Chapter 220 : Army of Zerg

"Just you?"

Dragon God was furious and rushed over to grab Bert with his overpowering claws. Before they could reach, a green, poisonous mist had already eroded the void, causing chaos in space.

Seeing this, Gabriel swung his spear towards the sky and a huge, holy beam of light shot down towards Bert.

Facing the siege from the two, Bert wasn't afraid. With a swipe of his left hand, he forcibly opened a portal in the chaotic space. The holy beam of light suddenly appeared above the Dragon God, slamming it to the ground and creating a big hole.

After redirecting the holy beam of light, Bert controlled the Vibranium spear to rotate in the air and transferred all the poisonous gas to the tip of the spear. Then, he stabbed Gabriel with the spear.

Gabriel didn't dare to neglect and turned his feathers into a sharp sword, attacking Bert at the same time. Hundreds of swords appeared, densely stabbing Bert.

Bert's spear shook, and the green light on its tip suddenly disappeared. When it reappeared, it was already in front of Gabriel. Gabriel quickly dodged it, but at that moment, the green light exploded and turned into a poisonous mist, corroding Gabriel's chest.

The poisonous mist was quite powerful, instantly corroding Gabriel's holy light and crazily corroding Gabriel's skin and muscles.

Gabriel quickly used his holy light to expel the poison. Bert took advantage of this and smashed the sharp sword. Then, he opened his mouth and shot out a cloud of cold air, freezing Gabriel in place.

Immediately afterwards, Bert smashed the ice with his spear. At that moment, Dragon God, who had been blasted to the ground, flew up in anger and sprayed a thick green beam of light at Bert.


Bert waved his hand and a space portal appeared, deflecting the green beam of light to the side. In the process, Gabriel was trapped in the middle, his complexion changed dramatically as he tried to protect himself with holy light. However, he was still badly corroded.

Dragon God was shocked and quickly retracted the beam of light. Bert appeared in front of his huge eye, and the heat rays from his eyes severely injured the Dragon God's left eye, causing it to let out a shrill scream.

Everyone watching the battle was stunned. "Why are the two gods not as strong as before even when they're fighting together?"

Bert smiled disdainfully. Space magic is never afraid of a siege. Ancient One can fight against the lords of all Hell with just one person.

The best course of action now would be for one of them to retreat, but neither the Dragon God nor Gabriel are willing to give up, so they continue to confront Bert.

'Two fools, I would have killed you long ago if it weren't for the purpose of luring the enemy deeper.' Bert's eyes were full of contempt as he split into two, fighting both Gabriel and the Dragon God at the same time.

At the same time, the Dragon elites were quickly flying towards the battlefield. Lucifer and the other two discussed and sent the Gargoyle and flame demon elites to follow, with the goal of eliminating all the human superpowers.

With the number of demons now overwhelming, crushing the Blood God's army wouldn't be a problem.

'Acting is so boring, I'll just bring in some elites to play. Anyway, outsiders can't see the Mirror Dimension.' Doom thought for a moment, cast spells with both hands, and brought more than 20 Dragons, as well as a large group of Gargoyles and Balrogs, into the Mirror Dimension.

"Doom, you dare to provoke our Gargoyles?" sneered the Gargoyle leader when he saw Doom. The Gargoyle army had previously defeated the army of Zergs.

"Idiot," Doom replied, too lazy to argue. He pointed upwards and the nine magic satellites turned their direction, then nine thick high-temperature rays fell and nine Gargoyle elites were directly killed on the spot.

Immediately after, the nine high-temperature rays swept towards the Dragon Clan. The Dragon Clan was startled and quickly joined together to form a large defensive shield to resist the rays.

"Balrog, destroy that thing in the sky!" shouted the leader of the Gargoyles, directing his followers to shoot petrified light at Doom.

Doom sneered and a massive gray Zerg materialized out of thin air in front of him. It gobbled up the petrified light and then glared in the direction of the Balrogs. Two rays of petrified light shot out and petrified the two Balrogs instantly.

The leader of the Gargoyles was shocked. "How could this be possible?" he exclaimed.

"What's impossible? I can create Zergs that resist petrification light with a little adjustment," replied Doom disdainfully.

He opened his hand and a space portal appeared, releasing hundreds of Zergs the size of leopards. These Zergs had different colors on their bodies, representing their attributes like fire, water, poison, space, and explosion.

Doom's graduation project was not just about exploding Zergs.

The Zergs charged towards the demon elites and Dragons. The Dragons tried to burn the Zergs with their Dragon breath, but soon realized their mistake. The Zergs teleported to the center of the Dragons and released small parasitic Zergs from their wings. These Zergs not only caused immense pain, but also devoured the Dragons' essence, weakening them.

In addition, the Dragons and demon elites were hit by a barrage of lightning, flames, ice, and poison, causing them to scream in agony. The army of Zergs was not only powerful, but also numerous, making it easy for them to defeat the elites.

The leader of the Gargoyles asked Doom in disbelief, "Can your Zergs keep evolving?"

"Of course they can! Zergs that can't evolve? You're bringing shame to my name, Doom," replied Doom mockingly.

"You fools think you can defeat my army of Zergs, but you don't even know that I haven't even used one percent of my strength yet," he added.

The leader of the Gargoyles realized something and took a deep breath. "You're just playing a game, trying to kill the demon lord," he said in shock.

"That's correct, but unfortunately, you won't be able to spread the news," replied Doom.

He raised his right hand and a magic circle appeared in front of it. A red light shot out and hit the leader of the Gargoyles, turning into a unique red pattern.

The leader of the Gargoyles was shocked and tried to suppress the red pattern with his own energy, but it was to no avail. The red pattern rapidly spread and covered the leader's body in a short amount of time.

Suddenly, the red pattern lit up with a bright red light, causing the Gargoyle leader to explode and killing both him and the surrounding Gargoyles.

Doom thought to himself, 'This isn't difficult. Luckily, there's a Hell Lord feast behind me. I wonder if I could defeat a Hell Lord? Hmm, maybe I should find a helper.'

Ordinary demons no longer excited Doom, and only the Hell Lords piqued his interest. Although Doom took away many elites, there were still plenty left. The remaining elites looked at each other and prepared to face Doom's army.

Outside Mirror Dimension.

A large, Blue dragon with a big belly roared at Ivan, "Human, who gave you the audacity to enslave the great Dragon race?"

Ivan sneered, "Great? Who is qualified to say they're great in front of humans?"

He swung his whip at the Blue dragon, who countered with a water column. The water column turned into multiple water whips and attacked Ivan from different directions.

Ivan dodged while swinging his whip, breaking some of the whips.

But to Ivan's astonishment, after these water whips were cut off, they were immediately reconnected without any loss at all.

"Die," Ivan exclaimed as he fired missiles and magic bullets at the Blue dragon. The dragon blocked them with its claws.

The next moment, a huge Blue Dragon claw appeared in the void, blocking the incoming missiles and magic bullets like a shield.

Missiles and magic bullets slammed into the Blue Dragon claws one after another and exploded, the flames scattered, and the air waves rolled, but the Blue Dragon claws were not blown up. Although it was full of potholes, it still stood there strong.

The Blue Dragon smiled proudly and waved its claws in the direction of Ivan. The Blue Dragon's claws turned into a water ball and flew towards Ivan quickly. Ivan couldn't escape and was trapped in the water ball.

Ivan struggled as the water ball compressed and vibrated, but it stabilized with the support of a water column from the Blue dragon. Fortunately, Ivan's armor was made of special material and prevented him from being flattened.

If it is replaced by Tony's Mark armor, it may be flattened in a second.

"Who is considered great now, human?"

Blue Dragon laughed haughtily, "In front of our mighty Dragons, humans are as weak as ants."

"Yes, us Dragons are the strongest," the other Dragons chimed in, still fighting with Frank.

Frank and the others were extremely frustrated with these arrogant Dragons.

The demons agreed with this sentiment.

"Your Dragon race is just waiting to be conquered by us humans. If I can subdue the Dragon soul, I can naturally defeat you," Ivan declared through gritted teeth as he lifted the powerless Dragon bone war whip towards the Blue Dragon. He was not one to easily admit defeat, otherwise how could he have subdued the Thunder Dragon's Dragon Soul?

Unfortunately, Ivan's time as the Iron Fist was too short and he had not absorbed enough Elixir. Otherwise, he could have fought the Dragons without the need for battle armor.

Blue Dragon sneered at Ivan's statement, his dragon claws clenching tightly as the pressure of the water ball increased several times. Even Ivan's battle armor made a stressed clicking sound.

Undeterred, Ivan focused all his power on the Dragon's whip and launched an attack, causing a dark light to appear on the weapon.

This darkness can swallow everything,

"Die" Ivan said with a grim smile as he watched the black light on his war whip gather together and transform into a black ball that raced forward, devouring everything in its path - be it water or air.

Blue Dragon was momentarily taken aback, but quickly regained his composure and attempted to stop the black ball with a wave of his claws.

However, as soon as the claws touched the ball, they too were consumed, leaving the Blue Dragon no choice but to avoid it. However, he was still hit in the abdomen and quickly consumed by the black hole that had formed from the exploding black ball.

Not only the Blue Dragon, but several demon elites who were nearby were also sucked into the black hole and disappeared. Ten seconds later, the black hole vanished without a trace.

"Black hole!" everyone gasped in shock, including Tony. "Lunatic, you finally succeeded in researching the black hole grenade?"

"It didn't work. The previous attempts failed. This is the first time it was successful," Ivan answered with a grin as he regained his freedom from the disintegrating water ball.

Tony became frantic. "You're insane! You used it even though the experiment had failed? That's a black hole! It could have consumed you if you weren't careful."

Ivan sneered, "Do you care so much about me? Do you want to marry me? Fine, let's get married with Pepper and have Bert help change the law."

Tony retorted, "Get lost, you lunatic."

Ivan ignored Tony and gazed at the two dim Ark reactors on his arms. "The black hole is strong, but it consumes too much energy. It can't be used continuously or the armor will disintegrate," he said with a sigh.

'It is still necessary to develop an Anti-matter power furnace,' Ivan thought to himself.

Suddenly, Frank shouted on the communication channel: "There are too many enemies! I'm going to take them on. You guys avoid it."

"Good," Ivan replied, quickly leading everyone to safety. Meanwhile, Frank charged towards the enemy.

The Dragons and demon elites smiled wickedly, preparing to attack Frank. But suddenly, dozens of red lasers shot out from Frank's body and cut through the surrounding Dragons and demon elites.

In a matter of seconds, more than half of the elites were killed and the rest fled in terror. However, the ark reactor on Frank's body dimmed and two unmanned battle armors stepped forward to support him and lead him back.

This move is indeed powerful, but after it is used up, whether it is the battle armor or the reactor, it will lose its effect.

"He's out of energy," the surviving elites realized and immediately started to chase Frank. Ivan and the others stepped in to block them.

"The laser is my idea! And you guys are stealing it," Tony complained. Frank's move was obviously an enhanced version of Mark's laser attack.

"Don't you often steal my ideas too?" Ivan retorted, sneering as he swung his whip at a Dragon. The Dragon quickly avoided the whip, but Ivan continued to attack relentlessly.

The other superheroes took the opportunity to counterattack as well, fighting with the elites.