Chapter 205 : Hell Lord Adam

"Let me go alone," said Carol. "I'll teleport, and when I reach a place where no one is, I'll teleport back immediately."

Upon hearing Carol's words, Thor spoke up, "Are you belittling me? Lightning flows through my veins and my speed surpasses your teleportation."

Carol snorted, "Isn't recklessness and bragging all that's flowing through your veins?"

"What did you say?" Thor asked, his anger rising.

Dr. Banner intervened, "You two should go together..."

Just then, a space portal appeared in the air with electric sparks, growing larger. Bert's voice boomed, "Carol, push the power room in."

The portal had been opened by Bert, who was controlling the clone within Crystal's body. Crystal had remained in Sovereign all this time and carried the trump card prepared by Bert.

"Yes, Master," Carol replied joyfully, quickly pushing the power room into the space portal. With Bert's involvement, success was guaranteed.

Thor was taken aback and asked, "Bert, is this your apprentice?"

"Yes," Bert replied, "Thor, thank you for your help. I'll buy you a drink later."

Thor declared proudly, "You're welcome. I'm just doing my part, but you must make your apprentice show some respect. I'm her elder."

As Carol pushed the power room into the space portal, she turned and sneered at Thor, "I love beating elders the most. Want to give it a try?"

Thor raised his hammer and retorted, "I'm afraid you won't succeed."

Bert quickly said, "I'm about to start a war here. You handle the battlefield of Sovereign Stars by yourself and get more prisoners if you can. I'll destroy the Supreme Intelligence. This will plunge the Kree Empire into chaos."

With that, Bert closed the space portal and returned his consciousness to Hell.

The battle in Hell is imminent.

"You destroyed the Supreme Intelligence?" Carol and other members of the Guardians of the Galaxy, who were unaware of Bert's plan, were shocked. Star-Lord couldn't help but ask, "Hey buddy, are you sure you're not exaggerating?"

Star-Lord wasn't doubting Blood God's capabilities, but the news was too unbelievable.

"Do you think Blood God is prone to exaggeration like you? That's why we were able to destroy the power room so easily. It turns out that the Supreme Intelligence was already destroyed," Gamora sighed, "Blood God is really powerful, he could accomplish this."

"Not only is he powerful, but he's also incredibly fierce. Is he even human? He actually took on the Kree Empire and destroyed the Supreme Intelligence, and he succeeded?" exclaimed Rocket, who was known for being daring.

Rocket wasn't the only one in awe of the Blood God's bravery, the Skrull Empire, the Shi'ar Empire, and other major forces were also stunned when they received the news. They quickly retreated their troops.

The two god-level beings were intrigued, but they didn't want to face certain death. The people on Earth were so cruel, they even killed the Supreme Intelligence.

Supreme Intelligence, the supreme ruler of the Kree Empire.

Leaders of major forces rapidly deployed their troops to the main star for secure protection. They were wary of the Earthlings' lethal assassination methods and wouldn't dare to engage in battle until they found a defense strategy.

Meanwhile, as troops were withdrawn, the major forces shifted their focus to the Kree Empire. Everyone recognized that the Kree Empire would soon experience major turmoil and was a source of many interests.

The Skrull Empire, a sworn adversary of the Kree Empire, was ramping up their preparation, eager to give the Kree Empire a merciless blow or even eradicate their mortal enemy once and for all.

In conclusion, the Kree Empire suffered a major setback and, at the same time, the Elders of Universe's plan for a covert strike was largely thwarted.

Bert, In Mephisto Hell, patted Grandmaster on the shoulder and said, "I'm sorry, I won. Please fulfill your promise."

Grandmaster turned to Bert, his expression akin to seeing a ghost. 'How cruel,' he thought. "You actually planned to eliminate Supreme Intelligence?"

To be honest, Grandmaster is lucky to be an Elder of the Universe, or he would have been killed by the Blood God already.

This guy is completely insane.

Grandmaster gritted his teeth and said, "Blood God, I lost the bet, but I can't keep my promise. I can't meet your demands."

Bert's face grew cold, "You dare make a promise you can't keep?"

"I was confident I'd win, how could I have known you were so terrifying?" Grandmaster retorted.

Being an experienced gambler, making a promise he couldn't keep was normal for Grandmaster. After all, as long as there were bets, who cared about anything else?

"Grandmaster, do you realize the consequences if you break your trust this time?" Bert warned.

"You and the Elders of the Universe have made a significant bet. If I lose trust in your words, it means the Elders are untrustworthy, and the main bet will lose its significance."

Grandmaster was momentarily stunned and then realized, "You're asking me to ask them for help?"

"No, I'm asking you to keep your promise," Bert replied.

"The upper forces in the universe know about this bet. If the Elders of the Universe lose their trust, who will believe you in the future?" Bert stated.

"Of course, us elders of the universe will not betray other's trust, and we cannot either," Grandmaster exclaimed, fully comprehending Bert's message. He immediately contacted the other universe elders.

Bert responded with a smirk, "Since you're participating in the gamble, you should be prepared to lose. Not only will the elders of the universe lose this time, but they will also lose the main gamble."

Grandmaster retorted, "You'd better survive first. Even if we help you, you're likely to be miserable this time."

"Your biggest mistake was coming to Hell yourself," Grandmaster added.

Bert replied with confidence, "Since I dared to come, I am sure to leave alive."

Everyone turned their attention as the golden cocoon split with a loud noise. The new devil king of Hell was about to be born, and the eyes of everyone were fixed on the cocoon. Hell was madly injecting energy into the cocoon to help it complete the final transformation.

In no time, the cocoon burst open revealing a golden figure standing two meters tall. He had gorgeous blond hair, a handsome face, and a domineering battle armor. The succubus Lord was drooling at the sight of him.

The birth of Artificial God and Bert's demon king clone, Adam, was officially announced. The whole of Adam's Hell (as it Mephisto's Hell before he died) was shaking with excitement as countless demons cheered. The new owner of this Hell had finally arrived.

The Lords of Hell was also thrilled, sharpening their knives with eagerness. Soon, they would be able to enter Adam's Hell.

In that moment, Adam raised his hand, and all eyes were fixed on him in curiosity. A light curtain suddenly appeared, reflecting his appearance like a mirror. Adam glanced left and right, and said with a narcissistic tone: "Wow, I'm so handsome! I have to wake myself up every day in the future."

The room was silent, and Bert couldn't help but hide his face in embarrassment. He couldn't let anyone know that this guy was his avatar.

Everyone was wondering why Adam was so narcissistic and good-looking.

"Things created by the Sovereigns truly reflect their own traits," commented Grandmaster, rolling his eyes. "Adam, which side are you on?"

"New Demon King, you are a Lord of Hell, so you should be on our side," replied Lucifer.

The succubus lord couldn't help but shout, "That's right, Handsome guy, join us. I'll cooperate with you in any way you want." She had never seen such a handsome man, and even her heart was moved.

But Adam looked at her with contempt, "You, a thousand-year-old grandmother, aren't you embarrassed to go after a newly-born baby?" The crowd laughed, and the succubus lord blushed, finding Adam just as hateful as the Blood God.

Bert patted Adam on the shoulder and chuckled, "Good job, brother. Oh, by the way, can I punch in your face? When I see it, I really want to punch you."

"You're just jealous."

Adam sneered and then spoke to Bert with certainty: "The connection between us can't be broken. The consciousness of Hell and negative emotions have been eroding me. The demons system is very complicated, and it's easy to lose oneself."

"Hell doesn't operate at a loss."

Bert replied, "Don't worry, you're my avatar, and our consciousness is linked. As long as I'm not in trouble, you won't be eroded."

"That's good. By the way, find me a trainer. This body and armor are so powerful. I want to get used to it." Adam added, "By the way, why is God so unjust? He not only gave me a flawless appearance, but also immense strength. How can others survive?"

"Didn't you have enough? You're my avatar, why are you so conceited?" Bert countered.

"I'm very straightforward and sincere, okay?"

"You're jealous because you don't have my looks. If you were as handsome as me, you'd be even more conceited than me." Adam retorted with a sneer.

"It's such a waste for me to not be a star. How about a Titanic remake? Let me play the lead role, I can earn a billion just with my appearance."

"Fuck Off." Bert spoke with annoyance, "Don't forget you're my avatar, I can afford to lose you."

Adam sneered, "I'm so good, you can't afford to lose me."

Bert was speechless. Isn't this avatar's spirit too strong? It's like another person.

"It's not another person, it's another aspect of your nature. In short, you were originally a narcissistic guy, and this trait was magnified in me."

Adam detected Bert's thoughts and said - he and Bert's consciousness are linked.

"Grow up, don't defame me."

When Bert communicated with his avatar, Lucifer snorted, "Since you're so clueless, we'll grant your wish."

Demon Dragon Lord also said, "That's right, we'll help you, I'm very upset to see your little golden face."

"That's because you're so ugly." Adam sneered: "This is my hell, if you want to die, I can fulfill your wish."

"You are just a new demon king, you cannot wield the full power of a Hell Lord yet." Lucifer sneered.

At that moment, the barrier blocking Adam's Hell was lifted and the Demon Dragon Lord and Succubus Lord, both of whom hated Bert and coveted Adam, entered Adam's Hell with their physical bodies for the first time.

However, the projections of other cosmos elders, along with Grandmaster, arrived and blocked the passage into Adam's Hell with an energy barrier.

Demon Dragon Lord descended from the sky with a haughty voice, "Blood God, how do you want to fight? A single duel or a group battle?"

Bert was surprised, "You're giving me the choice? How generous."

"Of course, we'll single out the two of us," the Demon Dragon Lord laughed. "Blood God, with so many lords joining forces, you are doomed today."

Bert asked, "Many lords? Where are they? I only see the two of you."

Adam sighed and said, "You're so ugly and illiterate. How did you manage to survive until now?"

Demon Dragon Lord and Succubus Lord looked up in surprise and noticed that the other Hell Lords weren't following. They asked, "What's going on?"

Balrog Lord roared in anger, "Elders, do you want to die? Why did you stop us?"

Lucifer added in a furious tone, "Elders, what's the meaning of this? You designed the game. Why are you helping the Blood God now?"

The elders of the universe's projection appeared in the void, Astronomer yelled, "We've been trapped by that bastard Grandmaster."

Runner added, gritting his teeth, "Grandmaster, until the game between us Elders and Blood God is over, you're not allowed to gamble any further or I'll tear you apart. We'll definitely tear you apart."

The other elders also shouted. Grandmaster was in a difficult situation, having consumed a lot of power and now facing the wrath of the Hell Lords.

Hell Lords are not to be trifled with.

Grandmaster hung his head, not daring to argue, but inside he was full of grievances. He didn't know the Kree Empire was so useless. He thought the game was a sure win.

The loss of the game was solely the fault of the Kree Empire. Gamblers never find fault with themselves.

Lucifer was stunned for a moment when he heard the word "gamble". Then he realized it was the game from earlier. Although he had no objections to gambling, he never expected such a turn of events.

Lucifer roared, "Elders, you can't stop us." He swung his black giant sword and attacked the energy barrier created by the elder universe.

The other lords joined in, shouting, "That's right. You can't stop us, Elders. We won't let you go."