Chapter 226 : Evolve

Bert was unsurprised by Shuma-Gorath's choice. Their last encounter had made him aware that Shuma-Gorath was neurotic.

"The five layers of Hell are to be sacrificed. The image will be quite spectacular. Perhaps the entire universe will collapse at that time. Since Hell is an important part of the universe."

Shuma-Gorath laughed as he attempted to squeeze his way into the main universe. For an entity like him, gain or loss was unimportant. What mattered was being innovative and having fun.

"Then I'll play with you... You may be crazy, but I'm not, Shuma-Gorath. By playing with me, you're almost there."

Bert suddenly sneered, and Shuma-Gorath was momentarily stunned. He was about to say something, but at that moment, a crimson figure suddenly caught him from behind and pulled him forcefully backwards.

"Cyttorak, what are you doing?"

Shuma-Gorath roared. The crimson figure was the Lord of Oblivion, Cyttorak.

Cyttorak was no ordinary God. In his Crimson dimension, he was all-powerful. Moreover, Kamar-Taj and Cyttorak had special connections, and there was even a spell called the "Crimson Bands of Cyttorak". Doctor Strange had used this magic in the movie to bind the right hand of Thanos.

"What you did to me, I will do to you. It's fair, isn't it?"

Cyttorak sneered as he pulled Shuma-Gorath back. Shuma-Gorath roared, "Do you not realize that you are only demeaning the Blood God this way?"

"So what? If the Blood God does not die by my hands, then it means nothing to me." Cyttorak sneered, "Besides, he has already paid the price for this time. How do you think I got here?"

"You conspired with the Blood God?"

Shuma-Gorath roared, but Cyttorak did not bother to answer. He shouted to Bert, "Blood God sacrificed the soul of Ebony Maw in exchange for my move this time, but your disdain for me is not yet at an end. Next time, I will kill you."

As Bert continued to bombard Shuma-Gorath, he shouted, "I'm ready at any time."

Shuma-Gorath roared, "Cyttorak, let me go. You and I can work together to enter the main universe and have a good time."

"I'm not like you. I will not go back on my word."

Cyttorak sneered, increasing his strength and gradually pulling Shuma-Gorath out of the main universe.

"Blood God, we're not done yet."

Shuma-Gorath roared unwillingly. Bert smiled disdainfully as the shockwave swelled violently, completely blasting Shuma-Gorath out of the main universe. Seeing that there was no hope for Shuma-Gorath, he turned around and waved his tentacles to fight Cyttorak.

Cyttorak was not afraid of Shuma-Gorath. The two Demons fought in the endless void, and many of the small dimensions they fought in were destroyed on the spot.

Of course, this had nothing to do with Bert. After he had driven away Shuma-Gorath, he immediately used the Space Stone to repair the space cracks. When everything was done, he shouted, "Stop the sacrifice."

The Reality Stone and the light on Bert dimmed at the same time. The natural disaster caused by the one-eyed lord abruptly ended, and the demons who had fled looked at the torn void in the distance and wept.

This natural disaster would make even the devil afraid.

This time, Bert sacrificed a third of the one-eyed lord's hell and the one-eyed lord's soul.

'This Blood God is definitely a lunatic,'

The Demon Dragon Lord and the others were all connected. They believed that the Blood God was too cruel, too crazy, too strong, and too terrifying. The next two hundred years would not be easy.

After finishing the Grandmaster's last resort, Bert breathed a sigh of relief. He put away his Infinity Gloves and was about to speak when his body suddenly turned into a river of blood that flowed around him.

"Is there something wrong with the Blood God's body?" everyone asked, surprised that the sacrifice had come with a price.

Bert shouted loudly, and his body reassembled into a human shape. He cursed, "Damn, I just tried too hard. I can't hold it anymore."

"What's the situation? Are you going to die?" asked Adam.

"It seems when people are handsome, even God will bless them," Adam continued with his consciousness.

"Go away. The blood of the Dragon God is too nourishing, my body is about to transform," Bert scolded and explained through his consciousness: "My body is not the original one. This transformation will return me to the body of my previous life. To achieve a perfect state, I need to sleep for a while."

"Go in peace. Leave it to me and I will help you deal with the aftermath," said Adam.

"You think too much. You and all the demons must return to Hell immediately. You can't stay in the main universe for too long," replied Bert.

"I'll take care of the rest and find a place to sleep immediately," Bert said as he held up the spear of God, and the Cloak of God emerged from the void and flew to the side of the spear of God.

Then, the light on the cloak of God kept flickering, as if questioning the spear of God. The spear of God was too lazy to talk, so it was put directly into Bert's body.

In fact, Bert didn't plan to turn the cloak of God into his own because its ability overlapped with the Space Stone, so it was of no use to him. He put it away first and planned to think about it later.

As soon as God's cloak was removed, the communication resumed immediately. High Priestess Ayesha asked anxiously, "Blood God, what happened just now, and how was the battle?"

"I'll tell you later," Bert replied shortly.

Bert then turned to Adam and the three of them and said, "You three go and attack the one-eyed lord's hell. Devour it before it gives birth to a new lord, and increase the strength of Adam's hell."

"Okay, just enough to deter other Hell Lords," Adam said with a smile.

"This is my first step to becoming Satan," he continued.

The Dragon Lord and the Balrog Lord couldn't help but glance at Adam. Previously, Adam's desire to become Satan was just a joke, but now it had become a real possibility.

Mephisto and Lucifer, the two most powerful Hell demon kings, had fallen one after another. In addition, Adam had three demon king servants. The other demon kings could not stop him unless they joined forces.

Bert thought for a while and gave Lucifer's soul and great sword to Adam, saying, "Lucifer and his hell, you handle it yourself."

Bert didn't purify Lucifer's soul. To Adam, the soul of a demon king was a big supplement.

Adam put away Lucifer's soul and said, "No problem, leave it to me. By the way, also give me the thousands of souls, and I will reincarnate them into demons."

"Wait for now, they haven't been avenged yet. You guys should organize your army first," Bert waved his hand, and then turned his attention to the Mirror Dimension.

The Gargoyle lord and the others also sensed the big movement just now. Seeing that even the Elder Gods were beaten away, the Gargoyle lord was completely desperate. He shouted, "Blood God, I surrender too, two hundred years."

Doom and the others sneered for a while. They used to think that the Lord of Hell was very scary, but only when they really got in touch did they realize that they were not so scary after all.

Bert did not refuse, he said, "If you win against Doom and the others, you only need to serve me for a hundred years. If you lose, it will be a thousand years."

The Gargoyle lord looked at Doom and the others, gritted his teeth, and said, "Okay, I'll fight with them."

From the word, it could be seen that Doom and others put great pressure on the gargoyle lord, which was normal, after all, they were superheroes from Earth.

"Lord Gargoyle, wait for a thousand years of work for the Blood God. It's still the kind without wages," Doom laughed and led the crowd to attack again. The Succubus lord yawned. It seemed that she was completely out of the action this time.

Of course, there was nothing wrong with that. Her ability was never in combat.

Tony, who had resumed communication, shouted in a fuss, "It's so exciting to fight the Lord of Hell? Hey, lunatic, let Bert open the door, and I'll join in too."

"We don't need weaklings here," Ivan said.

He put his two whips together and smashed them hard at the Gargoyle lord with the black edge. The Gargoyle lord raised his arm to resist, but was directly cut by the whip. If he didn't move quickly, his body would have been hurt.

Ivan laughed and attacked again. Tony gritted his teeth angrily. "Bert, I want to fight the Demon King."

"The second richest man in the world, a super genius scientist, but thinking about going to the battlefield every day, what's this called?" Bert shook his head. While suppressing the blood in his body, he teleported to the underground space. At this time, Carol and the others had already destroyed the barrier and were in the midst of the final attack.

The reason everything went smoothly was not just because of the strength of everyone, but also because Ego was frightened by the successive battles.

"Blood God, I surrender, I surrender," Ego immediately admitted upon seeing Bert's appearance. There were so many Hell Lords and two Elder Gods who couldn't take down the Blood God. What could he do? He was also desperate.

"Don't resist," Bert threw the Casket of Ancient Winters at the core of Ego's brain. Although Ego wanted to surrender, he didn't want his brain to be controlled, so he immediately controlled a large amount of energy to smash it towards the Casket.

Upon seeing this, Carol rushed up and wrapped a few energy whips around the box. Thor, Ares, and others also shot and blocked all of Ego's energy whips.

Ego still wanted to fight to the death, but Star-Lord roared, desperately suppressing Ego's energy, making him unable to fight back.

Ego roared in shock and anger: "Peter, if I die, you will have nothing."

"I'd rather have nothing, Ego. Go to hell for me," Star-Lord scolded. At this moment, the Casket landed next to Ego's brain, and the boundless cold air rushed out, quickly freezing Ego's brain.

"What?" Ego's projection was shocked and angry, but Bert grabbed his hand in the air and directly squeezed Ego's projection, turning it into energy to dissipate.

This time, Ego cannot be resurrected because his brain has been frozen.

"It's finally over," Star-Lord said, looking at the calming energy whip around him. He hesitated for a while, then asked Bert, "Blood God, what are you going to do with Ego?"

Bert didn't answer right away. He waved to the top of his head, and a grain of sand fell. The sand burst, and a nebula and a super bomb appeared in front of everyone.

Except for Gamora, everyone was surprised that Nebula was always there.

"The reason why I haven't used this super bomb is that I want to use Ego's brain and soul to repair the Celestial's head," Bert said, looking at Star-Lord. "Ego is your father. If you don't agree, I can just use his brain and let go of his soul."

"He is not my father, Blood God. You can do whatever you want with him," Star-Lord immediately said.

"That's easy, Star-Lord. After Ego dies, you will lose your power," Bert smiled and said. "I will give you compensation, strength, wealth, power. Which one do you want?"

"No need, I didn't want this power in the first place," Star-Lord shook his head. Bert smiled and, with a gesture of his hand, stripped Ego's soul from his brain.

Ego shouted in horror, "Blood God, let me go, I can serve you."

Everyone laughed.

"Is this the so-called god?" said Thor and Ares were even more contemptuous. "You are also worthy of being called a god?"

Bert was too lazy to talk nonsense, so he sealed up Ego and waited for the material.

Seeing that Ego was finally killed, Star-Lord let out a big sigh of relief. At this time, he remembered Bert's previous promise and asked cheekily, "Blood God, is your previous promise still valid?"

There were boos all around. "This guy is really cool for only three seconds."

Bert asked, "It works, what do you want?"

Star-Lord said, "A new Milano. My Milano has been destroyed twice. This time I have to get a solid one."

"Is it Milano?" Bert said generously, "Okay, I'll send you a new one. Covered with Vibranium shell so as not to be broken all the time."

"Really?" Star-Lord's eyes brightened. He knew what Vibranium was.

A Vibranium spaceship has been obtained.

Rocket laughed, "Vibranium Milano? Haha, I'm going to make a fortune."

"That's my Milano."



Upon seeing two men quarreling, Bert shook his head and said to Carol, "Carol, can you take them to clean up the battlefield? I still have something to deal with."

"Okay," Carol nodded.

Bert wasted no time and teleported to the sea of blood above. He extracted the soul of Runner and said, "I want the memory in your mind related to General Willer."

"No problem," Runner replied without resistance.

Bert quickly found out about General Willer's location and then took back Runner's soul, opened the portal, and headed to the planet where General Willer was located.

"As long as the Grandmaster sends the Blood God's body, I will be the new supreme," General Willer boasted to his men.

The matter of killing millions of people a few days ago meant nothing to them. To the Kree people, the planet they conquered was just a source of slaves.

"You want my body? Well, I'll deliver it to you by myself," Bert's voice suddenly sounded. Then, with a bang, the door and the wall were blown open together.

Looking at the figure floating in the sky, General Willer was stunned for a moment and then shouted in horror, "It's the Blood God, kill him quickly."

The soldiers took up their weapons and fired, while the surrounding spaceships and battleships approached quickly.

Bert raised his hand and activated the blood control technique. All the Kree soldiers flew up involuntarily, their bodies exploding, and the blood flying to Bert's hands along with their souls.

Boom boom boom,

The uncontrolled spaceship fell to the ground. Bert waved his hand, and the entire base fell into a raging fire. A Kree army was destroyed.

Bert then took out the glass that contained millions of souls and said to the resentful souls inside, "Go get your revenge."

After speaking, Bert put the glass into the sealed space, and millions of resentful souls flew out, grimly looking at the Elders of the universe, General Willer, and the soldiers.

"No, Blood God, let me go," Astronomer and Grandmaster shouted in horror at the same time, but neither Bert nor the thousands of resentful souls meant to let them go.

The next moment, a shrill scream resounded in the sealed space.