Chapter 224 : Devouring Dragon God

The hole-shaped instrument kept spinning, a powerful suction force was generated, and even the Gargoyle Lord could not escape and was abruptly sucked into the device.

This was a super move created by Doom, combining black hole technology and magic, known as the Infinite Suction.

"Do you think you can kill me with this?" Gargoyle Lord struggled and roared. Doom smiled and said, "Of course not. This is just to trap you. There are other ways to kill you."

As he spoke, Doom continued to cast his spell. The suction from the instrument suddenly increased, causing surrounding Zergs, soil, and stones to fly towards it and turn into a massive ball of soil.

Next, Doom raised his hands, and the ball of soil shot into the sky at high speed. When it reached an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, he squeezed with his right hand, causing the ball of soil to explode into a dazzling white light, like the sun, in the sky.

A mushroom cloud rose, and a terrifying shockwave swept around, nearly shattering the entire Mirror Dimension.

"Dammit, Doom! Did you put a nuclear bomb on this guy?" Banner's expression appeared on Hulk's face as he evaded the debris, scolding, "When did you learn from Bert?"

"I modified this nuclear bomb with magic, so it doesn't emit much radiation," Doom explained. "I took this bomb from Bert. Its power is a little less than I expected. I guess I'll need to buy a Russian bomb. The American one just isn't good enough."

Banner complained, "Take? Is this a small matter to you, Doom?"

Doom shrugged and said, "How can you understand the true meaning of an explosion if you've never put a nuclear bomb together yourself?"

Just as Banner was about to reply, Hulk shouted at Doom, "Be careful! He is still there. Gargoyle Lord is not dead yet!"

Before Hulk could finish speaking, a massive stone hurtled through the air like a meteorite, leaving a long trail of light behind as it rushed towards Doom and Hulk.

Doom and Hulk's expressions changed dramatically, and they hastily fled to the side. The next moment, there was a loud bang, the ground shook, and soil rolled like waves. Doom and Banner were both thrown out and tumbled on the ground.

After a while, the chaos subsided, and Gargoyle Lord emerged from the crater, dragging his torn body. He smiled grimly, "You two are beyond my expectations, but unfortunately, you can't kill me on your own."

As he spoke, the Gargoyle Lord's body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye - he could absorb the power of the earth to repair himself. To defeat him, one had to destroy his core.

Hulk and Doom rose from the ground, embarrassed but with only minor injuries. Hulk had the ability to regenerate infinitely, while Doom, although he rarely used it, had a body made of steel.

"A Demon King is that strong?" Banner's expression appeared on Hulk's face as he said, "I didn't expect the gap between us and Bert to be so big."

"It's normal. Bert is on a different level and we are just early demigods," Doom said, shaking his head indifferently. "That's why I want to challenge the Demon King. I don't want to be left behind by Bert."

Hulk roared deeply, "Hulk doesn't either."

Doom smiled and said, "When you understand why you're fighting, you're already on the threshold of god-level, just like me."

Gargoyle Lord replied with a grim smile, "You have great potential, but unfortunately, you won't have a future because you will surely die here today." Mud giants appeared next to him.

"You can't kill me," Doom disdainfully smiled and summoned portals, through which superheroes such as Ivan, Frank, Skye, Electro, and Absorbing Man appeared one by one.

Ivan, who had replaced two new reactors, said, "Doom, we should have come over a long time ago. I really want to see how strong the Demon King is."

"Yes, we should have been allowed in," the others nodded.

Gargoyle Lord was not afraid, but he was very upset. "Are you going to bully the weak with the numbers?"

Ivan was uninterested in talking further and swung his war whip at the Gargoyle Lord. The others stepped forward to attack as well.

The battle between the superheroes and the Demon King of Hell broke out officially.

In the sea of blood, the Dragon God was struggling. He was unable to beat Bert and was constantly being stabbed.

Bert transformed into thousands of blood-colored spears, kept teleporting, and disappeared, making it difficult for the Dragon God to resist. If the spear entered his body, it would be dangerous, so the Dragon God strengthened his defense by turning the poisonous gas into Dragon armor and driving the blood spear out as soon as it pierced him.

Although at a disadvantage, the Dragon God's strong defense and recovery power allowed him to recover from these minor injuries.

If it goes on like this, small problems can turn into big problems.

'Why is he so strong at such a young age? He actually defeated me in such a manner,' Dragon God thought, filled with confusion.

Despite living for more than 10,000 years, he couldn't defeat a man in his early twenties. This realization made him feel aggrieved.

'It's a shame that my poisonous gas has no effect on him. Otherwise, I wouldn't be so passive. Does this mean he's really the reincarnation of a God? How else could he be so powerful?' Dragon God sighed, regretting his involvement in this situation.

He wondered why he was poking his nose into other people's affairs. Dragon God couldn't resist asking, "Blood God, are you truly the reincarnation of a god?"

"You're foolish to believe such nonsense," Bert sneered, a spear suddenly appeared in front of the Dragon God's eyes, aiming straight for his left eye.

Dragon God quickly closed his eyes and summoned his poison gas to form a shield, blocking the spear. The spear bounced off with a loud bang and disappeared into the air.


Bert's words only fueled the Dragon God's anger. He offered, "Blood God, I admit it. I can provide you with many real Dragons, Dragon beasts, and Dragon people, on the condition that you let me return to the Dragon dimension."

"It's too late for you to admit defeat now," Bert said as he plunged the spear into Dragon God's abdomen, drawing a small amount of blood before disappearing.

Dragon God shouted, "The Dragon dimension is not only home to one Dragon God. If you let me go, I'll take you to another Dragon God to consume."

Bert smiled disdainfully, "If you betray your entire family, how can I trust you?"

"I am a real Dragon, while that guy is a lizard Dragon. How can we be considered the same family? Blood God, don't blame me for going all out against you if you refuse to cooperate," Dragon God threatened.

"I've lived for tens of thousands of years and spent most of it struggling against others," Dragon God declared.

"Come on then. Why are you talking so much nonsense?" Bert challenged, unafraid of death as a Blood God.

"Blood God, die for me!" the Dragon God roared, green blood spurting from his body and mixing with his poisonous gas to form countless strands of green blood that he directed towards Bert's blood-colored spear.

The blood-colored spear was about to teleport, but the Dragon God summoned all his mental power to shake the void and even made the blood-colored spear pause for a moment.

During this moment, countless amounts of poisonous blood surrounded the blood-colored spear and were then squeezed tightly to crush the spear.

"Blood God, you didn't expect me to have this trick, did you? Die," Dragon God laughed.

Despite the fact that this move would greatly damage his vitality, it didn't matter. What was important was to kill the Blood God and then consume him.

Just as the Dragon God was feeling proud, thousands of blood-colored spears suddenly appeared out of nowhere, piercing into the Dragon's body while it was attacking. They then swam into his body like a fish.

Immediately after, the thousands of blood spears cut off the blood flow from the inside, causing its foundation to be lost and its strength to be greatly reduced.

The spears vibrated violently and shattered the blood flow. Next, the free blood-colored spears simultaneously pierced into the Dragon God's body, causing it to be filled with holes and to let out a shrill scream.

"Blood God, you haven't given it your all yet?" Dragon God roared in disbelief.

Bert sneered, "So what? To deal with you, 70% of my strength is enough." At the same time as Bert sneered, the spears quickly swam towards the Dragon God's heart, knowing that even for a God, the heart is a weakness.

"No," Dragon God shouted in shock, trying to use the power within his body to resist the spears, but there were too many and they were too fast.

Dragon God couldn't resist and the blood spears quickly penetrated the heart area. At this moment, the terrified Dragon God suddenly smiled proudly as a black hole appeared out of nowhere in the heart area, sucking in all the blood-colored spears.

"Blood God, do you think you can really kill me?" Dragon God laughed proudly, "Everything was just my plan. Blood God, you brought me food yourself. I really want to thank you."

Bert flew over in a panic and asked, "What's going on? Why did all my spears suddenly lose contact? This is impossible, they're part of my body."

"Because I swallowed them all," Dragon God said with a grim smile. A surging neck appeared, and a pitch-black Dragon head appeared on Dragon God's shoulder.

The Dragon God was originally a two-headed Dragon.

Bert suddenly realized and said, "No wonder you can become a Dragon God while being a mere poisonous Dragon. It turns out you still have another head, that has the devouring ability."

"Yes, I am the Devouring and Poisonous Two-Headed Dragon," Dragon God spoke on behalf of the devoured head. "However, everyone who knew this secret is dead. Blood God, you are no exception."

The other Dragon head of the Dragon God laughed and said, "Blood God, you're just a bit clever. How can you compare to my ten thousand years of wisdom?"

The black hole that was formed before was in the Dragon God's stomach. It not only had the ability to decompose all things, but it could also move freely within the Dragon God's body.

Bert, who had initially been in a state of panic, suddenly smiled, "Do you really think I'm so foolish that I would willingly choose death?"

Before Bert could finish speaking, the Dragon God's body erupted in a violent explosion. Even the Dragon God himself couldn't withstand the impact.

The two heads let out a piercing scream at the same time. Then, the head that had devoured Blood God's blood spewed out a lot of blood and dark offal.

The poisonous head of the Dragon God exclaimed in disbelief, "How is this possible? Did I not swallow you?"

Bert sneered, "Of course not. Did you really think I wasn't aware that you were a two-headed Dragon? I am a vampire. As soon as I swallowed your blood, I knew something was amiss. The spears that entered your body all merged into one, and the rest were all for show."

Dragon God asked in frustration, "I can devour and decompose anything, so why did your blood still explode?"

Bert replied with a disdainful smile, "Concepts, can you devour them?" He sealed the bomb with space energy, and Dragon God couldn't decompose it at all."

Dragon God started to shout, "Blood God," but Bert quickly pierced his heart with a spear and started to frantically devour his original blood essence.

Dragon God tried to resist, but at that moment, thousands of blood-colored spears penetrated his head along the blood vessels, attacking wildly. Dragon God kept rolling in the sea of blood in agony.

Bert declared, "I'm here to help ease your pain." He then took out the silver Memory Hammer and struck both of the Dragon God's heads at lightning speed.

Dragon God, who was rolling in pain, suddenly became confused. Where was he? What was happening to his body? Who was attacking him? Dragon God instinctively checked the condition of his body and tried to resist, but he couldn't stop Bert's absorption and attack.

Since the Dragon God was a God, his memory quickly returned. However, Bert struck him with the hammer again, causing the Dragon God to lose his memory once more.

Amnesia, revival, amnesia, revival... Dragon God was unable to effectively counterattack and could only keep crying, bewildered, and struggling.

In reality, Bert wasn't afraid of the Dragon God's counterattack, but he was afraid of the Dragon God's self-destruction. This was not because he feared death, but because he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to fully devour the Dragon God.

To Bert, the Dragon God is a significant supplement among all the other supplements and cannot be disregarded.

After some time, Bert absorbed the Dragon God, leaving behind only its skin. Bert then blocked the Dragon God's divine soul using space energy.

At this point, the Dragon God had no power to resist and Bert stopped his attack. The Dragon God's memory quickly returned.

"I didn't expect I, Dragon God to end up like this," Dragon God said, smiling miserably. "Blood God, I beg you to let go of the Dragon Dimension. I am willing to give you half of its authority,"

Dragon God then spat out a tooth with strange lines and said weakly, "This represents half the authority of the Dragon Dimension. Once you kill the other Dragon God, you will have complete control over it. Dragons are very powerful and will be your best warriors and followers."

Bert glanced at the Dragon God and sighed. "Dragon God, you are truly resilient. Even when faced with death, you fight hard,"

Desperately, the Dragon God shouted, "How did you know there was something wrong with the Dragon tooth?"

"I didn't know before, but I know now," Bert said, shrugging.

Dragon God roared, "Blood God, I won't let you go. Even as a ghost, I won't let you go."

"Why do you think you still have a chance of becoming a ghost?" Bert asked, pretending to be surprised, while accelerating the speed of absorption.

Soon, the Dragon God turned into a mummified corpse.

Bert, in his main form, didn't waste time on words. He grabbed the Dragon's skin from the air and put it away, leaving behind only a kilometer-long Dragon Bone.

Next, Bert used soul magic to strip the soul from the two-headed Dragon God. The trapped Dragon God continued to roar at Bert, but it was to no avail.

"You've already lost. Accept your fate," Bert sneered. He summoned his own Dragon, Shenlong, swallowed the Dragon God's soul and the shrunken bone, and disappeared.