Chapter 204 : It's Mine

"I've said it more than a hundred times, I hate the nickname Shock Girl," Skye shouted in anger. Powerful shock waves erupted from her body, causing the body of Supreme Intelligence to be shaken out.

Supreme Intelligence was frightened and angry. Its body turned into billowing black energy and attacked from all sides.

Skye snorted coldly, clenched her fists tightly, and activated her ability. The entire spiritual world was shaking, and the black energy formed by Supreme Intelligence loomed as if it would disappear at any moment.

"This time, I cannot admit defeat, I must control Skye," Supreme Intelligence thought to itself.

Normally, Supreme Intelligence would have disconnected, but this time it couldn't fail, so it didn't disconnect and instead poured all of its remaining spiritual power into Skye.

"I've always been afraid that my power will hurt someone, so I never dared to use my full strength, but here, I don't have to worry about anything. Supreme Intelligence, I'll play with you," Skye laughed excitedly as she kept releasing shockwaves towards the black energy. The black energy dodged left and right, looking very embarrassed.

"It's useless, this is my world. You will eventually become one with me," Supreme Intelligence said, trying to sound powerful. In the spiritual world, emotions directly affect combat effectiveness.

"You have no idea how strong I am? I am Skye, the future planet destroyer," Skye said as she controlled the shockwave to fly. She then released her energy with all her strength, causing the ground to rise and fall like waves. After a while, the ground cracked open, and a powerful force shot out, completely destroying Supreme Intelligence's black energy.

"Cool," Skye laughed, feeling exhilarated from the experience of exerting her power without any worry.

Beneath Skye's charming appearance lies a fanatical heart.

"Damn," Supreme Intelligence thought as it hurriedly stabilized the mental space, still in shock over how strong Skye was.

The Inhumans are too scary. Not only is there an invincible Black Bolt, but also a Skye who can shake the planet?

"Supreme Intelligence, be sure to stabilize the space. Don't stop. Let me have a good time. I don't dare to use all my strength outside," Skye said as her hair floated up, laughing like a goddess of shockwaves. Under her control, both the ground and the space were shaking. She felt a peculiar sense of resonance and her face was intoxicated.

This was her power, the power of the planet destroyer. As long as she wants, she can use this resonance to shatter the space and shatter the Earth at any time.

With this actual combat practice, Skye's ability will greatly improve.

'You're actually using me as a training ground?' Supreme Intelligence thought, gritting its teeth. It knew it had miscalculated and wanted to return to its original body but was shocked to find that Skye had turned against it and would not let it leave.

The control of this mental space was taken away by Skye.

Aware of Supreme Intelligence's movements, Skye said in a cold voice, "Don't rush to leave. I'll talk about it when I've had enough of it. How do you say that sentence? When to start the war, you decide, but when it ends, I have the final say."

Supreme Intelligence wanted to cry without tears. Who was the master of this space? Supreme Intelligence had used the power of the mind for so long, but this was the first time it had encountered such a situation. "Earth people are really terrifying, even a little girl," Supreme Intelligence thought to itself. This little girl was clearly not a normal person.

"As of now, I can only hope that the Supremor will defeat Kallark and then kill Skye," Supreme Intelligence sighed secretly, regretting having provoked the Earth a bit.

Receiving Supreme Intelligence's urging, Supremor opened the missile hole on its body and hundreds of special missiles with amazing power attacked Bert and the defensive cover.

Bert's eyes lit up with red light and he swept all the way. The missiles rumbled and exploded in the air, the sky was full of flames and debris.

Taking this opportunity, Supremor raised its left hand and the gravitational field enveloped Bert, making him unable to move. Immediately afterwards, the eyes of the Supremor lit up with red light, and two huge high-temperature beams of light were fiercely shot at Bert. Bert squeezed his fists, and a dazzling spatial light lit up on his body, and he disappeared instantly.

As Bert waited for the Supremor to reappear, he brandished the Vibranium spear in his hand. He pierced the armor on the back of the Supremor, cutting through it fiercely.

Previously, Bert had only relied on the power of the Gladiator, but now he was utilizing his own abilities. Though it was only a fraction of his power, it was enough.

Supremor emitted a large amount of electric light as it spun its right arm violently, firing five rays of destruction towards Bert. Bert sneered as he accelerated and rushed into the Supremor's body through a crack in its armor, effortlessly blocking the incoming lightnings with the energy light surrounding his body.

Supremor's antimatter power furnace began to spin frantically, and the current became ten times stronger. Bert quickly inserted the Casket into the Supremor's body before teleporting out. The Casket of Ancient Winters erupted, causing a large amount of cold air to erode the Supremor from the inside out and freezing it rapidly.

Supremor frantically converted energy into heat to fight against the Casket, creating a large amount of white mist that shrouded the surrounding area.

Bert's eyes widened as he activated his see-through eye, allowing him to fully see the Supremor's internal structure. He shot forward like electricity, repeatedly piercing the Supremor multiple times with Vibranium spear, destroying all of its energy transport pipes.

Without the ability to convert energy into heat, Supremor was quickly frozen by the Casket of Ancient Winters. In a state of panic, the Supreme Intelligence ordered the Supremor to explode.

Supremor possesses an antimatter power furnace within its body. If it were to explode, Earthlings along with this city would be destroyed. Though this would also result in the deaths of millions of Kree people, Supreme Intelligence no longer cares about their fate.

Bert, sensing the change in the Supremor, sneered and opened a portal beneath it. Supremor fell through the portal and disappeared. The portal then closed and everything returned to normal.

Supreme Intelligence exclaimed in disbelief, "Kallark, where is my Supremor?" Bert calmly replied, "No, no, that's my Supremor from now." He wanted the Supremor, otherwise, he would have destroyed it long ago.

Supreme Intelligence shouted: "Wherever you move it, it will explode and cause great destruction, and only I can stop it."

Supreme Intelligence warned that the Supremor's explosion would still cause great destruction, but Bert was dismissive and planned to rely on Tony and Ivan to solve the problem. He sneered, too lazy to answer, in a space where time almost stopped, Supremor could not explode at all.

"Skye." Bert turned his head and shouted: "Stop playing, let's start. I'll find an abandoned planet for you to go all out in the future."

Skye felt a little embarrassed by this and quickly broke out of her mental space and returned to her physical body. Excitedly, she said, "Mr. Wang, you can begin at any time."

"No, I surrender. I surrender," Supreme Intelligence panicked and shouted. "I surrender on behalf of the Kree Empire. I am willing to sign all contracts, including land ceding and indemnity."

Skye and Yili were stunned by the words they heard and then became greatly moved.

"Mr. Wang," Skye looked up at Bert.

Bert said lightly, "I'm sorry, I refuse."

"Why?" Supreme Intelligence asked in confusion. Skye and the others also looked at Bert in confusion. Bert explained, "Earth cannot make the Kree Empire abide by the contract. Earth is just starting and should not take on too much at once, otherwise, it will be easy to fall apart."

Bert shouted, "Skye, begin."

"OK," Skye trusted Bert fully and without hesitation. A shockwave erupted violently. The main engine room, located several kilometers underground, shook violently and a large number of instruments exploded.

Then, the alloy armor in the sky and soil came crashing down, destroying all the instruments and burying them.

"No!" Supreme Intelligence's cry of despair echoed across all the networks of the Kree Empire, including the Dark Sky which was attacking Sovereign.

Before dying, Supreme Intelligence even pleaded with Frank on the public channel: "I surrender, let me go, I surrender..."

High Priestess Ayesha was stunned. What was happening? Supreme Intelligence had actually surrendered?

High Priestess Ayesha thought of something and turned to Frank in surprise, "What else did your people on Earth do?"

Frank said lightly, "It's nothing. They invaded the main star of the Kree Empire and destroyed Supreme Intelligence. From the appearance of Supreme Intelligence, they must have succeeded."

"You calling its nothing? Can Earthlings be any more crazy?" High Priestess Ayesha roared. This was too much. They had actually invaded the Kree Empire and destroyed Supreme Intelligence? More importantly, had they succeeded in doing so?

High Priestess Ayesha felt like she was going crazy, and she wasn't alone. Everyone who received this information felt the same way. Were Earthlings really human? They dared to do such a thing and succeeded in doing so?

This is many times more terrifying than taking the head of an enemy general in an army of millions.

"I really, really, really underestimated the Earthlings. Not only did I underestimate their strength, but also their madness," said High Priestess Ayesha, sighing. She looked at her golden skin and hesitated. Should she really change it? Blood God would like it.

With the destruction of the host computer, the Supreme Intelligence was declared dead. In the future, there would be no more Supreme Intelligence, only a piece of intelligent program.

The entire Kree Empire had gone crazy. Supreme Intelligence had been destroyed by the Earthlings? What the hell was this?

After the shock, part of the Kree army desperately rushed to the main star, while the other part began to make small calculations.

Supreme Intelligence was dead. After that, who would the Kree Empire listen to?

"Get it done," Bert said, nodding in satisfaction. Skye stood up and asked Bert in disbelief, "We really succeeded?"

"Yes, we succeeded. The leader of the Kree Empire, one of the three major empires, was defeated by us," Bert said with a smile. "Skye, you can have another title in the future: Leader Terminator."

"This title is much better than the shock girl," Skye said, smiling. She then asked, "Mr. Wang, can we go back? It feels very dangerous here."

"We came all the way here, we can't go back empty-handed," Bert said with a smile. "Gordon, bring them all back."

"Okay." Gordon responded. After a while, all the Inhumans returned to Bert.

Gordon shuddered and said, "You guys are so cold."

"Then change to a place that is not cold," Bert said, opening a portal. "The opposite is the Kree Imperial Research Institute. You go in and subdue everyone. Kill the guards, and Restrain the researchers."

Skye was stunned. "Mr. Wang, are you planning to rob?"

"No, I'm just taking the loot. Well, don't waste time, start now. Every second is precious," Bert rushed in first, and the others immediately followed.

Soon, everyone in the institute was restrained, and Bert immediately opened the portal to Xandar Star.

The Earth FedEx (Earth Federation Express) personnel who had been waiting for a long time rushed in to move equipment and people.

Yes, those researchers were also trophies. As for whether they were worthy of cooperation, well, when it came to Earth, it would be their turn to not cooperate?

Skye complained, "Mr. Wang, aren't you too exaggerated? Letting the couriers wear uniforms to rob, are you sure that someone will dare to send a courier in the future?"

Bert carried a huge computer and said, "Why not? Look how efficient my people are."

"I'm afraid they are too efficient," Skye rolled her eyes and went over to help dismantle the life capsule fixed on the ground.

The enthusiasm of everyone was high as they continued to grab pieces of technology from the Kree Empire. Each piece they obtained made the Earth's strength stronger.

Meanwhile, on the battlefield of Sovereign Star, the fall of the Supreme Intelligence left the Kree commanders at a loss. One of them gritted his teeth and ordered a retreat, saying, "This battle is lost, we must escape as soon as we can."

However, their attempts to flee were hindered when the Earthlings destroyed the power room of the Dark Sky, causing it to vibrate violently and decelerate rapidly. A Kree soldier reported, "The power room was demolished by the Earthlings."

"Looks like we don't even have a chance to escape."

With no chance of escape, the commander ordered the remaining fleet to fight to the death and experience the courage of the Kree people. "Those who can retreat, retreat. Those who can't retreat, let the Earth and Sovereigns experience the courage of our Kree people."

Ivan led his forces, including unmanned battle armors, unmanned spaceships, and clone corps, to surround and wipe out the remaining Kree fleet.

The Kree Empire was defeated this time, and it was uncertain how many would escape.

In the small half of the dismantled Dark Sky, Dr. Banner said to Carol and Thor, "Carol, Thor, push this power room as far as you can. I'll give you a device, and when it turns red, you must flee back immediately."