Chapter 202 : Self-destruction

"Reaction is too slow," Bert snorted as he lunged forward, his fists clenched and his cloak fluttering behind him. He quickly flew towards the Supreme Building, creating a sound barrier shockwave.

The Supreme Building was not just a building, it was a military fortress. It was heavily guarded by a large number of fighting robots and various fortifications.

As Bert approached, the fighting robots rushed out and simultaneously shot at him with hundreds of energy rays. Bert smiled disdainfully and summoned the Casket of Ancient Winters he had borrowed from Asgard. Absorbing its energy, he spewed a large amount of cold air that froze all the robots and shattered the energy rays.

But this was not the end. The cold air quickly spread to the fortress, freezing it from the outside in. In the blink of an eye, the front of the fortress had turned into an iceberg and the fortifications were frozen and powerless.

The Kree were frightened and tried to flee, but they couldn't escape the spreading ice. In just a moment, the entire fortress was shrouded in ice, trapping the fleeing Kree and all other items.

Skye and Yili were shivering from the cold, their eyes wide with shock. Blood God had frozen an entire fortress.

"The power of this Casket of Ancient Winters is a little bigger than I imagined. Asgard has a lot of good things. I'll have to borrow some more," Bert said with satisfaction as he put away the Casket.

He then turned to Skye and said, "Let's get started. And by the way, your uniform is worth millions and has thermal insulation."

"Oh, I see," Skye exclaimed, as she activated the thermal insulation function of her uniform. "Mr. Wang, you are truly powerful."

"It's just a small trick," Bert shrugged, signaling for Skye to begin her mission. Skye quickly placed her hand on the ground, sensing the location of the Kree leader. She then began to generate a shockwave.

Bert and Yili positioned themselves on either side of Skye, providing protection. Meanwhile, Black Bolt also took action, asking Gordon to teleport him to the battleship hall. He then opened his mouth, destroying two flying battleships with a high-pitched sound.

As a group of Kree soldiers rushed into the hall, Black Bolt quickly turned and shouted at them. The remaining Kree were startled and frantically searched for cover. At the same time, the remote-controlled Kree fighter jets fired energy cannons at Black Bolt.

Black Bolt responded by turning around and shouting, causing three Kree fighters to be swept into the air and explode.

Gordon sneered, as he teleported himself and Black Bolt to the sky above the Kree soldiers.

Black Bolt shouted, and a large number of Kree soldiers were torn to pieces. At the same time, the ground sunk in circles and dust filled the air.

The Kree were startled and even a little intimidated - not because they were cowards, but because Black Bolt was too powerful.

Other Inhumans soon joined the fight, the laser-eyed Inhuman removed his glasses and swept away, the armored chariots were divided into two and all the Kree soldiers died.

Inhuman Joey was even more ruthless, raising his hand and melting all the chariots and weapons.

Bubble Inhuman took a sip of specially-made water and spit out bubbles frantically, Gale Inhuman controlled the wind to blow these bubbles towards the Kree soldiers. As soon as the Kree soldiers touched the bubbles, they were immediately blown to pieces.

"Very good," said Black Bolt with satisfaction as he saw the helpers approaching. A Kree fighter plane that had just taken off exploded directly in the air. "With Black Bolt here, that guardian army is nothing to worry about," said Bert with a smile.

There were three reasons why this operation had gone so smoothly. The first was that they had caught the Kree Empire off guard with their sudden and fast attack.

The second was that the defenders of the Supreme Building were not vigilant and their response was slow, as there had been no attack on the building for hundreds of years.

And the third reason was that the Supreme Intelligence's attention was not on this operation; although it could operate in multiple threads, it had only one core. This was also the reason why Bert had chosen to ambush at this time.

On the Sovereign star battlefield, the Supreme Intelligence control hatch closed, separating the Hulk rushing in front from the others. It then took advantage of Hulk's unpreparedness and attached the tube to Hulk, causing Hulk's consciousness to sink and appear in a large, overly lit room.

"Hulk, it looks like you were attacked," said a voice suddenly. Hulk turned his head and saw Dr. Banner standing beside him. He asked in surprise, "Banner, what's going on? I hate this place."

"This should be a conscious space, or a spiritual space, etc," said Dr. Banner, motioning for Hulk to stay calm. He then asked, "Am I right? Supreme Intelligence?"

"That's right, I didn't expect you to have two consciousnesses," said Supreme Intelligence, as she emerged. Dr. Banner and Hulk were stunned when they saw her. The Supreme Intelligence had taken on the appearance of Betty. She said, "I chose the being who is the closest person to you, which will make our conversation easier."

"Die," said Hulk, as he couldn't bear to listen to its nonsense. He rushed over and smashed the Supreme Intelligence.

Hulk felt that his fist was stuck in a quagmire. He frowned and wanted to pull his fist out, but found that he couldn't do it at all. The opponent's chest seemed to be a black hole, firmly sucking in his fist.

Supreme Intelligence touched Hulk's strong arm and said excitedly: "You are a beast, a beast that does not need any reason, come, I will restore you to your true colors."

Just as Supreme Intelligence raised its hand to do something, a fist hit her head hard and smashed her out.

"Did you forget me? Uh, can you change your appearance? Beating you in this form seems like domestic violence," said Dr. Banner as he raised his green fist and said helplessly. Hulk blinked and asked in surprise, "My fist?"

"It's our fist," said Dr. Banner as he laughed. Hulk was stunned, then laughed: "Yes, our fists, we are brothers."

"Well, actually I've always raised you as a son," said Dr. Banner.

Hulk gave Dr. Banner a hard middle finger. "I take you as my brother, but you take me as your son?"

"No matter how the beasts are disguised, they can't change people," said Supreme Intelligence as she floated up, raised her hand and shot a multicolored light wave at Hulk, which was spiritual energy. A large number of pictures immediately appeared in Hulk's mind: people on Earth hating him, scolding him, and even driving him away.

Hulk's negative emotions skyrocketed wildly under the influence of spiritual energy, even his breathing became rapid and his eyes quickly turned red.

"Hulk, don't fall for it! Those are all lies," Dr. Banner shouted as he rushed towards the Supreme Intelligence. But the Supreme Intelligence just smiled contemptuously and sent a wave of light that knocked Dr. Banner out.

"Hulk, destroy!" the Supreme Intelligence whispered, trying to provoke the Hulk's anger.

But Hulk was not fooled. He smiled grimly, grabbed the Supreme Intelligence's left foot, and used her as a whip to bang her into the ground. The sight was so violent that Dr. Banner couldn't even bring himself to watch.

"When am I so stupid? I have eight doctorates," Hulk said with disdain as he let go of the Supreme Intelligence.

Dr. Banner asked, confused, "Isn't it seven?"

Hulk replied arrogantly, "There's also a doctorate in fighting. Hulk is amazing."

The Supreme Intelligence is almost going insane. As the most advanced computer, it is actually despised by a beast?

What else did the Supreme Intelligence want to say, when Hulk stepped on it hard, and the Supreme Intelligence was directly broken. At the same time, the consciousness of Hulk and Banner returned to their original bodies.

Bang! Bang! Bang! The computer where the Supreme Intelligence resides kept exploding, and its strength was greatly damaged.

"Damn monsters," the Supreme Intelligence roared. But then, it suddenly sensed the situation of the Kree's main star and its complexion changed dramatically. "Those Earthlings dared to attack the Supreme Building? Could they be more demented?"

Supreme Intelligence was panicked and shouted, "Dark Sky, head towards Sovereign at full speed, and in addition, unlock the restrictions of Anti-matter."

"The Supreme Intelligence, unlocking the confinement of Anti-matter will cause the powerhouse to explode, wiping out everything around it," the commanders shouted in shock. One gram of Anti-matter and one gram of positive matter can generate 180 trillion joules of energy.

"Do it immediately, all for the sake of the Kree Empire," Supreme Intelligence shouted. In addition to anger, there was a trace of fear in its voice.

The commanders looked at each other, sighed, and followed suit. They were used to obeying the orders of the Supreme Intelligence.

Seeing that the commanders obeyed the order, Supreme Intelligence immediately turned the core back to the main star.

Frank shouted in the communicator: "Banner, how are you over there? Dark Sky's energy index is rising wildly, and it's rushing towards Sovereign star."

"It has arrived," Dr. Banner's expression appeared on Hulk's face. He said, "There's something wrong with the situation. The Kree Empire may want to die together. I'll try my best to control it. You ask Carol and Thor to come and help me quickly."

"Perishing together? It seems that Black Bolt and the others have already begun to act," Frank's eyes flashed, and he said to Thor and Carol, "Don't waste time, solve the opponent immediately, Carol, I might not like you, but I believe in your strength, don't let me down."

Carol pressed Bi-Beast and Man-Thing to fight and said disdainfully, "It goes without saying, I'm not like some useless man, one-on-one, and still haven't solved the problem until now."

"Who are you talking about? I am the invincible Thor," Thor was instantly enraged, and a lot of lightning appeared all over his body. Then, he flew into the sky and slammed down Ares with a hammer with thousands of thunder.

"Idiots always think that the ultimate move can solve everything, but they don't know that when using the ultimate move, there will be many flaws," In the face of Thor's vast offensive, Ares smiled disdainfully, his feet exploded with energy, and he drew a perfect arc in the air around Thor's back.

Immediately afterwards, Ares' axe turned into a hammer, and a hammer slammed on Thor's head, and Thor was directly smashed and flew out.

Thor was furious and flew back to fight Ares immediately. Ares, as the God of War, was highly skilled in all forms of combat. Although he was not as powerful as Thor in terms of energy, he was not inferior in any other way.

The battle between Thor and Ares was a clash of raw power against skilled combat.

"Fuck, it seems, it's still up to me," Carol sneered. At that moment, Bi-Beast raised his hands towards her, and a powerful force field pressed down on her, rendering her unable to move.

Immediately after, Man-Thing shouted, and vines swept out from his entire body, forming a large ball to trap Carol inside.

"To be distracted one after another, you look down on us too much, don't you?" Bi-Beast sneered. Man-Thing controlled the vine ball to compress it wildly inward, squashing Carol completely.

At that moment, a streamer suddenly appeared behind Bi-Beast, and then, a high-frequency vibrating space blade stabbed into Bi-Beast's back, piercing through even his strong defense.

Bi-Beast screamed, waving his arms and slamming the attacker fiercely. Carol released the space blade and stepped back, then sneered: "If that high-frequency space blade explodes, it will tear you apart in an instant."

Bi-Beast froze instantly. Its defense was indeed strong, but the space blade was even more terrifying. It asked incredulously, "How did you come out?"

"I can teleport!" Carol snorted coldly. She didn't know how to teleport at first, but Bert purified her energy and taught her to use her powers, so she learned to teleport.

Carol's powers originally came from the Space Stone.

After speaking, Carol rushed straight towards Man-Thing. Man-Thing hurriedly controlled the vine ball and smashed it towards Carol. Carol's figure flashed away like electricity and then appeared on the right side of Man-Thing. She unleashed a blast attack, and Man-Thing flew out on the spot, screaming in agony.

Carol, now with her enhanced powers, was unforgiving, and immediately chased after him. Seeing this, Man-Thing waved his hands repeatedly: "I surrender."

Carol used space energy to form a whip around the neck of Man-Thing, and then ordered the two captives: "Come with me to help that thunderbolt, don't think about betraying, as long as my mind moves, you will soon die."

"Yes," Bi-Beast and Man-Thing sighed and flew towards Ares with Carol. Thor roared, "I don't need your help."

Carol shouted disdainfully: "You think I want to help you? Hurry up and solve this guy and help Banner. Once the Anti-matter in the Dark Sky explodes, everyone here will die."

Thor was speechless and could only focus his fire on Ares. Ares saw Carol and the others surrounding him, stepped back a few meters, raised his hand, and said, "I surrender."

Thor held his hammer tightly and exclaimed in discontent, "How can you surrender? Aren't you the God of War?"

Ares sneered, "The God of War is not a foolish god. Why would I not surrender when I know I cannot defeat the opponent?"

Bi-Beast and Man-Thing both added, "We also ask for reasonable treatment as prisoners."

Carol interjected, "Ivan, you guard these three. Thor and I will assist Dr. Banner."

Ivan flew over and tossed out three shackles. "Put these on yourselves, they are magic shackles made by dwarves. They will block your powers."

Ivan then threatened, "But if you choose not to wear them, I would love to hack you to death and use your corpses as decorations in my bedroom."