Chapter 219 : Dragons

"Get over here." Thor, who had been buried alive, roared and lightning exploded from the ground.

Ego sneered and five energy whips appeared from the cave wall, tying Thor's limbs and body. The energy whip that bound Thor's right hand even started to shrink and constrict, causing Thor to drop his hammer.

The energy whip took the opportunity to wrap around Thor's palms, preventing him from summoning his Hammer.

"You're just a God of Hammer. You're nothing without it. You're weaker than Odin," Ego taunted. The energy whip continued to shrink, and Thor was being pulled into the cave wall despite his thunderous struggles.

Carol and the others tried to help, but were stopped by Ego's energy whip. They realized this was Ego's territory.

Suddenly, the sound of intense energy bullets filled the air as the energy whip around Thor's right palm shattered. Thor quickly regained control of his hammer and used its lightning to destroy the remaining energy whips and free himself.

Rocket shouted, "Don't thank me. Just give me the Hammer."

"Little rabbit, you can't handle this Hammer," Thor retorted. Thor swung his hammer at Ego with fury, fueled by the anger of being buried alive.

Rocket wasn't alone. Gamora, Groot, Mantis, and Drax joined forces with Carol and the others to take on Ego. Even Ego became overwhelmed.

"Goddammit, if it wasn't for Peter, I wouldn't give a damn about these people," Ego growled, his teeth clenched. Among the group, Star-Lord held the greatest sway over him. After all, there was only so much power to be had from the Gods. If Star-Lord took a little more, Ego would have less.

Carol issued a command, "Thor, you're in charge of breaking down the barriers. Let's take care of these energy whips."

Thor yelled, "No problem! I'm the best at breaking things."

"Rocket, you prepare a big bomb. When Thor breaks down the barrier, we'll send in a small robot carrying the bomb to blow up Ego's brain." Gamora instructed Rocket, who replied, "No problem. I love explosions more than anything."

Just then, a voice suddenly rang out on Gamora's private channel, "Don't worry about the bomb, Gamora. Get out of here."

Gamora was stunned. "Nebula? Are you here too? Why didn't I see you?"

"Yes, I'm here. Blood God has hidden me so no one can see me," Nebula replied, explaining that Bert had used space abilities, not Pym particles, to hide her.

Gamora was puzzled. "Blood God sent you here? What's your mission? And why did you let me escape?"

Nebula hesitated for a moment before responding, "Blood God tasked Doom with creating a super bomb that's powerful enough to destroy this place. If things go wrong, they'll detonate the bomb and destroy everything here."

"A big bomb?" Gamora gasped in shock. She then asked nervously, "What about you? If it explodes, you'll die too."

Nebula was touched by Gamora's concern. "Blood God gave me a magic talisman. If I activate it, I'll be teleported to a safe place. The bomb has ten seconds before it detonates."

"That's good," Gamora breathed a sigh of relief, but then asked, "Nebula, since the Blood God has this means, why hasn't it been detonated? Ego not only wants to kill Star-Lord, but also wants to devour countless planets."

"I don't know," Nebula replied. "Blood God is in the midst of a fierce battle and the bomb may go off at any moment. I don't know about Blood God, but Doom is certainly a ruthless person. He doesn't care if there are others underground. Gamora, leave quickly, or you might die here."

Gamora was resolute. "My friend is here and I'm not running away. I believe in Blood God. He's not the kind of person who would sacrifice others so easily, especially with his apprentices and friends here. I will defeat Ego with everyone. I believe we can do it."

Nebula sneered and said, "Being with Peter for too long has caused your IQ to drop as well."

"Maybe, but I don't mind. They're a group of jokers, but they're cute." Gamora smiled and shouted to Star-Lord, "Peter, defeat Ego and I'll go out with you."

Star-Lord was overjoyed, "Really?"

Rocket added with a smile, "Of course it's true. Not only Gamora, I'll date you too."

Groot chimed in, "I am Groot."

Drax turned around and yelled, "Peter, I won't go out with you. I don't like men and you're too ugly and fat."

"What am I gonna do with these single dogs? And Drax, shut up."

Star-Lord laughed and scolded. Suddenly, the light on his body doubled, and he unleashed a large number of energy whips that attacked Ego frantically.

Peter's behavior is usually average, but when it comes to picking up girls, he becomes a super Star-Lord.


Star-Lord's outburst put Ego at a disadvantage. In shock and anger, Ego contacted Grandmaster and shouted, "What's going on over there? Can you send someone to help me?"

"Ego, weren't you very arrogant before?" Grandmaster said disdainfully. "Why are you so down now? You've been beaten by a few juniors and need help?"

"Shut up. I'm asking, can you send reinforcements?" Ego said angrily.

"The Dragon Altar ceremony is about to start. I'll send a few Dragons to support you," Grandmaster said. "But you must stop swallowing planets. You lied to me before. The planet you wanted to swallow is far beyond my expectations."

Ego's expression was extremely ugly. He asked, "What if I don't agree?"

"Then I'll kill you too," Grandmaster said arrogantly. "In this universe, the nine altars decide who destroys whom, unless the higher-level creation Gods take action."

Ego gritted his teeth for a moment, then said, "Okay, Grandmaster. But I won't forget this."

Grandmaster smiled disdainfully. He thought Ego was a scoundrel who believed he was invincible in the world, but it was a mess and shameful.

"It's still me who holds the power. Whether it's the Blood God or Ego, they all must submit to my feet," Grandmaster said, extremely proud.

At that moment, the activation of the Dragon Altar was complete, and Grandmaster once again sacrificed the souls. The Dragon Altar shined brightly, and a space gate several hundred meters tall opened below.

As soon as the space gate appeared, a large number of Dragon beasts and Dragon men emerged immediately. These were hybrids of Dragons, humans, and animals.

Then, dozens of Dragons and lizard Dragons flew out of the sky. These Dragons were generally hundreds of meters long and looked quite sacred and mighty. In addition, all Dragons had wings.

Upon seeing the opening of the Dragon God Altar, Lucifer was overjoyed. He shouted to the Dragon God, "Dragon God, hurry up and bring the male Dragon man back, the charming Goddess of Asgard is here."

"What is succubus Goddess? You may be afraid of her, I am not," replied an old and arrogant voice. Lucifer frowned without persuading, and said, "Dragon God, you promised me I would do it myself."

Dragon God replied, "Lucifer, I am not as afraid of death as you are. You are a shame to the Demon King of Hell."

With these words, a two-winged green divine Dragon a thousand meters long flew out from the space gate. The Dragon's might filled the land.

"Dragon God (projection) descends," the words of the Dragon God made the three Hell lords a little embarrassed. Lucifer said, "Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and take action."

Dragon God asked, "No hurry. You said you would help me find the murderers who attacked the dimension of the Dragon. Where are they? Or did you lie to me, and the murderers are actually those pretending angels?"

"Don't you know just by feeling it?" replied Lucifer, angry. "I told you many times that only the Blood God has the spirit of vengeance."

"With your character, who will believe what you say?" Dragon God snorted coldly, sensing the battlefield carefully and quickly locking his gaze on Frank and Ivan. He shouted in anger, "How dare you enslave our Dragon race?"

With the anger of the Dragon God, a huge pressure was placed on Frank and Ivan, and they both bent their knees and almost fell to the ground.

Frank and Ivan were both angry as they stood up, gritting their teeth, and harnessing the power of the Dragon. They both let out a loud shout, and huge Dragon shadows appeared behind them, roaring into the void as they fearlessly fought against the Dragon God.

Behind Ivan was a dark blue thunder Dragon phantom, while Frank was accompanied by a crimson fire Dragon phantom.

Tony, a veteran of S.W.O.R.D, was taken aback and shouted incredulously, "Both of you have become Iron Fists? Can this be mass-produced too?"

Ivan and Frank ignored Tony's question, they had indeed become Iron Fists and were the first to use Dragon souls hunted by the vengeful angels.

Dragon God was frightened and angry, and his killing intent intensified greatly. He realized that these two must be killed, otherwise, many others will hunt the Dragon clan in the future to increase their strength.

Ivan arrogantly shouted, "So what? Stop talking nonsense and come here to die." Frank remained silent, but he didn't look afraid at all.

Meanwhile, a large number of unmanned spaceships and clone corps were rushing to support through the space gate, which was connected to the space outside Sovereign. Although the reinforcements were not as many as the demons, they were endless.

Without them, they would not have been able to stop the growing number of demons.

Dragon God ordered, "Arrogant, come and kill these two and release the Dragon soul in their bodies."

Dozens of Dragons immediately spread their wings and flew towards Ivan and Frank. At the same time, a large number of Dragon beasts and Dragon men roared towards the battlefield.

Lorelei saw an opportunity when the Dragon race, Dragon beasts, and Dragon men entered the battlefield. She immediately appeared and shouted, "Do you think I'm beautiful?"

"Nice," replied a large number of Dragon races, Dragon beasts, and Dragon people. They were controlled and turned against to deal with the demon army.

The dimension of Dragons was very chaotic, and whether it was the Dragon race, Dragon people, or Dragon beasts, they all liked human beauties.


Lucifer, in a hurry, shouted, "Dragon God!"

"What are you afraid of?" he continued. "I said, I have a way to deal with it."

Dragon God snorted coldly and unleashed Dragon's Might on all Dragons, Dragon-men, and Dragon beasts. Dragon's Might was particularly effective on them, causing them to immediately fall to their knees and shake with fear. They quickly regained their composure.

Dragon God boasted, "Dragons are the supreme beings. Under my Dragon power, what is the mere Goddess of Asgard can do?"

'What a revolting race,'

Lucifer, Gabriel, Grandmaster, and others all inwardly snorted but said nothing because they were in the midst of battle.

Grandmaster thought for a moment, disregarding the battle, and continued to activate the remaining two demon altars. Blood God's true form had not yet appeared, so any outcome was possible. The more reinforcements, the better.

Grandmaster always felt that Hell couldn't trap the Blood God. It was just a hunch, but with no evidence to support it.

Soon, the Dragons and Dragon beasts regained their senses. Dragon God retracted Dragon's Might and glared at Lorelai's phantom, which promptly started to disintegrate.

"I'm going to die," Lorelai cried out. "Take care and don't miss me." She then unleashed all her divine power and cast the charm spell again.

Both the Dragons and Dragon beasts were attacked simultaneously. They let out a mournful cry and ignited their souls, sacrificing themselves for the Goddess.

Dragons tried to resist, but their power was too great. They didn't commit suicide immediately but still struggled to hold on.

Dragon God was shocked by the turn of events. He quickly displayed his Dragon power again, but it was too late.

Once a soul ignites, it cannot be extinguished.

The Dragons and Dragon beasts didn't manage to kill a single enemy. Except for a few women, the rest of them charged into the streets.

"Asgard!" Dragon God and the Dragon clan roared in anger. Many of the fallen were their descendants.

Grandmaster, Lucifer, and the others watched from the sidelines. This is what happens when you don't listen to the advice of the elderly. The consequences are in front of you.

"Hahaha, don't underestimate this lady."

Lorelai was seated on the battleship, her face pale but expression proud. She had made a great contribution and was sure to be rewarded by her master.

"However, my abilities are limited. Maybe I should return to Asgard and ask Thor for more divine power."

Lorelai pondered the idea of improving her abilities further.

The Dragon God, noticing that his subordinates had suffered heavy losses, ordered more dragon beasts and men to come to their aid and decided to attack the Blood God himself.

At this moment, Lucifer called out to the Dragon God: "Go and help Gabriel deal with the Blood God's clone. Your subordinates should be enough to handle the rest."

Dragon God hesitated before flying towards Bert. From a distance, he opened his mouth and breathed a cloud of poisonous mist towards both Bert and Gabriel.

Gabriel quickly dodged the attack, and Bert summoned a space portal that absorbed the poisonous mist.

Immediately, a space portal appeared in the midst of the dozens of dragons below, releasing a large amount of poisonous mist and shrouding several lizard dragons. They made shrill cries before turning into skeletons and falling to the ground with a crackling sound.

"Blood God," Dragon God growled in fury.

Bert held a Vibranium spear and sneered, "I had intended to slowly clean up your Dragon dimension, but since you're seeking death, I'll send you all to Hell in advance."