Chapter 209 : Celebration

At night, the Earth's army and the Sovereign's army are celebrating joyfully. After witnessing the strength of the Earth's army, the Sovereigns have put aside their pride and are now sharing drinks with their Earth comrades.

Today's occasion is truly worth celebrating. They have not only defeated the main legion of the Kree Empire but have also destroyed the Supreme Intelligence, a feat that can be considered miraculous.

"These haughty star-nosed people, they're all celebrating as if it's an honor to drink with us. It's incredibly irritating," grumbled Rocket as he filled his glass with wine. Everyone nodded in agreement, finding the Sovereigns to be overly pretentious.

"It would have been nice if they had taken the time to have a toast with us, considering we are just primitive creatures," said Star-Lord with a frown. He had simply gone to get some glitter and ended up getting the same treatment as Tony Stark.

"The Earth's army is simply celebrating, but the Sovereigns are treating it like a stuffy banquet," said Rocket as he rolled his eyes, pulling out a small bottle from somewhere on his person. "This is a special alcohol I procured from a particular planet. One drop will get you drunk. Want to add some to the Valin's wine?"

Star-Lord hesitated: "The Sovereigns are very concerned about saving face. If they wake up and find out, they'll tear us apart."

"Who cares? We have the Blood God on our side. I can't wait to see them drunk," replied Rocket nonchalantly as he sneaked towards the Sovereigns like a mouse.

Star-Lord and the others hesitated for a moment but ultimately didn't stop him. On the one hand, they too wanted to see the Sovereigns drunk, and on the other hand, Blood God would protect Rocket from any consequences.

Blood God is a fearsome force that can even kill the most supreme beings. What could the Sovereigns possibly do to him?

In the Xandar express warehouse, Tony Stark gazed at the high-tech instruments and said, "Bert, you should let me help move it. You guys might not know which are the most important."

"I don't know, but you do? I have Ronan's memory right here," retorted Bert.

"Let's not talk about that. You and Ivan should take these back, study them thoroughly, and improve Earth's technology," Bert added.

"No problem," Tony and Ivan both eagerly nodded. At that moment, Ivan noticed the small black hammer with Kree characters on Bert's waist and asked, "Is that your trophy?"

"Yes, I took it from a research institute. When you touch it, it can erase the memory of the person you touch. Even better, you can set a time limit, and the memory can be easily restored after that," Bert explained with a smile.

"For instance, if I cheat you one day, I can erase your memory for that day and you won't even remember it."

"That's pretty cool," Tony and Ivan exclaimed with gleaming eyes. Tony then asked, "Can I borrow it for a few days to study it?"

"We'll talk about it later," Bert replied, shaking his head. "I'm thinking about erasing Thor and Loki's memories and making them fall in love as strangers. With the bond between them, without their original memories, they'll surely become a couple."

"You really are a devil, coming up with such ideas," Tony and Ivan both complained at the same time. Bert simply shrugged and said, "Never mind that. There's something I need your help with."

"What's the matter?" Ivan asked.

Bert displayed the Supremor in front of Tony and Ivan and began to talk about the situation. Their breathing quickened, not because of the Supremor, but due to the Anti-matter power furnace inside it.

Tony quickly spoke up. "Bert, give me the Supremor. I promise to make it obediently follow your orders within three months."

"If the Supremor falls into your hands, it will only become weak," Ivan scoffed, "Bert, let me handle it. I promise, it will be as powerful and majestic as before."

Tony sneered, "You're a lunatic who drinks vodka in the workplace every day. How dare you handle such a dangerous thing? If you mess with it, the Earth might be destroyed."

"If there is any problem? I can do it on Xandar?" Ivan said. "I can only destroy a few parts at most. When has there been a big problem?"

Tony frowned. "Does Xandar have any grudge against you? Why are you hurting it like this?"

Looking at the two people bickering, Bert rubbed his chin.

"You two research together. This thing cannot be taken lightly. I will be there to oversee your study," Bert said.

Tony and Ivan looked at each other and reluctantly nodded. "Okay, I'll try to find the time to come and research. The Earth and Resource Star have been very busy lately," Tony said.

Bert asked, "Is everything going well?"

"Very well. We have established the first gathering place on the Resource Star and successfully repelled the monster attack," Tony replied.

"In addition, the crop cultivation technology we purchased from the galaxy has been successfully tested. We are sure to increase the food production of the Earth tenfold in a few years. No one will go hungry on Earth by then," Tony added, his voice filled with excitement.

"Really? That's good news," Bert said, relieved. He knew how important food was to people.

"Of course it's true. With ample food, low-cost energy, technology from across the ages, and plans for urban circles, super-speed, super-buildings, and intelligent robots, the future of the Earth will only get better. And within five years, the Earth Federation will definitely be formed," Tony said with a look of longing.

"At that time, the Earth can truly start its journey among the stars," he added.

"Hopefully that day will come soon," Bert said, nodding in satisfaction. He then remembered something and added, "The Sovereign Star has a special technology. Would you like to introduce it to the Earth?"

Tony asked, "What technology are you talking about?"

"Skin color changing technology," replied Bert. "It can change your skin color to any color, white, black, yellow, red, purple, or blue."

Bert continued, "Dr. Lizard has checked and confirmed that the technique is safe, just like plastic surgery, and it won't affect your genes. With the strength of the Earth, you can master it quickly."

Tony was shocked and said, "Change skin color?"

Tony and Ivan were both stunned. Tony rubbed his chin and said, "This technology could solve the internal conflicts on Earth. The best part is that it allows people to change into various colors."

Bert nodded, "I'll ask Dr. Lizard to give us a copy of the technology and bring it back."

Tony hesitated and said, "Bert, be careful with Dr. Lizard. He's very dangerous."

Ivan agreed with Tony for once. He said, "Even if there's a problem, it would only result in the destruction of a few cities. If there's a problem with Dr. Lizard, the human race could be wiped out in minutes."

Tony frowned and asked, "You know there will be problems, right?"

"Don't worry," replied Bert, "I'll keep an eye on Dr. Lizard."

Bert said, "Tony, I have something important to tell you. It's fine to have intelligent robots, but it's not allowed for robots and intelligent systems to create themselves."

Before Tony could say anything, Bert quickly explained the matter of the Supreme Intelligence. He said, "Tony, this is no joke. In fact, there are many planets in the universe that prohibit the study of self-aware robots."

"I've been thinking of developing a super-intelligent system to control the unmanned armors, With more and more unmanned armors, Jarvis is becoming overwhelmed." Tony was quiet for a moment and then said, "I'll put this project on hold until I'm 100% sure it's safe."

"Good," Bert nodded. The situation on Earth was much better now and with Bert's protection, Tony wasn't as anxious and aggressive as he was in the movie.

After discussing business, Bert asked Tony, "Would you like to go to the Sovereign Star? Maybe you can find a drunk golden beauty to heal your broken heart."

"Do I, Tony Stark, really need to pick up girls this way?" Tony asked with disdain. "Humph, you'd better keep this guy in check, so he doesn't ogle other people's girlfriends all day."

Tony flipped off Bert and then returned to Earth with a piece of the Kree device.

Bert shrugged and said to Ivan, "Ivan, you should also find a woman to help the Vanko family. The old man Vanko is ready to set you up on a blind date."

"Do I, Ivan Vanko, really need a blind date?" Ivan asked skeptically.

"Go, go back to Sovereign," Ivan said, waving Bert off. "You should be able to party. I want to have a drink with Thor."

"Alright, by the way, don't let anyone know about my return," Bert added. "Next, I'll act as Kallark."

Bert attached himself to Kallark's body and took Ivan back to Sovereign Star.

As soon as they arrived at Celebration Square, Bert and Ivan were shocked to see a massive brawl in progress. There were broken plates, food, table and chair legs, and spilled drinks scattered everywhere.

The Sovereigns, who were typically sophisticated and had an aristocratic demeanor, were now drunkenly fighting with the Earthlings using tables and chairs. The scene was chaotic and energetic.

"Hahaha, I've been wanting to fight like this for a long time. It's boring to just hide behind a console every day," one of the participants said.

Another chimed in, "It's not just boring, it makes me nauseous. I have to take medicine every time I get on the machine, or I can't control it at all."

A third person added, "I don't want to be a guard anymore. Guarding the gate and counting ants every day is so dull."

A fourth person said, "I don't want to be a maid anymore. The High Priestess curses people every day and glares at me. Why should I be a maid? I want to be a High Priestess."

A fifth person added, "I don't want to be a gardener anymore. I want to be a driver, an old-fashioned driver."


The Sovereigns were shouting out their frustrations while fighting with the Earthlings.

"What's it to us what you want to do? Just go away," the Earthlings shouted back.

Bert and Ivan were confused. Were the Sovereigns really this poor at holding their alcohol?

But wait, didn't Sovereigns lack emotions and ego? Why were they acting this way now?

"Blood God, God of blood, where are you? I want to fall in love with you, I want to be like the heroine, and you'll dare to be with Jun Jue ..."

At that moment, Michelle, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, stumbled up, holding a bottle of wine and searching for the Blood God. Bert quickly pretended not to recognize her. She was acting just like a romance novel heroine.

Bert didn't want to hear lines like "You're so cruel, you're so ruthless, you're so unreasonable."

Anne approached Bert and said, "Master, the one named Rocket added alcohol to the Sovereigns' wine, causing them to all get drunk."

Bert thought for a moment and said, "It seems that the Sovereigns' genetic modifications were not perfect. They do not eliminate the Sovereigns' sense of self, they just suppress it. Usually, it doesn't show, but when they're drunk, their true nature is revealed."

"Genetic modification goes against the laws of nature," said Annie as she shook her head. Flames seemed to be flickering in her eyes. Ivan kept a watchful eye on her and said, "Bert, I'm going to have some fun. I haven't been this lively in a long time."

Bert smiled and said, "No problem. Oh, by the way, bring back some golden beauty. Tony will be envious."

"Sure thing," Ivan replied with a grin as he grabbed a bottle of wine and headed towards the center of the chaos, drinking as he went.

A Sovereign spotted Ivan and rushed over to attack him. Ivan simply sneered and kicked the person three meters away with ease. Despite being a scientist, Ivan was also a formidable fighter.

"Uncle, you're here! Let's drink together." Shuri, with a flushed face, walked towards Ivan unsteadily. Ivan chuckled. "A good woman is one who can drink. Come, let's drink."

"What is this evaluation standard?" Bert shook his head and asked Annie, "Where's Rocket?"

"He took advantage of the chaos and snuck away to steal something," replied Annie. "Blood God, that little raccoon is too much trouble. I suggest you let him go."

Bert shook his head. "It's just a prank. He has a good nature at heart."

Just then, Thor's booming voice echoed across the room. "Carol, do you dare to fight me?"

"I want to teach you a lesson," Carol replied, as the two figures rose into the sky to engage in a fight. The onlookers cheered and placed bets on who would win.

"Come on, Carol! Beat Thor until he's a pig's head," Bert cheered. He wondered to himself, "Is High Priestess Ayesha going to do something about this?"

Annie pointed in the direction of a flower bed. "High Priestess Ayesha is drunk too." Bert turned to see Ayesha drinking, with skin that was now more human like, just like Bert's.

"The woman kept claiming she wouldn't change the color of her noble body, but as soon as the battle was over, she ran off and changed her appearance," Annie sneered. "She's obviously trying to seduce you, Master."

Bert smiled. "If someone is attractive, they will naturally attract the attention of others."

"No, Master. She just wants your genes and protection," Annie corrected.

"You'll be kicked out like this," Bert complained. At that moment, High Priestess Ayesha shouted, "I really want to find someone to study the academics of natural fertility with me. Everything must be done to perfection. I'm so bored and stressed."

"So that's what you're like, High Priestess." Bert said, speechless. The Star-Lord nearby overheard and rushed over, shouting, "I can study this academia with you. I am highly knowledgeable."

Ayesha glanced at Star-Lord and mockingly said, "Lower creatures are not qualified to study with me."

"What am I waiting for? I'm a noble Earthling," Star-Lord retorted, anger in his voice. At that moment, a chair was thrown at his head, and he fell to the ground with a thud.

Gamora threw the chair, grabbed Star-Lord, and said, "You're only half-Earthling."

Bert chuckled to himself. He rubbed his chin, wondering if he should sacrifice himself for academics.