Chapter 200 : Reversal

"Haha, the nuclear bomb is really powerful," Ivan laughed, and everyone gasped. Nuclear bombs alone are not terrible, and teleportation ability alone is not terrible, but a nuclear bomb that teleports is very scary.

"Earthlings are cruel," High Priestess Ayesha, Thor, Rocket, and others were all amazed. They don't know how many nuclear bombs there are on Earth, otherwise they would definitely think that Earth people are crazy.

The nuclear bomb on Earth can destroy human beings many times.

Tony guessed the truth instantly, "Are there clones in the stealth armors?"

"That's right, the nukes are in their bodies, well, you can get out of here, don't bother me while fighting," Ivan loudly ordered. "Go out and destroy the remaining fighter planes and warships."

Without unmanned spaceships and unmanned battle armors, the clone troopers rushed forward immediately. Without ten main ships, and some shocks from nuclear bombs, the Kree fleet quickly collapsed.

In the face of such a huge loss, Supreme Intelligence was not surprised but delighted: "Okay, we have figured out their trump card. As long as ionization defenses are placed around the main ships, we can easily crack their trump card.

The whole army will attack and take the Sovereign star. In addition, the antimatter cannon will begin to prepare."

"Yes, Supreme Intelligence," the captains were not surprised by the cold-blooded Supreme Intelligence, after all, the other party was just a computer.

Then, dazzling electric lights lit up around all the main ships. This kind of defense cover is not strong, but it is better than the combination of offense and defense. Those invisible battle armors or clones, as long as they appear nearby, they will be imprisoned and destroyed immediately.

The tactics of the Earthlings are better than a strange word, but their background is too shallow. As long as they know their means and prepare in advance, they can easily break their "tactics."

After the whole army attacked, Supreme Intelligence said to a group of strong men on the ship: "Earth will definitely send superheroes, and then I will trouble you."

"Leave it to us," said the three champions of the Sakaar Arena - God of War Ares, Bi-Beast, and Man-Thing. Ares added confidently, "Just in time to meet the superheroes of Earth. In fact, my ancestors were also related to Earth."

As for the others, some were from the arena, while others were cosmic powerhouses recruited by Kree Star. Supreme Intelligence had made all the necessary preparations for Adam and Eve.

"Blood God, your arrangements are a bit beyond my expectations," said Grandmaster with praise. "But unfortunately, in the face of absolute strength, no matter how much you arrange it, it is useless. Sovereign star will be destroyed today."

Bert sneered and said, "Don't talk big, or your face will hurt a lot for a while."

Grandmaster replied confidently, "Although my face often hurts, this time, it will not."

Bert snorted, too lazy to pay attention to Grandmaster.

In the command room of Sovereign, a Sovereign man reported in alarm, "An abnormal energy index has been detected. The Kree Empire has activated the anti-matter cannon. It is expected that the charge will be completed in a few hours."

High Priestess Ayesha shouted urgently, "Superheroes, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and attack!"

"You are not the commander in chief," Frank retorted coldly. He then said, "Thor, Carol, don't worry, we will use the killer we prepared first."

Thor and Carol stopped at the same time, Carol asked, "At this time, what other killers can be used?"

Frank said with a smile, "Of course, there is a killer that can turn the tide."

Soon, the main force of Kree entered the battlefield. They sent a large number of warships and fighter planes to fully attack the clone corps, remote-controlled spaceships, and unmanned battle armors.

"Clone Corps, nothing more than that," sneered the Kree commanders as they watched the clones being destroyed one after another under the electric light outside. In front of their ionization defenses, there was no difference between clones and death.

Seeing that the Kree Legion had entered the control area, Frank coldly ordered, "It's time, let's start."

On the Blood Ship, Lorelei, who was wearing a special pearl necklace, stood up and said excitedly, "It's finally time for me to perform. Asgard mages, activate the rune tower."

"Yes," replied several mages seconded from Asgard as they immediately activated the rune magic tower on Sovereign. As the magic tower lit up, eight huge Lorelei phantoms appeared in space and spread in all directions.

"You guys, do you think I'm pretty?" Lorelei asked with a sweet smile as she touched the pearl necklace around her neck. Her voice, with the blessing of magic, could be heard by everyone.

Everyone looked out the window and the screen subconsciously. Upon seeing her, the men's eyes instantly straightened. They had never seen such a beautiful woman.

Whether it was a Kree or a space pirate, Lorelei was the most perfect woman in their eyes. The reason she could cross races was because of the magic necklace on her neck, the Charm Necklace. It enhances the charm of the owner and makes all men attracted to her. It was provided by the Collector.

"Since you think I'm beautiful, then go and destroy all enemies for me," Lorelei said with a smile as she blew a kiss to the crowd. She had become even more attractive than before, having learned acting skills.

"Long live the goddess," cried the controlled men as they immediately turned their guns to shoot frantically at the Kree fleet. The Kree spaceship was caught off guard and fell in large numbers.

At the same time, the Lorelei "fans" in the Kree fleet drew their guns to kill their former colleagues, resulting in a large number of Kree dying tragically. It is worth mentioning that some of those men who saw Lorelei through the screen were not controlled, they were only attracted to her due to her charm.

The battlefield became chaotic in an instant, with countless Kree and space pirates killing each other. Frank laughed, "The effect is better than expected. Thor, Carol, you can go and destroy that anti-matter cannon."

"Okay, I didn't expect Lorelai's abilities to be so useful," Thor laughed as he waved his hammer and flew into space, while Carol cursed and chased after him.

High Priestess Ayesha's eyes widened in awe as she smiled, "What kind of power is this? What kind of charm is this?" She had never thought that such a beautiful woman actually existed in reality. Even Michelle, who was known as the number one beauty, would be ashamed of herself in comparison.

On the Blood Ship, Lorelei quietly said to the reporter, "Take a good picture of me. Whether I can become a big star depends on this moment."

The reporter from Xandar frantically controlled the drone to take pictures, exclaiming, "It's so beautiful, that the main army of the Kree Empire kill each other!"

Lorelei replied, "That's great. When I become popular, I'll release 'Titanic' and become a real big star."

Lorelei laughed happily, already seeing a bright future ahead. When the time comes, countless people will be captivated by her beauty, but she will only belong to her master. Those people can only watch from afar.

Suddenly, the Supreme Intelligence roared in disbelief, "What the hell is going on?" But no one answered as its commanders were too busy shooting at a group of women soldiers.

"For the goddess, kill that disgusting computer," the commanders, who were once wise and calm, shouted wildly while shooting frantically. Though the women kept shooting, they didn't dare to shoot at their vital points, as they were commanders.

Supreme Intelligence gritted its teeth and looked at the group of strong people, but found that they too were killing each other.

"I, Ares, the God of War, have finally discovered the meaning of my existence: to be the guardian of this goddess," Ares shouted excitedly while wielding a big axe and looking at the two-headed man.

The Bi-Beast, who was a semi-robot, blocked Ares' axe and sneered, "Ares, your power is gone."

Ares laughed wildly, "It doesn't matter, I don't care about anything now except the goddess." He swung his axe and cut the command cabin in half. If there wasn't another floor outside, the command room would have been destroyed.

Man-Thing wrapped in dense vines, like a swamp monster, looked at Ares and the Bi-Beast fighting and decided to watch the show. After all, whether it was fighting Ares or the Bi-Beast, nobody paid attention to him.

In addition to Ares, there were many other powerful individuals who were also under control and frantically killing each other. This was just a microcosm of the outside; the Kree army outside was bombarding each other and even the main ship had fallen.

"The time for a decisive battle has come, there's no need to hide your forces any longer. The whole army will be launched," Ivan laughed as he gave the order.

Following his command, a large number of clones and unmanned spaceships flew out from the base of Sovereign Star and joined the battle with great momentum.

The situation quickly reversed, with countless Kree spaceships exploding in space. Even the main ship was beaten to the ground.

"Sovereign still has so many troops. Damn, if this continues, we will be defeated," the Supreme Intelligence gritted its teeth. It transferred its spiritual power to the Dark Sky through quantum technology and activated the arrangement on the Dark Sky, attaching pipes to the men who rebelled.

In addition to being a biological computer, the Supreme Intelligence also possesses certain psychic abilities, which can communicate, influence, and even control the minds of others through instruments.

However, the transmission of spiritual energy across galaxies consumes a lot of energy. The Supreme Intelligence would never do this unless it was forced into a corner.

Under the influence of Supreme Intelligence and its psychic ability, Ares, the God of War, and the commanders gradually regained their sobriety. They remembered everything that had just happened and wanted to find a hole to hide in. It was too embarrassing.

Supreme Intelligence ordered, "Don't waste time. Ares, you three hurry up and stop Carol and the one with the hammer."

As the Kree were killing each other, Carol and Thor approached the Dark Sky at an alarming speed, destroying or smashing all the spaceships and warships in their way.

There was no battleship that could stop them. With their strength, once they got close to the Dark Sky, it would surely fall - the anti-matter cannon is on the Dark Sky.

"Good," Ares and the other two stopped talking and left the Dark Sky to greet Carol and Thor - all three of them had the ability to survive in space.

Soon, Ares blocked Carol and Thor's way forward. Ares shouted to Thor, "Thor, dare to fight me?"

"Fuck off," Thor slammed his lightning-fast hammer at Ares. Ares sneered, and his axe slammed into the hammer, causing a powerful burst of energy to explode. Both Ares and Thor were shocked and flew out at the same time.

"Interesting," Thor laughed, raised his hand to retract his hammer, and slammed towards Ares with thunder all over his body.

"The son of Odin, the king of gods, is nothing more than that," Ares sneered, a dazzling red light lit up on his body, and he fought with Thor using his skilled combat skills. The two of them were rivals. An accidentally involved spaceship was turned to ashes on the spot.

The pilots of spaceships were frightened and quickly ran away. These two were too scary.

"Go to your official business, go to your attendance, go to your development, go to your rules, go to your prince..." Thor swung his hammer and cursed at the same time. He had been suffocated for the past six months.

"Fuck your Thor." Ares had no idea what Thor was angry about, but that didn't stop him from retaliating. As the son of Zeus, he didn't expect to be scolded by Thor.

"Carol, my mission is to kill you."

Bi-Beast lunged at Carol with a powerful fist, almost as strong as the Hulk's. At the same time, the vines on the Man-Thing's body attacked Carol repeatedly, like ropes.

"Is that all you've got?"

Carol sneered, avoiding the Bi-Beast and Man-Thing's attacks, and then rushed towards the Bi-Beast man at an incredible speed, punching her radiant fist into his steel chest, sending him flying away.

Immediately after, Carol turned around, channeled the energy on her body into a large sword and cut through the vines that had been attacking her. This energy weaponization was taught to Carol by Bert.

The vines were cut, Man-Thing blinked and released more vines to attack Carol. At the same time, Bi-Beast who had been knocked away flew back as if nothing had happened, slamming his fists at Carol repeatedly like cannonballs.

"It seems there are two hard nuts to crack, so let's take care of you first." Carol snorted, her body glowing even more. Even though she was outnumbered two to one, she was not weak. Bi-Beast kept flying around and Man-Thing's vines were broken one after another.

Seeing Ares and the others blocking Carol and Thor, Supreme Intelligence was greatly relieved and began to focus on rescuing the controlled Kree on the Dark Sky.

In addition to the Dark Sky, there were many main ships around waiting for the rescue of the Supreme Intelligence. This was undoubtedly a huge project, even for the Supreme Intelligence, it would take a lot of time to complete.

It's worth mentioning that the Supreme Intelligence could only rescue the Kree people on the main ships, ordinary warships and fighter planes couldn't do it because they lacked the necessary equipment.

With the efforts of Supreme Intelligence, the situation of the Kree Empire improved slightly, but it was only a small improvement. The two sides fought more and more fiercely, and spaceships and fighter planes exploded everywhere.

Frank looked at the battlefield and asked the communicator, "It's almost time, Shuri, are you ready?"

"No problem, although the Dark Sky has enabled quantum interference, with our technology, they can't stop us at all."

Shuri said proudly: "Lockjaw, you can teleport in at any time."

In the remote control room, the Sovereign looked at Shuri with dissatisfaction, "our technology?" It was obvious that their Sovereigns' skills were good. Even the instruments were theirs.

Shuri snorted and didn't bother to pay attention to these people. Of course, the techniques I learned were mine.

"Very well, Dr. Banner, you can go now." Frank said, "Make sure to get the anti-matter cannon."

That's right, it wasn't Carol and Thor who were going to get the anti-matter cannon, they were just a diversion, Frank's real plan was for Hulk and others to get it.