Chapter 210 : Ego

While the Earthlings and Sovereigns were celebrating, the Elders of the universe were in a heated argument.

The majestic-looking Judicator punched Grandmaster in the face, scolding him, "I will never agree to this plan. There is no need to agree. Let's go to that old friend. Blood God isn't there. With his strength and our power combined, we can definitely destroy the Sovereign Star."

"Yes, we don't agree, Grandmaster. Are you still an Elder of the universe? How can you come up with such a crazy plan?" Gardener, Explorer, Caregiver, and other Elders nodded in agreement, while the Astronomer, Obliterator, and Runner remained silent.

"On the bright side, that old friend plus our power is indeed enough to destroy the Sovereign Star." Grandmaster, who was stubborn, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said, "But the Blood God cannot be measured by his strength alone. His shrewdness and wisdom are even more terrifying. This time, we set up a plan to frame Blood God, but as a result, one Hell Demon King died in battle, and two others surrendered.

Our vitality was severely damaged, but the Blood God is still alive and kicking, and he has even more helpers. I even doubt now that he was deliberately tricking us. To defeat him, we must use the plan I just proposed, otherwise, we will never succeed."

Judicator gritted his teeth and asked, "Do you know how many people this plan will kill?"

"And do you know how many people will be killed when the Infinity Stones are assembled? People from the whole universe," replied Grandmaster.

Grandmaster shouted, "What's wrong with sacrificing a few people to save the universe? We must never let the Infinity Stones gather together. Everything I do is for this universe."

Gardener sneered, "It's great, don't think I don't know. You just want to win, old gambler."

"I just don't want to die," replied Grandmaster.

"You all know how careful the Blood God is. He won't let us go, and we must kill him completely," Grandmaster added.

Everyone was silent. They had used borrowed knife to kill him before, and Blood God would never give up.

Seeing that no one spoke, Astronomer said, "Let's vote. I agree."

"I agree," said Grandmaster, who raised his hand. No matter what, he must win this game and, at the same time, ensure the Blood God's death. Obliterator and Runner also raised their hands, while the rest looked at each other, a little hesitant.

Judicator spoke up, "I won't agree. I won't play this game. If the Blood God wants to take revenge, let him come. I will continue."

After finishing, he simply turned around and left. Gardener, Explorer, Caregiver, and other Elders of the universe saw this and left together, "We won't play anymore. You can decide for yourself."

"The four agreed and passed unanimously," announced Astronomer as he put down his hand. Grandmaster rolled his eyes, as there were only four people left, of course, it would be unanimous.

Astronomer said, "Grandmaster, you go to the Kree Empire to implement the plan. I will go to our old friend and deliver some news."

"Okay, if the Blood God doesn't die this time, I will dig a hole and bury myself," said Grandmaster excitedly.

Astronomer sighed, if this attempt failed again, there would not even be a chance to dig a pit.


A month later, in the study of the High Priestess Palace of the Sovereign, Annie was reporting the situation in the universe to Bert, disguised as the bald-headed Gladiator.

"The news of the Supreme Intelligence's death at the hands of the people on Earth has spread throughout the universe and has shocked all the forces. Recently, many planetary forces have gone to Xandar with the hope of visiting Earth and establishing diplomatic relations. Among them are the Shi'ar Empire and the Skrull Empire. These two empires have also sent greetings specifically for you, Master. You have become famous in the universe."

"The law in the universe is that strength is respected. Let the Xandar embassy entertain them. We'll talk about visiting Earth and establishing diplomatic relations later," Bert said.

"The Earth is not yet united and is not ready for contact with too many external forces."

Annie nodded, "Understood. Additionally, after quarreling for over half a month, the Kree Empire has erupted into a civil war as two warlords couldn't resist going to battle. The Skrull Empire and the Shi'ar Empire have both sent large armies to the Kree Empire's frontier star field, indicating they may have plans for the Kree Empire."

"It's only fair," Bert said with a cold snort. "Send someone to closely monitor the Kree Empire's situation. If we get the chance, we may be able to get a piece of the pie."

"I'll have the wanted criminals in Knowhere keep an eye on it," Annie replied. After the wanted criminals in Knowhere were freed, many chose to work for Bert as he was rich and powerful, able to provide them with protection.

"By the way, Dr. Lizard has applied to perform experiments on some Kree individuals," Annie remembered. "He said that Earth people can't handle the experiments, and the Kree people are always fine."

"No," Bert said firmly. "Let him conduct experiments with clones. Any human experiments must be approved by me."

"I'll inform him," Anne said.

"How much technology have Dr. Lizard and Shuri acquired?" Bert asked.

"They have acquired a lot, and they are working hard to digest it all. Although the Sovereigns are wary, they can't hide it completely," Anne replied.

"The Earth truly is a loved place in the universe, with outstanding people," Anne sighed.

"Maybe the Earth is the center of the universe," Bert smiled.

Just then, Lina reported from outside, "Master, High Priestess Ayesha requests an audience with you."

"Let her in," Bert said, leaning back in his chair. In order to reassure High Priestess Ayesha, he already told her that 'Gladiator' was actually Blood God.

Soon, High Priestess Ayesha, whose skin was now gold once again, strode into the room, anger etched on her face. "Blood God," she exclaimed, "Can't you take care of those Earthlings? Their serials, movies, comics, and novels are getting out of hand. Valin is forbidden and they're going to ruin my people."

"What's wrong with watching a movie?" Bert asked, shrugging his shoulders.

"Titanic, which I invested in, is being released and it's doing very well at the box office," Bert explained. "Lorelei has become a big star because of this film and her performance as Goddess of the Battlefield."

"I said, these things are going to affect us Sovereigns," High Priestess Ayesha declared. "Just like wine."

"If it wasn't for you, I would have skinned that little raccoon a long time ago," High Priestess Ayesha continued. "Not only did it cost us Sovius the Lord, but it also stole our Anulax battery."

"Weren't you happy that night too?" Bert asked, with a smile on his face.

"You shouldn't keep suppressing the feelings of the Sovereigns," Bert added.

"The events of that night show that our genes are not perfect," High Priestess Ayesha stated. "After this is over, I will have people re-study our genes and higher creatures. We don't need those messy feelings and emotions."

At the mention of what happened that night, High Priestess Ayesha became a little crazy, and she was embarrassed.

"Be patient," said Bert. "I will take them away when my game with the Elders of the Universe is over."

Bert shook his head. "I am the savior of the Earthlings, not the savior of the Sovereigns. I am not interested in helping them get back on the right path."

High Priestess Ayesha was overjoyed at Bert's promise. She was deeply worried about the Blood God and the others, thought they would even seize the Sovereign Star.

"With the Blood God's strength, it is not difficult at all," she said.

"Thank you, Blood God, for your help," she continued. "The Sovereign are willing to form an alliance with Earth."

"It is okay to establish diplomatic relations," Bert replied. "We can discuss the alliance later."

"Furthermore," he added, "The Earth Alliance has contributed greatly to help you this time. Why should we be careful? Money, Anulax batteries, various technologies."

High Priestess Ayesha gritted her teeth secretly. 'It was you who caused the trouble, yet you are taking our money in return?' she thought.

"Forget it," said High Priestess Ayesha. 'We will spend the money to eliminate disasters, as long as they are willing to leave.'

"Don't worry," she added. "We won't let you come here for nothing."

"Okay," said Bert. "If you have nothing else to do, you can leave. Annie, go do your work too."

He waved his hand and, after the two women left, he began counting his harvest from this trip.

First, there was technology. The Earth had acquired a large amount of high-end technology from the Kree Empire and the Sovereigns. After digesting it all, the Earth's technology would be infinitely close to the power of the universe.

Second, Bert had captured many Kree spaceships and prisoners, and had gained a lot of prestige. In the future, he could rely on his prestige to make a living.

In addition, Bert had also acquired the Hammer of Memory and the Supremor. Although the Hammer of Memory had no real lethality, if used well, its effects would be beyond imagination and it could be considered an artifact.

Not to mention the Supremor, which was definitely a powerful weapon — Ivan and Tony had already fixed its system, and it now belonged to Bert.

Although these were all good things, they were not the biggest gain of this trip. The biggest gain was the new Avatar Adam and the two demon kings.

These were the existence of three demon gods and, with them, in the future, if Bert wanted to do anything in Hell, he would not need to be careful of his "back."

"It's a pity that you can't transform," Bert thought as he sensed the Supremor in space. "Otherwise, I would definitely change your name to Optimus Prime or Megatron." He couldn't help but smile. In his previous life, he had liked these big guys a lot.

At the same time, a white, egg-shaped, ornate spaceship arrived at the Sovereign star port.

A group of smaller spaceships quickly surrounded it. The commander of the star port announced proudly, "I apologize, but the Sovereign star is under martial law. No ships are allowed to dock. Please leave."

The owner of the egg-shaped spaceship replied, "Hello, I'm not here to cause trouble. I'm just looking for my son."

"There are only Earth people and Sovereigns on Sovereign. Your son isn't here," the commander replied in a cold tone. The pilots aimed their weapons at the egg-shaped spaceship as the owner smiled and said, "My son is Peter Quill, an Earthman. You all call him Star-Lord."

The commander's expression became serious. "The Star-Lord from the Guardians of the Galaxy?" The events surrounding Rocket's visit a month prior had embarrassed the Sovereigns, and the commander himself had been punished by the High Priestess and whipped for making inappropriate comments about her chest size.

Although Star-Lord isn't the mastermind, he is still inseparable.

Star-Lord's father, Ego the Living Planet, spoke kindly, "Yes, Star-Lord, your tone isn't very good. If there's anything wrong, I apologize."

"If you can get him to be quiet, everyone will be happy. Wait a minute, I'll contact him."

The commander snorted but decided to report the matter first before contacting Star-Lord.

"Star-Lord's father is here?" Bert asked with narrowed eyes. He knew Ego wasn't a good person, and wondered if he had something to do with the Elders of the Universe.

Ego and the Elders of the Universe have known each other for thousands of years, so it was natural for them to have a friendship.

"Contact Star-Lord," Bert ordered. Then, he called Carol and Thor, "There's a tough guy outside. Go test his strength, but remember not to reveal your purpose."

"Test him? I'll handle him alone," Thor said arrogantly. He was enjoying his time, not dealing with official business, and spent his days fighting and drinking with Carol, Ares, and Ivan. It was a carefree life.

Heimdall had urged Thor several times to return, but Thor had no intention of doing so and almost angered Odin, who was in hiding on Earth.

With a son like Thor, why worry about Asgard's immortality?

"The master asked us to go together. It must be a tough guy. Don't hold me back," Carol said. Although she was equally arrogant, she was smarter than Thor.

"What did you say? Do you want to fight again?" Thor roared. Carol didn't pay attention to him and a dazzling light flashed from her body as she flew quickly towards the star port, with Thor following closely behind with his hammer.

"My father?" Star-Lord, who was dancing with Gamora, received a communication and was stunned for a moment.

Then he shouted into the phone, "It must be a liar, drive him away." After speaking, Star-Lord put down the phone and said to Gamora, "Gamora, let's continue."

Gamora raised her hand and said, "Peter, do you remember what the Blood God said? That you are only half-terran (Half- Earthling), maybe the one outside might be your father."

"What does it have to do with me?" Star-Lord said, angrier than before.

Gamora smiled, "It's okay. Don't be so excited. Let's go out and see. If it's a liar, I'll help you deal with him."

Star-Lord hesitated for a moment and then said, "Alright, let's go check it out. After we're done, we'll continue what we were just doing."

Gamora smiled slightly, then unceremoniously kneed Star-Lord, who covered his face. This girl is too hot!

Let's go back in time a bit. The commander put down the phone and shouted to Ego's spaceship, "We've informed Star-Lord. He says you're a liar. Please leave immediately, or don't blame us for being rude."

"The kid seems to hate me," Ego, wearing a long robe and with a gray beard, sighed. He walked to the door of his spaceship, waved his hand, and the pale yellow energy door disappeared.

Then, Ego flew into space and said, "Please give me a chance to explain it to him."

'Fleshly walking into space? No wonder Blood God wants us to test him.' The commander's eyes narrowed and he shouted, "Please leave immediately, otherwise, we will launch an attack."



Obliterator stated that he is 5.5 billion years old, and that other Elders are about the same age. They are virtually immortal and not only have they outlived their respective races, they have also all outlived their original galaxies. While they are not Abstract Entities, they have all attained some level of cosmic power. As the relatively few survivors of the earliest period of the universe, the Elders regard themselves figuratively as brothers. They do not often associate with each other aside from the Grandmaster's schemes.

Caregiver - Rubanna Quormo

Caregiver is one of the Elders of the Universe, sole survivors of long-dead races whose dedication to a certain goal has granted them immortality. She has used her lifetime of perhaps thousands to millions of years to develop her nurturing abilities.

Explorer - Zamanathan Rambunazeth

Like all the Elders of the Universe, the Zamanathan Rambunazeth's origin is lost in the early history of the universe. Like other Elders, he is the survivor of one of the intelligent races that evolved in one of the first galaxies to form after the "Big Bang", the cataclysmic event in which the universe was created. Zamanathan Rambunazeth, like the other Elders, lived on, having become virtually immortal.

Gardener - Ord Zyonz

The true origins of Ord Zyonz, like all Elders of the Universe, have been lost in time due to being one of the oldest living beings in the universe. The Elders all have extended lifespans gained through a single-minded obsession with various hobbies. In Ord Zyonz's case, that obsession was gardening and horticulture.

Obliterator - Maht Pacle

Five billion years ago, the Obliterator discovered that he was immortal and gave a meaning to his life by tracking and killing all of the people of his species but himself; that kept him busy while he was developing new means of destruction. He was also proud of his goals.
