Chapter 203 : Supremor

"I like the way you show bravery," said Ivan.

Ares, the God of War, laughed and put on the shackles. "Actually, I am also related to Earth. I am Ares, the God of War. Your Earth should have my legend," he said.

Ivan and Carol were surprised. "God of War Ares?" they said in unison.

Ivan shook his head and said, "If you went to Earth a few years earlier, it would have caused a sensation, but now, apart from historians, no one would care about you."

Ares was puzzled. "Why?"

Ivan pointed to Thor and said, "The Nordic God of Thunder, whose status is comparable to yours, do you think people on Earth will have any respect for gods after seeing him?"

Ares glanced at Thor and sighed, "It seems that brushing your face is not enough,"

"What do you mean? Are you slandering me?" Thor asked with a frown.

Ivan shrugged and said, "Leave this to me, you guys hurry up and help Banner."

"Good," Carol said, without any further ado, she turned around and flew towards the Dark Sky, which was quickly approaching here. Thor gave Ivan a vicious look and followed.

In the Dark Sky, Dr. Banner was checking the situation in the power room. "This main ship uses Anti-matter as its energy source. For some reason, Supreme Intelligence has unlocked the restriction on Anti-matter, and the energy in the power furnace has been rising wildly. In more than ten minutes, this place will explode,"

Star-Lord exclaimed, "It's so dangerous? Then let's run away!"

"Coward! Big man, why would the Supreme Intelligence do this?" Rocket probed with an instrument and asked inexplicably, "No matter how bad it is, they can also use Anti-matter to blackmail us. If the restrictions are unlocked in this way, they themselves will not survive."

"You ask me who do I ask?" Dr. Banner shrugged. At this time, Carol and Thor followed the signal. After listening to what Dr. Banner said, Carol asked, "Doctor, what should we do?"

"Tear down the powerhouse and leave the area with it," Dr. Banner said. "Of course, you can't dismantle it randomly, you must follow my instructions, otherwise it may explode at any time. Shuri, you can assist me remotely."

Dr. Banner couldn't help sighing. In this case, it is definitely impossible to take the Anti-matter power furnace as his own. This is the most high-end technology.

"You say, we do," Carol said happily. Thor also agreed, "I'm the best at dismantling things,"

Dr. Banner gave Thor a strange look. 'This guy is really the same as what Bert said - the reincarnation of the Husky,' he thought to himself.

While Dr. Banner and the others were trying to solve the Anti-matter power furnace, On Kree's main star, the Supreme Building, soldiers were anxiously calling for reinforcements, but what made it depressing was that the reinforcements were too far away, and it was too late to come to support.

The Supreme Building, a fortress, is well-protected by a legion stationed there, eliminating the need for additional troops nearby. However, the nearest legion would take about 20 minutes to arrive.

"It seems that I can only rely on myself," Supreme Intelligence thought to itself. It then blocked the basement with an alloy gate and activated the killer in the storage room next to it. This trump card had been prepared by the Kree Empire for Supreme Intelligence, but it took a certain amount of time to fully activate.

At the same time, Supreme Intelligence sent a high-level robot to intercept Kallark (Bert), Skye, and Yili. It said, "Kree Empire is willing to stop this war."

"Sorry, I don't want to," Bert replied. "You decided when the war starts, but I have the final say when it ends."

Supreme Intelligence shouted angrily, "Kallark, what does this have to do with you?" It also took a quick glance at Skye, sensing that she was constantly gathering powerful energy.

"This is the request of the Blood God. I am ready to join with the Blood God," Kallark (Bert) said. "Supreme Intelligence, you have only two ways: one is to surrender, and the other is to die obediently."

"It's ridiculous, have you thought about the consequences of doing this? I am the supreme commander of the Kree Empire. If something happens to me, the Kree Empire will not let you go," Supreme Intelligence shouted. "No matter how strong your Earth is, can you still be stronger than the entire Kree Empire?"

Bert sneered, "If we were afraid, we would not come. As for the future, I'm sorry, the Kree Empire has no future."

Supreme Intelligence knew that the Kree Empire would fall apart after its death. It shouted, "Gladiator if you go through this, everyone in the Sovereign Star Battlefield will die. I have unlocked the control of Anti-matter."

"I trust them, they can handle it themselves," Bert said calmly. Even if they couldn't, Bert still left a trump card to stay there.

Before Supreme Intelligence could say anything else, Bert suddenly appeared in front of the robot, kicked it into the sky, and then his eyes emitted heat rays, blasting it in the air.

Bert turned back and asked, "Skye, how long will it take?"

Skye shouted, "It will take a while, the place is a bit deep, and there are alloy walls around it."

Bert said, "Find as soon as possible, according to Ronan's information, the legion outside the city will arrive in twenty minutes, and we must resolve the Supreme Intelligence before that."

Skye said confidently, "No problem, within ten minutes, I promise to destroy it completely."

Bert nodded with satisfaction. Skye's ability to master her powers was getting better, and in the future, she might become a planet destroyer.

"Abominable Earthlings, Abominable Gladiator," Supreme Intelligence thought to itself. It then controlled the robot to shout to Black Bolt: "Black Bolt, I know you. As long as you are willing to surrender to our Kree Empire, I can send you a planet and make you its overlord."

"Not interested," Black Bolt spoke lightly. Sound waves blasted out, and a battleship shattered directly in the air and exploded.

Supreme Intelligence wanted to speak, but before it could, Joey raised his hand and the robot began to melt.

"You don't have to worry about anything. I am a part of Earth. In fact, this is the second time I have rejected it, and I have reported this to S.W.O.R.D.", Joey said.

Black Bolt looked at Joey and said lightly, using his sounder: "Besides, who dares to betray the Blood God?"

Joey shrugged and said, "I just don't like it."

"Me too," Black Bolt replied.

Black Bolt flew into the sky and roared, causing a tall building to shatter directly, covering all the robots below.

Supreme Intelligence was very annoyed. At this time, the trump card below had been unlocked. The Supreme Intelligence was overjoyed and introduced the data stream into the trump card.

After a while, the trump card opened his scarlet eyes fiercely. It was a giant robot with a height of hundreds of meters, many spikes on its body, and an extremely ferocious look.

That's right, a giant robot. This was the last and most powerful killer of the Supreme Intelligence. The Supreme Intelligence had spent hundreds of billions of cosmic currency on it and had also added many super materials that money couldn't buy.

The Supreme Intelligence ordered, "Supremor, go up and kill Kallark and the two foreigners."

"Command confirmed," the Supremor responded in a low tone. Then, its feet spewed flames and it flew upwards quickly.

The gate above had been blocked by ice, but the Supremor didn't hesitate to smash the ice into pieces with both fists. Then, two huge high-temperature beams of light shot out from its eyes, melting the icebergs all the way and rushing out.

In addition to the icebergs, many Kree were also melted, but the Supremor didn't care at all, because it had no human nature; it just wanted to complete the task.

"This is who I was in the beginning. Now that I have life, I don't want to die," the Supreme Intelligence mumbled to itself as it looked at Supremor. Then, it began to gather psychic energy.

Thinking of something, the Supreme Intelligence couldn't help sighing. Too much spiritual energy had been wasted before, and now it was not even 30% of its strength. It hoped this would be enough to control the target.

"Is this the killer machine of the Kree Empire?" Bert's eyes flashed with intense interest as he looked at the giant robot that was melting icebergs all the way towards them. This was the first time he had seen a giant robot similar to "Gundam" in this world.

After some time, the Supremor emerged from the iceberg with a massive vibration. Without hesitation, it shot two huge beams of high temperature at Bert.

"Yili, open the shield. Don't worry about me, just protect Skye," Bert said, his eyes turning red as he fiercely welcomed the beams with his own heat rays.

Though the size of Bert's rays and the Supremor's beams were vastly different, the energy they contained was nearly equal. The four beams collided fiercely in the air, with neither side gaining an advantage.

Supremor then raised its right arm and released five rays of destruction waves towards Bert and Skye. But Bert simply snorted coldly and blew a cold breath, freezing and shattering all five rays.

Supremor then used its left hand to control gravity and pushed Bert to the side. Without Bert to defend, Supremor's high-temperature beam destroyed the ground and targeted Yili and Skye.

Although Yili and Skye were nervous, they were not afraid as they had complete confidence in the Blood God. Just as the beam was about to hit the defensive cover, a figure rushed over like a meteor and kicked the side of the Supremor.

Supremor involuntarily raised its head and retreated, causing its high-temperature beam to shoot up into the sky and split a nearby building in two, with the resulting fire still burning. Supremor stopped the beam and stabilized its body, raising its left hand towards Bert again.

Bert exhaled a breath of cold air, freezing the Supremor's left arm. As the Supremor was about to break the ice, Bert rushed to its chest, grabbed the edge of the breastplate, and pulled it off.

Suddenly, a large amount of electric light erupted from the Supremor's chest, forcing Bert to duck back. He then appeared at the joint of the Supremor's right hand, like a teleportation, and shot two fierce heat rays.

Supremor's arms opened and a large number of small robots flew out, shooting frantically at Bert. Bert raised his eyes and with a sweep of his gaze, all the small robots banged and exploded. Taking this opportunity, Supremor got rid of the ice and used the gravitational field on Bert again.

Bert snorted coldly and moved flexibly behind the Supremor, his fists constantly attacking and denting the Supremor's armor. Supremor clumsily resisted, and at the same time, a large amount of electric light emerged from its body, sending Bert flying.

"This big guy is really difficult to deal with, and the body size is too different," Bert thought to himself. The reason for the stalemate was not only because the Supremor was powerful, but also because Bert did not fully grasp the power of the borrowed body.

Meanwhile, while Bert was fighting Supremor, the Supreme Intelligence secretly enveloped Skye with the power of its mind. Skye felt a sudden dizziness and found herself in a white world.

'Jiaying' then appeared, causing Skye to become angry and say, "Supreme Intelligence, you dare to appear as my mother?"

Bert had previously introduced the ability of Supreme Intelligence to Skye, so she knew what was happening.

"Skye, you obviously have invincible abilities, why do you depend on humans?" Supreme Intelligence said. "Come to the Kree Empire, and I will train you to become the new Accuser. At that time, countless planets in the Kree Empire will belong to you."

"Invincible ability?" Skye said with contempt. "You are truly an unqualified lobbyist. No matter how strong I am, can I still be stronger than Blood God? I can't even withstand a glance from him."

" Blood God is on the brink of death. He is trapped in hell. The Lords of Hell want him to die. It is impossible for him to escape death," Supreme Intelligence said.

"Skye, cooperate with me and conquer the Earth. At that time, Inhumans will no longer have to fear, because there will be no more human beings. I will turn all human beings into Inhumans."

"Blood God is dying?" Skye's contempt grew. Although she didn't know what was happening in Hell, based on Blood God's reputation for 'not doing anything right', he must be confident.

"There is no difference between Inhumans and Humans. I will never allow anyone to threaten the Earth, and you are no exception," Skye said.

"I'm tired," Skye said, raising her hand and sending a shockwave towards Supreme Intelligence. As soon as Supreme Intelligence saw it, it disappeared instantly, reappearing behind Skye.

Then, Supreme Intelligence hugged Skye from behind, blending itself into her body.

"Skye, let's be one," Supreme Intelligence said. It was obviously trying to forcibly control Skye, which was why it didn't choose Kallark - its remaining spiritual power was not enough to control a strong person like Kallark.

"What are you doing? Get out of my body," Skye shouted in anger, as Supreme Intelligence accelerated the erosion, smiling, "I am you, you are me, how can you get out?"

Skye was anxious, but at that moment, Bert's voice sounded in her ear: "In the spiritual world, as long as you don't want to, no one can control you. The bigger your heart and the stronger your ability, the stronger you are. Shock Girl, you are a woman who can destroy a planet. Don't let me down."