Chapter 227 : Aftermath

"This is what you deserve."

Bert looked at Grandmaster and the others who were bitten by ten thousand spirits indifferently. There was not a bit of unbearable feeling in his eyes, as those were not human.

It didn't take long for the Elders of the universe and the Kree soldiers to be torn apart and swallowed up by the resentful spirits. The resentful spirits, who had their revenge, knelt down to Bert to express their gratitude.

Bert didn't say much. He handed the wine glass to Adam and asked him to help turn these resentful souls into demons.

As for the beings reincarnated into the main universe, it's not that Bert doesn't want to, but that he doesn't think it's professionally appropriate.

"This battle is almost over."

Bert let out a breath. At that moment, Doctor Lizard contacted him and said, "Blood God, Eve is gone."


Bert was furious and immediately opened the portal to return to Sovereign Star. He shouted to High Priestess Ayesha, "You Sovereigns, want to die?"

Looking at the Blood God with killing intent, the always arrogant High Priestess Ayesha couldn't help shaking her legs, and her heart was full of despair and panic.

If High Priestess Ayesha was affected like this, others were in an even worse state. They finally understood how terrifying the Blood God really was. The genetic technology they were so proud of was nothing in front of the Blood God.

Bert restrained his murderous anger a little, and High Priestess Ayesha breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, High Priestess Ayesha explained as quickly as possible, "Blood God, this really has nothing to do with us. You can check the monitoring."

Bert turned to Dr. Lizard and asked, "Dr. Lizard, what's going on? Didn't I tell you to keep watching? I even sent a team of experts to you."

"I've been watching, but Eve suddenly disappeared in full view."

Dr. Lizard said, "If I'm not mistaken, it should be a god-level existence; otherwise, it's impossible to leave no trace."

Bert frowned. Which bastard was behind this?

High Priestess Ayesha said, "Blood God, the last time Eve disappeared, it was just like this."

"Last time, too?"

Bert was stunned. He thought about it for a while and contacted the Collector. He asked, "Who sold Eve to you?"

"A mysterious mercenary, I checked his information and found nothing," Collector answered. Then he asked, "Blood God, did you kill Grandmaster? He is my brother."

Bert asked coldly, "Yes, is there a problem?"

"No problem, no problem," Collector replied quickly.

Collector felt a chill in his heart and hurriedly said, "I don't know him very well. I just wanted to ask, my punishment hasn't changed, has it?"

Bert said, "No. By the way, I tell you, Astronomer, Runner, and Obliterator are all dead, and the others, maybe soon."

"Even Astronomer died?" Collector was shocked. He smiled bitterly and said, "I'd better get a good night's sleep."

Bert was too lazy to talk and interrupted the communication. He looked at the place where Eve had disappeared and frowned slightly.

What was the mysterious person trying to do? Why was Eve stolen and sold to Collector? The value of Eve was by no means comparable to the mere cosmic currency. It was a peerless treasure that money could not buy.

Also, why did he make a move again? Besides, since he could steal one, why didn't he steal both of them in the first place? That mysterious man left behind a lot of mysteries. Bert wanted to delve into it, but his body gradually couldn't hold it.

Bert exhaled and said, "Let's do this for now."

High Priestess Ayesha breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words. She hesitated, knelt down to Bert, and said reverently, "Blood God, the Sovereigns are willing to believe in you. From now on, I will be your High Priestess."

Sovereign used to believe in a golden god - a myth handed down from ancient times, and there was no entity.

Bert asked coldly, "Do you want my protection?"

"Yes, the technology of the Sovereign star will definitely be coveted by other empires. Only you, the Blood God, can protect us," High Priestess Ayesha said respectfully. "I am willing to offer Sovereign's genetic technology and quantum technology."

Bert was a little surprised. "So generous?"

"What is generous? Their technology has long been learned by me and Shuri. Last week, Shuri also breached their main server and downloaded a lot of information," Dr. Lizard sneered. High Priestess Ayesha glared at Dr. Lizard, who was feeling proud of stealing other people's things.


Bert popped a drop of blood and landed it in front of High Priestess Ayesha. He said, "By fusing this drop of blood, I will be your Sovereign's lord from now on."

"Yes, Blood God," High Priestess Ayesha hesitated for a moment, then opened her mouth to swallow Bert's blood.

Bert said, "Very good. My first order is for all Sovereigns to change to human skin."

"Yes, Blood God," replied High Priestess Ayesha without objection. She didn't find it unacceptable to match the same color as God.

"Dr. Lizard, you and Shuri will verify the technology together," Bert added, explaining a few more details before opening the portal to return to Ego Star.

The battle at Ego Star had basically ended, with the demons either surrendering or dying in battle. It is worth mentioning that all the angels and fallen angels were controlled by Annie and the others. Annie also asked people to collect angel cores to prepare for Bert to create an army of angels.

The battle in the Mirror Dimension was also divided. Several superheroes tangled with the Gargoyle Lord, while Doom and Ivan teamed up to release the black hole cannon, bombarding the Gargoyle Lord until only his head remained, allowing him to escape.

Despite the Gargoyle Lord and his trump card being useless, he chose to admit defeat after some hesitation. He feared offending the new boss, who was capable of defeating the Dragon God, killing Lucifer, and forcing back the two Ancient Gods!

The superheroes who won were very excited and cheered loudly. This was a milestone victory for them.

Bert was very satisfied and opened the portal to send the Demon lord and the demon army away together. He didn't want the demons' power to appear in the main universe unless absolutely necessary.

"I will solve the One-Eyed Hell and Lucifer Hell as soon as possible, and then I will send you a team of top fallen angel beauties as maids," Adam said as he waved his hand, carried Lucifer's great sword, and returned to Hell with the four demon lords.

Adam's journey had officially begun, and his Satan road was destined to be full of blood and fire.

"You have a heart," Bert remarked with a smile as he summoned the Kallark puppet. He then took back his own soul in Kallark's body, as the soul had to be as complete as possible during the transformation.

Bert sent Kallark back to the laboratory and opened the portal to leave.

In this world-shattering battle, Bert's side won a great victory. Ego, the Elders of the universe, the Lords of Hell, the Dragon God, and the Ancient Gods were all defeated.

As he walked out of the portal below the Blood God Building in New York, Bert looked around and said with a smile, "It's not bad. It's suitable for sleeping, with projection protection, safety is definitely not a problem."

After speaking, Bert opened his hands and turned into a river of blood flowing in the underground space. He then began to assess his gains from this encounter.

This time, the spoils were quite substantial. For instance, they acquired a lot of dragon corpses and dragon souls that could be used to make many iron fists.

Additionally, Bert also obtained a large number of corpses of angels and demons, which are excellent magic materials and can be used to make many magical props.

It's a pity that Lucifer's body was purified, and his soul was taken away by Adam. Otherwise, they could have even made an artifact out of it.

However, these were just small gains. The real big gain was conquering the Balrog Lord, the Gargoyle Lord, and devouring the Dragon God plus obtaining the Cloak of God.

The two demon lords greatly strengthened Adam's power, bringing him closer to the seat of Satan's throne.

As for the Dragon God, if Bert devoured him completely, his powers and chi would reach the level of a True God, greatly improving his strength.

Moreover, the Dragon God also gave Bert a dragon tooth that, although its specific function is not known, should be a valuable item. If it indeed has half the control of the dragon dimension, then it will be easy to create Iron fists in the future.

The Dragon God also left dragon skin and a large number of dragon scales to Bert, which can produce many high-end equipment.

Although the Cloak of God overlaps with the Space Stone, it is still a valuable treasure that will certainly come in handy in the future.

Besides the above gains, they acquired another significant prize: Ego and Ego's planet. With Ego, Bert could complete the Celestial's head in Knowhere and have a unique super battleship.

As for Ego Planet, it is not an ordinary planet. After transformation, it may continue to move and become Bert's planetary fortress.

'I got not only the Ego Planet but also the Sovereign and the Sakaar Planet,' Bert thought to himself.

Sovereign Star had surrendered and would not betray them until their strength surpassed him. Although arrogant, those guys were extremely afraid of death.

Sakaar Star is a planet owned by the Grandmaster, and it has the largest arena in the universe. Since Bert killed Grandmaster, the planet naturally belongs to him.

'Let Ares, Bi-Beast, and Man-Thing go over there to help me manage the arena. It can gain me a lot of masters,' Bert thought.

Thinking of this, Bert became more and more tired, shaking his head and gradually falling into a deep sleep.

Meanwhile, Star-Lord led the crew in celebrating. Thor, the God of Thunder, looked at the lively scene and shook his head. The battle was over, and he could no longer escape. He had to return and continue being the regent.

"I really don't want to deal with those official duties, let alone attack the Kingdom of Frost Giants," Thor sighed secretly. He didn't want to fight Loki, which was the main reason he escaped. Not only because of Loki but also because once the war started, many people would die.

Although reluctant, Thor knew he couldn't escape as no one could protect him from the wind and rain or face the consequences for him.

"Warriors, I look forward to fighting alongside you next time," he said. Thor then finished a bottle of fine wine, smashed it on the ground, took out the gem that Bert had given him, crushed it hard, and disappeared instantly.

"What's wrong with this man? He likes to smash things?" Star-Lord scolded, staggered to Gamora's side, and said, "Gamora, you promised to date me after you win."

Gamora smiled and replied, "Yes, bring Rocket, Groot, and the others. Oh, and Drax. He said he doesn't like you."

Star-Lord was stunned, and he hurriedly shouted, "You're joking, right? You must be joking, right?" Gamora laughed and whispered in Star-Lord's ear before turning to leave.

Star-Lord had a smirk on his face, about to follow, when a wine glass smashed on his head. Rocket was drunk, as were the pilots who came to celebrate.

"Rocket, do you think we didn't die fast enough?" Looking at the inebriated pilots, Star-Lord sighed. He knew it wouldn't be long before a fight broke out — where there were Rocket, fights were inevitable.


"What's so great about defeating the Demon King in a group fight? I will get a battle armor that can fight the Demon King one-on-one in the future," Tony on Earth said sourly while watching the crowd cheering and celebrating on the screen.

Though unhappy, Tony felt a lot of pressure. Not only was Ivan making rapid progress, but other superheroes were also advancing at an astonishing rate. If things continued this way, how could Tony be the most beautiful boy on Earth?

Just as Tony was about to go to work, Pepper suddenly contacted him. "Tony, I have it," she shouted excitedly.

"What do you have that has you so happy?" Tony asked in astonishment.

Pepper nodded repeatedly, "Yes, I have it."

Tony froze in place, thousands of thoughts rushing to his mind. Soon, all these thoughts turned into excitement and ecstasy. He, Tony, was finally going to be a father.

Seeing that Tony didn't speak, Pepper's heart skipped a beat. Did Tony not want children? Pepper secretly made up her mind, 'Even if he doesn't want to, I will give birth. It's not a big deal to support myself.'

At that moment, Tony shouted excitedly, "Little Pepper, where are you? I'll go look for you right away, and we'll find a doctor to examine you immediately.

By the way, I haven't proposed to you yet. Wait, I'll go buy one right away. Diamond mine, dig out the best diamonds for you.

Uh, what do you think our baby should be called? I'm going to teach her how to make armors, and I'm going to tell her that her father is the most handsome superhero in the universe."

After speaking, before Pepper could answer, Tony couldn't wait to put on his battle armor and fly towards Pepper's location.

Tony's excitement made Pepper laugh uncontrollably, and the heavy weight on her chest was lifted. She touched her stomach, which had not changed at all, and said, "Bert said that this child is a girl."

"Bert said what? Hey, wait, why did he know that before me? I'm the father of the child." Tony was stunned for a moment, then said angrily.

Pepper burst into a smile and said, "Did you forget Bert's original prophecy? You will have a daughter who says she loves you a thousand times."

"That prophecy?" Tony frowned as he remembered it. If he remembered correctly, the prophecy said that he would die in battle and that Pepper would remarry Happy.