Chapter 225 : Elder God Descends

With the power of Shenlong, it takes a lot of time to consume the Dragon's soul and bone. So, as soon as it returned to Bert's body, he immediately fell into a deep sleep.

'When the Dragon's soul awakens, it will become a new Dragon God, and it will also gain two attributes: poison and devouring,' Bert nodded with satisfaction.

In fact, not only does the Dragon need to be digested, but Bert himself must consume the blood of the Dragon God to raise the power of Shenlong to a new level.

'That's a big win,' Bert thought to himself.

At the same time, he saw the Dragon tooth, considered it, sealed it in space, swallowed the soul of the Dragon God, and then took the time to figure out what it was for.

Meanwhile, Adam approached Grandmaster and the Succubus Lord. Succubus Lord claimed credit, "Adam, I have destroyed most of the runes, and these two altars will soon be completely useless."

Adam frowned slightly as he looked at the dimming altars. On the surface, Grandmaster's approach seemed alright, but for some reason, he had a feeling that something was wrong.

After hesitating for a moment, Adam swung his sword towards Grandmaster. Grandmaster was shocked and quickly jumped aside to avoid the sword's blade.

Adam flipped his hand and the cosmic energy turned into a semi-circular mask that trapped Grandmaster inside. He sneered, "You've got a problem."

Grandmaster took out a strange energy gun and fired at the mask. At the same time, he asked with a frown, "How did you find out?"

"I didn't find out. It was just a test. Hmph, you dodged so quickly, which means you're not under control at all," Adam said as he shot and exploded Grandmaster's energy gun.

"What? Grandmaster isn't being controlled?" Succubus Lord asked in shock and anger. Was she actually deceived by this bastard?

"Lord Succubus, you're more useless than I thought. You couldn't even pick up on anything," Adam scolded as he grabbed Succubus Lord and threw her into Doom's Mirror Dimension. "Just keep an eye on Doom and the others, make sure they don't die. That's all you need to do."

Succubus Lord was very upset and unwilling. She grit her teeth and glared at Grandmaster. If she didn't know that the other party was going to die, she would have smashed them to pieces.

"It's too late for you to surrender now. The two Elder Gods will arrive soon," warned Grandmaster confidently from within the cosmic energy trap. "Blood God is indeed strong, but he can't stand against the Elder God, let alone two of them."

Adam didn't pay attention to Grandmaster's words and swung his sword towards the two altars. Suddenly, the altars started vibrating and the surrounding time and space began to distort. No matter how hard Adam swung his sword, he couldn't cut through the altars.

"This is the power of the Elder Gods, they can even manipulate time and space," boasted Grandmaster. "This time, Blood God is really, really going to die."

"Why did they come if you didn't offer any sacrifices?" asked Adam, confused.

"That altar is made from souls. It doesn't require sacrifices, only activation," explained Grandmaster with pride. "Have you never seen such a high-end method?"

Just then, a beam of holy light shot from the side and penetrated Grandmaster's body. He looked at Bert, who had descended from the sky, with disbelief. Bert dared to kill him? He was an Elder of the Universe!

Grandmaster had always been a little fearless, as killing him would offend all the Elders of the universe. This was the reason why he acted so recklessly.

Bert made a move and the Spear of God flew back into his hand. "Grandmaster, I said I wanted you dead," he said coldly.

Grandmaster tried to say something, but his body was quickly purified by the holy light. Then, his soul was captured by Bert and stored in a small space.

As soon as Grandmaster entered the small space, he heard the Astronomer yelling, "Blood God, how dare you kill me? Do you know who I am? Do you know how many powerful gods I know?"

Not only was the Astronomer there, but the Runner and the Obliterator were also there, both of them sitting weakly on the ground, awaiting their final fate.

Grandmaster swallowed and asked, "Did the Blood God kill you too?"

"Yes, thanks to you, we were all killed by the Blood God," replied the Runner with a sneer. "This time, I really want to thank you."

Grandmaster shouted in shock and anger, "Blood God dares to kill us?"

Runner angrily said, "Don't go crazy like Astronomer. We don't need another lunatic."

"Astronomer is crazy?" asked Grandmaster, stunned.

Runner nodded, "Yes, the Astronomer is crazy. To be honest, I never expected him to be so fragile and afraid of death. It's a shame because I used to admire him a lot."

Obliterator spat disdainfully, obviously not impressed with the Astronomer.

Grandmaster glanced at the Astronomer and felt a chill in his heart. He asked, "What will Blood God do to us?"

Runner shrugged, "Just let us be torn apart by thousands of souls."

Grandmaster opened his eyes wide, shocked. After a moment, he cried out, "Blood God, I surrender. Let me go. I can serve you. I can atone for myself..."

Runner spread his hands toward Obliterator and said, "Another crazy one."

Obliterator shook his head and said, "Wait for death. It's almost time."

Runner calmly added, "This is our retribution."

Leaving the Elders of the universe for now, Bert used Space Stone to suppress the void, causing the two altars to calm down.

"It looks like the Space Stone can hold them," Adam laughed.

Suddenly, both altars burst open, revealing two black holes in the void.

A dark red phantom appeared from the black hole on the left, revealing the Ancient God that Ebony Maw believed in. Although the God hadn't arrived yet, the terrifying killing intent flooded the entire planet, causing the Kree warrior to fall to the ground in fear and shaking.

The black hole on the right revealed a grass-green tentacle. As soon as it appeared, chaos erupted on the entire planet and the Kree started to roar uncontrollably.

The two Elder Gods were about to make their debut. Ego, who claimed to be a God, was trembling with fear. What did Grandmaster do to bring out the Elder Gods?

If the planet hadn't been blocked, Ego would have been ready to escape.

"Is this the so-called Celestial?" Star-Lord snorted, as he despised Ego.

Ego was bragging about being invincible in the world, but Star-Lord saw him as a piece of shit. Star-Lord couldn't help but wonder why Ego was so similar to himself.

"Dammit, Balrog, Demon Dragon, come here and prepare for battle. Doom, you guys must deal with the Gargoyle Lord as soon as possible," Bert yelled while attacking two black holes. The Flame Demon Lord and the Demon Dragon Lord flew over with bitter expressions.

"I knew I shouldn't have surrendered to the Blood God. It's over now," complained the Flame Demon Lord to the Demon Dragon Lord. "That's an Elder God, and there are two more. How could we possibly be able to fight?"

"I'll find an opportunity to turn against the water later," whispered the Demon Dragon Lord. At that moment, both he and the Flame Demon Lord felt severe pain, which they knew was Adam's warning. They sighed helplessly and quickly flew towards the altar.

Next, Bert joined forces with the three Hell Lords to attack the two black holes, but each attack was ineffective, including the attacks of Space Stone.

"Blood God, it's time for you to pay the price," said the crimson phantom as he slowly walked out of the black hole. The huge killing intent filled the whole world, and there was a feeling that even the planet would be killed by him.

At that moment, the tentacles that had emerged from the side suddenly slapped the black hole violently, causing it to distort and collapse quickly.

"Shuma-Gorath!" roared the crimson phantom, desperately trying to come to this world. But the tentacles slammed the black hole one after another, forcing it to collapse, and the crimson phantom and the black hole disappeared.

Everyone was stunned, and Bert stopped and complained, "It seems that you're really crazy. You even beat your allies up."

"When did He become my ally?" asked Shuma-Gorath as he slowly descended. "He and I are mortal enemies. I am enough to deal with you alone. Why should I let him have a share?"

Shuma-Gorath was not heartless or crazy; he simply had great confidence in himself. Although he had descended in projection form, not his main body, he was still powerful enough to deal with four Lords.

Every Ancient God had such self-confidence.

"Do you think you'll win?" Bert asked with a disdainful smile. "Shuma-Gorath, let me show you what a lunatic is!"

Shuma-Gorath clenched his fist and said disdainfully, "That's really worth seeing. If you perform well, I'll leave you whole."

Bert stopped talking nonsense and raised his left hand, revealing the Infinity Glove with a gleaming half Reality Stone. He had borrowed the glove and never returned it.

Shuma-Gorath sneered, "It's only half an Infinity Stone. Do you think it can scare me?"

"Of course the Infinity Stones won't scare you, But what if?" replied Bert as he raised his right hand and revealed the remnant soul of the one-eyed lord.

"Blood God, don't expect to use me to threaten Shuma-Gorath. A descendant of Shuma-Gorath isn't afraid of death."

"Shut up!" Bert yelled in anger. "Even if you're afraid of death, your ancestors wouldn't care about your life." As the one-eyed lord finally fell into Bert's grasp, Shuma-Gorath cursed. "It's useless. This time, let's kill you too."

Shuma-Gorath wasn't using any strategy. He truly believed this. Fortunately, Bert never intended to use the one-eyed lord to threaten Shuma-Gorath.

"Conquering the one-eyed lord is the same as Conquering the one-eyed hell," Bert declared.

"Reality Stone, I sacrifice the one-eyed lord and the one-eyed hell in exchange for the power to repel Shuma-Gorath," Bert shouted. The Reality Stone lit up with a dazzling red light and drew the one-eyed lord into it, enveloping the whole one-eyed hell in red light.

And that was just the start. With the Reality Stone taking effect, the one-eyed hell began to shatter like the end of the world. It was as if the sky and ground were tearing apart, and even the void was breaking apart. The red light swept through the world, taking away the bodies and souls of any demons it enveloped.


The Reality Stone transferred a vast amount of power into Bert while he was collecting the one-eyed hell. The power was too much, and Bert couldn't help but roar. Strange energy patterns appeared on his body.

"Wow, Super Blood God," Adam said with a smile, shouting to the Demon Dragon Lord and the Flame Demon Lord, "Pour your power into Blood God, or he might not be able to hold on."

"Oh, good, good," the two demons responded, shaken from their shock. They quickly sent power into Bert's body along with Adam to help him suppress the violent energies.

To be honest, the two Demon Kings were shocked - he was sacrificing an entire layer of hell. What other crazy methods would this crazy person come up with? Hell has a vast territory, with tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of demons.

Even Shuma-Gorath was slightly surprised, saying, "You're truly a lunatic."

"So what?" Bert replied. A blood-colored magic circle appeared in front of him, and a blood-colored shock wave roared out of it, destroying the space and blasting towards Shuma-Gorath.

The Demon King of Hell couldn't stop such a shock wave, but Shuma-Gorath wasn't the Demon King of Hell. He was an Elder God.

The tentacles and the blood-colored shock wave violently collided, causing time and space to become distorted and chaotic. Space cracks appeared around them, as if the end was coming. The surrounding ground disappeared, one after the other, like a bitten apple.

Ego was frightened to death. These two were too terrifying.

Shuma-Gorath roared, "Blood God, even if you sacrifice a layer of hell, you still can't kill me. I am Shuma-Gorath."

"One layer isn't enough? Then two layers, three layers, four layers, five layers. I have more than hell," Bert said, his voice louder than Shuma-Gorath's. "And I still have the Power Stone. If sacrificing all of them isn't enough, I don't believe you can stop so many attacks."

Shuma-Gorath was somewhat stunned. If he was in his own dimension, he wouldn't care about such a threat, but in the main universe, he can't ignore it.

After all, the Elder Gods are not the Gods of creation.

"Sacrifice all of hell? Blood God is a lunatic. He turns everything upside down," Demon Dragon Lord and Flame Demon Lord muttered to themselves. They couldn't believe that the Blood God was threatening to sacrifice their own hell.

Demon Dragon Lord tried to ask Adam, "Adam, aren't you angry? Or should we do the opposite?"

Adam remained silent and simply used the contract to stab the Demon Dragon Lord's soul, causing him to scream in pain. From then on, the Demon Dragon Lord didn't dare to speak out of line.

Other Gods would likely retreat in the face of such an attack, but not Shuma-Gorath. He laughed and said, "Blood God, you are indeed a lunatic. But I'm not a normal person. Let's play."