Chapter 221 : Blood God appears

"These superheroes are stronger than I expected," Lucifer sighed. "But no matter how hard they try, they are doomed to die today."

"Their physical strength and energy reserves are not limitless. They are already exhausted and as long as we keep sending troops, they will eventually be defeated," added the Gargoyle lord with a sneer.

Along with the Dragon God and Gabriel, they sent more soldiers into the battle.

Over time, The Inhumans and superheroes were falling behind due to their fatigue and worn-out gear.

For instance, Electro's sixteen barrels were deformed and unable to fire alloy bullets. Even if they could fire, Electro himself wouldn't be able to - he needed to recharge first.

"No matter how much I've exercised to increase my 'battery capacity,' it's still not enough. I feel like a heavy phone user's mobile phone - always running out of power," Electro sighed as he quickly recharged under the protection of his allies.

Everyone was exhausted, not just Electro, as their abilities took a toll on their stamina.

The only exception was Hulk, who became more excited with each fight. The big fat fallen angel was constantly retreating and shouting in frustration. It was only a matter of time before he lost.

"Why do you get stronger the more you hit me? It's not fair!" the big fat Angel roared. In the beginning, they were evenly matched, but Hulk's strength had only increased. He was unable to stop Hulk's punches.

"Have you never heard of leveling up in battle? I'm the protagonist, Hulk, and you're just a stepping stone," Hulk shouted, and at the same time threw out a fist, compressing the air, and slammed into the fallen angel's chest.

Just as he was about to deliver the finishing blow, he was forced to dodge a dozen flaming beams.

A dozen fallen angels then appeared and surrounded Hulk. The big fat fallen angel got up, his expression grim. "I have my tricks too. Come on, let's finish this bastard," he said.

"Typical villain routine. No challenge for the invincible Hulk," Hulk replied confidently, slapping his chest and growing even larger under the terrified gaze of the big fat angel.

Hulk may be able to withstand it, but others cannot, the situation with the clone army and unmanned spaceship is dire, with too many demons causing endless killings. The military disparity is too great and the situation is increasingly favoring the Elders of the Universe.

Lucifer exclaimed, "If there are no accidents, the battle will be over in an hour."

"It won't take that long. These two demon altars are almost activated. Once they connect to Hell, the Blood Gods' end will come," said the Grandmaster with a smile.

"Lucifer, you said before that you are responsible for blocking the space, right? Whether it is the Blood God or his Superheroes, we can not let any of them escape, otherwise, there will be endless troubles," added Grandmaster.

Lucifer assured, "Don't worry, Gabriel is ready. As soon as the Blood God appears, he will immediately block this planet."

Grandmaster complained, "You've delegated to Gabriel again?"

Flame Demon (Balrog) Lord snorted, "I don't think the Blood God will be able to escape Hell at all." Gargoyle Lord agreed, "I think so too. A space storm is blowing outside of Adam's Hell."

"We have to prepare for the worst, after all, it's the Blood God," said the Grandmaster, looking at the two super altars behind him.

The three lords snorted in unison, but didn't argue as it was the truth. Blood God is as terrifying as the Ancient One was.

In the sky, Dragon God and Gabriel were besieging Bert(Kallark). After a brief adjustment period, the two gods gradually developed a better understanding and were no longer as awkward as before. However, they still couldn't defeat Bert, who was too strong with his spatial abilities.

Dragon God shouted, "Blood God, you'll watch as your people die one by one, before you experience the end in despair."

Bert smiled disdainfully and replied, "You're just a fool being used as a weapon." He then shattered a dragon scale by stabbing it with a spear.

Dragon God was furious and swept at Bert with his tail, while sneering, "You're an idiot. If you don't act now, how will you share the interests of the main universe? Hahaha, after waiting for so many years, I can finally enter the main universe again. Earth people are the best food."

Gabriel frowned but didn't say much. If he couldn't find God, he may let the dragons devour the humans to force God out, or wipe out all the dragons. He's long been uncomfortable with this greedy group of creatures.

"Dragon God, you're courting death," Bert was provoked and yelled, "Annie."

With Bert's roar, a dazzling fire of vengeance appeared in the void, growing bigger and burning down the space.

Immediately, a shadow of blood shot out from the burned space, forming a blood line in the sky and heading towards Dragon God and Gabriel.

It's important to note that these Blood shadows are not an illusion - Bert's body had flown out of Kallark's and transformed into these lines.

"Blood God has truly returned. No wonder the Angel of Vengeance wasn't seen. It was preparing to burn the void," Lucifer and the others shouted in unison.

They thought that Angels of Vengeance helped Blood God escape from Hell but didn't know how they did it, but that was irrelevant. The important thing was that the Blood God's real body was back in the main universe.

The last major obstacle in Grandmaster's heart was now gone. The Blood God's return meant he had no more aces up his sleeve, and he was defeated. With so many Lords joining forces, along with Heaven and the Dragon dimension, there was no reason the Blood God should survive.

As the incoming blood shadow approached, the Dragon God smirked disdainfully, and a large amount of green poisonous mist appeared around him. The mist transformed into various swords, slashing fiercely towards the blood shadow.

Gabriel clasped his hands together, summoning a huge kneeling angel that guarded him firmly.

Bert sneered. Half of the Blood shadow passed through the void and targeted the Dragon God, penetrating his body. The other half was a brilliant light in space, heading towards Gabriel's guardian angel with overwhelming force.

Startled by the incoming Blood shadow, Dragon God tried to retract the green poisonous mist, but the Blood shadow shook, creating a space that absorbed all the poisonous gas.

Blood shadows then penetrated the Dragon God's sturdy dragon scales, skin, and flesh, suspending his kilometer-long body in the sky.

At the same time, the other half of the Blood shadow penetrated Gabriel's guardian angel and suspended it as well. "Blood God's body is so powerful," both Dragon God and Gabriel were taken aback.

Despite being projections, they shouldn't forget that Blood God was taking on two at once. "Give me your blood," Bert yelled, controlling the Blood shadow to frantically devour the blood of the Dragon God and Gabriel. Their blood, which evolved from divine power and dragon power, could also be absorbed.

"You want my blood? Okay, here it is. I hope you can endure it."

Dragon God was not surprised, but happy at the prospect of having his blood taken. He offered his poisonous blood to the other party, confident that the Blood God wouldn't be able to block his poison.

Meanwhile, a gorgeous and extremely holy cloak appeared behind Gabriel transforming into a phantom, easily escaping from the shackles of the blood shadow.

A holy cloak appeared behind him, which he used to block the entire planet from the outside.

The entire planet was blocked. After a few flashes of the portal opened by Bert, it turned into a spot of light and dissipated.

However, the altars of Grandmaster were not affected - the cloak opened the back door for them.

Although the cloak blocked outer space, space magic could still be used inside. Unmanned spaceships fell from the sky as a result of the blockade, and quantum fluctuations couldn't penetrate it.

Half of the blood shadow formed the phantom of Bert in the air. He asked coldly, "God's cloak?"

"Yes, the Cloak of God has the concepts of shuttle and blockade," Gabriel replied with a smile.

"When did I say I was going to run away?" Bert retorted disdainfully. "Do you think a mere piece of God's Armament can defeat me? If you want to kill me, you should bring all of God's Armament."

"There are five pieces of God's Armament in total: God's Spear, God's Cloak, God's Armor, God's Helmet, and God's Shield," Gabriel explained. "The Armor and Helmet disappeared with God, so we only have three pieces left. Blood God, hand over the Spear of God, and I'll let your subordinates go. As for you, you'll be dead today anyway."

The Spear of God is blocked by the Space Stone, and without Bert unblocking it, even Heaven can't get it out, that's why Gabriel said so much.

"Dead?You don't even dare to face me with your real body?" Bert laughed. The remaining half of the blood shadow wrapped around the Dragon God, causing him to wither at a rapid pace.

"This is impossible, Why didn't you get poisoned?" Dragon God exclaimed in disbelief.

"Just poisonous blood, what can It do?" Bert replied proudly. He had transformed into a half-space body, which made him immune to most poison. 'The Dragon God is very strong. If I can devour it, my body's strength should be able to restore balance.'

Bert wasted no time and immediately absorbed the Dragon God, turning him into a mummified corpse. He then destroyed the body and scolded, "Trash, keep hiding in the Dragon Dimension and wait for me to clean you up in the future."

"Blood God, I will never let you go."

The Dragon spirit exploded, but he didn't immediately send his real body. Instead, he waited for the other demon lords to launch their attacks.

'Blood God must die today,' he thought.

Bert controlled tens of thousands of blood shadows to stab down from the sky, piercing the bodies of tens of thousands of dragons, demons, and angels. The blood shadows then devoured their blood, causing thousands of enemies to scream and shrink.

"Wow, the Blood God is too strong," exclaimed onlookers. "He killed tens of thousands of enemies in an instant."

Skye blinked and asked, "Are we really decent? Isn't this an ability only used by villains?"

Electro replied, "No matter what ability Mr. Wang uses, it is just. Mr. Wang is the protector of the universe." The others rolled their eyes, as everyone knew that Electro was a super admirer of the Blood God.

After devouring the blood of tens of thousands of enemies, the blood shadows merged together, forming a sea of blood that covered the sky and blocked out the sun. The world was plunged into darkness.

Bert's face then emerged from the sea of blood, and he shouted at Gabriel and the portals, "I'm here. Now what? Do you really think you can kill me with just you trashes?"

"Arrogant Blood God. Today, you will die." Gabriel shouted angrily: "What are you waiting for? Come out."

At Gabriel's shout, three imposing bodies appeared from the space door. The first was the fallen angel Lucifer, who was three meters tall with six pairs of dark wings, flowing black hair, and a handsome face. He is so handsome that only Adam can crush him.

Next was the tall Gargoyle lord with bat wings, a gray body, and red eyes, who was constantly making strange laughter. At a glance, it was clear he was not a good being.

Finally, there was the 6-meter-tall Balrog Lord, who was burning with fire all over his body and holding two flaming machetes.

Seeing that the three demon lords had all appeared in their real bodies, Dragon God didn't waste time talking. He flew into the nearby planets, causing all the plants on the ground to wither and die.

"It's not over yet." Grandmaster laughed as he activated the remaining two demon altars, summoning a horde of evil beasts. At the same time, the tyrannical auras of two more demon lords filled the world.

"Blood God, five Hell Lords, a Dragon god, and Gabriel and Michael from Heaven, is this enough to kill you?" asked Lucifer as he raised his pitch-black sword high.

Everyone shouted in agreement, impressed by the formidable lineup. With the exception of Gabriel and Michael, all of them were in their real bodies and their combat power was beyond comparison. Even the Celestial Race, known as Ego, was a little intimidated.

But Bert was not afraid. He laughed excitedly, finally getting these guys out of hell, where their strength as demon lords was several times greater than outside. To defeat them, it was best to get them out of hell.

Lucifer sneered, "Blood God, are you scared crazy?"

"Yeah, I'm crazy, I'm crazy with joy," Bert replied as a holy light rose from the sea of blood, piercing through space with thousands of rays of light, and falling mightily towards Lucifer.