirates fell into space and died tragically.

The Kree people, including Supreme Intelligence, were stunned. "How could this be? These clones can actually teleport?"

"Teleportation? You actually developed such a powerful genetic ability and applied it to human clones on a large scale?" High Priestess Ayesha was also stunned.

Dr. Lizard laughed proudly: "Small meaning, this is not difficult for me at all. I gave the Blood God the relevant technology early on, but those scientists would only eat the old money and didn't research anything. They're a bunch of waste, no wonder the Blood God wants me back."

The Earthlings in the command room were very upset, and Frank looked at Dr. Lizard with a murderous intent. In fact, if he hadn't trusted Bert, he would have killed Dr. Lizard early in the morning.

Dr. Lizard has no moral boundaries, but he is very talented. This kind of person is too dangerous.

High Priestess Ayesha asked curiously: "Can this teleportation ability be used all the time? Is there a distance limit?"

"You're thinking too much. They are just tens of thousands of dollars of instant goods," Dr. Lizard sneered.

"They can only teleport once, and the distance is limited, so they can't break through the defense cover, but that's enough."

"Indeed, enough," High Priestess Ayesha nodded in agreement as she looked at the space pirate battleship that kept exploding under the impact of the clones. She couldn't help but glance at Dr. Lizard. Unexpectedly, there are such powerful geneticists among Earthlings.

What came to mind, High Priestess Ayesha's expression changed, this guy is so powerful, will Soverein's genetic technology be stolen by him?

Under the powerful offensive of the clones, the space pirates only persisted for a while, then they began to flee in defeat.

These teleportation biochemical Extremis clones are truly terrifying.

Supreme Intelligence observed for a while and said, "Space pirates are too wasteful to even be cannon fodder. Ten main ships are dispatched to explore the way."

"Yes," Commander Kree nodded immediately. Immediately, ten main ships of Kree attacked with a large number of warships. The Kree Empire is a main army, but there are dozens of main ships.

Commander Kree ordered: "Release small fighters. No matter how powerful the clones are, their numbers are limited. Block them with a tight firepower network."

The ten main ships agreed and released a large number of small fighters. Seeing that the Kree fleet was really moving, Ivan snorted and controlled thousands of unmanned battle armors to fly out of the Blood Ship.

Ivan ordered: "Sovereigns, attack."

"Yes," Sovereigns immediately controlled the densely packed drones and flew towards the Kree fleet. For them, controlling these Omnicrafts was no different from playing games.


The two sides didn't waste any time, and they shot at each other frantically. Although the Sovereigns were arrogant and annoying, others had to admit that their abilities were still very strong.

"Clone Legion, come on."

Ivan ordered again, the clones rode space motorcycles and rushed up again. Commander Kree hurriedly ordered the battleship to shoot around on a large scale, preventing the clones from teleporting to him.

As cannon fodder, the defense of clones is undoubtedly a flaw in a flaw.

Ivan snorted coldly when he saw this, controlled ten neat queues of thousands of unmanned battle armors, and flew towards the ten main ships.

"These unmanned armors are just to grab our attention," Commander Kree immediately said. "Be careful of stealth armors and nuclear bombs, and launch energy shells."

With the commander's order, ten main ships fired energy cannonballs around them in unison. These energy cannonballs had no actual lethality, but a layer of energy waves that kept shaking around.

No lethality does not mean it is useless. With the flash of energy, ten invisible armors were swept out.

"Ivan, you idiot, you sent out the invisible armor so early," Tony's voice sounded from the communicator. Although he couldn't participate in the battle, he had been paying attention to this side.

Ivan smiled disdainfully, "Don't measure me with your shallow IQ."

Commander Kree ordered: "Destroy them with Annihilation Ray."

Dozens of jet-black annihilation rays shot at the invisible battle armors. At this moment, all the invisible battle armors disappeared. Commanders Kree's complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly shouted: "Main ship immediately release the destructive energy in all directions around it!"

Commander Kree's response was quick, but it was still too late. Ten invisible battle armors appeared out of thin air in the blind spot below the ten main ships. Then, they all exploded, and ten dazzling rays of light appeared in space. In the light, the ten Kree main ships and the surrounding fighter planes were all annihilated.